private void Randomize(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (file == null) { ShowNotification("Error!", "Please select a ROM before applying."); return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SETUP RANDOMIZER AND SEED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string seedtext = (seed_input.Text != "") ? seed_input.Text : Utils.RandomString(12); MD5 md5Hasher = MD5.Create(); byte[] hashed = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(seedtext)); int ivalue = BitConverter.ToInt32(hashed, 0); Random rng = new Random(ivalue); randomizer = new Randomizer(allBattles, allEncounters, allParts, rng); if (chk_enable_randomizer.IsOn) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// RANDOMIZE CHARACTERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (chk_randomize_characters.IsOn) { randomizer.RandomizeCharacters(chk_character_continuity.IsOn); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// RANDOMIZE BATTLES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (chk_randomize_battles.IsOn) { float mixedchance = chk_allow_mixed_bots.IsOn ? (float)(sl_mixed_bots.Value / 100) : 0; bool keep_team_structure = chk_keep_battle_structure.IsOn; bool balanced_medal_level = chk_balanced_bot_levels.IsOn; bool keep_battle_continuity = chk_battle_continuity.IsOn; randomizer.RandomizeBattles(keep_team_structure, balanced_medal_level, mixedchance, keep_battle_continuity); } randomizer.fixSoftlock(); int amount_of_battles = 0xf5; int battle_size = 0x28; for (int i = 0; i <= amount_of_battles; i++) { int battle_address = Utils.GetAdressAtPosition(file, memory_offsets[game_id]["Battles"] + 4 * i); byte[] battle = StructUtils.getBytes(allBattles[i].content); Array.Copy(battle, 0, file, battle_address, battle_size); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// RANDOM SHOPS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (chk_random_shops.IsOn) { for (int i = 0; i <= 0x3B; i++) { if (file[memory_offsets[game_id]["ShopContents"] + i] != 0xff) { file[memory_offsets[game_id]["ShopContents"] + i] = (byte)rng.Next(0, 0x78); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// RANDOM STARTER ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// byte[] blacklist = new byte[] { 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 39, 40, 45, 50, 57, 66, 72, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82, 84, 90, 91, 92, 96, 100, 101, 104, 110, 115, 117, 118 }; if (chk_randomize_starter.IsOn) { byte part; if ((string)cmb_starter.SelectedItem == "Random") { part = (byte)rng.Next(0, 0x78); while (blacklist.Contains(part)) { part = (byte)rng.Next(0, 0x78); } } else { part = (byte)(cmb_starter.SelectedIndex - 1); } byte medal = IdTranslator.botMedal(part); randomizer.starterMedal = medal; int offset = memory_offsets[game_id]["Starter"]; uint funcOffset = 0x044b58; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { file[offset + 4 * i] = part; } if (IdTranslator.isFemale(part)) { file[offset + 16] = 1; } file[memory_offsets[game_id]["StartMedal"]] = medal; ushort[] replacedFunction = new ushort[] { //Equip_parts 0x4a0e, //ldr r2,[PTR_DAT_] 0x7811, //ldrb r1,[r2,#0x0 ]=>DAT_03000be0 0x20c0, //mov r0,#0xc0 (ushort)(0x2300 + medal), //mov r3,#medal 0x4308, //orr r0, r1 0x7010, //strb r0,[r2,#0x0 ]=>DAT_03000be0 0x490c, //ldr r1,[PTR_DAT_] 0x2003, //mov r0,#0x3 0x7008, //strb r0,[r1,#0x0 ]=>DAT_030017a0 0x708b, //strb r3,[r1,#0x2 ]=>DAT_030017a2 (ushort)(0x2000 + part), //mov r0,#part 0x70c8, //strb r0,[r1,#0x3 ]=>DAT_030017a3 0x7108, //strb r0,[r1,#0x4 ]=>DAT_030017a4 0x7148, //strb r0,[r1,#0x5 ]=>DAT_030017a5 0x7188, //strb r0,[r1,#0x6 ]=>DAT_030017a6 0x4909, //ldr r1,[->parts_in_inventory] 0x1c08, //add r0, r1,#0x0 (ushort)(0x3000 + part * 2 + 1), //add r0,#part_offset 0x2201, //mov r2,#0x1 0x7002, //strb r2,[r0,#0x0 ]=>DAT_03004c95 0x4b07, //ldr r3,[DAT_] 0x18c8, //add r0, r1, r3 0x7002, //strb r2,[r0,#0x0 ]=>DAT_03004d85 0x33f0, //add r3,#0xf0 0x18c8, //add r0, r1, r3 0x7002, //strb r2,[r0,#0x0 ]=>DAT_03004e75 0x4805, //ldr r0,[DAT_] 0x1809, //add r1, r1, r0 0x700a, //strb r2,[r1,#0x0 ]=>DAT_03004f65 0x4770, //bx lr // Data and pointers 0x0be0, 0x0300, 0x17a0, 0x0300, 0x4c40, 0x0300, (ushort)(part * 2 + 1 + 0xf0), 0x0000, (ushort)(part * 2 + 1 + 3 * 0xf0), 0x0000 }; Utils.WritePayload(file, funcOffset, replacedFunction); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// RANDOM MEDALS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (chk_random_medal.IsOn) { for (int i = memory_offsets[game_id]["Events"]; i < memory_offsets[game_id]["Events"] + 0x18000;) { byte op = file[i]; if (op == 0x3C) { Trace.WriteLine("Get Medal: " + IdTranslator.IdToMedal(file[i + 1])); if (i + 1 == memory_offsets[game_id]["StartMedal"]) { Trace.WriteLine("Is random starter, skipping..."); } else { var randomMedal = randomizer.GetRandomMedal(file[i + 1]); file[i + 1] = randomMedal; Trace.WriteLine("Set Medal to: " + IdTranslator.IdToMedal(file[i + 1])); } } if (op == 0x2F) { //multiconditional jump i += file[i + 1] + 1; } else { i += IdTranslator.operationBytes[op]; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FIX MESSAGES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List <byte> origMedals = new List <byte> { 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 }; List <byte> replacedMedals = origMedals.Select(x => randomizer.medalExchanges[x]).ToList(); List <Medal> medals = loadFile <List <Medal> >("./Medals.json"); List <((int, int), (int, int))> messages = new List <((int, int), (int, int))>(); messages.Add(((0x00, 0x6b), (0x00, 0x68))); messages.Add(((0x00, 0x6f), (0x00, 0x6c))); messages.Add(((0x00, 0x73), (0x00, 0x70))); messages.Add(((0x00, 0x77), (0x00, 0x74))); messages.Add(((0x00, 0x7b), (0x00, 0x78))); messages.Add(((0x00, 0x7f), (0x00, 0x7c))); TextParser textParser = new TextParser(file, memory_offsets[game_id]["Text"]); for (int i = 0; i < replacedMedals.Count; i++) { textParser.addMessage(messages[i].Item1, medals[replacedMedals[i]].ikki_text); textParser.addMessage(messages[i].Item2, medals[replacedMedals[i]].collect_text); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// CODE PATCHES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (chk_code_patches.IsOn) { uint jumpOffset = 0x104; uint hookOffset = 0x7f4500; uint trainerOffset = hookOffset + 0xD0; uint instr1 = (uint)Utils.GetIntAtPosition(file, (int)jumpOffset); uint instr2 = (uint)Utils.GetIntAtPosition(file, (int)jumpOffset + 4); uint instr3 = (uint)Utils.GetIntAtPosition(file, (int)jumpOffset + 8); uint[] jumpPayload = new uint[] { 0xE92D8000, // push r15 0xE51FF004, // ldr r15, traineraddr 0x08000000 + hookOffset // hookOffset }; uint[] hookPayload = new uint[] { 0xE92D4000, // push r14 0xE3A0E402, // mov r14, #0x2000000 0xE28EE701, // add r14, #40000 0xE24EE004, // sub r14, #28 0xE90E08FF, // stmdb [r14], r0-r7, r11 0xEB00002D, // bl trainerfunc 0xE3A0E402, // mov r14, #0x2000000 0xE28EE701, // add r14, #40000 0xE24EE028, // sub r14, #28 0xE89E08FF, // ldmia [r14], r0-r7, r11 0xE8BD4000, // pop r14 instr1, // --- original instruction #1 --- instr2, // --- original instruction #2 --- instr3, // --- original instruction #3 --- 0xE8BD8000 // pop r15 }; List <uint> trainerPayloadList = new List <uint>(); Dictionary <uint, ushort> codePatches = new Dictionary <uint, ushort>(); if (chk_instant_text.IsOn) { trainerPayloadList.AddRange(new uint[] { // Set text_speed to instant 0xE3A01403, // mov r1, #0x3000000 0xE3A000FF, // mov r0, #0xFF 0xE5C1045A, // strb r0, [r1, #0x45A] }); codePatches = codePatches.Union(new Dictionary <uint, ushort> { // Instant Character Popup { 0x3F5F6, 0x3008 }, { 0x3F600, 0xDC08 } }).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value); } if (chk_encounters.IsOn) { trainerPayloadList.AddRange(new uint[] { // Allow encounters 0xE3A01403, // mov r1, #0x3000000 0xE2811B19, // add r1, #0x6400 0xE3A00000, // mov r0, #0x0 0xE5C1000C, // strb r0, [r1, #0xc] }); } trainerPayloadList.Add( // Return 0xE12FFF1E // bx r15 ); uint[] trainerPayload = trainerPayloadList.ToArray(); Utils.WritePayload(file, jumpOffset, jumpPayload); Utils.WritePayload(file, hookOffset, hookPayload); Utils.WritePayload(file, trainerOffset, trainerPayload); Utils.WritePatches(file, codePatches); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// ADD MESSAGES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TextParser textParser2 = new TextParser(file, memory_offsets[game_id]["Text"]); List <Message> patchedMessages = loadFile <List <Message> >("./Patched_Messages.json"); foreach (Message message in patchedMessages) { textParser2.addMessage(([0],[1]), message.message); } TextPatcher textPatcher = new TextPatcher(ref file, memory_offsets[game_id]["Text"], 0x7f5500, textParser2.getEncodedMessages()); textPatcher.PatchText(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// WRITE TO FILE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File.WriteAllBytes(seedtext + ".gba", file); ShowNotification("Done!", "The ROM has been converted and is saved with seed: \"" + seedtext + "\" as \"" + seedtext + ".gba\""); }