예제 #1
        static void Execute(Application app)
            // TODO: add here your code

            Patient curpat    = app.OpenPatientById("002441");
            Course  curcourse = curpat.Courses.Where(x => x.Id == "advanced.3").Single();
            //ExternalPlanSetup cureps = curcourse.ExternalPlanSetups.Where(x => x.Id == "NCPTestScript").Single();
            StructureSet curstructset = curpat.StructureSets.Where(x => x.Id == "StdNomenclature").First();

            //Create a list of Tuples to pass target information:Target Type,Structure ID, Minimum dose constraint, dose units (Gy v cGy)
            List <Tuple <string, string, float, string> > targetstructureconstraints = new List <Tuple <string, string, float, string> >();

            targetstructureconstraints.Add(new Tuple <string, string, float, string>("PTV_High", "PTV_6800", 68.0f, "Gy")); //This maps the contoured PTV_6800 structure to the generic PTV_High type and assigns prescribed dose
            targetstructureconstraints.Add(new Tuple <string, string, float, string>("PTV_Low", "PTV_5600", 56.0f, "Gy"));  //This maps the contoured PTV_5600 structure to the generic PTV_Low type and assigns prescribed dose

            List <string> listallowednontargetStructures = new List <string>()
                "Rectum", "Bladder", "Femur_Head_L", "Femur_Head_R", "Femur_Heads", "LN", "PenileBulb"

            Planning(app, curpat, curstructset, targetstructureconstraints, listallowednontargetStructures, 68, 34);
예제 #2
        public void Load(DicomFile file, StructureSet structureSet, IProgress <double> progress)
            structureSet.FileName = file.File.Name;

            structureSet.Name = file.Dataset.GetSingleValueOrDefault <string>(DicomTag.StructureSetLabel, "");

            Dictionary <int, string> roi_names = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            DicomSequence            structs   = file.Dataset.GetSequence(DicomTag.StructureSetROISequence);

            foreach (DicomDataset item in structs)
                roi_names.Add(item.GetSingleValue <int>(DicomTag.ROINumber), item.GetSingleValue <string>(DicomTag.ROIName));

            DicomSequence s = file.Dataset.GetSequence(DicomTag.ROIContourSequence);

            //Track the item number to report progress
            double total = s.Items.Count;
            double num   = 0;

            foreach (DicomDataset item in s.Items)
                if (progress != null)
                    progress.Report(100 * num / total);

                RegionOfInterest roi = new RegionOfInterest();

                int[] color = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
                if (item.TryGetValues <int>(DicomTag.ROIDisplayColor, out int[] tmp))
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This splits a structure into two. It creates a margin around the target,
        /// so that it approximately crosses the mass center of the structure, and then
        /// uses boolean operators to create two new structures. Note: due to the nature
        /// of the segment model in Eclipse, the new structures do not always perfectly cover
        /// the whole volume of the original structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="ss"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        bool SplitStructure(StructureSet ss, Structure target, Structure roi)
            if (ss.CanAddStructure(roi.DicomType, roi.Id + "_spl1"))
                Structure newStr1 = ss.AddStructure(roi.DicomType, roi.Id + "_spl1");
                Structure newStr2 = ss.AddStructure(roi.DicomType, roi.Id + "_spl2");

                VVector targetCenter = target.CenterPoint;
                VVector roiCenter    = roi.CenterPoint;
                double  dist         = (targetCenter - roiCenter).Length;

                //figure out distance from target center to target surface
                System.Collections.BitArray buffer = new System.Collections.BitArray(100);
                SegmentProfile profile             = target.GetSegmentProfile(targetCenter, roiCenter, buffer);
                double         distToTargetSurface = 0;
                foreach (SegmentProfilePoint point in profile)
                    if (point.Value == false)
                        //first point outside structure
                        distToTargetSurface = (point.Position - targetCenter).Length;
                //SegmentVolume seg = target.Margin(dist - distToTargetSurface);
                SegmentVolume seg = target.LargeMargin(dist - distToTargetSurface);
                newStr1.SegmentVolume = seg.And(roi);
                newStr2.SegmentVolume = roi.Sub(newStr1);
예제 #4
        public MROQCStructureCheck(string structureName, ScriptContext context)
            Structure = structureName;

