public StatisticalLineAndShapeRenderer(bool linesVisible, bool shapesVisible) : base(linesVisible, shapesVisible) { StatisticalLineAndShapeRenderer andShapeRenderer = this; this.errorIndicatorPaint = (Paint) null; this.errorIndicatorStroke = (Stroke) null; }
public XYLineAnnotation(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, Stroke stroke, Paint paint) { XYLineAnnotation xyLineAnnotation = this; if (stroke == null) { string str = "Null 'stroke' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (paint == null) { string str = "Null 'paint' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; this.stroke = stroke; this.paint = paint; } }
public ClipPath(double[] xValue, double[] yValue, bool clip, bool fillPath, bool drawPath) { int num1 = clip ? 1 : 0; int num2 = fillPath ? 1 : 0; int num3 = drawPath ? 1 : 0; base.\u002Ector(); ClipPath clipPath = this; this.xValue = (double[]) null; this.yValue = (double[]) null; this.clip = true; this.drawPath = false; this.fillPath = false; this.fillPaint = (Paint) null; this.drawPaint = (Paint) null; this.drawStroke = (Stroke) null; this.composite = (Composite) null; this.xValue = xValue; this.yValue = yValue; this.clip = num1 != 0; this.fillPath = num2 != 0; this.drawPath = num3 != 0; this.fillPaint = (Paint) Color.gray; this.drawPaint = (Paint); this.drawStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(1f); this.composite = (Composite) AlphaComposite.Src; }
public LineBorder(Paint paint, Stroke stroke, RectangleInsets insets) { base.\u002Ector(); LineBorder lineBorder = this; if (paint == null) { string str = "Null 'paint' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (stroke == null) { string str = "Null 'stroke' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (insets == null) { string str = "Null 'insets' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.paint = paint; this.stroke = stroke; this.insets = insets; } }
public MeterInterval(string label, Range range, Paint outlinePaint, Stroke outlineStroke, Paint backgroundPaint) { base.\u002Ector(); MeterInterval meterInterval = this; if (label == null) { string str = "Null 'label' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (range == null) { string str = "Null 'range' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.label = label; this.range = range; this.outlinePaint = outlinePaint; this.outlineStroke = outlineStroke; this.backgroundPaint = backgroundPaint; } }
public PaintScaleLegend(PaintScale scale, ValueAxis axis) { PaintScaleLegend paintScaleLegend = this; if (axis == null) { string str = "Null 'axis' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.scale = scale; this.axis = axis; this.axis.addChangeListener((AxisChangeListener) this); this.axisLocation = AxisLocation.__\u003C\u003EBOTTOM_OR_LEFT; this.axisOffset = 0.0; this.axis.setRange(scale.getLowerBound(), scale.getUpperBound()); this.stripWidth = 15.0; this.stripOutlineVisible = true; this.stripOutlinePaint = (Paint) Color.gray; this.stripOutlineStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(0.5f); this.backgroundPaint = (Paint) Color.white; this.subdivisions = 100; } }
public XYPolygonAnnotation(double[] polygon, Stroke stroke, Paint outlinePaint, Paint fillPaint) { XYPolygonAnnotation polygonAnnotation = this; if (polygon == null) { string str = "Null 'polygon' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { int length = polygon.Length; int num1 = 2; int num2 = -1; if ((num1 != num2 ? length % num1 : 0) != 0) { string str = "The 'polygon' array must contain an even number of items."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.polygon = (double[]) polygon.Clone(); this.stroke = stroke; this.outlinePaint = outlinePaint; this.fillPaint = fillPaint; } } }
public StackedXYAreaRenderer(int type, XYToolTipGenerator labelGenerator, XYURLGenerator urlGenerator) : base(type, labelGenerator, urlGenerator) { StackedXYAreaRenderer stackedXyAreaRenderer = this; this.shapePaint = (Paint) null; this.shapeStroke = (Stroke) null; }
public StrokeSample(Stroke stroke) { base.\u002Ector(); StrokeSample strokeSample = this; this.stroke = stroke; this.preferredSize = new Dimension(80, 18); this.setPreferredSize(this.preferredSize); }
public static IBrush CreateBrush(Stroke stroke, string name, Dictionary<string, object> options) { // try and create the brush // if unable to instantiat, return LineBrush by default IBrush o = (ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(name) as IBrush) ?? ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<LineBrush>(); o.Stroke = stroke; return o; }
public CategoryMarker(IComparable key, Paint paint, Stroke stroke, Paint outlinePaint, Stroke outlineStroke, float alpha) : base(paint, stroke, outlinePaint, outlineStroke, alpha) { CategoryMarker categoryMarker = this; this.drawAsLine = false; this.key = key; this.setLabelOffsetType(LengthAdjustmentType.__\u003C\u003EEXPAND); }
public StandardDialFrame() { StandardDialFrame standardDialFrame = this; this.backgroundPaint = (Paint) Color.gray; this.foregroundPaint = (Paint); this.stroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(2f); this.radius = 0.95; }
public DialCap() { DialCap dialCap = this; this.radius = 0.05; this.fillPaint = (Paint) Color.white; this.outlinePaint = (Paint); this.outlineStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(2f); }
public IntervalMarker(double start, double end, Paint paint, Stroke stroke, Paint outlinePaint, Stroke outlineStroke, float alpha) : base(paint, stroke, outlinePaint, outlineStroke, alpha) { IntervalMarker intervalMarker = this; this.startValue = start; this.endValue = end; this.gradientPaintTransformer = (GradientPaintTransformer) null; this.setLabelOffsetType(LengthAdjustmentType.__\u003C\u003ECONTRACT); }
void Start() { prevMousePosition = new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); strokes = new ArrayList(); currentStroke = null; strokeMeshes = new ArrayList(); }
//Gets the edge corresponding to the given stroke public Edge getEdge(Stroke s) { for(int i=0; i<list.Count; i++) { Edge e = list[i] as Edge; if(e.strokeEquals(s)) return e; } return null; }
public XYErrorRenderer() : base(false, true) { XYErrorRenderer xyErrorRenderer = this; this.drawXError = true; this.drawYError = true; this.errorPaint = (Paint) null; this.errorStroke = (Stroke) null; this.capLength = 4.0; }
public XYBoxAnnotation(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, Stroke stroke, Paint outlinePaint, Paint fillPaint) { XYBoxAnnotation xyBoxAnnotation = this; this.x0 = x0; this.y0 = y0; this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.stroke = stroke; this.outlinePaint = outlinePaint; this.fillPaint = fillPaint; }
public ArcDialFrame(double startAngle, double extent) { ArcDialFrame arcDialFrame = this; this.backgroundPaint = (Paint) Color.gray; this.foregroundPaint = (Paint) new Color(100, 100, 150); this.stroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(2f); this.innerRadius = 0.25; this.outerRadius = 0.75; this.startAngle = startAngle; this.extent = extent; }
public MinMaxCategoryRenderer() { MinMaxCategoryRenderer categoryRenderer = this; this.plotLines = false; this.groupPaint = (Paint); this.groupStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(1f); this.minIcon = this.getIcon((Shape) new Arc2D.Double(-4.0, -4.0, 8.0, 8.0, 0.0, 360.0, 0), (Paint) null, (Paint); this.maxIcon = this.getIcon((Shape) new Arc2D.Double(-4.0, -4.0, 8.0, 8.0, 0.0, 360.0, 0), (Paint) null, (Paint); this.objectIcon = this.getIcon((Shape) new Line2D.Double(-4.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0), false, true); this.lastCategory = -1; }
public CyclicNumberAxis(double period, double offset, string label) : base(label) { CyclicNumberAxis cyclicNumberAxis = this; this.advanceLineStroke = CyclicNumberAxis.DEFAULT_ADVANCE_LINE_STROKE; this.period = period; this.offset = offset; this.setFixedAutoRange(period); this.advanceLineVisible = true; this.advanceLinePaint = CyclicNumberAxis.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_ADVANCE_LINE_PAINT; }
/** * Construct Java Graphics object which translates graphic calls in ppt Drawing layer. * * @param group The shape group to write the graphics calls into. */ public PPGraphics2D(ShapeGroup group){ this._group = group; _transform = new AffineTransform(); _stroke = new BasicStroke(); _paint =; _font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12); _background =; _foreground = Color.white; _hints = new RenderingHints(null); }
public void StartNewStroke() { if (CurrentStroke == null) { CurrentStroke = new Stroke(); strokes.Add(CurrentStroke); curIndex = strokes.Count - 1; CurrentStroke.Brush = BrushManager.CreateBrush(CurrentStroke, SelectedBrush, null); CurrentStroke.Brush.SetOptions(options[CurrentStroke.Brush.BrushName]); } }
public RingPlot(PieDataset dataset) : base(dataset) { RingPlot ringPlot = this; this.separatorsVisible = true; this.separatorStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(0.5f); this.separatorPaint = (Paint) Color.gray; this.innerSeparatorExtension = 0.2; this.outerSeparatorExtension = 0.2; this.sectionDepth = 0.2; }
public CategoryPointerAnnotation(string label, IComparable key, double value, double angle) : base(label, key, value) { CategoryPointerAnnotation pointerAnnotation = this; this.angle = angle; this.tipRadius = 10.0; this.baseRadius = 30.0; this.arrowLength = 5.0; this.arrowWidth = 3.0; this.labelOffset = 3.0; this.arrowStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(1f); this.arrowPaint = (Paint); }
