예제 #1
        private void AddFieldNameToAxisTitle(Steema.TeeChart.Axis Axis, string FieldName)
            // Add the specified fieldname to the specified axis.
            Axis.Visible = true;
            if (Axis.Title.Text.Length > 0 && Axis.Title.Text[0] == '[' && FieldName != "")
                string   St         = Axis.Title.Text;
                string   Title      = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref St, '[', ']');
                string[] FieldNames = Title.Split(",".ToCharArray());

                if (FieldName != "seriesname")
                    bool Found = false;
                    foreach (string F in FieldNames)
                        if (F.Trim().ToLower() == FieldName.ToLower())
                            Found = true;
                    if (!Found)
                        if (Title != "")
                            Title = Title + ", ";
                        Title           = Title + FieldName;
                        Axis.Title.Text = "[" + Title + "]";
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// A function for reading the filenames in a patch and returning their revision number.
    /// </summary>
    public static string[] FilesInPatch(string PatchFileName, string RootDirectory)
        List <string> FileNames = new List <string>();

        StreamReader Patch = new StreamReader(PatchFileName);

        // Go looking for lines like:
        //    --- Tests/RunAllPlant2Tests.txt	(revision 1790)
        while (!Patch.EndOfStream)
            string Line = Patch.ReadLine();
            if (Line.Contains("--- "))
                Line = Line.Remove(0, 4);
                string   FileName       = Line;
                string   BracketedValue = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref FileName, '(', ')');
                string[] RevisionBits   = BracketedValue.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (RevisionBits.Length == 2)
                    FileName = Path.Combine(RootDirectory, FileName);
                    FileName = FileName.Replace("/", "\\");  // get rid of yucky unix slashes.
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Transfer a single parameter value (as specified by oldnode and oldpath) to a new
        /// node and path.
        /// </summary>
        private static void TransferParameter(XmlNode OldNode, string OldPath,
                                              XmlNode NewNode, string NewPath)
            string Value = XmlHelper.Value(OldNode, OldPath);

            StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Value, '(', ')');
            XmlHelper.SetValue(NewNode, NewPath, Value);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove comments and units from the specified string.
        /// </summary>
        private static string RemoveComment(string Value)
            int PosComment = Value.IndexOf('!');

            if (PosComment != -1)
                Value = Value.Remove(PosComment);

            StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Value, '(', ')');
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the specified words to the specified column types and return their values.
        /// </summary>
        private object[] ConvertWordsToObjects(StringCollection Words, Type[] ColumnTypes)
            object[] Values = new object[Words.Count];
            for (int w = 0; w != Words.Count; w++)
                    Words[w] = Words[w].Trim();
                    if (Words[w] == "?" || Words[w] == "*" || Words[w] == "")
                        Values[w] = DBNull.Value;

                    else if (ColumnTypes[w] == typeof(DateTime))
                        // Need to get a sanitised date e.g. d/M/yyyy
                        string DateFormat = Units[w].ToLower();
                        DateFormat = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref DateFormat, '(', ')');
                        DateFormat = DateFormat.Replace("mmm", "MMM");
                        DateFormat = DateFormat.Replace("mm", "m");
                        DateFormat = DateFormat.Replace("dd", "d");
                        DateFormat = DateFormat.Replace("m", "M");
                        if (DateFormat == "")
                            DateFormat = "d/M/yyyy";
                        DateTime Value = DateTime.ParseExact(Words[w], DateFormat, null);
                        Values[w] = Value;
                    else if (ColumnTypes[w] == typeof(System.Double))
                        double Value;
                        if (double.TryParse(Words[w], out Value))
                            Values[w] = Value;
                            Values[w] = DBNull.Value;
                        Values[w] = Words[w];
                catch (Exception)
                    Values[w] = DBNull.Value;
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 ///  Return the PH units from the specified row on the specified table.
 /// </summary>
 private static Analysis.PHUnitsEnum GetPHUnits(DataTable Table, int Row)
     if (Table.Columns.Contains("PHCode"))
         string Code  = GetStringValue(Table, Row, "PHCode");
         string Units = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Code, '(', ')');
         if (Units == "CaCl2")
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Return the OC units from the specified row on the specified table.
 /// </summary>
 private static SoilOrganicMatter.OCUnitsEnum GetOCUnits(DataTable Table, int Row)
     if (Table.Columns.Contains("OCCode"))
         string Code  = GetStringValue(Table, Row, "OCCode");
         string Units = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Code, '(', ')');
         if (Units == "Walkley Black %")
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a list of code values for the specified variable.
        /// </summary>
        private static string[] GetCodeValues(DataTable Table, string VariableName, int NumRows, int StartRow)
            if (!Table.Columns.Contains(VariableName))