            StructureSet ss = context.StructureSet;

            if (ss.Structures.Where(x => x.Id == Structure).Count() > 0)
                Structure mroqcStructure = ss.Structures.Where(x => x.Id == Structure).First();

                if (!mroqcStructure.IsEmpty && mroqcStructure.HasSegment)
                    Result = "Pass";
                    ResultColor = "LightGreen";
                    Result = $"{Structure} is not contoured";
                    ResultColor = "Salmon";
                Result = $"{Structure} not found in structure set";
                ResultColor = "Salmon";
예제 #5
        Structure FindStructureFromAlias(StructureSet ss, string ID, string[] aliases)
            // search through the list of alias ids until we find an alias that matches an existing structure.
            Structure oar            = null;
            string    actualStructId = "";

            oar = (from s in ss.Structures
                   where s.Id.ToUpper().CompareTo(ID.ToUpper()) == 0
                   select s).FirstOrDefault();
            if (oar == null)
                foreach (string volumeId in aliases)
                    oar = (from s in ss.Structures
                           where s.Id.ToUpper().CompareTo(volumeId.ToUpper()) == 0
                           select s).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (oar != null)
                        actualStructId = oar.Id;
예제 #6
        public string GetEditableRingName(Patient patient, string structureSetId, string ringId)
            StructureSet structureSet           = patient.StructureSets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == structureSetId);
            bool         ringInStructureSet     = false;
            bool         possibleInStructureSet = false;
            bool         canEditRing            = true;
            string       possibleStructureId    = String.Empty;

            foreach (var structure in structureSet.Structures)
                if (structure.Id == ringId)
                    ringInStructureSet = true;
                    if (Helpers.CheckStructure(structure) == true) //ring is present but editable
                        canEditRing = false;
            if (ringInStructureSet == true && canEditRing == false) //ring is present but not editable
                for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                    foreach (var structure in structureSet.Structures)
                        if (structure.Id == ringId + i.ToString())  //possible already present
                            possibleInStructureSet = true;
                            if (Helpers.CheckStructure(structure) == true) //possible is editable
                                possibleInStructureSet = false;
                                possibleStructureId    = ringId + (i + 1).ToString();
                            possibleStructureId = ringId + i.ToString();
                    if (possibleInStructureSet == false) //possible not in structure and can be added
            if (ringInStructureSet == false) //ring not in structure set and can be added
            throw new Exception("Too many uneditable rings in structure set.");
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates a Plan Quality Metric report for the specified plan.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patient">loaded patient</param>
        /// <param name="ss">structure set to use while generating Plan Quality Metrics</param>
        /// <param name="plan">Plan for which the report is going to be generated.</param>
        /// <param name="rootPath">root directory for the report.  This method creates a subdirectory
        ///  'patientid' under the root, then creates the xml and html reports in the subdirectory.</param>
        /// <param name="userId">User whose id will be stamped on the report.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlFilePath">Raw unformatted XML report.</param>
        public string generateReport(Patient patient, StructureSet ss, PlanningItem plan, out string xmlFilePath)
            string rootDir = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", rootPath, MakeFilenameValid(patient.Id));

            string fileRoot = string.Format(@"{0}\PQMReport-{1}", rootDir, MakeFilenameValid(plan.Id));

            // build exported XML filename, put it in the root path (likely is users temp directory)
            xmlFilePath = string.Format(@"{0}.xml", fileRoot);
            string htmlFilePath = string.Format(@"{0}.html", fileRoot);

            dumpReportXML(patient, ss, plan, xmlFilePath);

            // PQM stylesheet should already be loaded into memory, transform report XML into HTML, show that to the user.
                myXslTransform.Transform(xmlFilePath, htmlFilePath);
            catch (System.Xml.Xsl.XsltCompileException e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Failed to load xsl stylesheet '" + stylesheet + "'. details:\n" + e.ToString());
            catch (System.Xml.Xsl.XsltException e)
                throw new ApplicationException("General stylesheet problem when applying '" + stylesheet + "'. details:\n" + e.ToString());
예제 #8
        public static Structure SelectStructure(StructureSet ss)
            m_w        = new Window();
            m_w.Width  = 400;
            m_w.Height = 400;
            m_w.Title  = "Select structure:";
            var grid = new Grid();

            m_w.Content = grid;
            var list = new ListBox();

            foreach (var s in ss.Structures)
            list.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            list.Margin            = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10);
            var button = new Button();

            button.Content           = "OK";
            button.Height            = 40;
            button.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
            button.Margin            = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10);
            button.Click            += button_Click;
            if (m_w.ShowDialog() == true)
예제 #9
        public ObservableCollection <PQMSummaryViewModel> AddPQMSummary(ObservableCollection <PQMSummaryViewModel> PqmSummaries, ConstraintViewModel constraintPath, PlanningItemViewModel planningItem, Patient patient)
            StructureSet structureSet = planningItem.PlanningItemStructureSet;
            Structure    evalStructure;
            var          calculator = new PQMSummaryCalculator();