public XYShapeRenderer() { XYShapeRenderer xyShapeRenderer = this; this.paintScale = (PaintScale) new LookupPaintScale(); this.useFillPaint = false; this.drawOutlines = false; this.useOutlinePaint = true; this.guideLinesVisible = false; this.guideLinePaint = (Paint) Color.darkGray; this.guideLineStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(); this.setBaseShape((Shape) new Ellipse2D.Double(-5.0, -5.0, 10.0, 10.0)); this.setAutoPopulateSeriesShape(false); }
public XYPointerAnnotation(string label, double x, double y, double angle) : base(label, x, y) { XYPointerAnnotation pointerAnnotation = this; this.angle = angle; this.tipRadius = 10.0; this.baseRadius = 30.0; this.arrowLength = 5.0; this.arrowWidth = 3.0; this.labelOffset = 3.0; this.arrowStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(1f); this.arrowPaint = (Paint); }
public ClipPath() { base.\u002Ector(); ClipPath clipPath = this; this.xValue = (double[]) null; this.yValue = (double[]) null; this.clip = true; this.drawPath = false; this.fillPath = false; this.fillPaint = (Paint) null; this.drawPaint = (Paint) null; this.drawStroke = (Stroke) null; this.composite = (Composite) null; }
public Edge(Node n1, Node n2, InkOverlay i, int weight) { //Keep track of the nodes its attached to this.a = n1; this.b = n2; this.weight = weight; color = DEFAULT; //Make sure the nodes contain this in their edges a.Edges.Add(this); b.Edges.Add(this); Point[] p = {a.CenterPoint,b.CenterPoint}; //Draw a stroke connecting both nodes this.stroke = i.Ink.CreateStroke(p); }
public Node(Stroke stroke) { this.stroke = stroke; = stroke.Id; Rectangle r = stroke.GetBoundingBox(); //Determine whether this node is a rectangle or not isRect = r.Width*Math.PI < StrokeManager.StrokeLength(stroke); centerPoint = new Point(r.X + r.Width/2, r.Y + r.Height/2); fillColor = DEFAULT; edges = new Edges(); textColor = TEXT_DEFAULT; text = ""; //Set initial distance to infinity (max int) distance = Int32.MaxValue; }
public float GetMixError(Stroke stroke) { //Debug.Log(GetSlopeError(stroke)); return(Mathf.Pow(GetError(stroke), 2.0f) * 100.0f + Mathf.Pow(GetSlopeError(stroke), 2.0f)); }
public void Draw(MatterHackers.Agg.Transform.ITransform Position, Graphics2D renderer) { double TextHeight = m_Position.y - 20; double Range = (m_DataViewMaxY - m_DataViewMinY); VertexSourceApplyTransform TransformedLinesToDraw; Stroke StrockedTransformedLinesToDraw; RoundedRect BackGround = new RoundedRect(m_Position.x, m_Position.y - 1, m_Position.x + m_Width, m_Position.y - 1 + m_Height + 2, 5); VertexSourceApplyTransform TransformedBackGround = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(BackGround, Position); renderer.Render(TransformedBackGround, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0, .5)); // if the 0 line is within the window than draw it. if (m_DataViewMinY < 0 && m_DataViewMaxY > 0) { m_LinesToDraw.remove_all(); m_LinesToDraw.MoveTo(m_Position.x, m_Position.y + ((0 - m_DataViewMinY) * m_Height / Range)); m_LinesToDraw.LineTo(m_Position.x + m_Width, m_Position.y + ((0 - m_DataViewMinY) * m_Height / Range)); TransformedLinesToDraw = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(m_LinesToDraw, Position); StrockedTransformedLinesToDraw = new Stroke(TransformedLinesToDraw); renderer.Render(StrockedTransformedLinesToDraw, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0, 1)); } double MaxMax = -999999999; double MinMin = 999999999; double MaxAverage = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <String, HistoryData> historyKeyValue in m_DataHistoryArray) { HistoryData history = historyKeyValue.Value; m_LinesToDraw.remove_all(); MaxMax = System.Math.Max(MaxMax, history.GetMaxValue()); MinMin = System.Math.Min(MinMin, history.GetMinValue()); MaxAverage = System.Math.Max(MaxAverage, history.GetAverageValue()); for (int i = 0; i < m_Width - 1; i++) { if (i == 0) { m_LinesToDraw.MoveTo(m_Position.x + i, m_Position.y + ((history.GetItem(i) - m_DataViewMinY) * m_Height / Range)); } else { m_LinesToDraw.LineTo(m_Position.x + i, m_Position.y + ((history.GetItem(i) - m_DataViewMinY) * m_Height / Range)); } } TransformedLinesToDraw = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(m_LinesToDraw, Position); StrockedTransformedLinesToDraw = new Stroke(TransformedLinesToDraw); renderer.Render(StrockedTransformedLinesToDraw, history.m_Color); String Text = historyKeyValue.Key + ": Min:" + MinMin.ToString("0.0") + " Max:" + MaxMax.ToString("0.0"); renderer.DrawString(Text, m_Position.x, TextHeight - m_Height); TextHeight -= 20; } RoundedRect BackGround2 = new RoundedRect(m_Position.x, m_Position.y - 1, m_Position.x + m_Width, m_Position.y - 1 + m_Height + 2, 5); VertexSourceApplyTransform TransformedBackGround2 = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(BackGround2, Position); Stroke StrockedTransformedBackGround = new Stroke(TransformedBackGround2); renderer.Render(StrockedTransformedBackGround, new RGBA_Bytes(0.0, 0, 0, 1)); //renderer.Color = BoxColor; //renderer.DrawRect(m_Position.x, m_Position.y - 1, m_Width, m_Height + 2); }
internal override void drawPath(CanvasPathBuilder p, Stroke stroke) { pendingRenderingOperations.Add(new DrawPathPainter(null, color, alpha, p, stroke)); }
// private void HandleTriggerClicked(object sender, ClickedEventArgs e) // { // // SpawnCurrentPrimitiveAtController(); // Vector3 pos = cursor.position; // Quaternion rotation = cursor.rotation; // stroke = new Stroke(activeMeshFilter.mesh); // stroke.options = strokeOptions; // stroke.start(pos, rotation); // } // private void HandleTriggerUnClicked(object sender, ClickedEventArgs e) // { // // SpawnCurrentPrimitiveAtController(); // stroke.end(); // combineStroke(stroke); // stroke = null; // } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { //draw strokes when the mouse is clicked // Vector3 pos = transform.InverseTransformPoint(cameraMouse()); // deltaZ += .005f; // Vector3 deltaPos = new Vector3(0, 0, Mathf.Sin(deltaZ) * 2); // pos += deltaPos; // deltaRX += .005f; // cursor.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(deltaRX) * 90, 0f, 0f); // cursor.localPosition = pos; // Vector3 pos = cursor.position; // Quaternion rotation = cursor.rotation; //world rotation // if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) // { // stroke = new Stroke(activeMeshFilter.mesh); // //set the x rotation randomly // // cursor.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(Random.Range(-60f, 60f), 0, 0); // stroke.options = strokeOptions; // stroke.start(pos, rotation); // } // if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) // { // stroke.move(pos, rotation); // } // if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) // { // stroke.end(); // combineStroke(stroke); // } SteamVR_Controller.Device device = SteamVR_Controller.Input((int)leftController.controllerIndex); // Debug.Log(device.GetAxis(Valve.VR.EVRButtonId.k_EButton_SteamVR_Trigger)); float triggerVal = device.GetAxis(Valve.VR.EVRButtonId.k_EButton_SteamVR_Trigger).x; float minTrigger = .05f; if (triggerVal > minTrigger) { Vector3 pos = cursor.position; Quaternion rotation = cursor.rotation; if (stroke != null) { // Vector3 pos = cursor.position; // Quaternion rotation = cursor.rotation; //world rotation // leftController. stroke.move(pos, rotation, triggerVal); } else { stroke = new Stroke(activeMeshFilter.mesh); stroke.options = strokeOptions; stroke.start(pos, rotation, triggerVal); } } else if (stroke != null) { stroke.end(); combineStroke(stroke); stroke = null; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { clearStrokes(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { Application.Quit(); } }
public void PaintPixelsInRam(PaintCommand.UV command) { Stroke stroke = command.Stroke; float brushAlpha = command.strokeAlphaPortion; TextureMeta image = command.TextureData; Brush bc = command.Brush; var volume = image.texture2D.GetVolumeTextureData(); if (!volume) { return; } bc.brush3DRadius = Mathf.Min(BrushScaleMaxForCpu(volume), bc.brush3DRadius); var volumeScale = volume.size; var pos = (stroke.posFrom - volume.transform.position) / volumeScale + 0.5f *; var height = volume.Height; var texWidth = image.width; BlitFunctions.brAlpha = brushAlpha; bc.PrepareCpuBlit(image); BlitFunctions.half = bc.Size(true) / volumeScale; var pixels = image.Pixels; var iHalf = (int)(BlitFunctions.half - 0.5f); var smooth = bc.GetBrushType(true) != BrushTypes.Pixel.Inst; if (smooth) { iHalf += 1; } BlitFunctions.alphaMode = BlitFunctions.SphereAlpha; var sliceWidth = texWidth / volume.hSlices; var hw = sliceWidth / 2; var y = (int)pos.y; var z = (int)(pos.z + hw); var x = (int)(pos.x + hw); for (BlitFunctions.y = -iHalf; BlitFunctions.y < iHalf + 1; BlitFunctions.y++) { var h = y + BlitFunctions.y; if (h >= height) { return; } if (h < 0) { continue; } var hy = h / volume.hSlices; var hx = h % volume.hSlices; var hTexIndex = (hy * texWidth + hx) * sliceWidth; for (BlitFunctions.z = -iHalf; BlitFunctions.z < iHalf + 1; BlitFunctions.z++) { var trueZ = z + BlitFunctions.z; if (trueZ < 0 || trueZ >= sliceWidth) { continue; } var yTexIndex = hTexIndex + trueZ * texWidth; for (BlitFunctions.x = -iHalf; BlitFunctions.x < iHalf + 1; BlitFunctions.x++) { if (!BlitFunctions.alphaMode()) { continue; } var trueX = x + BlitFunctions.x; if (trueX < 0 || trueX >= sliceWidth) { continue; } var texIndex = yTexIndex + trueX; BlitFunctions.blitMode(ref pixels[texIndex]); } } } }