            string[] Codes = DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Table, VariableName, NumRows, StartRow);
            for (int i = 0; i != Codes.Length; i++)
                StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Codes[i], '(', ')');
            Codes = APSIMChangeTool.CodeToMetaData(Codes);
            if (MathUtility.ValuesInArray(Codes))
예제 #9
    /// <summary>
    /// A utility function to return true if the simulation is currently between
    /// the specified start and end stages.
    /// </summary>
    public bool Between(String Start, String End)
        string StartFractionSt = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Start, '(', ')');
        double StartFraction   = 0;

        if (StartFractionSt != "")
            StartFraction = Convert.ToDouble(StartFractionSt);

        string EndFractionSt = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Start, '(', ')');
        double EndFraction   = 0;

        if (EndFractionSt != "")
            EndFraction = Convert.ToDouble(EndFractionSt);

        int StartPhaseIndex   = Phases.IndexOf(PhaseStartingWith(Start));
        int EndPhaseIndex     = Phases.IndexOf(PhaseEndingWith(End));
        int CurrentPhaseIndex = Phases.IndexOf(CurrentPhase);

        if (StartPhaseIndex == -1 || EndPhaseIndex == -1)
            throw new Exception("Cannot test between stages " + Start + " " + End);

        if (CurrentPhaseIndex == StartPhaseIndex)
            return(CurrentPhase.FractionComplete >= StartFraction);

        else if (CurrentPhaseIndex == EndPhaseIndex)
            return(CurrentPhase.FractionComplete <= EndPhaseIndex);

            return(CurrentPhaseIndex >= StartPhaseIndex && CurrentPhaseIndex <= EndPhaseIndex);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the total in the HeaderText property of the specified Column.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Col"></param>
        private void UpdateTotal(DataGridViewColumn Col)
            double Total = MathUtility.Sum(GridUtility.GetColumnAsDoubles(Grid, Col.Index));

            Grid.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = false;
            if (Col.HeaderText.Contains("PAWC\r\n"))
                int Pos = Col.HeaderText.IndexOf("\n");
                Col.HeaderText = Col.HeaderText.Substring(0, Pos + 1) + Total.ToString("f1");// +" mm";
                Col.HeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red;
            else if (Col.HeaderText.Contains("NO3\r\n") || Col.HeaderText.Contains("NH4\r\n"))
                string headerText = Col.HeaderText;
                string units      = "(" + StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref headerText, '(', ')') + ")";
                int    Pos        = Col.HeaderText.IndexOf("\n");
                Col.HeaderText = Col.HeaderText.Substring(0, Pos + 1) + (double.IsNaN(Total) ? string.Empty : Total.ToString("f1")) + " " + units;
                Col.HeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red;
예제 #11
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    /// <summary>
    /// Go through all child XML nodes for the node passed in and set
    /// the corresponding property values in the Obj instance passed in.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Obj"></param>
    /// <param name="Node"></param>
    /// <param name="HostComponent"></param>
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void PopulateParams(Instance Obj, XmlNode Node, ApsimComponent ParentComponent)
        // Look for an XmlNode param. If found then given it our current 'Node'.
        bool HavePassedXMLToObj = false;

        foreach (FactoryProperty Property in RegisteredProperties)
            if ((String.Compare(Property.TypeName, "XmlNode", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) && (Property.OutputName.Contains(Node.Name)))
                HavePassedXMLToObj = true;

