public void UppercasePluginTest() { List <IPlugin> _plugins = (List <IPlugin>)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("plugins"); StringContext _stringContext = new StringContext("This is only Rock'n'roll"); _plugins[0].PerformAction(_stringContext); //Perform operation on data Assert.AreEqual("THIS IS ONLY ROCK'N'ROLL", _stringContext.Text); }
public void LowercasePluginTest() { List <IPlugin> _plugins = (List <IPlugin>)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("plugins"); StringContext _stringContext = new StringContext("ART OF FLYING"); _plugins[1].PerformAction(_stringContext); //Perform operation on data Assert.AreEqual("art of flying", _stringContext.Text); }
private void ExportMessageID(string outputDir) { StringContext context = new StringContext(); context.Add(CONTEXT_SPACE_KEY, exportData.messageConfig.Space); ExportMessageID(outputDir, exportData.messageConfig.C2SGroup, context); ExportMessageID(outputDir, exportData.messageConfig.S2CGroup, context); context.Clear(); }
public void Invoke(StringContext context) { var placeList = new List <string> { "广州" }; foreach (var item in placeList) { context.Content = context.Content.Replace(item, "***"); } }
public void Invoke(StringContext context) { var nameList = new List <string> { "小明" }; foreach (var item in nameList) { context.Content = context.Content.Replace(item, "***"); } context.IsFinish = true; }
public override object VisitString([NotNull] StringContext context) { if (context.SINGLE_STRING() != null) { _output.Append(context.SINGLE_STRING()); } else if (context.DOUBLE_STRING() != null) { _output.Append(context.DOUBLE_STRING()); } return(null); }
public override void ExitString([NotNull] StringContext context) { base.ExitString(context); Log("ExitString"); if (phase == Phase.Building) { symbolTableCreator.ExitString(context); } else { symbolTableTraverser.ExitString(context); semanticErrorChecker.ExitString(context); } }
public StringContext @string() { StringContext _localctx = new StringContext(Context, State); EnterRule(_localctx, 28, RULE_string); int _la; try { EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 137; Match(T_ASPAS); State = 139; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); do { { { State = 138; _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if (!((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << NUM) | (1L << LETTER) | (1L << WS))) != 0))) { ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } } } State = 141; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); } while ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << NUM) | (1L << LETTER) | (1L << WS))) != 0)); State = 143; Match(T_ASPAS); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { ExitRule(); } return(_localctx); }
private void ExportMessageID(string outputDir, MessageGroup group, StringContext context) { context.Add(CONTEXT_MESSAGE_GROUP_KEY, group); string outputFilePath = $"{outputDir}/{group.Name}_ID{GetExtension()}"; string outputContent = TemplateEngine.Execute(context, exportData.idTemplateContent, new string[] { typeof(MessageGroup).Assembly.Location }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputContent)) { File.WriteAllText(outputFilePath, outputContent); } context.Remove(CONTEXT_MESSAGE_GROUP_KEY); }
public string DoFilter(string str) { var context = new StringContext() { Content = str }; foreach (var item in _filters) { item.Invoke(context); if (context.IsFinish) { return(context.Content); } } return(context.Content); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string templateContent = @"using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; <% string spaceName = context.Get<string>(""spaceName""); string className = context.Get<string>(""className""); List<int> list = context.Get<List<int>>(""values""); %> <%+using System.Collections.Generic;%> namespace <%=spaceName%> { public class <%=className%> { public void Print() { int[] values = {<%foreach(var value in list){%><%=value%>,<%}%>}; foreach(var value in values) { Console.WriteLine(value); } } } } "; StringContext context = new StringContext(); context.Add("spaceName", "Com.Test"); context.Add("className", "TestClass"); context.Add("values", new List <int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }); string output = TemplateEngine.Execute(context, templateContent, null); File.WriteAllText("D:/t.cs", output); }
public StringContext @string() { StringContext _localctx = new StringContext(Context, State); EnterRule(_localctx, 26, RULE_string); try { EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 123; Match(String); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { ExitRule(); } return(_localctx); }
private void ExportMessageParser(string outputDir) { StringContext context = new StringContext(); context.Add(CONTEXT_SPACE_KEY, exportData.messageConfig.Space); if (exportData.platformType == OutputPlatformType.All || exportData.platformType == OutputPlatformType.Client) { context.Add(CONTEXT_PLATFORM_KEY, "Client"); ExportMessageParser(outputDir, exportData.messageConfig.C2SGroup, exportData.messageConfig.S2CGroup, context); context.Remove(CONTEXT_PLATFORM_KEY); } if (exportData.platformType == OutputPlatformType.All || exportData.platformType == OutputPlatformType.Server) { context.Add(CONTEXT_PLATFORM_KEY, "Server"); ExportMessageParser(outputDir, exportData.messageConfig.S2CGroup, exportData.messageConfig.C2SGroup, context); context.Remove(CONTEXT_PLATFORM_KEY); } context.Clear(); }