            if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSum)
                var     waitWindowPQM = new WaitWindowPQM();
                PlanSum plansum       = (PlanSum)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                if (plansum.IsDoseValid() == true)
                    foreach (PQMSummaryViewModel pqm in PqmSummaries)
                        evalStructure = calculator.FindStructureFromAlias(structureSet, pqm.TemplateId, pqm.TemplateAliases, pqm.TemplateCodes);
                        if (evalStructure != null)
                            var pqmSummary = calculator.GetObjectiveProperties(pqm, planningItem, structureSet, new StructureViewModel(evalStructure));
                            pqm.Achieved_Comparison                 = pqmSummary.Achieved;
                            pqm.AchievedColor_Comparison            = pqmSummary.AchievedColor;
                            pqm.AchievedPercentageOfGoal_Comparison = pqmSummary.AchievedPercentageOfGoal;
                            pqm.Met_Comparison = pqmSummary.Met;
            else //is plansetup
                var waitWindowPQM = new WaitWindowPQM();

                PlanSetup planSetup = (PlanSetup)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                if (planSetup.IsDoseValid() == true)
                    foreach (PQMSummaryViewModel pqm in PqmSummaries)
                        evalStructure = calculator.FindStructureFromAlias(structureSet, pqm.TemplateId, pqm.TemplateAliases, pqm.TemplateCodes);
                        if (evalStructure != null)
                            if (evalStructure.Id.Contains("PTV") == true)
                                foreach (Structure s in structureSet.Structures)
                                    if (s.Id == planSetup.TargetVolumeID)
                                        evalStructure = s;
                            var pqmSummary = calculator.GetObjectiveProperties(pqm, planningItem, structureSet, new StructureViewModel(evalStructure));
                            pqm.Achieved_Comparison = pqmSummary.Achieved;
예제 #10
        public void CleanUpRings(StructureSet structureSet, string ptvHighId, string ptvMidId, string ptvLowId, string ptv4Id, string ringHighId, string ringMidId, string ringLowId, string ring4Id)
            Structure ptvHigh  = structureSet.Structures.Where(structure => structure.Id == ptvHighId).FirstOrDefault();
            Structure ringHigh = structureSet.Structures.Where(structure => structure.Id == ringHighId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (ptvMidId != null)
                Structure ptvMid  = structureSet.Structures.Where(structure => structure.Id == ptvMidId).FirstOrDefault();
                Structure ringMid = structureSet.Structures.Where(structure => structure.Id == ringMidId).FirstOrDefault();
                ringMid.SegmentVolume = ringMid.SegmentVolume.Sub(ringHigh.SegmentVolume);
                ringMid.SegmentVolume = ringMid.SegmentVolume.Sub(ptvHigh.SegmentVolume);

                if (ptvLowId != null)
                    Structure ptvLow  = structureSet.Structures.Where(structure => structure.Id == ptvLowId).FirstOrDefault();
                    Structure ringLow = structureSet.Structures.Where(structure => structure.Id == ringLowId).FirstOrDefault();
                    ringLow.SegmentVolume = ringLow.SegmentVolume.Sub(ringMid.SegmentVolume);
                    ringLow.SegmentVolume = ringLow.SegmentVolume.Sub(ptvMid.SegmentVolume);
                    ringLow.SegmentVolume = ringLow.SegmentVolume.Sub(ringHigh.SegmentVolume);
                    ringLow.SegmentVolume = ringLow.SegmentVolume.Sub(ptvHigh.SegmentVolume);

                    if (ptv4Id != null)
                        Structure ptv4  = structureSet.Structures.Where(structure => structure.Id == ptv4Id).FirstOrDefault();
                        Structure ring4 = structureSet.Structures.Where(structure => structure.Id == ring4Id).FirstOrDefault();
                        ring4.SegmentVolume = ring4.SegmentVolume.Sub(ringLow.SegmentVolume);
                        ring4.SegmentVolume = ring4.SegmentVolume.Sub(ptvLow.SegmentVolume);
                        ring4.SegmentVolume = ring4.SegmentVolume.Sub(ringMid.SegmentVolume);
                        ring4.SegmentVolume = ring4.SegmentVolume.Sub(ptvMid.SegmentVolume);
                        ring4.SegmentVolume = ring4.SegmentVolume.Sub(ringHigh.SegmentVolume);
                        ring4.SegmentVolume = ring4.SegmentVolume.Sub(ptvHigh.SegmentVolume);
예제 #11
        public static string GetVolumeAtDose(StructureSet structureSet, PlanningItem planningItem, Structure evalStructure, MatchCollection testMatch, Group evalunit)
            //check for sufficient sampling and dose coverage
            DVHData dvh = planningItem.GetDVHCumulativeData(evalStructure, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.Relative, 0.1);