        // Go through all child XML nodes for the node passed in and set
        // the corresponding property values in the Obj instance passed in.
        if (!HavePassedXMLToObj)
            foreach (XmlNode Child in Node.ChildNodes)
                if (Child.GetType() != typeof(XmlComment))
                    Type t = GetTypeOfChild(Child, Obj);
                    if ((t != null) && (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Instance)) || t.IsClass))
                        // Create a child instance - indirect recursion.
                        Instance ChildInstance = CreateInstance(Child, Child, Obj, ParentComponent);

                        FactoryProperty Parameter = FindProperty(Child);
                        if (XmlHelper.Name(Child).Contains("["))
                            String ArrayName = XmlHelper.Name(Child);
                            StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref ArrayName, '[', ']');
                            XmlHelper.SetName(Child, ArrayName);
                            Parameter = FindProperty(Child);
                            if (Parameter != null)
                                // Parameter must be an array link to child nodes e.g.
                                // [Link] LeafCohort[] InitialLeaves;

                        else if ((Parameter != null) && (Parameter.IsParam && !Parameter.TypeName.Contains("System::")))
                    else if (Child.Name == "Memo")
                        // Ignore memo fields.
                        FactoryProperty Parameter = FindProperty(Child);
                        if (Parameter != null)
                            Parameter.Name = XmlHelper.Name(Child);
예제 #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates any classes that are of type [Link] in the model
    /// </summary>
    public void Resolve()
        if (Field.Get == null)
            Object ReferencedObject = null;

            // Load in the probe info assembly.
            //ProbeInfo = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimDirectory(), "Model", "CSDotNetProxies.dll"));
            if (ProbeInfo == null)
                ProbeInfo = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimDirectory(), "Model", "DotNetProxies.dll"));

            String TypeToFind = Field.Typ.Name;
            String NameToFind;
            if (LinkAttr.NamePath == null)
                NameToFind = Field.Name;
                NameToFind = LinkAttr.NamePath;

            if (NameToFind == "My")
                ReferencedObject = new ModelFramework.Component(In);

            else if (IsAPSIMType(TypeToFind))
                if (LinkAttr.NamePath == null)
                    NameToFind = null; // default is not to use name.
                string SystemName = Comp.Name.Substring(0, Math.Max(Comp.Name.LastIndexOf('.'), 0));
                ReferencedObject = FindApsimObject(TypeToFind, NameToFind, SystemName, Comp);
            else if (TypeToFind.Contains("[]"))
                // e.g. TypeToFind == "LeafCohort[]"
                List <object> ReferencedObjects = new List <object>();
                foreach (Instance Child in In.Children)
                    string ChildNameWithoutArray = Child.Name;
                    StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref ChildNameWithoutArray, '[', ']');
                    if (ChildNameWithoutArray == NameToFind)
                Array A = Array.CreateInstance(Field.Typ.GetElementType(), ReferencedObjects.Count) as Array;
                for (int i = 0; i < ReferencedObjects.Count; i++)
                    A.SetValue(ReferencedObjects[i], i);
                ReferencedObject = A;
                // Link is an Instance link - use name and type to find the object.
                ReferencedObject = FindInstanceObject(In, NameToFind, TypeToFind);

