public void TryReadStructure_WithStructureToFindStructuresEmpty_LogsErrorReturnsFalse() { // Setup string filePath = Path.Combine(readerPath, "validConfiguration.xml"); var calculationGroup = new CalculationGroup(); var importer = new CalculationConfigurationImporter(filePath, calculationGroup); StructureBase structure = null; var valid = true; const string structureId = "someAwesomeId"; const string calculationName = "name"; // Call void Validate() => valid = importer.PublicTryReadStructure( structureId, calculationName, Enumerable.Empty<StructureBase>(), out structure); // Assert var expectedMessage = $"Het kunstwerk met ID '{structureId}' bestaat niet. Berekening '{calculationName}' is overgeslagen."; TestHelper.AssertLogMessageWithLevelIsGenerated(Validate, Tuple.Create(expectedMessage, LogLevelConstant.Error)); Assert.IsFalse(valid); Assert.IsNull(structure); }
private ResolverInfo ToArgumentInfo([NotNull] StructureBase argument) { var attribute = argument.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <ResolverAttribute>() !; return(new ResolverInfo { Instance = argument, Method = argument.GetType().GetMethod("ResolveAsync") !, Type = attribute.Type, DisplayName = attribute.DisplayName });
public void AttackUpdate() { //Attack Enemy EnemyBase closestEnemy = null; float closestDistance = float.MaxValue; foreach (EnemyBase enemy in enemiesInRange) { if (Vector3.Distance(, < closestDistance) { closestEnemy = enemy; } } if (closestEnemy != null) { attackTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (attackTimer >= rateOfAttack) { attackTimer = 0; GameManager.Instance.SpawnProjectile(bulletType,, closestEnemy.view.ViewID, damage, bulletSpeed, faction); } return; } //Attack Structure StructureBase closestStructure = null; closestDistance = float.MaxValue; foreach (StructureBase structure in structuresInRange) { if (Vector3.Distance(, < closestDistance) { closestStructure = structure; } } if (closestStructure != null) { attackTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (attackTimer >= rateOfAttack) { attackTimer = 0; GameManager.Instance.SpawnProjectile(bulletType,, closestStructure.view.ViewID, damage, bulletSpeed, faction); } return; } }
protected IEnumerator InstanceMeshes( StructureTemplateGroup structureGroup, string childName, List <Renderer> renderers, List <Renderer> lodRenderers, float lodRatio) { renderers.Clear(); if (lodRenderers != null) { lodRenderers.Clear(); } StructurePiece = StructureBase.CreateChild(childName); StructurePiece.parent = null; if (Mode == BuilderMode.Minor) { //minor structures have to set their own offsets StructurePiece.position = MinorParent.Position; StructurePiece.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(MinorParent.Rotation); } else { StructurePiece.ResetLocal(); } StructurePiece.gameObject.layer = Globals.LayerNumSolidTerrain; //TODO this may be unnecessary for (int i = 0; i < structureGroup.StaticStructureLayers.Count; i++) { StructureTemplate.InstantiateStructureLayer(structureGroup.StaticStructureLayers [i], StructurePiece); } StructurePiece.parent = StructureBase.transform; if (Mode == BuilderMode.Minor) { StructurePiece.localPosition = MinorParent.Position; StructurePiece.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(MinorParent.Rotation); } else { StructurePiece.ResetLocal(); } yield break; }
/// <summary> /// Determines if the structure of a calculation is intersecting with the section reference line. /// </summary> /// <param name="calculationScenario">The calculation scenario containing the structure.</param> /// <param name="lineSegments">The line segments that define the reference line.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> when intersecting. <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when any parameter is <c>null</c>.</exception> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown when <paramref name="lineSegments"/> contains no elements.</exception> public static bool IsStructureIntersectionWithReferenceLineInSection <TStructuresInput>(this StructuresCalculationScenario <TStructuresInput> calculationScenario, IEnumerable <Segment2D> lineSegments) where TStructuresInput : IStructuresCalculationInput <StructureBase>, new() { if (calculationScenario == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(calculationScenario)); } if (lineSegments == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lineSegments)); } StructureBase structure = calculationScenario.InputParameters.Structure; if (structure == null) { return(false); } return(lineSegments.Min(segment => segment.GetEuclideanDistanceToPoint(structure.Location)) <= 1); }