            //MessageBox.Show(evalStructure.Id + "- Eval unit: " + evalunit.Value.ToString() + "Achieved unit: " + dvAchieved.UnitAsString + " - Sampling coverage: " + dvh.SamplingCoverage.ToString() + " Coverage: " + dvh.Coverage.ToString());
            if ((dvh.SamplingCoverage < 0.9) || (dvh.Coverage < 0.9))
                return("Unable to calculate - insufficient dose or sampling coverage");
            Group eval = testMatch[0].Groups["evalpt"];
            Group unit = testMatch[0].Groups["unit"];

            DoseValue.DoseUnit du = (unit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.Percent :
                                    (unit.Value.CompareTo("cGy") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy : DoseValue.DoseUnit.Unknown;
            VolumePresentation    vp             = (unit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? VolumePresentation.Relative : VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
            DoseValue             dv             = new DoseValue(double.Parse(eval.Value), du);
            double                volume         = double.Parse(eval.Value);
            VolumePresentation    vpFinal        = (evalunit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? VolumePresentation.Relative : VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
            DoseValuePresentation dvpFinal       = (evalunit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValuePresentation.Relative : DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;
            double                volumeAchieved = planningItem.GetVolumeAtDose(evalStructure, dv, vpFinal);

            return(string.Format("{0:0.00} {1}", volumeAchieved, evalunit.Value));   // todo: better formatting based on VolumePresentation
//#if false
//            string message = string.Format("{0} - Dose unit = {1}, Volume Presentation = {2}, vpFinal = {3}, dvpFinal ={4}",
//               objective.DVHObjective, du.ToString(), vp.ToString(), vpFinal.ToString(), dvpFinal.ToString());
//           MessageBox.Show(message);
예제 #12
 public generateTS(List <Tuple <string, string, double> > list, StructureSet ss, double tm, bool st)
     spareStructList = list;
     selectedSS      = ss;
     targetMargin    = tm;
     scleroTrial     = st;
예제 #13
        public void CreateRingFromPTV(StructureSet structureSet, string ptvId, string ringId, double innerMargin, double outerMargin)
            Structure ptv = structureSet.Structures.Where(structure => structure.Id == ptvId).FirstOrDefault();
            Structure ring;
            Structure spacerTemp;

                ring = structureSet.AddStructure("CONTROL", ringId);  //doesnt exist yet
                ring = structureSet.Structures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == ringId);                 //already exists
                ring.SegmentVolume = ring.Sub(structureSet.Structures.Single(x => x.Id == "BODY")); //cleanup
                spacerTemp = structureSet.AddStructure("CONTROL", "spacerTemp");  //doesnt exist yet
                spacerTemp = structureSet.Structures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == "spacerTemp");                 //already exists
                spacerTemp.SegmentVolume = spacerTemp.Sub(structureSet.Structures.Single(x => x.Id == "BODY")); //cleanup
            ring.SegmentVolume       = ptv.Margin(outerMargin);
            spacerTemp.SegmentVolume = ptv.Margin(innerMargin); //3 mm between ring and PTV
            ring.SegmentVolume       = ring.Sub(ptv);
            ring.SegmentVolume       = ring.Sub(spacerTemp);
            ring.SegmentVolume       = ring.And(structureSet.Structures.Single(x => x.Id == "BODY")); //clear outside of body
예제 #14
        public void Run(
            User user,
            Patient patient,
            Image image,
            StructureSet structureSet,
            PlanSetup planSetup,
            IEnumerable <PlanSetup> planSetupsInScope,
            IEnumerable <PlanSum> planSumsInScope,
            Window mainWindow)
            if (planSetup == null)
                string message = "No active plan, please load a plan";

                var      mainViewModel = new MainViewModel(user, patient, planSetup, planSetupsInScope);
                MainView mainView      = new MainView(mainViewModel);
                mainWindow.Content = mainView;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #15
        public async void BeginOpenStructuresAsync()
            string[] files;
            if ((files = getFileNames("Open Structure Set", true)) != null)
                var pi       = ProgressService.CreateNew("Loading Structure Set...", false);
                var progress = new Progress <double>(x => { pi.ProgressAmount = (int)x; });