            // Set the value of the [Link] field to the newly created object.
            if (ReferencedObject == null)
                if (!LinkAttr.IsOptional)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot find [Link] for type: " + TypeToFind + " " + NameToFind + " in object: " + In.Name);
            else if (ReferencedObject is Instance)
예제 #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Return the value (using Reflection) of the specified property on the specified object.
    /// Returns null if not found. Examples of Names that can be found.
    ///     Pod
    ///     Environment.MeanT
    ///     Organs[]
    ///     Organs[AboveGround].Live
    ///     Organs[AboveGround].Live.Wt
    ///     Leaf.Leaves[Leaf.CurrentRank].CoverAbove
    ///  Can return an Instance, an Entity or an object[] when an array specifier is present.
    /// </summary>
    public static object GetVariable(string NamePath, object RelativeTo)
        Component My = null;

        if (RelativeTo is Component)
            My = RelativeTo as Component;
            if ((My != null) && !NamePath.Contains("["))
                object v;
                My.GetObject(NamePath, out v);

        if (VarParts == null)
            VarParts = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

        string[] Bits;
        //cache the list of names that are parsed here
        List <String> Parts;

        if (VarParts.TryGetValue(NamePath, out Parts))
            Bits = Parts.ToArray();
            Bits = StringManip.SplitStringHonouringBrackets(NamePath, '.', '[', ']');
            VarParts.Add(NamePath, Bits.ToList());

        for (int i = 0; i < Bits.Length; i++)
            string ArraySpecifier = "";
            bool   ArrayFound     = Bits[i].Contains("[");
            if (ArrayFound)
                ArraySpecifier = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Bits[i], '[', ']');

            object MatchingChild;
            if (RelativeTo is Component)
                MatchingChild = (RelativeTo as Component).LinkByName(Bits[i]);      // Try for a model name first. e.g. Root
                if (MatchingChild == null)
                    (RelativeTo as Component).GetObject(Bits[i], out MatchingChild);      // may be a variable. e.g. Organs
                MatchingChild = Utility.GetValueOfFieldOrProperty(Bits[i], RelativeTo);

            if (MatchingChild == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find variable: " + NamePath);

            // Look for array spec
            if (ArrayFound)
                if (!(MatchingChild is IList))
                    throw new Exception("Cannot specify an array on a non array variable. Name: " + NamePath);
                IList Array = MatchingChild as IList;

                // First try and treat the ArraySpecifier as an integer index.
                // If that's not possible, then assume it is a reference to an integer variable
                // somewhere in the system.
                // If that's not possible then assume it is a type name e.g. AboveGround.
                int ArrayIndex;

                bool ok = int.TryParse(ArraySpecifier, out ArrayIndex);

                if (ArraySpecifier != "" && !ok && My != null)
                    object ArraySpec;
                    ok = My.GetObject(ArraySpecifier, out ArraySpec);      // Assume it is a simulation variable.
                    if (ok && (ArraySpec is Int32 || ArraySpec is Double))
                        ArrayIndex = Convert.ToInt32(ArraySpec);
                        ok = false;

                if (ok)
                    if (ArrayIndex < 0 || ArrayIndex >= Array.Count)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid index of " + ArrayIndex.ToString() + " found while indexing into variable: " + NamePath);
                    MatchingChild = Array[ArrayIndex];
                    // Must be a type name. Go collect an array of objects of that type.
                    List <object> ArrayOfType = new List <object>();

                    // Construct a name remainder.
                    string RestOfName = null;
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < Bits.Length; j++)
                        if (RestOfName != null)
                            RestOfName += ".";
                        RestOfName += Bits[j];

                    foreach (object o in Array)
                        if (ArraySpecifier == "" || Utility.IsOfType(o.GetType(), ArraySpecifier))
                            if (RestOfName == null)
                                object ChildObject = GetVariable(RestOfName, o);      // recursion
                                if (ChildObject != null)

            RelativeTo = MatchingChild;

        // If we get this far then we've found a match.
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// User has changed the units.
        /// </summary>
        private void UnitsMenuItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
            if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "Set total")
                string name  = e.ClickedItem.Tag as string;
                string units = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref name, '(', ')');
                int    colIndex;
                if (name == "NO3")
                    colIndex = 1;
                    colIndex = 2;
                double total          = MathUtility.Sum(GridUtility.GetColumnAsDoubles(Grid, colIndex));
                string newTotalString = InputDialog.InputBox("Enter total " + name + " (" + units + ")", name, total.ToString("f1"), false);
                if (newTotalString != total.ToString("f1"))
                    double newTotal = Convert.ToDouble(newTotalString);

