예제 #1
 /// Ensure that the STS Regional Flag is set according to the value
 /// in the Shared Credentials File
 public void TestCredentialsFileStsFlag(string profile, StsRegionalEndpointsValue expectedValue)
     /* // This test can not currently be run because SharedCredentialsFileTestFixture
      * // is not referenced within the SecurityToken project. It causes errors when
      * // building the project individually.
      * using (var testFixture = new SharedCredentialsFileTestFixture(ProfileText))
      * {
      *  var oldProfile = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(AwsProfileEnvironmentVariable);
      *  var oldSts = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(AwsStsRegionalEndpointsEnvironmentVariable);
      *  try
      *  {
      *      Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(AwsProfileEnvironmentVariable, profile);
      *      // Environment Variable takes precedence over credentials file value so set it to null to avoid conflict
      *      Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(AwsStsRegionalEndpointsEnvironmentVariable, null);
      *      ReflectionHelpers.Invoke(typeof(AmazonSecurityTokenServiceConfig), "credentialProfileChain", new CredentialProfileStoreChain(testFixture.CredentialsFilePath));
      *      var config = new AmazonSecurityTokenServiceConfig();
      *      Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, config.StsRegionalEndpoints);
      *  }
      *  finally
      *  {
      *      Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(AwsProfileEnvironmentVariable, oldProfile);
      *      Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(AwsStsRegionalEndpointsEnvironmentVariable, oldSts);
      *  }
      * }*/
예제 #2
        /// If the STS regional endpoints environment variable is set to
        /// regional, then the endpoint created by DetermineEndpoint
        /// should always be specific to the customer's region
        /// If it is set to legacy, it should be the default sts
        /// endpoint for legacy global regions
        public void TestDetermineEndpointStsFlag(StsRegionalEndpointsValue stsRegionalFlag, string region, string expected)
            var endpointResolver = new EndpointResolver();
            var executionContext = CreateExecutionContextSTS(SetupSTSConfig(RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(region), stsRegionalFlag));
            Uri endpoint         = endpointResolver.DetermineEndpoint(executionContext.RequestContext);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, endpoint.ToString());
예제 #3
        /// Ensure that the STS Regional Flag is set according to the value
        /// the customer sets in the ClientConfig
        public void ClientConfigStsFlag(StsRegionalEndpointsValue stsFlagValue)
            var config = new AmazonSecurityTokenServiceConfig()
                StsRegionalEndpoints = stsFlagValue

            Assert.AreEqual(stsFlagValue, config.StsRegionalEndpoints);
예제 #4
        /// Ensure that the STS Regional Flag is set according to the value
        /// in the environment
        public void TestEnvStsFlag(string stsFlagValue, StsRegionalEndpointsValue expectedValue)
            var oldStsEnv = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(AwsStsRegionalEndpointsEnvironmentVariable);

                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(AwsStsRegionalEndpointsEnvironmentVariable, stsFlagValue);
                var config = new AmazonSecurityTokenServiceConfig();
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, config.StsRegionalEndpoints);
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(AwsStsRegionalEndpointsEnvironmentVariable, oldStsEnv);
예제 #5
        private static AmazonSecurityTokenServiceConfig SetupSTSConfig(RegionEndpoint endpoint, StsRegionalEndpointsValue stsRegionalEndpoints)
            var config = new AmazonSecurityTokenServiceConfig();

            config.RegionEndpoint       = endpoint;
            config.StsRegionalEndpoints = stsRegionalEndpoints;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the Sts Regional Flag value
        /// by checking the environment variable
        /// and shared credentials file field
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            var tempStsRegionalEndpoints = CheckSTSEnvironmentVariable() ?? CheckCredentialsFile();

            this.StsRegionalEndpoints = tempStsRegionalEndpoints ?? StsRegionalEndpointsValue.Legacy;