public override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale) { if (firstTime && DrawingState == DrawingState.Normal) { firstTime = false; Cbi.License.Log("Path"); } RenderTarget.AntialiasMode = SharpDX.Direct2D1.AntialiasMode.PerPrimitive; Stroke outlineStroke = OutlineStroke; outlineStroke.RenderTarget = RenderTarget; ChartPanel chartPanel = chartControl.ChartPanels[PanelIndex]; double strokePixAdjust = outlineStroke.Width % 2 == 0 ? 0.5d : 0d; Vector pixelAdjustVec = new Vector(strokePixAdjust, strokePixAdjust); SharpDX.Direct2D1.PathGeometry polyGeo = CreatePathGeometry(chartControl, chartPanel, chartScale, strokePixAdjust); SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush tmpBrush = IsInHitTest ? chartControl.SelectionBrush : outlineStroke.BrushDX; RenderTarget.DrawGeometry(polyGeo, tmpBrush, outlineStroke.Width, outlineStroke.StrokeStyle); polyGeo.Dispose(); if (PathBegin == PathToolCapMode.Arrow || PathEnd == PathToolCapMode.Arrow) { Point[] points = GetPathAnchorPoints(chartControl, chartScale); if (points.Length > 1) { if (arrowPathGeometry == null) { arrowPathGeometry = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.PathGeometry(Core.Globals.D2DFactory); SharpDX.Direct2D1.GeometrySink geometrySink = arrowPathGeometry.Open(); float arrowWidth = 6f; SharpDX.Vector2 top = new SharpDX.Vector2(0, outlineStroke.Width * 0.5f); geometrySink.BeginFigure(top, SharpDX.Direct2D1.FigureBegin.Filled); geometrySink.AddLine(new SharpDX.Vector2(arrowWidth, -arrowWidth)); geometrySink.AddLine(new SharpDX.Vector2(-arrowWidth, -arrowWidth)); geometrySink.AddLine(top); // cap off figure geometrySink.EndFigure(SharpDX.Direct2D1.FigureEnd.Closed); geometrySink.Close(); } if (PathBegin == PathToolCapMode.Arrow) { Vector lineVector = points[0] - points[1]; lineVector.Normalize(); Point pointAdjusted = points[0] + pixelAdjustVec; SharpDX.Vector2 pointVec = pointAdjusted.ToVector2(); float vectorAngle = -(float)Math.Atan2(lineVector.X, lineVector.Y); Vector adjustVector = lineVector * 5; SharpDX.Vector2 arrowPointVec = new SharpDX.Vector2((float)(pointVec.X + adjustVector.X), (float)(pointVec.Y + adjustVector.Y)); SharpDX.Matrix3x2 transformMatrix2 = SharpDX.Matrix3x2.Rotation(vectorAngle, SharpDX.Vector2.Zero) * SharpDX.Matrix3x2.Scaling((float)Math.Max(1.0f, outlineStroke.Width * .45) + 0.25f) * SharpDX.Matrix3x2.Translation(arrowPointVec); RenderTarget.Transform = transformMatrix2; RenderTarget.FillGeometry(arrowPathGeometry, tmpBrush); RenderTarget.Transform = SharpDX.Matrix3x2.Identity; } if (PathEnd == PathToolCapMode.Arrow) { Vector lineVector = points[points.Length - 1] - points[points.Length - 2]; lineVector.Normalize(); Point pointAdjusted = points[points.Length - 1] + pixelAdjustVec; SharpDX.Vector2 pointVec = pointAdjusted.ToVector2(); float vectorAngle = -(float)Math.Atan2(lineVector.X, lineVector.Y); Vector adjustVector = lineVector * 5; SharpDX.Vector2 arrowPointVec = new SharpDX.Vector2((float)(pointVec.X + adjustVector.X), (float)(pointVec.Y + adjustVector.Y)); SharpDX.Matrix3x2 transformMatrix2 = SharpDX.Matrix3x2.Rotation(vectorAngle, SharpDX.Vector2.Zero) * SharpDX.Matrix3x2.Scaling((float)Math.Max(1.0f, outlineStroke.Width * .45) + 0.25f) * SharpDX.Matrix3x2.Translation(arrowPointVec); RenderTarget.Transform = transformMatrix2; RenderTarget.FillGeometry(arrowPathGeometry, tmpBrush); RenderTarget.Transform = SharpDX.Matrix3x2.Identity; } } } if (ShowCount) { SimpleFont wpfFont = chartControl.Properties.LabelFont ?? new SimpleFont(); SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextFormat textFormat = wpfFont.ToDirectWriteTextFormat(); textFormat.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Leading; textFormat.WordWrapping = SharpDX.DirectWrite.WordWrapping.NoWrap; for (int i = 1; i < ChartAnchors.Count; i++) { Point p = ChartAnchors[i - 1].GetPoint(chartControl, chartPanel, chartScale); Point p1 = ChartAnchors[i].GetPoint(chartControl, chartPanel, chartScale); if (i + 1 < ChartAnchors.Count) { Point p2 = ChartAnchors[i + 1].GetPoint(chartControl, chartPanel, chartScale); Vector v1 = p - p1; v1.Normalize(); Vector v2 = p2 - p1; v2.Normalize(); Vector vector = v1 + v2; vector.Normalize(); SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout textLayout = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout(Core.Globals.DirectWriteFactory, i.ToString(), textFormat, 250, textFormat.FontSize); Point textPoint = p1 - vector * textFormat.FontSize; textPoint.X -= textLayout.Metrics.Width / 2f; textPoint.Y -= textLayout.Metrics.Height / 2f; RenderTarget.DrawTextLayout((textPoint + pixelAdjustVec).ToVector2(), textLayout, outlineStroke.BrushDX, SharpDX.Direct2D1.DrawTextOptions.NoSnap); textLayout.Dispose(); } else { SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout textLayout = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout(Core.Globals.DirectWriteFactory, i.ToString(), textFormat, 250, textFormat.FontSize); Vector vector = (p - p1); vector.Normalize(); Point textPoint = p1 - vector * textFormat.FontSize; textPoint.X -= textLayout.Metrics.Width / 2f; textPoint.Y -= textLayout.Metrics.Height / 2f; RenderTarget.DrawTextLayout((textPoint + pixelAdjustVec).ToVector2(), textLayout, outlineStroke.BrushDX, SharpDX.Direct2D1.DrawTextOptions.NoSnap); textLayout.Dispose(); } } textFormat.Dispose(); } }
protected override void Serialize(IDictionary <string, object> json) { //>> Serialization if (Editable.HasValue) { json["editable"] = Editable; } if (Id.HasValue()) { json["id"] = Id; } if (Rotatable.HasValue) { json["rotatable"] = Rotatable; } if (Resizable.HasValue) { json["resizable"] = Resizable; } if (Path.HasValue()) { json["path"] = Path; } var stroke = Stroke.ToJson(); if (stroke.Any()) { json["stroke"] = stroke; } if (Type.HasValue()) { json["type"] = Type; } if (X.HasValue) { json["x"] = X; } if (Y.HasValue) { json["y"] = Y; } if (MinWidth.HasValue) { json["minWidth"] = MinWidth; } if (MinHeight.HasValue) { json["minHeight"] = MinHeight; } if (Width.HasValue) { json["width"] = Width; } if (Height.HasValue) { json["height"] = Height; } if (Background.HasValue()) { json["background"] = Background; } var hover = Hover.ToJson(); if (hover.Any()) { json["hover"] = hover; } var connectors = Connectors.ToJson(); if (connectors.Any()) { json["connectors"] = connectors; } var rotation = Rotation.ToJson(); if (rotation.Any()) { json["rotation"] = rotation; } if (Content.HasValue()) { json["content"] = Content; } //<< Serialization if (Visual.HasValue()) { json["visual"] = Visual; } }
public SignedStroke(Stroke stroke) : base(stroke.StylusPoints, stroke.DrawingAttributes) { }
//動作を戻る private void backButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { counter--; try { //MessageBox.Show("counter = " + counter); //MessageBox.Show("learningLogs[" + counter + "] = (" + learningLogs[counter].GetStrokeId() + ", " + learningLogs[counter].GetBehavior() + ")"); //一次元目がallなら全消去なのですべて再描画する if (learningLogs[counter].GetStrokeId().Equals("all")) { //ターゲットとなるストロークのidを取ってくる //対象の動作オブジェクトには("all", "erase")が入っているので、一つ前の動作のストロークidを使う int x = Int16.Parse(learningLogs[counter + 1].GetStrokeId()); drawAll(x); } //二次元目がdrawのとき else if (learningLogs[counter].GetBehavior().Equals("draw")) { //ターゲットとなるストロークのidを取ってくる int x = Int16.Parse(learningLogs[counter].GetStrokeId()); //いったん全部消し、当該idまで、再描画する inkCanvas1.Strokes.Clear(); counter++; drawAll(x); counter--; } //二次元目がeraseのとき else if (learningLogs[counter].GetBehavior().Equals("erase")) { //ターゲットとなるストロークのidを取ってくる int x = Int16.Parse(learningLogs[counter].GetStrokeId()); //Redraw stroke[x] //strokeLiesの中から該当するidのストロークを探す StrokeLine sl; for (int i = 0; i < strokeLines.Count; i++) { if (strokeLines[i].GetId() == x) { sl = strokeLines[x]; //(とりあえず)隠れたスペースに書いてなければを再描画 if (!sl.GetInSpace()) { //線の色、幅を取得 DrawingAttributes DA = new DrawingAttributes(); DA.Color = sl.GetColor(); DA.Width = sl.GetWidth(); DA.Height = sl.GetWidth(); inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = DA; //点の情報を集める StylusPointCollection spc = new StylusPointCollection(); for (int j = 0; j < sl.GetPoints().Count; j++) { spc.Add(new StylusPoint(sl.GetPoints()[j].X, sl.GetPoints()[j].Y)); } Stroke stroke = new Stroke(spc, DA); inkCanvas1.Strokes.Add(stroke); } } } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("最初の動作です。"); } }
public void AddStroke(Stroke stroke) { unsafe { Bindings.StrokeSampleBuilderAddStroke(builder, stroke.Ptr); } }
public void SavingFunction() { currentlySaving = true; countThatHaveBeenSaved = 0; // first create images for all the parts foreach (FileNameAndPresentationName stlFileNames in stlFilesToPrint) { Mesh loadedMesh = StlProcessing.Load(stlFileNames.fileName); if (loadedMesh != null) { AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = loadedMesh.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(); RectangleDouble bounds2D = new RectangleDouble(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y); double widthInMM = bounds2D.Width + PartMarginMM * 2; double textSpaceMM = 5; double heightMM = textSpaceMM + bounds2D.Height + PartMarginMM * 2; TypeFacePrinter typeFacePrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(stlFileNames.presentationName, 28, Vector2.Zero, Justification.Center, Baseline.BoundsCenter); double sizeOfNameX = typeFacePrinter.GetSize().x + PartMarginPixels * 2; Vector2 sizeOfRender = new Vector2(widthInMM * PixelPerMM, heightMM * PixelPerMM); ImageBuffer imageOfPart = new ImageBuffer((int)(Math.Max(sizeOfNameX, sizeOfRender.x)), (int)(sizeOfRender.y), 32, new BlenderBGRA()); typeFacePrinter.Origin = new Vector2(imageOfPart.Width / 2, (textSpaceMM / 2) * PixelPerMM); Graphics2D partGraphics2D = imageOfPart.NewGraphics2D(); RectangleDouble rectBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, imageOfPart.Width, imageOfPart.Height); double strokeWidth = .5 * PixelPerMM; rectBounds.Inflate(-strokeWidth / 2); RoundedRect rect = new RoundedRect(rectBounds, PartMarginMM * PixelPerMM); partGraphics2D.Render(rect, RGBA_Bytes.LightGray); Stroke rectOutline = new Stroke(rect, strokeWidth); partGraphics2D.Render(rectOutline, RGBA_Bytes.DarkGray); PolygonMesh.Rendering.OrthographicZProjection.DrawTo(partGraphics2D, loadedMesh, new Vector2(-bounds2D.Left + PartMarginMM, -bounds2D.Bottom + textSpaceMM + PartMarginMM), PixelPerMM, RGBA_Bytes.Black); partGraphics2D.Render(typeFacePrinter, RGBA_Bytes.Black); partImagesToPrint.Add(new PartImage(imageOfPart)); } countThatHaveBeenSaved++; if (UpdateRemainingItems != null) { UpdateRemainingItems(this, new StringEventArgs(Path.GetFileName(stlFileNames.presentationName))); } } partImagesToPrint.Sort(BiggestToLittlestImages); PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(); document.Info.Title = "MatterHackers Parts Sheet"; document.Info.Author = "MatterHackers Inc."; document.Info.Subject = "This is a list of the parts that are in a queue from MatterControl."; document.Info.Keywords = "MatterControl, STL, 3D Printing"; int nextPartToPrintIndex = 0; int plateNumber = 1; bool done = false; while (!done && nextPartToPrintIndex < partImagesToPrint.Count) { PdfPage pdfPage = document.AddPage(); CreateOnePage(plateNumber++, ref nextPartToPrintIndex, pdfPage); } try { // save the final document document.Save(pathAndFileToSaveTo); // Now try and open the document. This will lanch whatever PDF viewer is on the system and ask it // to show the file (at least on Windows). Process.Start(pathAndFileToSaveTo); } catch (Exception) { } OnDoneSaving(); currentlySaving = false; }
