예제 #1
            public static void IsAssociationNameTest(string value, bool expectedResult)
                var result = StringValidator.IsAssociationName(value);

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, result);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// See http://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0221_3.0.0a.pdf
        /// A.14 Complex type value
        ///     complexValue      = ( INSTANCE / VALUE ) OF
        ///                         ( structureName / className / associationName )
        ///                         [ alias ] propertyValueList ";"
        ///     propertyValueList = "{" *propertySlot "}"
        ///     propertySlot      = propertyName "=" propertyValue ";"
        ///     propertyValue     = primitiveTypeValue / complexTypeValue / referenceTypeValue / enumTypeValue
        ///     alias             = AS aliasIdentifier
        ///     INSTANCE          = "instance" ; keyword: case insensitive
        ///     VALUE             = "value"    ; keyword: case insensitive
        ///     AS                = "as"       ; keyword: case insensitive
        ///     OF                = "of"       ; keyword: case insensitive
        ///     propertyName      = IDENTIFIER
        /// </remarks>
        internal new static ComplexValueAst Parse(ParserStream stream)
            // complexValue =
            var node = new ComplexValueAst();

            // ( INSTANCE / VALUE )
            var keyword = stream.ReadIdentifier();

            switch (keyword.GetNormalizedName())
            case Keywords.INSTANCE:
                node.IsInstance = true;
                node.IsValue    = false;

            case Keywords.VALUE:
                node.IsInstance = false;
                node.IsValue    = true;

                throw new UnexpectedTokenException(keyword);

            // OF

            // ( structureName / className / associationName )
            node.TypeName = stream.Read <IdentifierToken>().Name;
            if (!StringValidator.IsStructureName(node.TypeName) &&
                !StringValidator.IsClassName(node.TypeName) &&
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Identifer is not a structureName, className or associationName");

            // [ alias ]
            if (stream.PeekIdentifier(Keywords.AS))
                var aliasName = stream.Read <AliasIdentifierToken>().Name;
                if (!StringValidator.IsIdentifier(aliasName))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Value is not a valid aliasIdentifier");
                node.Alias = aliasName;

            // propertyValueList
            stream.Read <BlockOpenToken>();
            while (!stream.Eof && (stream.Peek <BlockCloseToken>() == null))
                // propertyName
                var propertyName = stream.Read <IdentifierToken>().Name;
                if (!StringValidator.IsIdentifier(propertyName))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Value is not a valid property name.");
                // "="
                stream.Read <EqualsOperatorToken>();
                // propertyValue
                var propertyValue = PropertyValueAst.Parse(stream);
                // ";"
                stream.Read <StatementEndToken>();
                node.Properties.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);

            // "}"
            stream.Read <BlockCloseToken>();

            // ";"
            stream.Read <StatementEndToken>();

            // return the result