                StructureSet openedObject = null;
                await Task.Run(async() =>
                        openedObject = await DicomLoader.LoadStructureSetAsync(files, progress);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessage("Could not open file: " + e.Message));

                if (openedObject != null)
                    Messenger.Default.Send(new RTDicomViewer.Message.RTObjectAddedMessage <StructureSet>(openedObject));

예제 #16
 public static string GetCoveredVolumeAtDose(StructureSet structureSet, PlanningItemViewModel planningItem, StructureViewModel evalStructure, MatchCollection testMatch, Group evalunit)
         var structure = structureSet.Structures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == evalStructure.StructureName);
         //check for sufficient sampling and dose coverage
         DVHData dvh = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetDVHCumulativeData(structure, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.Relative, 0.1);
         if ((dvh.SamplingCoverage < 0.9) || (dvh.Coverage < 0.9))
             return("Unable to calculate - insufficient dose or sampling coverage");
         Group eval            = testMatch[0].Groups["evalpt"];
         Group unit            = testMatch[0].Groups["unit"];
         DoseValue.DoseUnit du = (unit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.Percent :
                                 (unit.Value.CompareTo("cGy") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy : DoseValue.DoseUnit.Unknown;
         VolumePresentation    vp             = (unit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? VolumePresentation.Relative : VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
         DoseValue             dv             = new DoseValue(double.Parse(eval.Value), du);
         double                volume         = double.Parse(eval.Value);
         VolumePresentation    vpFinal        = (evalunit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? VolumePresentation.Relative : VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
         DoseValuePresentation dvpFinal       = (evalunit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValuePresentation.Relative : DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;
         double                volumeAchieved = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetVolumeAtDose(structure, dv, vpFinal);
         double                organVolume    = Convert.ToDouble(evalStructure.VolumeValue);
         double                coveredVolume  = organVolume - volumeAchieved;
         return(string.Format("{0:0.00} {1}", coveredVolume, evalunit.Value));   // todo: better formatting based on VolumePresentation
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         return("Unable to calculate - DVH is not valid");
예제 #17
        public void Load(DicomFile[] files, StructureSet structureSet, IProgress <double> progress)
            base.Load(files, structureSet, progress);
            DicomFile file = files[0];

            Load(file, structureSet, progress);
예제 #18
        public static ExternalPlanSetup AddNewPlan(Course course, StructureSet structureSet, string planId)
                var oldPlans = course.PlanSetups.Where(x => x.Id == planId);
                if (oldPlans.Any())
                    var plansToBeRemoved = oldPlans.ToArray();
                    foreach (var p in plansToBeRemoved)
                var message = string.Format("Could not cleanup old plans.");
                throw new Exception(message);

            ExternalPlanSetup plan = course.AddExternalPlanSetup(structureSet);

            plan.Id = planId;
예제 #19
        public override void Run(PluginScriptContext context)
            // TODO : Add here the code that is called when the script is launched from Eclipse.
            User         user         = context.CurrentUser;
            StructureSet structureSet = context.StructureSet;

            if (structureSet == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No structureSet is loaded.");

            System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            FileVersionInfo            fvi      = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location);
            string scriptVersion = fvi.FileVersion;

            var window     = new Window();
            var mainWindow = new AutoStructure.MainControl();

            window.Title = "AutoStructureMaker " + scriptVersion;

            window.Content          = mainWindow;
            mainWindow.structureSet = structureSet;
            mainWindow.UserId       = user.Name;
예제 #20
        public void Run(User user,
                        Patient patient,
                        Image image,
                        StructureSet structureSet,
                        PlanSetup planSetup,
                        IEnumerable <PlanSetup> planSetups,
                        IEnumerable <PlanSum> planSums,
                        Window window)
            //Dose  profiles
            var prof = Profile.getBeamDoseProfile(planSetup.Beams.First(), new VVector(1.0, 0, 0), distanceFromIsocenterTowardSourceInmm: 30);

            Helpers.DumpIntoMatlab(prof.Select(val => double.IsNaN(val.Value) ? 0 : val.Value).ToArray(), new int[] { prof.Count }, "orthogonalDoseProfile");

            var dprof = Profile.getBeamDepthDoseProfileAlongBeamAxis(structureSet.Structures.Single(st => st.Id == "BODY"), planSetup.Beams.ToArray()[4]);