                    // Make sure we have thickness values.
                    string[] gridThicknessStrings = GridUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Grid, 0);
                    double[] gridThickness        = Soil.ToThickness(gridThicknessStrings);
                    double   totalGridThickness   = MathUtility.Sum(gridThickness);
                    if (totalGridThickness == 0 || totalGridThickness == MathUtility.MissingValue || double.IsNaN(totalGridThickness))
                        gridThickness    = new double[1];
                        gridThickness[0] = MathUtility.Sum(Soil.Thickness);

                    double[] newValues;
                    Sample   sample = OurObject as Sample;
                    if (total == 0 || double.IsNaN(total))
                        // evenly distributed.
                        newValues = new double[gridThickness.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < newValues.Length; i++)
                            newValues[i] = newTotal / newValues.Length;
                        double scale = newTotal / total;
                        // Need to scale the values.
                        double[] values = GridUtility.GetColumnAsDoubles(Grid, colIndex);
                        newValues = MathUtility.Multiply_Value(values, scale);
                    sample.Thickness = gridThickness;
                    if (name == "NO3")
                        sample.NO3 = newValues;
                        sample.NH4 = newValues;

                object     Units            = e.ClickedItem.Tag;
                MethodInfo UnitChangeMethod = (sender as ContextMenuStrip).Tag as MethodInfo;
                if (UnitChangeMethod.GetParameters().Length == 1)
                    UnitChangeMethod.Invoke(OurObject, new object[] { Units });
                    UnitChangeMethod.Invoke(OurObject, new object[] { Units, Soil });
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract the units from the specifeid column number.
        /// </summary>
        private string UnitsFromColumn(int Col)
            string HeaderText = Grid.Columns[Col].HeaderText;

            return(StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref HeaderText, '(', ')'));
예제 #16
    private DataTable ProcessDepth(XmlNode Node)
        // -------------------------------------------------
        // The XmlNode is a GDDepth so go find a
        // nested source DataTable, add transpose the data
        // so that depth is a column and the depth variables
        // are also columns.
        // -------------------------------------------------
        DataTable Data = GoFindChildDataTable(Node);

        if (Data == null || Data.Columns.Count == 0)

        DataTable NewData = new DataTable();

        // copy profile fields from old datatable to new datatable and add new depth column.
        List <string> ProfileColumns = new List <string>();

        NewData.Columns.Add("Date", Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));
        NewData.Columns.Add("Depth", Type.GetType("System.Single"));
        int NumLayers = 0;

        foreach (DataColumn Col in Data.Columns)
            string ColumnName      = Col.ColumnName;
            string ArraySpecString = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref ColumnName, '(', ')');
            int    ArraySpec       = 0;
            if (ArraySpecString != "")
                ArraySpec = Convert.ToInt32(ArraySpecString);
            if (ArraySpec == 1)
                if (ColumnName.ToLower() != "dlayer")
                    NewData.Columns.Add(ColumnName, Type.GetType("System.Single"));
            NumLayers = Math.Max(NumLayers, ArraySpec);
        NewData.Columns.Add("Title", Type.GetType("System.String"));

        // Get a list of dates that we are to filter on.
        List <string> DateStrings = XmlHelper.Values(Node, "date");

        DateTime[] Dates = new DateTime[DateStrings.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < DateStrings.Count; i++)
            Dates[i] = DateTime.ParseExact(DateStrings[i], "d/M/yyyy", null);

        for (int Row = 0; Row < Data.Rows.Count; Row++)
            DateTime RowDate = DataTableUtility.GetDateFromRow(Data.Rows[Row]);
            if (Dates.Length == 0 || Array.IndexOf(Dates, RowDate) != -1)
                double DepthSoFar = 0;
                for (int Layer = 1; Layer <= NumLayers; Layer++)
                    double  PreviousDepth = DepthSoFar;
                    DataRow NewRow        = NewData.NewRow();
                    DepthSoFar     += Convert.ToDouble(Data.Rows[Row]["dlayer(" + Layer.ToString() + ")"]);
                    NewRow["Depth"] = (DepthSoFar + PreviousDepth) / 2;