private void drawWithBeganPoint(Point point) { DoodleModel model = new DoodleModel(); model.points.Add(new DoodlePoint(getLogicPoint(point))); model.drawType = drawType; model.lineColor = lineColor; model.lineWidth = lineWidth; doodleModels.Add(model); switch (model.drawType) { case DoodleEnumType.eraser: { if (doodleCanvas is InkCanvas) { double eraserWidth = getEraserWidth(); eraserPointList = new List <Point>(); eraserPointList.Add(point); doodleCanvas.Strokes.Erase(eraserPointList, new RectangleStylusShape(eraserWidth, eraserWidth)); } } break; case DoodleEnumType.draw: { if (doodleCanvas is InkCanvas) { DrawingAttributes attributes = new DrawingAttributes(); attributes.Color = getColor(lineColor); attributes.Width = attributes.Height = getBrushWidth(lineWidth); List <Point> pointList = new List <Point>(); pointList.Add(point); Stroke s = new Stroke(new StylusPointCollection(pointList), attributes); doodleCanvas.Strokes.Add(s); stroke = s; } else if (doodleCanvas is Canvas) { Path path = new Path() { StrokeThickness = getBrushWidth(lineWidth), Stroke = getBrushColor(lineColor) }; doodleCanvas.Children.Add(path); element = path; } } break; case DoodleEnumType.rect: { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle() { Margin = new Thickness(point.X, point.Y, 0, 0), Width = 0, Height = 0, StrokeThickness = getBrushWidth(lineWidth), Stroke = getBrushColor(lineColor) }; doodleCanvas.Children.Add(rect); element = rect; } break; case DoodleEnumType.line: { Line line = new Line() { X1 = point.X, Y1 = point.Y, X2 = point.X, Y2 = point.Y, StrokeThickness = getBrushWidth(lineWidth), Stroke = getBrushColor(lineColor) }; doodleCanvas.Children.Add(line); element = line; } break; case { Ellipse circle = new Ellipse() { Margin = new Thickness(point.X, point.Y, 0, 0), Width = 0, Height = 0, StrokeThickness = getBrushWidth(lineWidth), Stroke = getBrushColor(lineColor) }; doodleCanvas.Children.Add(circle); element = circle; } break; case DoodleEnumType.arrow: { Arrow arrow = new Arrow() { X1 = point.X, Y1 = point.Y, X2 = point.X, Y2 = point.Y, StrokeThickness = getBrushWidth(lineWidth), Stroke = getBrushColor(lineColor) }; doodleCanvas.Children.Add(arrow); element = arrow; } break; case DoodleEnumType.cube: { DoodleCube cone = new DoodleCube(point, point, getBrushWidth(lineWidth), getBrushColor(lineColor)); doodleCanvas.Children.Add(cone); element = cone; } break; case DoodleEnumType.cylinder: { DoodleCylinder cone = new DoodleCylinder(point, point, getBrushWidth(lineWidth), getBrushColor(lineColor)); doodleCanvas.Children.Add(cone); element = cone; } break; case DoodleEnumType.cone: { DoodleCone cone = new DoodleCone(point, point, getBrushWidth(lineWidth), getBrushColor(lineColor)); doodleCanvas.Children.Add(cone); element = cone; } break; default: break; } }
public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D) { { ImageBuffer widgetsSubImage = ImageBuffer.NewSubImageReference(graphics2D.DestImage, graphics2D.GetClippingRect()); Graphics2D subGraphics2D = widgetsSubImage.NewGraphics2D(); subGraphics2D.Clear(new RGBA_Bytes(255, 255, 255)); for (int y = 0; y < MomsGame.GetHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < MomsGame.GetWidth(); x++) { DrawCard(subGraphics2D, x, y); } } String whatToDo = "Select any open space marked with an 'O'"; RGBA_Bytes backFillCollor = new RGBA_Bytes(0xe1, 0xe0, 0xf6); if (MomsGame.GetWaitingForKing()) { backFillCollor = new RGBA_Bytes(0xf8, 0x89, 0x78); whatToDo = "Select a King for the hole"; } else if (MomsGame.IsSolved()) { backFillCollor = new RGBA_Bytes(0xf8, 0x89, 0x78); whatToDo = "You win!"; } else if (!MomsGame.MoveAvailable()) { backFillCollor = new RGBA_Bytes(0xf8, 0x89, 0x78); whatToDo = "No more moves! Shuffle to continue."; } if (whatToDo != null) { TextWidget stringToDraw = new TextWidget(whatToDo, 12); RectangleDouble Size = stringToDraw.Printer.LocalBounds; double TextX = m_BoardX + CARD_WIDTH * 4; double TextY = m_BoardY - 34; RoundedRect BackFill = new RoundedRect(Size.Left - 6, Size.Bottom - 3, Size.Right + 6, Size.Top + 6, 3); Stroke BackBorder = new Stroke(BackFill); BackBorder.width(2); subGraphics2D.SetTransform(Affine.NewTranslation(TextX, TextY)); subGraphics2D.Render(BackFill, backFillCollor); subGraphics2D.Render(BackBorder, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0)); subGraphics2D.Render(stringToDraw.Printer, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0)); } String ShufflesString; ShufflesString = "Number of shuffles so far = "; ShufflesString += MomsGame.GetNumShuffles().ToString(); TextWidget shuffelStringToDraw = new TextWidget(ShufflesString, 12); subGraphics2D.SetTransform(Affine.NewTranslation(m_BoardX, 350)); subGraphics2D.Render(shuffelStringToDraw.Printer, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0)); subGraphics2D.SetTransform(Affine.NewIdentity()); } base.OnDraw(graphics2D); }
public void DrawCard(Graphics2D DestGraphics, int CardX, int CardY) { double StartX = CardX * CARD_WIDTH + m_BoardX; double StartY = CardY * CARD_HEIGHT + m_BoardY; RectangleDouble CardBounds = new RectangleDouble(StartX + 1.5, StartY + 1.5, StartX + CARD_WIDTH - 1.5, StartY + CARD_HEIGHT - 1.5); RoundedRect CardFiledRoundedRect = new RoundedRect(CardBounds.Left, CardBounds.Bottom, CardBounds.Right, CardBounds.Top, 5); Stroke CardRectBounds = new Stroke(CardFiledRoundedRect); CardRectBounds.width(1); CCard Card = MomsGame.GetCard(CardX, CardY); int CardValue = Card.GetValue(); int CardSuit = Card.GetSuit(); String ValueString = "Uninitialized "; if (CardValue > (int)CCard.CARD_VALUE.VALUE_ACE) { DestGraphics.SetTransform(Affine.NewIdentity()); DestGraphics.Render(CardRectBounds, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0)); if (CardValue > 10) { switch (CardValue) { case 11: ValueString = "J"; break; case 12: ValueString = "Q"; break; case 13: ValueString = "K"; break; default: throw new Exception(); } } else { ValueString = CardValue.ToString(); } TextWidget stringToDraw = new TextWidget(ValueString, 10); RectangleDouble textBounds = stringToDraw.Printer.LocalBounds; DestGraphics.SetTransform(Affine.NewTranslation(CardBounds.Left + 2, CardBounds.Top - 8 - textBounds.Height / 2)); DestGraphics.Render(stringToDraw.Printer, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0)); DestGraphics.SetTransform(Affine.NewTranslation(CardBounds.Right - 4 - textBounds.Width, CardBounds.Bottom + 9 - textBounds.Height / 2)); DestGraphics.Render(stringToDraw.Printer, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0)); RGBA_Bytes SuitColor = new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0); IVertexSource suitPath = new PathStorage(); switch (CardSuit) { case (int)CCard.CARD_SUIT.SUIT_DIAMOND: { SuitColor = new RGBA_Bytes(0xFF, 0x11, 0x11); suitPath = m_DiamondShape; } break; case (int)CCard.CARD_SUIT.SUIT_CLUB: { SuitColor = new RGBA_Bytes(0x22, 0x22, 0x66); suitPath = new FlattenCurves(m_ClubShape); } break; case (int)CCard.CARD_SUIT.SUIT_HEART: { SuitColor = new RGBA_Bytes(0xBB, 0x00, 0x00); suitPath = new FlattenCurves(m_HeartShape); } break; case (int)CCard.CARD_SUIT.SUIT_SPADE: { SuitColor = new RGBA_Bytes(0x00, 0x00, 0x00); suitPath = new FlattenCurves(m_SpadeShape); } break; default: break; } textBounds = stringToDraw.Printer.LocalBounds; if (CardValue < 11) { for (int CurDot = 0; CurDot < CardValue; CurDot++) { double OffsetX = 0, OffsetY = 0; GetSuitOffset(ref OffsetX, ref OffsetY, CurDot, (int)CardValue); DestGraphics.SetTransform(Affine.NewTranslation(CardBounds.Left + OffsetX, CardBounds.Bottom + OffsetY)); DestGraphics.Render(suitPath, SuitColor); } } else { DestGraphics.SetTransform(Affine.NewTranslation(CardBounds.Left + 9, CardBounds.Bottom + 17)); DestGraphics.Render(suitPath, SuitColor); DestGraphics.SetTransform(Affine.NewTranslation(CardBounds.Right - 9, CardBounds.Top - 17)); DestGraphics.Render(suitPath, SuitColor); stringToDraw = new TextWidget(ValueString, 22); textBounds = stringToDraw.Printer.LocalBounds; DestGraphics.SetTransform(Affine.NewTranslation(-1 + CardBounds.Left + CardBounds.Width / 2 - textBounds.Width / 2, CardBounds.Bottom + CardBounds.Height / 2 - textBounds.Height / 2)); DestGraphics.Render(stringToDraw.Printer, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0)); } } else { RGBA_Bytes HoleColor = new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0); String OpenSpaceString; if (!MomsGame.SpaceIsClickable(CardX, CardY)) { HoleColor = new RGBA_Bytes(0xf8, 0xe2, 0xe8); OpenSpaceString = "X"; } else { HoleColor = new RGBA_Bytes(0xe1, 0xe0, 0xf6); OpenSpaceString = "O"; } TextWidget stringToDraw = new TextWidget(OpenSpaceString, 35); RectangleDouble Size = stringToDraw.Printer.LocalBounds; DestGraphics.SetTransform(Affine.NewTranslation(CardBounds.Left + CardBounds.Width / 2 - Size.Width / 2, CardBounds.Bottom + CardBounds.Height / 2 - Size.Height / 2)); DestGraphics.Render(stringToDraw.Printer, HoleColor); } }