            Helpers.DumpIntoMatlab(dprof.Select(val => double.IsNaN(val.Value) ? 0 : val.Value).ToArray(), new int[] { dprof.Count }, "depthdoseProfile");

            var dprof2 = Profile.getBeamDoseProfile(planSetup.Beams.First(), new VVector(0, -1.0, 0));

            Helpers.DumpIntoMatlab(dprof2.Select(val => double.IsNaN(val.Value) ? 0 : val.Value).ToArray(), new int[] { dprof2.Count }, "depthdoseProfile2");

            // Dose plane

            var plane        = Plane.OrthogonalDoseCrossSection(planSetup.Beams.ToArray()[4]);
            var planeAsArray = new double[plane.Length];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(plane, 0, planeAsArray, 0, plane.Length * sizeof(double));
            Helpers.DumpIntoMatlab(planeAsArray, new int[] { plane.GetLength(1), plane.GetLength(0) }, "orthogonalPlane");

            // Image profiles
            var(xProf, yProf, zProf) = Profile.getImageProfilesThroughIsocenter(planSetup);
            Helpers.DumpIntoMatlab(xProf.Select(val => double.IsNaN(val.Value) ? 0 : val.Value).ToArray(), new int[] { xProf.Count }, "XProfile");
            Helpers.DumpIntoMatlab(xProf.Select(val => double.IsNaN(val.Value) ? 0 : val.Value).ToArray(), new int[] { xProf.Count }, "XProfile");
            Helpers.DumpIntoMatlab(zProf.Select(val => double.IsNaN(val.Value) ? 0 : val.Value).ToArray(), new int[] { zProf.Count }, "ZProfile");

            // DVH with dose profiles.
            planSetup.DoseValuePresentation = DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;
            var p2 = patient.Courses.Single(cr => cr.Id == planSetup.Course.Id).PlanSetups.Single(pl => pl.Id == "Plan2");

            p2.DoseValuePresentation = DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;

            var doses = new Dose[] {

            var(cDVH, dDVH, sampleCoverage) = DVH.StructureDVH(doses, structureSet.Structures.Single(st => st.Id == "CTV"), new DVH.NoConversion());
            Helpers.DumpIntoMatlab(Helpers.into1DArray(dDVH.Select(val => new double[] { val.doseValue, val.Volume }).ToArray()), new int[] { 2, dDVH.Length }, "dDVH");
            Helpers.DumpIntoMatlab(Helpers.into1DArray(cDVH.Select(val => new double[] { val.doseValue, val.Volume }).ToArray()), new int[] { 2, cDVH.Length }, "cDVH");
예제 #21
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window, ScriptEnvironment environment*/)
            // declare local variables that reference the objects we need.
            PlanSetup plan = context.PlanSetup;

            if (plan == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please load a plan before running this script.");
            StructureSet ss = context.StructureSet;

            if (ss == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please load a structure set before running this script.");
            var listStructures = context.StructureSet.Structures;
            // 'listStructures' if of type IEnumerable<Structure>

            // loop through structure list and find a structure named "Bladder"
            Structure bladder = null;

            foreach (Structure scan in listStructures)
                if (scan.Id == "Bladder")
                    bladder = scan;
            if (bladder == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Bladder not found!");

            string msg = string.Format("bladder volume = {0}", bladder.Volume);

            MessageBox.Show(msg, "Varian Developer");

            // extract DVH data for bladder using bin width of 0.1.
            DVHData dvh = plan.GetDVHCumulativeData(bladder, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.Relative, 0.1);

            string filename = string.Format(@"c:\temp\bladder_dvh-{0}.csv", context.CurrentUser.Name);

            System.IO.StreamWriter dvhFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filename);
            // write a header
            // write all dvh points for the PTV.
            foreach (DVHPoint pt in dvh.CurveData)
                string line = string.Format("{0},{1}", pt.DoseValue.Dose, pt.Volume);
            msg = string.Format("dvh file written to {0}", filename);
            MessageBox.Show(msg, "Varian Developer");
예제 #22
        private Tuple <string, string, AutoCheckStatus> GetOptimizationInfo(StructureSet structureSet, PlanSetup planSetup)
            string           value   = string.Empty;
            string           details = string.Empty;
            AutoCheckStatus  status  = AutoCheckStatus.MANUAL;
            List <Structure> strList = structureSet.Structures.Where(s => s.Id.ToLower().StartsWith("z_ptv")).ToList();