private ExpressionContext expression(int _p) { ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; int _parentState = State; ExpressionContext _localctx = new ExpressionContext(_ctx, _parentState); ExpressionContext _prevctx = _localctx; int _startState = 2; EnterRecursionRule(_localctx, 2, RULE_expression, _p); int _la; try { int _alt; EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 27; _errHandler.Sync(this); switch (_input.La(1)) { case SHIFT_RIGHT: case SHIFT_LEFT: { _localctx = new ShiftContext(_localctx); _ctx = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 10; ((ShiftContext)_localctx).op = _input.Lt(1); _la = _input.La(1); if (!(_la == SHIFT_RIGHT || _la == SHIFT_LEFT)) { ((ShiftContext)_localctx).op = _errHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { if (_input.La(1) == TokenConstants.Eof) { matchedEOF = true; } _errHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 11; Match(NUMBER); State = 12; expression(6); } break; case UPPER: case LOWER: { _localctx = new CaseContext(_localctx); _ctx = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 13; ((CaseContext)_localctx).op = _input.Lt(1); _la = _input.La(1); if (!(_la == UPPER || _la == LOWER)) { ((CaseContext)_localctx).op = _errHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { if (_input.La(1) == TokenConstants.Eof) { matchedEOF = true; } _errHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 14; expression(5); } break; case SUBSTRING: { _localctx = new SubstringContext(_localctx); _ctx = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 15; Match(SUBSTRING); State = 16; Match(NUMBER); State = 19; _errHandler.Sync(this); _la = _input.La(1); if (_la == COMMA) { { State = 17; Match(COMMA); State = 18; Match(NUMBER); } } State = 21; expression(4); } break; case OBRACKET: { _localctx = new BracketsContext(_localctx); _ctx = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 22; Match(OBRACKET); State = 23; expression(0); State = 24; Match(CBRACKET); } break; case STRING: { _localctx = new StringContext(_localctx); _ctx = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 26; Match(STRING); } break; default: throw new NoViableAltException(this); } _ctx.stop = _input.Lt(-1); State = 34; _errHandler.Sync(this); _alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(_input, 3, _ctx); while (_alt != 2 && _alt != global::Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ATN.InvalidAltNumber) { if (_alt == 1) { if (_parseListeners != null) { TriggerExitRuleEvent(); } _prevctx = _localctx; { { _localctx = new Con_diffContext(new ExpressionContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expression); State = 29; if (!(Precpred(_ctx, 3))) { throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(_ctx, 3)"); } State = 30; ((Con_diffContext)_localctx).op = _input.Lt(1); _la = _input.La(1); if (!(_la == CONCANTENATE || _la == DIFFERENCE)) { ((Con_diffContext)_localctx).op = _errHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { if (_input.La(1) == TokenConstants.Eof) { matchedEOF = true; } _errHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 31; expression(4); } } } State = 36; _errHandler.Sync(this); _alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(_input, 3, _ctx); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.ReportError(this, re); _errHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { UnrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); } return(_localctx); }
private ExprContext expr(int _p) { ParserRuleContext _parentctx = Context; int _parentState = State; ExprContext _localctx = new ExprContext(Context, _parentState); ExprContext _prevctx = _localctx; int _startState = 12; EnterRecursionRule(_localctx, 12, RULE_expr, _p); int _la; try { int _alt; EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 120; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); switch ( Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,6,Context) ) { case 1: { _localctx = new Call_methodContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 68; Match(ID); State = 69; Match(T__3); State = 70; args_call(); State = 71; Match(T__4); } break; case 2: { _localctx = new IfContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 73; Match(IF); State = 74; expr(0); State = 75; Match(THEN); State = 76; expr(0); State = 77; Match(ELSE); State = 78; expr(0); State = 79; Match(FI); } break; case 3: { _localctx = new WhileContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 81; Match(WHILE); State = 82; expr(0); State = 83; Match(LOOP); State = 84; expr(0); State = 85; Match(POOL); } break; case 4: { _localctx = new BodyContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 87; Match(T__1); State = 88; expr_list(); State = 89; Match(T__2); } break; case 5: { _localctx = new New_typeContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 91; Match(NEW); State = 92; Match(TYPE); } break; case 6: { _localctx = new IsvoidContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 93; Match(ISVOID); State = 94; expr(12); } break; case 7: { _localctx = new Unary_expContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 95; ((Unary_expContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__16 || _la==NOT) ) { ((Unary_expContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 96; expr(8); } break; case 8: { _localctx = new ParentesisContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 97; Match(T__3); State = 98; expr(0); State = 99; Match(T__4); } break; case 9: { _localctx = new IntContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 101; Match(INTEGER); } break; case 10: { _localctx = new BoolContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 102; ((BoolContext)_localctx).cons = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ( !