private void ZoomAndRotate(GraphicLinkNode gln, MyGraphic relativeGraphic) { Matrix m1 = new Matrix(); Matrix m2 = new Matrix(); Matrix m3 = new Matrix(); double zoomScale = 1; double preX1 = ((System.Windows.Shapes.Line)relativeGraphic.Shape).X1; double preY1 = ((System.Windows.Shapes.Line)relativeGraphic.Shape).Y1; double preX2 = ((System.Windows.Shapes.Line)relativeGraphic.Shape).X2; double preY2 = ((System.Windows.Shapes.Line)relativeGraphic.Shape).Y2; double nowX1 = preX1 + offset_x; double nowY1 = preY1 + offset_y; double nowX2 = preX2 + offset_x; double nowY2 = preY2 + offset_y; double preLength = MathTool.getInstance().distanceP2P(new StylusPoint(preX2, preY2), new StylusPoint(preX1, preY1)); double nowLength; if (gln.Rule == "HeadIntersect")//修改第一个点 { ((System.Windows.Shapes.Line)relativeGraphic.Shape).X1 = nowX1; ((System.Windows.Shapes.Line)relativeGraphic.Shape).Y1 = nowY1; if (relativeGraphic.ShapeType == "arrow" || relativeGraphic.ShapeType == "loopArc") { double angle1 = MathTool.getInstance().getAngleP2P(new StylusPoint(preX1, preY1), new StylusPoint(preX2, preY2)); double angle2 = MathTool.getInstance().getAngleP2P(new StylusPoint(nowX1, nowY1), new StylusPoint(preX2, preY2)); double angle = angle2 - angle1;//旋转角度 nowLength = MathTool.getInstance().distanceP2P(new StylusPoint(preX2, preY2), new StylusPoint(nowX1, nowY1)); if (preLength == 0 || nowLength == 0) { zoomScale = 1; } else { zoomScale = nowLength / preLength; } m1.RotateAt(-angle, preX2, preY2); m2.ScaleAt(zoomScale, zoomScale, preX2, preY2); Matrix m = m1 * m2; relativeGraphic.Strokes[0].Transform(m, true); relativeGraphic.Strokes[0].DrawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); relativeGraphic.Strokes[1].Transform(m1, true); if (relativeGraphic.Strokes.Count == 3)//笔迹数为3时 { relativeGraphic.Strokes[2].Transform(m1, true); } } } else if (gln.Rule == "TailIntersect")//修改最后点 { ((System.Windows.Shapes.Line)relativeGraphic.Shape).X2 = nowX2; ((System.Windows.Shapes.Line)relativeGraphic.Shape).Y2 = nowY2; if (relativeGraphic.ShapeType == "arrow" || relativeGraphic.ShapeType == "loopArc") { double angle1 = MathTool.getInstance().getAngleP2P(new StylusPoint(preX2, preY2), new StylusPoint(preX1, preY1)); double angle2 = MathTool.getInstance().getAngleP2P(new StylusPoint(nowX2, nowY2), new StylusPoint(preX1, preY1)); double angle = angle2 - angle1;//旋转角度 nowLength = MathTool.getInstance().distanceP2P(new StylusPoint(nowX2, nowY2), new StylusPoint(preX1, preY1)); if (preLength == 0 || nowLength == 0) { zoomScale = 1; } else { zoomScale = nowLength / preLength; } m1.RotateAt(-angle, preX1, preY1); relativeGraphic.Strokes[0].Transform(m1, false); m2.ScaleAt(zoomScale, zoomScale, preX1, preY1); relativeGraphic.Strokes[0].Transform(m2, false); //************************************ //用于计算箭头的头部移动位置 StylusPoint p = new StylusPoint(preX2, preY2); StylusPointCollection ps = new StylusPointCollection(); ps.Add(p); Stroke s = new Stroke(ps); //************************************* //箭的头部只旋转和移动,不缩放 if (relativeGraphic.Strokes.Count == 2)//笔迹数为2时 { relativeGraphic.Strokes[1].Transform(m1, false); s.Transform(m1, false); m3.Translate(nowX2 - s.StylusPoints[0].X, nowY2 - s.StylusPoints[0].Y); relativeGraphic.Strokes[1].Transform(m3, false); } else if (relativeGraphic.Strokes.Count == 3)//笔迹数为3时 { relativeGraphic.Strokes[1].Transform(m1, false); relativeGraphic.Strokes[2].Transform(m1, false); s.Transform(m1, false); m3.Translate(nowX2 - s.StylusPoints[0].X, nowY2 - s.StylusPoints[0].Y); relativeGraphic.Strokes[1].Transform(m3, false); relativeGraphic.Strokes[2].Transform(m3, false); } } } }
private void drawWithMovePoint(Point point) { DoodleModel model = (DoodleModel)doodleModels[doodleModels.Count - 1]; model.points.Add(new DoodlePoint(getLogicPoint(point))); switch (model.drawType) { case DoodleEnumType.eraser: { if (doodleCanvas is InkCanvas) { double eraserWidth = getEraserWidth(); eraserPointList.Add(point); if (eraserPointList.Count > 5) { eraserPointList.RemoveAt(0); } doodleCanvas.Strokes.Erase(eraserPointList, new RectangleStylusShape(eraserWidth, eraserWidth)); } } break; case DoodleEnumType.draw: { if (doodleCanvas is InkCanvas) { List <Point> pointList = new List <Point>(); pointList.Add(point); Stroke s = stroke; s.StylusPoints.Add(new StylusPointCollection(pointList)); } else if (doodleCanvas is Canvas) { Path path = (Path)element; doodleCanvas.Children.Remove(path); PathFigure pathFigure = new PathFigure(); pathFigure.StartPoint = getLocalPoint(model.points[0].GetPoint); List <Point> controls = new List <Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < model.points.Count; i++) { controls.AddRange(BezierControlPoints(model.points, i)); } for (int i = 1; i < model.points.Count; i++) { BezierSegment bs = new BezierSegment(controls[i * 2 - 1], controls[i * 2], getLocalPoint(model.points[i].GetPoint), true); bs.IsSmoothJoin = true; pathFigure.Segments.Add(bs); } PathFigureCollection pathFigureCollection = new PathFigureCollection(); pathFigureCollection.Add(pathFigure); PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(pathFigureCollection); path.Data = pathGeometry; doodleCanvas.Children.Add(path); } } break; case DoodleEnumType.rect: { Point startPoint = getLocalPoint(model.startPoint.GetPoint); Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)element; rect.Margin = new Thickness(getSmallX(startPoint, point), getSmallY(startPoint, point), 0, 0); rect.Width = Math.Abs(startPoint.X - point.X); rect.Height = Math.Abs(startPoint.Y - point.Y); } break; case DoodleEnumType.line: { Point startPoint = getLocalPoint(model.startPoint.GetPoint); Line line = (Line)element; line.X1 = startPoint.X; line.Y1 = startPoint.Y; line.X2 = point.X; line.Y2 = point.Y; } break; case { Point startPoint = getLocalPoint(model.startPoint.GetPoint); Ellipse circle = (Ellipse)element; circle.Margin = new Thickness(getSmallX(startPoint, point), getSmallY(startPoint, point), 0, 0); circle.Width = Math.Abs(startPoint.X - point.X); circle.Height = Math.Abs(startPoint.Y - point.Y); } break; case DoodleEnumType.arrow: { Point startPoint = getLocalPoint(model.startPoint.GetPoint); Arrow arrow = (Arrow)element; arrow.X1 = startPoint.X; arrow.Y1 = startPoint.Y; arrow.X2 = point.X; arrow.Y2 = point.Y; } break; case DoodleEnumType.cube: { Point startPoint = getLocalPoint(model.startPoint.GetPoint); DoodleCube cone = (DoodleCube)element; cone.SetPoints(startPoint, point); } break; case DoodleEnumType.cylinder: { Point startPoint = getLocalPoint(model.startPoint.GetPoint); DoodleCylinder cone = (DoodleCylinder)element; cone.SetPoints(startPoint, point); } break; case DoodleEnumType.cone: { Point startPoint = getLocalPoint(model.startPoint.GetPoint); DoodleCone cone = (DoodleCone)element; cone.SetPoints(startPoint, point); } break; default: break; } }
//動作を進める private void goButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { //MessageBox.Show(counter + "操作目 : " + learningLogs[counter].GetStrokeId() + "本目を" + learningLogs[counter].GetBehavior() + "する"); //一次元目がallなら全消去なのですべて消去する if (learningLogs[counter].GetStrokeId().Equals("all")) { inkCanvas1.Strokes.Clear(); } //二次元目がdrawのとき else if (learningLogs[counter].GetBehavior().Equals("draw")) { //ターゲットとなるストロークのidを取ってくる int x = Int16.Parse(learningLogs[counter].GetStrokeId()); //strokeLiesの中から該当するidのストロークを探す StrokeLine sl = strokeLines[x]; //再描画 //線の色、幅を取得 DrawingAttributes DA = new DrawingAttributes(); DA.Color = sl.GetColor(); DA.Width = sl.GetWidth(); DA.Height = sl.GetWidth(); inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = DA; //点の情報を集める StylusPointCollection spc = new StylusPointCollection(); for (int j = 0; j < sl.GetPoints().Count; j++) { spc.Add(new StylusPoint(sl.GetPoints()[j].X, sl.GetPoints()[j].Y)); } Stroke stroke = new Stroke(spc, DA); inkCanvas1.Strokes.Add(stroke); } //二次元目がeraseのとき else if (learningLogs[counter].GetBehavior().Equals("erase")) { //ターゲットとなるストロークのidを取ってくる int x = Int16.Parse(learningLogs[counter].GetStrokeId()); //strokeLiesの中から該当するidのストロークを探す StrokeLine sl; for (int i = 0; i < strokeLines.Count; i++) { if (strokeLines[i].GetId() == x) { sl = strokeLines[x]; break; } } //いったん全部消し、当該idまで、再描画する inkCanvas1.Strokes.Clear(); drawAll(x); } counter++; } catch { MessageBox.Show("最後の動作です。"); } }
public Task StrokeAsync(string subscriberId, Stroke stroke) { return(_broadcastService.BroadcastAsync(subscriberId, stroke)); }
public static void SquaredSmoothCircleBrush(Stroke stroke0, int mapSize, float[,] map) { SquaredCircleBrush(stroke0, mapSize, map, (stroke1, currentValue) => currentValue + Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, stroke1.CurrentPixel.GetNormalizedDistanceToCenter())); }