                    for (int Col = 0; Col < ProfileColumns.Count; Col++)
                        string ProfileColumnName = ProfileColumns[Col] + "(" + Layer.ToString() + ")";
                        if (Data.Columns.Contains(ProfileColumnName))
                            NewRow[ProfileColumns[Col]] = Data.Rows[Row][ProfileColumnName];
                    NewRow["Date"]  = RowDate;
                    NewRow["Title"] = Data.Rows[Row]["Title"] + ", " + RowDate.ToShortDateString();
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Read in the APSIM header - headings/units and constants.
        /// </summary>
        private void ReadApsimHeader(StreamReaderRandomAccess In)
            StringCollection ConstantLines = new StringCollection();
            StringCollection HeadingLines  = new StringCollection();

            ReadApsimHeaderLines(In, ref ConstantLines, ref HeadingLines);

            bool TitleFound = false;

            foreach (string ConstantLine in ConstantLines)
                string Line    = ConstantLine;
                string Comment = StringManip.SplitOffAfterDelimiter(ref Line, "!");
                int PosEquals = Line.IndexOf('=');
                if (PosEquals != -1)
                    string Name = Line.Substring(0, PosEquals).Trim();
                    if (Name.ToLower() == "title")
                        TitleFound = true;
                        Name       = "Title";
                    string Value = Line.Substring(PosEquals + 1).Trim();
                    string Unit  = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Value, '(', ')');
                    _Constants.Add(new APSIMConstant(Name, Value, Unit, Comment));
            if (HeadingLines.Count >= 2)
                if (CSV)
                    HeadingLines[0] = HeadingLines[0].TrimEnd(',');
                    HeadingLines[1] = HeadingLines[1].TrimEnd(',');
                    Headings        = new StringCollection();
                    Units           = new StringCollection();
                    for (int i = 0; i < Headings.Count; i++)
                        Headings[i] = Headings[i].Trim();
                    for (int i = 0; i < Units.Count; i++)
                        Units[i] = Units[i].Trim();
                    Headings = StringManip.SplitStringHonouringQuotes(HeadingLines[0], " \t");
                    Units    = StringManip.SplitStringHonouringQuotes(HeadingLines[1], " \t");
                TitleFound = TitleFound || StringManip.IndexOfCaseInsensitive(Headings, "title") != -1;
                if (Headings.Count != Units.Count)
                    throw new Exception("The number of headings and units doesn't match in file: " + _FileName);
            if (!TitleFound)
                _Constants.Add(new APSIMConstant("Title", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_FileName), "", ""));
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Called whenever the user interface wants us to refresh ourselves.
        /// </summary>
        override public void OnRefresh()
            Properties.Visible = !Properties.IsEmpty;

            if (OurComponent.Type == "Sample")
                HelpText = "These values are used to initialise the simulation. Sample date is not used by APSIM.";
                HelpText = "";


            OurObject = null;
            if (OurComponent.Type == "Sample")
                OurObject = Soil.FindSample(OurComponent.Name);
            else if (OurComponent.Type.StartsWith("Swim"))
                PropertyInfo Property = Soil.Swim.GetType().GetProperty(OurComponent.Type);
                if (Property != null)
                    OurObject = Property.GetValue(Soil.Swim, null);
                PropertyInfo Property = Soil.GetType().GetProperty(OurComponent.Type);
                if (Property != null)
                    OurObject = Property.GetValue(Soil, null);
            if (OurObject == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find a soil object named: " + OurComponent.Type);