            List <string> lowerPTVObjectiveStructures = new List <string>(); //J Add list for name of all structures that have an lower objective

            foreach (OptimizationObjective optimizationObjective in planSetup.OptimizationSetup.Objectives)
                if (optimizationObjective.GetType() == typeof(OptimizationPointObjective))
                    OptimizationPointObjective optimizationPointObjective = (OptimizationPointObjective)optimizationObjective;
                    if (((optimizationPointObjective.Operator.ToString().ToLower() == "lower") || (optimizationPointObjective.Operator.ToString().ToLower() == "upper")) && optimizationPointObjective.StructureId.StartsWith("Z_PTV"))
                        // Generates a list for with name of all structures that have a lower objective (ie finds the PTVs).
                    details += (details.Length == 0 ? "Optimization objectives:\r\n  " : "\r\n  ") + optimizationPointObjective.StructureId + ": " + optimizationPointObjective.Operator.ToString() + ", dose: " + optimizationPointObjective.Dose.Dose.ToString("0.000") + ", volume: " + optimizationPointObjective.Volume.ToString("0.0") + ", priority: " + optimizationPointObjective.Priority.ToString();
            if (!strList.Any() && !lowerPTVObjectiveStructures.Any())
                value += "Inget optimeringsPTV hittat, verifera";
                status = AutoCheckStatus.MANUAL;
            else if (strList.Any() && !lowerPTVObjectiveStructures.Any())
                value += "OptimeringsPTV har ritats men ej används i optimering, vänligen verifera";
                status = AutoCheckStatus.WARNING;
            else if (strList.Any() && lowerPTVObjectiveStructures.Any())
                value += "OptimeringsPTV har ritats och använts optimering, vänligen verifiera";
                status = AutoCheckStatus.MANUAL;

            // JSR
            foreach (OptimizationParameter optimizationParameter in planSetup.OptimizationSetup.Parameters)
                if (optimizationParameter.GetType() == typeof(OptimizationPointCloudParameter))
                    OptimizationPointCloudParameter optimizationPointCloudParameter = (OptimizationPointCloudParameter)optimizationParameter;
                    details += (details.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : "\r\n") + "Point cloud parameter: " + optimizationPointCloudParameter.Structure.Id + "=" + optimizationPointCloudParameter.Structure.DicomType.ToString();
                else if (optimizationParameter.GetType() == typeof(OptimizationNormalTissueParameter))
                    OptimizationNormalTissueParameter optimizationNormalTissueParameter = (OptimizationNormalTissueParameter)optimizationParameter;
                    details += (details.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : "\r\n") + "Normal tissue parameter: priority=" + optimizationNormalTissueParameter.Priority.ToString();
                else if (optimizationParameter.GetType() == typeof(OptimizationExcludeStructureParameter))
                    OptimizationExcludeStructureParameter optimizationExcludeStructureParameter = (OptimizationExcludeStructureParameter)optimizationParameter;
                    details += (details.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : "\r\n") + "Exclude structure parameter: " + optimizationExcludeStructureParameter.Structure.Id;
            return(new Tuple <string, string, AutoCheckStatus>(value, details, status));
예제 #23
        public static IEnumerable <int> _GetMeshBounds(Structure structure, StructureSet SS)
            var mesh    = structure.MeshGeometry.Bounds;
            var meshLow = _GetSlice(mesh.Z, SS);
            var meshUp  = _GetSlice(mesh.Z + mesh.SizeZ, SS) + 1;

            return(Enumerable.Range(meshLow, meshUp));
예제 #24
 public CoursePlan(Course Course, PlanSetup Plan, string CoursePlanId, StructureSet StructureSet, bool IsCheckedPlan)
     this.Course        = Course;
     this.Plan          = Plan;
     this.CoursePlanId  = CoursePlanId;
     this.StructureSet  = StructureSet;
     this.IsCheckedPlan = IsCheckedPlan;
예제 #25
 private ReportData CreateReportData(PartnerModel model, StructureSet structureSet)
     return(new ReportData
         Patient = model,
         StructureSet = structureSet
예제 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to remove a single Structure from a given StructureSet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ss">StructureSet</param>
 /// <param name="structureIdToRemove">Structure Id</param>
 public static void RemoveStructure(StructureSet ss, string structureIdToRemove)
     if (ss.Structures.Any(st => st.Id == structureIdToRemove))
         var st = ss.Structures.Single(x => x.Id == structureIdToRemove);
예제 #27
        public static StructureSet LoadStructureSetSync(DicomFile dicomFile, IProgress <double> progress)
            var loader       = new ROILoader();
            var structureSet = new StructureSet();

