public void StringCrypt_Basic_TripleDES() { string input = "test 123 %$#"; byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptTripleDES(input); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptTripleDES(output); Assert.AreEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should be as exected after decrypt."); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_RSA_KeySize() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; RSACryptInfo cryptInfo = new RSACryptInfo(1024); byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptRSA(input, cryptInfo); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptRSA(output, cryptInfo); Assert.AreEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should be as exected after decrypt."); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_TripleDES_NewAlg() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; TripleDES alg = TripleDES.Create("TripleDES"); byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptTripleDES(input, alg); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptTripleDES(output, alg); Assert.AreEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should be as exected after decrypt."); }
public static void SetLogin() { var Cookie = new HttpCookie( "U", StringCrypt.Encrypt(Convert.ToBase64String(StringCrypt.GetSHA1(HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent + HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress)), "eri01268") ); Cookie.HttpOnly = true; HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(Cookie); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_TripleDES_WrongAlg() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; TripleDES alg1 = TripleDES.Create("TripleDES"); TripleDES alg2 = TripleDES.Create("TripleDES"); byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptTripleDES(input, alg1); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptTripleDES(output, alg2); Assert.AreNotEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should not be decryptable."); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_RFC2898_Salt() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; RFC2898CryptInfo cryptInfo = new RFC2898CryptInfo(); cryptInfo.salt = "RandomSalt12634asdf"; byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptRfc2898(input, cryptInfo); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptRfc2898(output, cryptInfo); Assert.AreEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should be as exected after decrypt."); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_RFC2898_Password() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; RFC2898CryptInfo cryptInfo = new RFC2898CryptInfo(); cryptInfo.password = "******"; byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptRfc2898(input, cryptInfo); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptRfc2898(output, cryptInfo); Assert.AreEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should be as exected after decrypt."); }
public void StringCrypt_Converter() { string str = "LongString with @#$@# stuff in it!?."; byte[] input = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); string base64 = StringCrypt.ConvertByteArrayToBase64(input); byte[] output = StringCrypt.ConvertBase64ToByteArray(base64); Assert.AreEqual(input, output, "The converted back and forth should be identical"); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_RFC2898_VIKey() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; RFC2898CryptInfo cryptInfo = new RFC2898CryptInfo(); cryptInfo.VIKey = "abc12366FFTYYU^d"; byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptRfc2898(input, cryptInfo); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptRfc2898(output, cryptInfo); Assert.AreEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should be as exected after decrypt."); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_RSA_WrongPrivatKey() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; RSACryptInfo cryptInfo1 = new RSACryptInfo(512); RSACryptInfo cryptInfo2 = new RSACryptInfo(512); RSACryptInfo cryptInfoKey = new RSACryptInfo(512); cryptInfo2.privateKey = cryptInfoKey.privateKey; byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptRSA(input, cryptInfo1); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptRSA(output, cryptInfo2); Assert.AreNotEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should not be decryptable."); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_RSA_CustomKeys() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; RSACryptInfo cryptInfo = new RSACryptInfo(512); RSACryptInfo cryptInfoKey = new RSACryptInfo(512); cryptInfo.publicKey = cryptInfoKey.publicKey; cryptInfo.privateKey = cryptInfoKey.privateKey; byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptRSA(input, cryptInfo); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptRSA(output, cryptInfo); Assert.AreEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should be as exected after decrypt."); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_RFC2898_WrongVIKey() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; RFC2898CryptInfo cryptInfo1 = new RFC2898CryptInfo(); cryptInfo1.VIKey = "983GET$%I8876824"; RFC2898CryptInfo cryptInfo2 = new RFC2898CryptInfo(); cryptInfo2.VIKey = "Sdfert@$#G53df$#"; byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptRfc2898(input, cryptInfo1); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptRfc2898(output, cryptInfo2); Assert.AreNotEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should not be decryptable."); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_RFC2898_WrongSalt() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; RFC2898CryptInfo cryptInfo1 = new RFC2898CryptInfo(); cryptInfo1.salt = "salt1ABCD"; RFC2898CryptInfo cryptInfo2 = new RFC2898CryptInfo(); cryptInfo2.salt = "salt2ABCD"; byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptRfc2898(input, cryptInfo1); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptRfc2898(output, cryptInfo2); Assert.AreNotEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should not be decryptable."); }
public void StringCrypt_Specific_RFC2898_WrongPassword() { string input = "foobar and some special characters $%^&*()"; RFC2898CryptInfo cryptInfo1 = new RFC2898CryptInfo(); cryptInfo1.password = "******"; RFC2898CryptInfo cryptInfo2 = new RFC2898CryptInfo(); cryptInfo2.password = "******"; byte[] output = StringCrypt.EncryptRfc2898(input, cryptInfo1); string outputFinal = StringCrypt.DecryptRfc2898(output, cryptInfo2); Assert.AreNotEqual(input, outputFinal, "String output should not be decryptable."); }
public override string ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, string existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { var result = string.Empty; try { var val = StringCrypt.DecryptString((string)reader.Value, _cryptPass); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val) && val.StartsWith(_cryptCheck)) { result = val.Replace(_cryptCheck, string.Empty); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.O("Error decrypting string: {0}", e); } return(result); }
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, string value, JsonSerializer serializer) { writer.WriteValue(StringCrypt.EncryptString(_cryptCheck + value, _cryptPass)); }