            Grid.RowCount = 30;

            foreach (DataGridViewColumn Col in Grid.Columns)
                Col.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;
            foreach (DataGridViewColumn Col in Grid.Columns)
                Col.Width += 10;
            if (OurComponent.Type == "Water" || OurComponent.Type == "SoilOrganicMatter")
                Graph.Populate(Soil, OurComponent.Type);
                // get a table from the grid and remove totals from no3 and nh4 columns.
                DataTable table = Grid.ToTable();
                if (OurObject is Sample && table.Columns.Count > 2)
                    string name  = table.Columns[1].ColumnName;
                    string units = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref name, '(', ')');
                    table.Columns[1].ColumnName = "NO3 (" + units + ")";

                    name  = table.Columns[2].ColumnName;
                    units = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref name, '(', ')');
                    table.Columns[2].ColumnName = "NH4 (" + units + ")";
                Graph.Populate(table, OurComponent.Type, Soil);
            Label.Visible = Label.Text != "";
예제 #19
        static private string CreateSoilXmlFromSpreadsheet(DataTable Table, ref int Row)
            // Create a new soil from the the specified table.
            // At end of this method, row will be pointing to the next
            // soil.
            string name = GetStringValue(Table, "Name", Row);

            if (name == "")
                throw new Exception("Cannot find a soil name");

            XmlDocument Doc      = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNode     SoilNode = Doc.CreateElement("Soil");

            XmlHelper.SetName(SoilNode, name);
            Soil NewSoil = new Soil(SoilNode);

            NewSoil.State             = GetStringValue(Table, "State", Row);
            NewSoil.Region            = GetStringValue(Table, "Region", Row);
            NewSoil.NearestTown       = GetStringValue(Table, "NearestTown", Row);
            NewSoil.Site              = GetStringValue(Table, "Site", Row);
            NewSoil.ApsoilNumber      = GetStringValue(Table, "APSoilNumber", Row);
            NewSoil.Classification    = GetStringValue(Table, "Classification", Row);
            NewSoil.Latitude          = MathUtility.Round(GetDoubleValue(Table, "Latitude(WGS84)", Row), 3);
            NewSoil.Longitude         = MathUtility.Round(GetDoubleValue(Table, "Longitude(WGS84)", Row), 3);
            NewSoil.LocationAccuracy  = GetStringValue(Table, "LocationAccuracy", Row);
            NewSoil.DataSource        = GetStringValue(Table, "DataSource", Row);
            NewSoil.Comment           = GetStringValue(Table, "Comments", Row);
            NewSoil.NaturalVegetation = GetStringValue(Table, "NaturalVegetation", Row);

            double SummerU = GetDoubleValue(Table, "SummerU", Row);

            if (SummerU != MathUtility.MissingValue)
                NewSoil.SetSummerWinterUCona(GetDoubleValue(Table, "SummerU", Row), GetDoubleValue(Table, "WinterU", Row),
                                             GetDoubleValue(Table, "SummerCona", Row), GetDoubleValue(Table, "WinterCona", Row),
                                             GetStringValue(Table, "SummerDate", Row), GetStringValue(Table, "WinterDate", Row));
                NewSoil.SetUCona(GetDoubleValue(Table, "U", Row), GetDoubleValue(Table, "Cona", Row));

            NewSoil.Salb        = GetDoubleValue(Table, "Salb", Row);
            NewSoil.DiffusConst = GetDoubleValue(Table, "DiffusConst", Row);
            NewSoil.DiffusSlope = GetDoubleValue(Table, "DiffusSlope", Row);
            NewSoil.CN2Bare     = GetDoubleValue(Table, "CN2Bare", Row);
            NewSoil.CNRed       = GetDoubleValue(Table, "CNRed", Row);
            NewSoil.CNCov       = GetDoubleValue(Table, "CNCov", Row);
            NewSoil.RootCN      = GetDoubleValue(Table, "RootCN", Row);
            NewSoil.RootWT      = GetDoubleValue(Table, "RootWT", Row);
            NewSoil.SoilCN      = GetDoubleValue(Table, "SoilCN", Row);
            NewSoil.EnrACoeff   = GetDoubleValue(Table, "EnrACoeff", Row);
            NewSoil.EnrBCoeff   = GetDoubleValue(Table, "EnrBCoeff", Row);

