public ActionResult FamilyReport(int p_id=0) { int school_id = SessionHandler.GetSchoolID(); var parents = new ParentDetails().GetAll(school_id); ViewBag.parents = parents; if (p_id > 0) { ViewBag.isSelected = true; var stds = new StudentDetails().GetAllChildren(school_id, p_id); var length = parents.Count(); if(length > 0) { string stds_ids = "("; int i = 0; foreach (var std in stds) { stds_ids += std.user_id; if ((i + 1) != length) { stds_ids += ","; } i++; } stds_ids += ")"; ViewBag.children = stds; var student_fees = new StudentFeeDetails().GetAll(school_id, stds_ids); return View("FamilyReport", student_fees); } } return View("FamilyReport"); }
private bool insertStudentFeeDetail(string type , int student_id, int class_id,int session_id,string month="") { StudentFee stdFee = new StudentFee(); stdFee.paid_fee = 0; stdFee.paid_status = FeePaidStatus.UNPAID; stdFee.school_id = SessionHandler.GetSchoolID(); stdFee.class_id = class_id; stdFee.updated_by = stdFee.created_by = SessionHandler.GetUserID(); stdFee.type = type; stdFee.student_id = student_id; stdFee.fee = 0; stdFee.session_id = session_id; stdFee.month = month; var fees = new StudentFeeDetails(); fees.Insert(stdFee); return true; }
public ActionResult StudentFee(int student_id=0, int class_id=0) { int school_id = SessionHandler.GetSchoolID(); var session_id = SessionHandler.GetSchoolSessionID(); var classes = Utils.GetClasses(school_id); var _sd = Utils.GetClassStudent(school_id, class_id); var sds = (from s in _sd select new { fullname = s.first_name + " " + s.last_name, id = s.user_id,class_id= s.class_id }).ToList().ToJSON(); ViewBag.classes = classes; ViewBag.student_id = student_id; ViewBag.class_id = class_id; ViewBag.students = sds; if(student_id != 0 && class_id != 0) { ViewBag.isSelected = true; var fees = new StudentFeeDetails().GetAll(school_id, student_id, class_id); var std_itself = new StudentDetails().FindSingle(student_id, school_id); var parent = new ParentDetails().FindSingle(std_itself.parent_id, school_id); var cls = new ClassDetails().FindSingle(std_itself.class_id, school_id); std_itself.parent_name = parent.full_name; std_itself.class_name =; ViewBag.student = std_itself; var add_fee = (from f in fees where f.type == FeeType.EXAMINATION_FEE || f.type == FeeType.ADMISSION_FEE || f.type == FeeType.OTHER_CHARGES select f).ToList(); var monthly_fee = (from f in fees where f.type == FeeType.MONTHLY_FEE select f).ToList(); foreach (var f in add_fee) { if (f.type == FeeType.ADMISSION_FEE) f.fee = std_itself.admission_fee; if (f.type == FeeType.EXAMINATION_FEE) f.fee = std_itself.examination_fee; if (f.type == FeeType.OTHER_CHARGES) f.fee = std_itself.other_charges; } var total = 0; foreach (var f in fees) { f.fee = std_itself.monthly_fee; if (f.paid_status == FeePaidStatus.PAID) { total += f.fee; } } //to find the discount amount int discount = (int)(from std in _sd where std.user_id == student_id select; = total - discount; = discount; ViewBag.add_fee = add_fee; return View("StudentFee", monthly_fee); } return View("StudentFee"); }
public ActionResult MineFee() { int school_id = SessionHandler.GetSchoolID(); int student_id = SessionHandler.GetUserID(); ViewBag.isSelected = true; var std_itself = new StudentDetails().FindSingle(student_id, school_id); var fees = new StudentFeeDetails().GetAll(school_id, student_id, std_itself.class_id); var parent = new ParentDetails().FindSingle(std_itself.parent_id, school_id); var cls = new ClassDetails().FindSingle(std_itself.class_id, school_id); std_itself.parent_name = parent.full_name; std_itself.class_name =; ViewBag.student = std_itself; var add_fee = (from f in fees where f.type == FeeType.EXAMINATION_FEE || f.type == FeeType.ADMISSION_FEE || f.type == FeeType.OTHER_CHARGES select f).ToList(); var total = 0; foreach (var f in add_fee) { if (f.type == FeeType.ADMISSION_FEE) f.fee = std_itself.admission_fee; if (f.type == FeeType.EXAMINATION_FEE) f.fee = std_itself.examination_fee; if (f.type == FeeType.OTHER_CHARGES) f.fee = std_itself.other_charges; if (f.paid_status == FeePaidStatus.PAID) total += f.fee; } var monthly_fee = (from f in fees where f.type == FeeType.MONTHLY_FEE select f).ToList(); foreach (var f in monthly_fee) { f.fee = std_itself.monthly_fee; if (f.paid_status == FeePaidStatus.PAID) { total += f.fee; } } //to find the discount amount int discount =; = total - discount; = discount; ViewBag.add_fee = add_fee; return View("MineFee", monthly_fee); }