public bool PublicTryReadStructure(string locationName, string calculationName, IEnumerable<StructureBase> structures, out StructureBase location) { return TryReadStructure(locationName, calculationName, structures, out location); }
void DetectEnemiesInViewRange() { foreach (Transform child in transform.parent) { EnemyBase enemy = child.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyBase>(); if (!enemy) { continue; } if (child == transform) { continue; } if (enemy.faction == faction) { continue; } Vector3 enemyPos =; enemyPos.y = 0; Vector3 myPos =; myPos.y = 0; if (Vector3.Distance(enemyPos, myPos) <= (attackRange / 100) * GridGenerator.Instance.singleGridSize) { RaycastHit hitInfo; Physics.Linecast(,, out hitInfo); if (hitInfo.transform == enemy.transform && enemiesInRange.Exists(increment => increment == enemy) == false) { enemiesInRange.Add(enemy); } } else { enemiesInRange.Remove(enemy); } if (Vector3.Distance(enemyPos, myPos) <= (vision / 100) * GridGenerator.Instance.singleGridSize) { if (enemy.enemiesThatCanSeeYou.Exists(increment => increment == this) == false) { enemy.enemiesThatCanSeeYou.Add(this); } } else { enemy.enemiesThatCanSeeYou.Remove(this); } } // Handle seeing enemy's structures when in range foreach (Transform child in GameObject.Find("Environment").transform.Find("Structures")) { StructureBase building = child.gameObject.GetComponent <StructureBase>(); if (!building) { continue; } if (building.faction == faction) { continue; } Vector3 buildingPos =; buildingPos.y = 0; Vector3 myPos =; myPos.y = 0; if (Vector3.Distance(buildingPos, myPos) <= (attackRange / 100) * GridGenerator.Instance.singleGridSize) { RaycastHit hitInfo; Physics.Linecast(,, out hitInfo); if (hitInfo.transform == building.transform && structuresInRange.Exists(increment => increment == building) == false) { structuresInRange.Add(building); } } else { structuresInRange.Remove(building); } if (Vector3.Distance(, <= (vision / 100) * GridGenerator.Instance.singleGridSize) { if (building.enemiesThatCanSeeYou.Exists(increment => increment == this) == false) { building.enemiesThatCanSeeYou.Add(this); } } else { building.enemiesThatCanSeeYou.Remove(this); } } }
void AttackUpdate() { closestEnemy = null; closestStructure = null; bool targetEntityInRange = false; RaycastHit hitInfo; if (targetEntity != null) { Physics.Linecast(,, out hitInfo); if (hitInfo.transform == targetEntity.transform && Vector3.Distance(, <= (attackRange / 100) * GridGenerator.Instance.singleGridSize) { targetEntityInRange = true; Debug.Log("Target Enemy In Range!"); } else { agent.isStopped = false; agent.SetDestination(targetEntity.transform.position); agent.speed = movement / 100; isAttacking = false; Debug.Log("Target Enemy Not In Range!"); } } if (isAttacking) { if (closestEnemy == null && closestStructure == null && targetEntityInRange == false) { isAttacking = false; agent.speed = movement / 100; } } if (strategy != STRATEGY.ATTACK) { return; } if (targetEntityInRange == true) { isAttacking = true; agent.speed = 0; attackTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (attackTimer >= rateOfAttack) { attackTimer = 0; //DamageEnemy(closestEnemy); GameManager.Instance.SpawnProjectile(bulletType,, targetEntity.view.ViewID, damage, bulletSpeed, faction); } return; } //Attack Enemy float closestDistance = float.MaxValue; foreach (EnemyBase enemy in enemiesInRange) { if (Vector3.Distance(, < closestDistance) { closestEnemy = enemy; } } if (closestEnemy != null) { isAttacking = true; agent.speed = 0; attackTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (attackTimer >= rateOfAttack) { attackTimer = 0; //DamageEnemy(closestEnemy); GameManager.Instance.SpawnProjectile(bulletType,, closestEnemy.view.ViewID, damage, bulletSpeed, faction); } return; } //Attack Structure closestDistance = float.MaxValue; foreach (StructureBase structure in structuresInRange) { if (Vector3.Distance(, < closestDistance) { closestStructure = structure; } } if (closestStructure != null) { isAttacking = true; //agent.isStopped = true; attackTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (attackTimer >= rateOfAttack) { attackTimer = 0; //DamageStructure(closestStructure); GameManager.Instance.SpawnProjectile(bulletType,, closestStructure.view.ViewID, damage, bulletSpeed, faction); } return; } }