            // Work out how many layers we're dealing with.
            int NumLayers = 0;

            while (Row + NumLayers < Table.Rows.Count &&
                   name.ToLower() == Table.Rows[Row + NumLayers]["Name"].ToString().ToLower())

            // Store thickness.
            NewSoil.Thickness = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Thickness", NumLayers, Row, 0);

            // Store rest of soil layered variables.
            NewSoil.BD               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "bd", NumLayers, Row, 3);
            NewSoil.Rocks            = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Rocks", NumLayers, Row, 0);
            NewSoil.LL15             = GetDoubleValues(Table, "LL15", NumLayers, Row, 3);
            NewSoil.Airdry           = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Airdry", NumLayers, Row, 3);
            NewSoil.DUL              = GetDoubleValues(Table, "DUL", NumLayers, Row, 3);
            NewSoil.SAT              = GetDoubleValues(Table, "SAT", NumLayers, Row, 3);
            NewSoil.Texture          = GetStringValues(Table, "Texture", NumLayers, Row);
            NewSoil.SWCON            = GetDoubleValues(Table, "SWCON", NumLayers, Row, 2);
            NewSoil.MWCON            = GetDoubleValues(Table, "MWCON", NumLayers, Row, 2);
            NewSoil.FBIOM            = GetDoubleValues(Table, "FBIOM", NumLayers, Row, 2);
            NewSoil.FINERT           = GetDoubleValues(Table, "FINERT", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.KS               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "KS", NumLayers, Row, 2);
            NewSoil.OC               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "OC", NumLayers, Row, 2);
            NewSoil.EC               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "EC", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.PH               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "PH", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.CL               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "CL", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.Boron            = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Boron", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.CEC              = GetDoubleValues(Table, "CEC", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.Ca               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Ca", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.Mg               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Mg", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.Na               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Na", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.K                = GetDoubleValues(Table, "K", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.ESP              = GetDoubleValues(Table, "ESP", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.Mn               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Mn", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.Al               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Al", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.ParticleSizeSand = GetDoubleValues(Table, "ParticleSizeSand", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.ParticleSizeSilt = GetDoubleValues(Table, "ParticleSizeSilt", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            NewSoil.ParticleSizeClay = GetDoubleValues(Table, "ParticleSizeClay", NumLayers, Row, 1);
            //dph NewSoil.InitialNitrogen.NO3 = GetDoubleValues(Table, "NO3", NumLayers, Row, 3);
            //dph NewSoil.InitialNitrogen.NH4 = GetDoubleValues(Table, "NH4", NumLayers, Row, 3);

            // Now get a list of all crop names.
            StringCollection Crops = new StringCollection();

            for (int i = 0; i != Table.Columns.Count; i++)
                string ColumnName = Table.Columns[i].ColumnName;
                if (ColumnName.Length > 2 && ColumnName.Substring(0, 3).ToLower() == "ll(")
                    Crops.Add(StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref ColumnName, '(', ')'));

            // Now import all crop stuff.
            for (int i = 0; i != Crops.Count; i++)
                double[] ll = GetDoubleValues(Table, "LL(" + Crops[i] + ")", NumLayers, Row, 3);
                double[] kl = GetDoubleValues(Table, "KL(" + Crops[i] + ")", NumLayers, Row, 3);
                double[] xf = GetDoubleValues(Table, "XF(" + Crops[i] + ")", NumLayers, Row, 2);

                bool AllMissingValues = true;
                for (int j = 0; j != ll.Length && AllMissingValues; j++)
                    AllMissingValues = (AllMissingValues && ll[j] == MathUtility.MissingValue &&
                                        kl[j] == MathUtility.MissingValue && xf[j] == MathUtility.MissingValue);

                if (!AllMissingValues)
                    NewSoil.SetCrop(Crops[i], ll, kl, xf);

            Row += NumLayers;