/// <inheritdoc cref="ChartElement{TDrawingContext}.Measure(Chart{TDrawingContext})"/> public override void Measure(Chart <TDrawingContext> chart) { var cartesianChart = (CartesianChart <TDrawingContext>)chart; var primaryAxis = cartesianChart.YAxes[ScalesYAt]; var secondaryAxis = cartesianChart.XAxes[ScalesXAt]; var drawLocation = cartesianChart.DrawMarginLocation; var drawMarginSize = cartesianChart.DrawMarginSize; var secondaryScale = new Scaler(drawLocation, drawMarginSize, primaryAxis); var previousSecondaryScale = primaryAxis.PreviousDataBounds is null ? null : new Scaler(drawLocation, drawMarginSize, primaryAxis); var primaryScale = new Scaler(drawLocation, drawMarginSize, secondaryAxis); var uw = secondaryScale.MeasureInPixels(secondaryAxis.UnitWidth); //secondaryScale.ToPixels(1f) - secondaryScale.ToPixels(0f); var uwm = 0.5f * uw; var sw = Stroke?.StrokeThickness ?? 0; var p = primaryScale.ToPixels(pivot); var pos = cartesianChart.SeriesContext.GetStackedColumnPostion(this); var count = cartesianChart.SeriesContext.GetStackedColumnSeriesCount(); var cp = 0f; if (count > 1) { uw /= count; uwm = 0.5f * uw; cp = (pos - count / 2f) * uw + uwm; } if (uw > MaxBarWidth) { uw = (float)MaxBarWidth; uwm = uw / 2f; } var actualZIndex = ZIndex == 0 ? ((ISeries)this).SeriesId : ZIndex; if (Fill is not null) { Fill.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.1; Fill.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, new RectangleF(drawLocation, drawMarginSize)); cartesianChart.Canvas.AddDrawableTask(Fill); } if (Stroke is not null) { Stroke.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.2; Stroke.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, new RectangleF(drawLocation, drawMarginSize)); cartesianChart.Canvas.AddDrawableTask(Stroke); } if (DataLabelsPaint is not null) { DataLabelsPaint.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.3; DataLabelsPaint.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, new RectangleF(drawLocation, drawMarginSize)); cartesianChart.Canvas.AddDrawableTask(DataLabelsPaint); } var dls = (float)DataLabelsSize; var toDeletePoints = new HashSet <ChartPoint>(everFetched); var stacker = cartesianChart.SeriesContext.GetStackPosition(this, GetStackGroup()); if (stacker is null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Unexpected null stacker"); } var rx = (float)Rx; var ry = (float)Ry; foreach (var point in Fetch(cartesianChart)) { var visual = point.Context.Visual as TVisual; var secondary = secondaryScale.ToPixels(point.SecondaryValue); if (point.IsNull) { if (visual is not null) { visual.X = p; visual.Y = secondary - uwm + cp; visual.Width = 0; visual.Height = uw; visual.RemoveOnCompleted = true; point.Context.Visual = null; } continue; } if (visual is null) { var yi = secondary - uwm + cp; if (previousSecondaryScale is not null) { yi = previousSecondaryScale.ToPixels(point.SecondaryValue) - uwm + cp; } var r = new TVisual { X = p, Y = yi, Width = 0, Height = uw, Rx = rx, Ry = ry }; visual = r; point.Context.Visual = visual; OnPointCreated(point); r.CompleteAllTransitions(); _ = everFetched.Add(point); } if (Fill is not null) { Fill.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, visual); } if (Stroke is not null) { Stroke.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, visual); } var sizedGeometry = visual; var sy = stacker.GetStack(point); var primaryI = primaryScale.ToPixels(sy.Start); var primaryJ = primaryScale.ToPixels(sy.End); var y = secondary - uwm + cp; sizedGeometry.X = primaryJ; sizedGeometry.Y = y; sizedGeometry.Width = primaryI - primaryJ; sizedGeometry.Height = uw; sizedGeometry.Rx = rx; sizedGeometry.Ry = ry; sizedGeometry.RemoveOnCompleted = false; point.Context.HoverArea = new RectangleHoverArea().SetDimensions(secondary - uwm + cp, primaryJ, uw, primaryI - primaryJ); OnPointMeasured(point); _ = toDeletePoints.Remove(point); if (DataLabelsPaint is not null) { var label = (TLabel?)point.Context.Label; if (label is null) { var l = new TLabel { X = secondary - uwm + cp, Y = p }; _ = l.TransitionateProperties(nameof(l.X), nameof(l.Y)) .WithAnimation(animation => animation .WithDuration(AnimationsSpeed ?? cartesianChart.AnimationsSpeed) .WithEasingFunction(EasingFunction ?? cartesianChart.EasingFunction)); l.CompleteAllTransitions(); label = l; point.Context.Label = label; } DataLabelsPaint.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, label); label.Text = DataLabelsFormatter(new TypedChartPoint <TModel, TVisual, TLabel, TDrawingContext>(point)); label.TextSize = dls; label.Padding = DataLabelsPadding; var labelPosition = GetLabelPosition( primaryJ, y, primaryI - primaryJ, uw, label.Measure(DataLabelsPaint), DataLabelsPosition, SeriesProperties, point.PrimaryValue > Pivot); label.X = labelPosition.X; label.Y = labelPosition.Y; } } foreach (var point in toDeletePoints) { if (point.Context.Chart != cartesianChart.View) { continue; } SoftDeletePoint(point, primaryScale, secondaryScale); _ = everFetched.Remove(point); } }
public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D) { GammaLookUpTable gamma = new GammaLookUpTable(m_gamma.Value); IRecieveBlenderByte NormalBlender = new BlenderBGRA(); IRecieveBlenderByte GammaBlender = new BlenderGammaBGRA(gamma); ImageBuffer rasterNormal = new ImageBuffer(NewGraphics2D().DestImage, NormalBlender); ImageBuffer rasterGamma = new ImageBuffer(NewGraphics2D().DestImage, GammaBlender); ImageClippingProxy clippingProxyNormal = new ImageClippingProxy(rasterNormal); ImageClippingProxy clippingProxyGamma = new ImageClippingProxy(rasterGamma); clippingProxyNormal.clear(new ColorF(0, 0, 0)); ScanlineRasterizer ras = new ScanlineRasterizer(); ScanlineCachePacked8 sl = new ScanlineCachePacked8(); VertexSource.Ellipse e = new VertexSource.Ellipse(); // TODO: If you drag the control circles below the bottom of the window we get an exception. This does not happen in AGG. // It needs to be debugged. Turning on clipping fixes it. But standard agg works without clipping. Could be a bigger problem than this. //ras.clip_box(0, 0, width(), height()); // Render two "control" circles e.init(m_x[0], m_y[0], 3, 3, 16); ras.add_path(e); ScanlineRenderer scanlineRenderer = new ScanlineRenderer(); scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxyNormal, ras, sl, new Color(127, 127, 127)); e.init(m_x[1], m_y[1], 3, 3, 16); ras.add_path(e); scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxyNormal, ras, sl, new Color(127, 127, 127)); // Creating a rounded rectangle VertexSource.RoundedRect r = new VertexSource.RoundedRect(m_x[0], m_y[0], m_x[1], m_y[1], 10); r.normalize_radius(); // Drawing as an outline Stroke p = new Stroke(r); p.Width = 1.0; ras.add_path(p); //Renderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxyGamma, ras, sl, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0)); scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxyGamma, ras, sl, new Color(255, 1, 1)); /* * int i; * * // radial line test * //------------------------- * dashed_line<rasterizer_type, * renderer_scanline_type, * scanline_type> dash(ras, ren_sl, sl); * * double cx = width() / 2.0; * double cy = height() / 2.0; * * ren_sl.color(agg::rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2)); * for(i = 180; i > 0; i--) * { * double n = 2.0 * agg::pi * i / 180.0; * dash.draw(cx + min(cx, cy) * sin(n), cy + min(cx, cy) * cos(n), * cx, cy, * 1.0, (i < 90) ? i : 0.0); * } * * typedef agg::gradient_x gradient_func_type; * typedef agg::span_interpolator_linear<> interpolator_type; * typedef agg::span_allocator<color_type> span_allocator_type; * typedef agg::pod_auto_array<color_type, 256> color_array_type; * typedef agg::span_gradient<color_type, * interpolator_type, * gradient_func_type, * color_array_type> span_gradient_type; * * typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa<renderer_base_type, * span_allocator_type, * span_gradient_type> renderer_gradient_type; * * gradient_func_type gradient_func; // The gradient function * agg::trans_affine gradient_mtx; // Affine transformer * interpolator_type span_interpolator(gradient_mtx); // Span interpolator * span_allocator_type span_allocator; // Span Allocator * color_array_type gradient_colors; // The gradient colors * span_gradient_type span_gradient(span_interpolator, * gradient_func, * gradient_colors, * 0, 100); * * renderer_gradient_type ren_gradient(ren_base, span_allocator, span_gradient); * * dashed_line<rasterizer_type, * renderer_gradient_type, * scanline_type> dash_gradient(ras, ren_gradient, sl); * * double x1, y1, x2, y2; * * for(i = 1; i <= 20; i++) * { * ren_sl.color(agg::rgba(1,1,1)); * * // integral point sizes 1..20 * //---------------- * agg::ellipse ell; * * ell.init(20 + i * (i + 1) + 0.5, * 20.5, * i / 2.0, * i / 2.0, * 8 + i); * ras.reset(); * ras.add_path(ell); * agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ren_sl); * * // fractional point sizes 0..2 * //---------------- * ell.init(18 + i * 4 + 0.5, 33 + 0.5, * i/20.0, i/20.0, * 8); * ras.reset(); * ras.add_path(ell); * agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ren_sl); * * // fractional point positioning * //--------------- * ell.init(18 + i * 4 + (i-1) / 10.0 + 0.5, * 27 + (i - 1) / 10.0 + 0.5, * 0.5, 0.5, 8); * ras.reset(); * ras.add_path(ell); * agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ren_sl); * * // integral line widths 1..20 * //---------------- * fill_color_array(gradient_colors, * agg::rgba(1,1,1), * agg::rgba(i % 2, (i % 3) * 0.5, (i % 5) * 0.25)); * * x1 = 20 + i* (i + 1); * y1 = 40.5; * x2 = 20 + i * (i + 1) + (i - 1) * 4; * y2 = 100.5; * calc_linear_gradient_transform(x1, y1, x2, y2, gradient_mtx); * dash_gradient.draw(x1, y1, x2, y2, i, 0); * * fill_color_array(gradient_colors, * agg::rgba(1,0,0), * agg::rgba(0,0,1)); * * // fractional line lengths H (red/blue) * //---------------- * x1 = 17.5 + i * 4; * y1 = 107; * x2 = 17.5 + i * 4 + i/6.66666667; * y2 = 107; * calc_linear_gradient_transform(x1, y1, x2, y2, gradient_mtx); * dash_gradient.draw(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1.0, 0); * * // fractional line lengths V (red/blue) * //--------------- * x1 = 18 + i * 4; * y1 = 112.5; * x2 = 18 + i * 4; * y2 = 112.5 + i / 6.66666667; * calc_linear_gradient_transform(x1, y1, x2, y2, gradient_mtx); * dash_gradient.draw(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1.0, 0); * * // fractional line positioning (red) * //--------------- * fill_color_array(gradient_colors, * agg::rgba(1,0,0), * agg::rgba(1,1,1)); * x1 = 21.5; * y1 = 120 + (i - 1) * 3.1; * x2 = 52.5; * y2 = 120 + (i - 1) * 3.1; * calc_linear_gradient_transform(x1, y1, x2, y2, gradient_mtx); * dash_gradient.draw(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1.0, 0); * * // fractional line width 2..0 (green) * fill_color_array(gradient_colors, * agg::rgba(0,1,0), * agg::rgba(1,1,1)); * x1 = 52.5; * y1 = 118 + i * 3; * x2 = 83.5; * y2 = 118 + i * 3; * calc_linear_gradient_transform(x1, y1, x2, y2, gradient_mtx); * dash_gradient.draw(x1, y1, x2, y2, 2.0 - (i - 1) / 10.0, 0); * * // stippled fractional width 2..0 (blue) * fill_color_array(gradient_colors, * agg::rgba(0,0,1), * agg::rgba(1,1,1)); * x1 = 83.5; * y1 = 119 + i * 3; * x2 = 114.5; * y2 = 119 + i * 3; * calc_linear_gradient_transform(x1, y1, x2, y2, gradient_mtx); * dash_gradient.draw(x1, y1, x2, y2, 2.0 - (i - 1) / 10.0, 3.0); * * ren_sl.color(agg::rgba(1,1,1)); * if(i <= 10) * { * // integral line width, horz aligned (mipmap test) * //------------------- * dash.draw(125.5, 119.5 + (i + 2) * (i / 2.0), * 135.5, 119.5 + (i + 2) * (i / 2.0), * i, 0.0); * } * * // fractional line width 0..2, 1 px H * //----------------- * dash.draw(17.5 + i * 4, 192, 18.5 + i * 4, 192, i / 10.0, 0); * * // fractional line positioning, 1 px H * //----------------- * dash.draw(17.5 + i * 4 + (i - 1) / 10.0, 186, * 18.5 + i * 4 + (i - 1) / 10.0, 186, * 1.0, 0); * } * * // Triangles * //--------------- * for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++) * { * fill_color_array(gradient_colors, * agg::rgba(1,1,1), * agg::rgba(i % 2, (i % 3) * 0.5, (i % 5) * 0.25)); * calc_linear_gradient_transform(width() - 150, * height() - 20 - i * (i + 1.5), * width() - 20, * height() - 20 - i * (i + 1), * gradient_mtx); * ras.reset(); * ras.move_to_d(width() - 150, height() - 20 - i * (i + 1.5)); * ras.line_to_d(width() - 20, height() - 20 - i * (i + 1)); * ras.line_to_d(width() - 20, height() - 20 - i * (i + 2)); * agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ren_gradient); * } */ base.OnDraw(graphics2D); }
public void preventDrawing(Stroke stroke) { this.Traits.Remove(stroke); }
/// <summary> /// Adds Stroke to the current State of the Session /// Represented by the CurrentParticipantID and CurrentPage Object /// </summary> public void AddStrokeToParticipantPage(Stroke stroke) { CurrentPage.Strokes.Add(stroke); }
private void CreateCircularBedGridImage(int linesInX, int linesInY) { Vector2 bedImageCentimeters = new Vector2(linesInX, linesInY); BedImage = new ImageBuffer(1024, 1024, 32, new BlenderBGRA()); Graphics2D graphics2D = BedImage.NewGraphics2D(); graphics2D.Clear(bedBaseColor); #if true { double lineDist = BedImage.Width / (double)linesInX; int count = 1; int pointSize = 16; graphics2D.DrawString(count.ToString(), 4, 4, pointSize, color: bedMarkingsColor); double currentRadius = lineDist; Vector2 bedCenter = new Vector2(BedImage.Width / 2, BedImage.Height / 2); for (double linePos = lineDist + BedImage.Width / 2; linePos < BedImage.Width; linePos += lineDist) { int linePosInt = (int)linePos; graphics2D.DrawString(count.ToString(), linePos + 2, BedImage.Height / 2, pointSize, color: bedMarkingsColor); Ellipse circle = new Ellipse(bedCenter, currentRadius); Stroke outline = new Stroke(circle); graphics2D.Render(outline, bedMarkingsColor); currentRadius += lineDist; count++; } graphics2D.Line(0, BedImage.Height / 2, BedImage.Width, BedImage.Height / 2, bedMarkingsColor); graphics2D.Line(BedImage.Width / 2, 0, BedImage.Width / 2, BedImage.Height, bedMarkingsColor); } #else { double lineDist = bedCentimeterGridImage.Width / (double)linesInX; int count = 1; int pointSize = 20; graphics2D.DrawString(count.ToString(), 0, 0, pointSize); for (double linePos = lineDist; linePos < bedCentimeterGridImage.Width; linePos += lineDist) { count++; int linePosInt = (int)linePos; graphics2D.Line(linePosInt, 0, linePosInt, bedCentimeterGridImage.Height, RGBA_Bytes.Black); graphics2D.DrawString(count.ToString(), linePos, 0, pointSize); } } { double lineDist = bedCentimeterGridImage.Height / (double)linesInY; int count = 1; int pointSize = 20; for (double linePos = lineDist; linePos < bedCentimeterGridImage.Height; linePos += lineDist) { count++; int linePosInt = (int)linePos; graphics2D.Line(0, linePosInt, bedCentimeterGridImage.Height, linePosInt, RGBA_Bytes.Black); graphics2D.DrawString(count.ToString(), 0, linePos, pointSize); } } #endif }
GestureStroke NormalizeStroke(Stroke stroke, GestureNormalizeSettings settings) { return(GestureRecognizer.IsDot(stroke, targetNormalizationPointCount) ? HandleDotStroke(stroke, settings) : HandleRegularStroke(stroke, settings)); }
public void OnLastSegment(Stroke stroke) { strokes.Add(stroke); }
public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D) { ImageBuffer widgetsSubImage = ImageBuffer.NewSubImageReference(graphics2D.DestImage, graphics2D.GetClippingRect()); if (!didInit) { didInit = true; OnInitialize(); } if (m_gamma.Value != m_old_gamma) { m_gamma_lut.SetGamma(m_gamma.Value); ImageIO.LoadImageData("spheres.bmp", m_SourceImage); //m_SourceImage.apply_gamma_dir(m_gamma_lut); m_old_gamma = m_gamma.Value; } ImageBuffer pixf = new ImageBuffer(); switch (widgetsSubImage.BitDepth) { case 24: pixf.Attach(widgetsSubImage, new BlenderBGR()); break; case 32: pixf.Attach(widgetsSubImage, new BlenderBGRA()); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } ImageClippingProxy clippingProxy = new ImageClippingProxy(pixf); clippingProxy.clear(new RGBA_Floats(1, 1, 1)); if (m_trans_type.SelectedIndex < 2) { // For the affine parallelogram transformations we // calculate the 4-th (implicit) point of the parallelogram m_quad.SetXN(3, m_quad.GetXN(0) + (m_quad.GetXN(2) - m_quad.GetXN(1))); m_quad.SetYN(3, m_quad.GetYN(0) + (m_quad.GetYN(2) - m_quad.GetYN(1))); } ScanlineRenderer scanlineRenderer = new ScanlineRenderer(); // draw a background to show how the alpha is working int RectWidth = 70; int xoffset = 50; int yoffset = 50; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { if ((i + j) % 2 != 0) { VertexSource.RoundedRect rect = new VertexSource.RoundedRect(i * RectWidth + xoffset, j * RectWidth + yoffset, (i + 1) * RectWidth + xoffset, (j + 1) * RectWidth + yoffset, 2); rect.normalize_radius(); g_rasterizer.add_path(rect); scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxy, g_rasterizer, g_scanline, new RGBA_Bytes(.2, .2, .2)); } } } //-------------------------- // Render the "quad" tool and controls g_rasterizer.add_path(m_quad); scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxy, g_rasterizer, g_scanline, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1)); // Prepare the polygon to rasterize. Here we need to fill // the destination (transformed) polygon. g_rasterizer.SetVectorClipBox(0, 0, Width, Height); g_rasterizer.reset(); int b = 0; g_rasterizer.move_to_d(m_quad.GetXN(0) - b, m_quad.GetYN(0) - b); g_rasterizer.line_to_d(m_quad.GetXN(1) + b, m_quad.GetYN(1) - b); g_rasterizer.line_to_d(m_quad.GetXN(2) + b, m_quad.GetYN(2) + b); g_rasterizer.line_to_d(m_quad.GetXN(3) - b, m_quad.GetYN(3) + b); //typedef agg::span_allocator<color_type> span_alloc_type; span_allocator sa = new span_allocator(); image_filter_bilinear filter_kernel = new image_filter_bilinear(); ImageFilterLookUpTable filter = new ImageFilterLookUpTable(filter_kernel, true); ImageBufferAccessorClamp source = new ImageBufferAccessorClamp(m_SourceImage); stopwatch.Restart(); switch (m_trans_type.SelectedIndex) { case 0: { /* * agg::trans_affine tr(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2); * * typedef agg::span_interpolator_linear<agg::trans_affine> interpolator_type; * interpolator_type interpolator(tr); * * typedef image_filter_2x2_type<source_type, * interpolator_type> span_gen_type; * span_gen_type sg(source, interpolator, filter); * agg::render_scanlines_aa(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, rb_pre, sa, sg); */ break; } case 1: { /* * agg::trans_affine tr(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2); * * typedef agg::span_interpolator_linear<agg::trans_affine> interpolator_type; * typedef image_resample_affine_type<source_type> span_gen_type; * * interpolator_type interpolator(tr); * span_gen_type sg(source, interpolator, filter); * sg.blur(m_blur.Value); * agg::render_scanlines_aa(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, rb_pre, sa, sg); */ break; } case 2: { /* * agg::trans_perspective tr(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2); * if(tr.is_valid()) * { * typedef agg::span_interpolator_linear_subdiv<agg::trans_perspective> interpolator_type; * interpolator_type interpolator(tr); * * typedef image_filter_2x2_type<source_type, * interpolator_type> span_gen_type; * span_gen_type sg(source, interpolator, filter); * agg::render_scanlines_aa(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, rb_pre, sa, sg); * } */ break; } case 3: { /* * agg::trans_perspective tr(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2); * if(tr.is_valid()) * { * typedef agg::span_interpolator_trans<agg::trans_perspective> interpolator_type; * interpolator_type interpolator(tr); * * typedef image_filter_2x2_type<source_type, * interpolator_type> span_gen_type; * span_gen_type sg(source, interpolator, filter); * agg::render_scanlines_aa(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, rb_pre, sa, sg); * } */ break; } case 4: { //typedef agg::span_interpolator_persp_lerp<> interpolator_type; //typedef agg::span_subdiv_adaptor<interpolator_type> subdiv_adaptor_type; span_interpolator_persp_lerp interpolator = new span_interpolator_persp_lerp(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2); span_subdiv_adaptor subdiv_adaptor = new span_subdiv_adaptor(interpolator); span_image_resample