            loader.Load(dicomFile, structureSet, progress);
예제 #28
 public SegShift(VVector mMDisplacement, StructureSet structureSet, Structure structure)
     MMDisplacement   = mMDisplacement;
     Structure        = structure;
     SS               = structureSet;
     OriginalContours = GetContours();
     Contours         = OriginalContours;
예제 #29
        static void Execute(Application app)
            Patient pat = app.OpenPatientById("exercise5-0");


                const string courseId = "AutoPlanned";
                Course       course   = pat.Courses.Where(o => o.Id == courseId).SingleOrDefault();
                if (course == null)
                    if (course == null)
                        course    = pat.AddCourse();
                        course.Id = courseId;
                StructureSet ss = pat.StructureSets.First(x => x.Id == "CT_1");
                if (course.CanAddPlanSetup(ss))
                    // find the PTV
                    Structure ptv = ss.Structures.First(x => x.Id == "PTV");
                    // Put isocenter to the center of the ptv.
                    var isocenter = ptv.CenterPoint;
                    //add plan and beams
                    ExternalPlanSetup plan = course.AddExternalPlanSetup(ss);
                    plan.SetPrescription(5, new DoseValue(2, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy), 1.0);
                    Beam g0   = plan.AddMLCBeam(MachineParameters, null, new VRect <double>(-10, -10, 10, 10), 0, 0, 0, isocenter);
                    Beam g180 = plan.AddMLCBeam(MachineParameters, null, new VRect <double>(-10, -10, 10, 10), 0, 180.0, 0, isocenter);

                    // fit beam jaws and MLC
                    bool useAsymmetricXJaw = true, useAsymmetricYJaws = true, optimizeCollimatorRotation = true;
                    g0.FitCollimatorToStructure(new FitToStructureMargins(0), ptv, useAsymmetricXJaw, useAsymmetricYJaws, optimizeCollimatorRotation);

                    FitToStructureMargins    margins = new FitToStructureMargins(1);
                    JawFitting               jawFit  = JawFitting.FitToRecommended;
                    OpenLeavesMeetingPoint   olmp    = OpenLeavesMeetingPoint.OpenLeavesMeetingPoint_Middle;
                    ClosedLeavesMeetingPoint clmp    = ClosedLeavesMeetingPoint.ClosedLeavesMeetingPoint_BankOne;
                    g0.FitMLCToStructure(margins, ptv, optimizeCollimatorRotation, jawFit, olmp, clmp);
                    g180.FitMLCToStructure(margins, ptv, optimizeCollimatorRotation, jawFit, olmp, clmp);

                    // format the field ids
                    g0.Id = string.Format("g{0}c{1}",
                    g180.Id = string.Format("g{0}c{1}",
            finally {
예제 #30
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context)
            // Check for patient loaded
            if (context.Patient == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Shucks: No patient selected! :(");
            // Check for patient plan loaded
            PlanSetup plan = context.PlanSetup;

            if (plan == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Darn: No plan loaded! :( ");
            //Is there a structure set?
            if (context.StructureSet == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Oh No!: no structure set found! :(");

            Patient   testPatient = context.Patient;
            PlanSetup plan1       = context.PlanSetup;
            Image     image       = context.Image;
            Dose      dose        = plan1.Dose;

            plan.DoseValuePresentation = DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;
            //Get the structures:
            StructureSet structureSet = context.StructureSet;

            //Make A list for structure names, and a list for structure mean doses
            double[] organDoses = new double[19];
            string[] organNames = new string[19];
            organNames[0]  = ("stem");    //0
            organNames[1]  = ("stemPRV"); //1
            organNames[2]  = ("cord");    //2
            organNames[3]  = ("cordPRV"); //3
            organNames[4]  = ("PTV70");   //4
            organNames[5]  = ("PTV66");
            organNames[6]  = ("PTV63");   //5
            organNames[7]  = ("PTV60");   //6
            organNames[8]  = ("PTV56");   //7
            organNames[9]  = ("PTV54");   //8
            organNames[10] = ("PTV50");   //9
            organNames[11] = ("PTV45");   //10
            organNames[12] = ("PTV35");   //11
            organNames[13] = ("RPar");    //12
            organNames[14] = ("LPar");    //13
            organNames[15] = ("RSub");    //14
            organNames[16] = ("LSub");    //15
            organNames[17] = ("OCav");    //16
            organNames[18] = ("Lar");     //17

            //Make the CSV:
            DoseExporter(structureSet, organDoses, organNames, plan1, testPatient);