sg = null; if (interpolator.is_valid()) { switch (source.SourceImage.BitDepth) { case 24: sg = new span_image_resample_rgb(source, subdiv_adaptor, filter); break; case 32: sg = new span_image_resample_rgba(source, subdiv_adaptor, filter); break; } sg.blur(m_blur.Value); scanlineRenderer.GenerateAndRender(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, clippingProxy, sa, sg); } break; } case 5: { /* * typedef agg::span_interpolator_persp_exact<> interpolator_type; * typedef agg::span_subdiv_adaptor<interpolator_type> subdiv_adaptor_type; * * interpolator_type interpolator(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2); * subdiv_adaptor_type subdiv_adaptor(interpolator); * * if(interpolator.is_valid()) * { * typedef image_resample_type<source_type, * subdiv_adaptor_type> span_gen_type; * span_gen_type sg(source, subdiv_adaptor, filter); * sg.blur(m_blur.Value); * agg::render_scanlines_aa(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, rb_pre, sa, sg); * } */ break; } } double tm = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; //pixf.apply_gamma_inv(m_gamma_lut); gsv_text t = new gsv_text(); t.SetFontSize(10.0); Stroke pt = new Stroke(t); pt.width(1.5); string buf = string.Format("{0:F2} ms", tm); t.start_point(10.0, 70.0); t.text(buf); g_rasterizer.add_path(pt); scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxy, g_rasterizer, g_scanline, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0)); //-------------------------- //m_trans_type.Render(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, clippingProxy); //m_gamma.Render(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, clippingProxy); //m_blur.Render(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, clippingProxy); base.OnDraw(graphics2D); }
public static void CubicEaseInCircleBrush(Stroke stroke0, int mapSize, float[,] map) { CircleBrush(stroke0, mapSize, map, (stroke1, currentValue) => currentValue + EasingHelper.EaseInCubic(1, 0, stroke1.CurrentPixel.GetNormalizedDistanceToCenter(), 1)); }
/// <inheritdoc cref="ChartElement{TDrawingContext}.Measure(Chart{TDrawingContext})"/> public override void Measure(Chart <TDrawingContext> chart) { var cartesianChart = (CartesianChart <TDrawingContext>)chart; var primaryAxis = cartesianChart.YAxes[ScalesYAt]; var secondaryAxis = cartesianChart.XAxes[ScalesXAt]; var drawLocation = cartesianChart.DrawMarginLocation; var drawMarginSize = cartesianChart.DrawMarginSize; var secondaryScale = new Scaler(drawLocation, drawMarginSize, secondaryAxis); var primaryScale = new Scaler(drawLocation, drawMarginSize, primaryAxis); var previousPrimaryScale = primaryAxis.PreviousDataBounds is null ? null : new Scaler(drawLocation, drawMarginSize, primaryAxis, true); var previousSecondaryScale = secondaryAxis.PreviousDataBounds is null ? null : new Scaler(drawLocation, drawMarginSize, secondaryAxis, true); var helper = new MeasureHelper(secondaryScale, cartesianChart, this, secondaryAxis, primaryScale.ToPixels(pivot)); var pHelper = previousSecondaryScale == null || previousPrimaryScale == null ? null : new MeasureHelper( previousSecondaryScale, cartesianChart, this, secondaryAxis, previousPrimaryScale.ToPixels(pivot)); var actualZIndex = ZIndex == 0 ? ((ISeries)this).SeriesId : ZIndex; if (Fill is not null) { Fill.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.1; Fill.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, new LvcRectangle(drawLocation, drawMarginSize)); cartesianChart.Canvas.AddDrawableTask(Fill); } if (Stroke is not null) { Stroke.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.2; Stroke.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, new LvcRectangle(drawLocation, drawMarginSize)); cartesianChart.Canvas.AddDrawableTask(Stroke); } if (DataLabelsPaint is not null) { DataLabelsPaint.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.3; DataLabelsPaint.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, new LvcRectangle(drawLocation, drawMarginSize)); cartesianChart.Canvas.AddDrawableTask(DataLabelsPaint); } var dls = (float)DataLabelsSize; var toDeletePoints = new HashSet <ChartPoint>(everFetched); var rx = (float)Rx; var ry = (float)Ry; foreach (var point in Fetch(cartesianChart)) { var visual = point.Context.Visual as TVisual; var primary = primaryScale.ToPixels(point.PrimaryValue); var secondary = secondaryScale.ToPixels(point.SecondaryValue); var b = Math.Abs(primary - helper.p); if (point.IsNull) { if (visual is not null) { visual.X = secondary - helper.uwm + helper.cp; visual.Y = helper.p; visual.Width = helper.uw; visual.Height = 0; visual.RemoveOnCompleted = true; point.Context.Visual = null; } continue; } if (visual is null) { var xi = secondary - helper.uwm + helper.cp; var pi = helper.p; var uwi = helper.uw; var hi = 0f; if (previousSecondaryScale is not null && previousPrimaryScale is not null && pHelper is not null) { var previousPrimary = previousPrimaryScale.ToPixels(point.PrimaryValue); var bp = Math.Abs(previousPrimary - pHelper.p); var cyp = point.PrimaryValue > pivot ? previousPrimary : previousPrimary - bp; xi = previousSecondaryScale.ToPixels(point.SecondaryValue) - pHelper.uwm + pHelper.cp; pi = cartesianChart.IsZoomingOrPanning ? cyp : pHelper.p; uwi = pHelper.uw; hi = cartesianChart.IsZoomingOrPanning ? bp : 0; } var r = new TVisual { X = xi, Y = pi, Width = uwi, Height = hi }; if (_isRounded) { var rounded = (IRoundedRectangleChartPoint <TDrawingContext>)r; rounded.Rx = rx; rounded.Ry = ry; } visual = r; point.Context.Visual = visual; OnPointCreated(point); _ = everFetched.Add(point); } if (Fill is not null) { Fill.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, visual); } if (Stroke is not null) { Stroke.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, visual); } var cy = point.PrimaryValue > pivot ? primary : primary - b; var x = secondary - helper.uwm + helper.cp; visual.X = x; visual.Y = cy; visual.Width = helper.uw; visual.Height = b; if (_isRounded) { var rounded = (IRoundedRectangleChartPoint <TDrawingContext>)visual; rounded.Rx = rx; rounded.Ry = ry; } visual.RemoveOnCompleted = false; var ha = new RectangleHoverArea().SetDimensions(secondary - helper.uwm + helper.cp, cy, helper.uw, b); point.Context.HoverArea = ha; OnPointMeasured(point); _ = toDeletePoints.Remove(point); if (DataLabelsPaint is not null) { var label = (TLabel?)point.Context.Label; if (label is null) { var l = new TLabel { X = secondary - helper.uwm + helper.cp, Y = helper.p }; _ = l.TransitionateProperties(nameof(l.X), nameof(l.Y)) .WithAnimation(animation => animation .WithDuration(AnimationsSpeed ?? cartesianChart.AnimationsSpeed) .WithEasingFunction(EasingFunction ?? cartesianChart.EasingFunction)); l.CompleteAllTransitions(); label = l; point.Context.Label = l; } DataLabelsPaint.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, label); label.Text = DataLabelsFormatter(new TypedChartPoint <TModel, TVisual, TLabel, TDrawingContext>(point)); label.TextSize = dls; label.Padding = DataLabelsPadding; var labelPosition = GetLabelPosition( x, cy, helper.uw, b, label.Measure(DataLabelsPaint), DataLabelsPosition, SeriesProperties, point.PrimaryValue > Pivot); label.X = labelPosition.X; label.Y = labelPosition.Y; } } foreach (var point in toDeletePoints) { if (point.Context.Chart != cartesianChart.View) { continue; } SoftDeleteOrDisposePoint(point, primaryScale, secondaryScale); _ = everFetched.Remove(point); } }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Root.FormCollection is null) { return; // the initialisation is not yet completed. we wait for } Tick++; /* * if (Tick == 1) * TickStartTime = DateTime.Now; * else if (Tick % 60 == 0) * { * Console.WriteLine(60 / (DateTime.Now - TickStartTime).TotalMilliseconds * 1000); * TickStartTime = DateTime.Now; * } */ if (Root.UponAllDrawingUpdate) { ClearCanvus(); DrawStrokes(); DrawButtons(true); if (Root.Snapping > 0) { DrawSnapping(Root.SnappingRect); } UpdateFormDisplay(true); Root.UponAllDrawingUpdate = false; } else if (Root.UponTakingSnap) { if (Root.SnappingRect.Width == this.Width && Root.SnappingRect.Height == this.Height) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); } ClearCanvus(); DrawStrokes(); //DrawButtons(false); UpdateFormDisplay(true); if (Root.VideoRecordWindowInProgress) { Root.FormCollection.VideoRecordStartFFmpeg(Root.SnappingRect); Root.UponTakingSnap = false; return; } else { SnapShot(Root.SnappingRect); } Root.UponTakingSnap = false; if (Root.CloseOnSnap == "true") { Root.FormCollection.RetreatAndExit(); } else if (Root.CloseOnSnap == "blankonly") { if ((Root.FormCollection.IC.Ink.Strokes.Count == 0)) { Root.FormCollection.RetreatAndExit(); } } } else if (Root.Snapping == 2) { if (Root.MouseMovedUnderSnapshotDragging) { ClearCanvus(); DrawStrokes(); DrawButtons(false); DrawSnapping(Root.SnappingRect); UpdateFormDisplay(true); Root.MouseMovedUnderSnapshotDragging = false; } } else if (!(Root.FormCollection is null) && !(Root.FormCollection.IC is null) && Root.FormCollection.IC.CollectingInk && Root.EraserMode == false && Root.InkVisible) { // Drawing in progress : we get the last stroke in the list, if we have to draw because not deleted and not a shape in progress //we replace the rectangle containing the stroke by the saved one and if (Root.FormCollection.IC.Ink.Strokes.Count > 0) { Stroke stroke = Root.FormCollection.IC.Ink.Strokes[Root.FormCollection.IC.Ink.Strokes.Count - 1]; if ((!stroke.Deleted) && (Root.ToolSelected == Tools.Hand)) { BitBlt(OutcanvusDc, 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height, canvusDc, 0, 0, 0x00CC0020); Root.FormCollection.IC.Renderer.Draw(gOutCanvus, stroke, Root.FormCollection.IC.DefaultDrawingAttributes); } UpdateFormDisplay(true, Root.ToolSelected == Tools.Hand); } }