(_la==TRUE || _la==FALSE) ) { ((BoolContext)_localctx).cons = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } } break; case 11: { _localctx = new StringContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 103; Match(STR); } break; case 12: { _localctx = new AssignContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 104; Match(ID); State = 105; Match(T__6); State = 106; expr(3); } break; case 13: { _localctx = new LetContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 107; Match(LET); State = 108; attr(); State = 113; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); while (_la==T__17) { { { State = 109; Match(T__17); State = 110; attr(); } } State = 115; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); } State = 116; Match(IN); State = 117; expr(2); } break; case 14: { _localctx = new IdContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 119; Match(ID); } break; } Context.Stop = TokenStream.LT(-1); State = 144; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,9,Context); while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=global::Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { if ( _alt==1 ) { if ( ParseListeners!=null ) TriggerExitRuleEvent(); _prevctx = _localctx; { State = 142; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); switch ( Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,8,Context) ) { case 1: { _localctx = new MultdivContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 122; if (!(Precpred(Context, 11))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 11)"); State = 123; ((MultdivContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__9 || _la==T__10) ) { ((MultdivContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 124; expr(12); } break; case 2: { _localctx = new SumarestaContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 125; if (!(Precpred(Context, 10))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 10)"); State = 126; ((SumarestaContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__11 || _la==T__12) ) { ((SumarestaContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 127; expr(11); } break; case 3: { _localctx = new CompContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 128; if (!(Precpred(Context, 9))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 9)"); State = 129; ((CompContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ( !((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << T__13) | (1L << T__14) | (1L << T__15))) != 0)) ) { ((CompContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 130; expr(10); } break; case 4: { _localctx = new DispatchContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 131; if (!(Precpred(Context, 18))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 18)"); State = 134; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if (_la==T__7) { { State = 132; Match(T__7); State = 133; Match(TYPE); } } State = 136; Match(T__8); State = 137; Match(ID); State = 138; Match(T__3); State = 139; args_call(); State = 140; Match(T__4); } break; } } } State = 146; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,9,Context); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { UnrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); } return _localctx; }
private ExprContext expr(int _p) { ParserRuleContext _parentctx = Context; int _parentState = State; ExprContext _localctx = new ExprContext(Context, _parentState); ExprContext _prevctx = _localctx; int _startState = 2; EnterRecursionRule(_localctx, 2, RULE_expr, _p); int _la; try { int _alt; EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 34; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); switch (Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream, 2, Context)) { case 1: { _localctx = new UnaryContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 9; ((UnaryContext)_localctx).sign = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if (!(_la == T__2 || _la == T__3)) { ((UnaryContext)_localctx).sign = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 10; expr(16); } break; case 2: { _localctx = new ParenthesisContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 11; Match(T__14); State = 12; expr(0); State = 13; Match(T__15); } break; case 3: { _localctx = new FunctionContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 15; ((FunctionContext)_localctx).name = Match(NAME); State = 16; Match(T__14); State = 25; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << T__2) | (1L << T__3) | (1L << T__14) | (1L << STRING) | (1L << CELLREF) | (1L << BOOLEAN) | (1L << NUMBER) | (1L << NAME) | (1L << ERROR))) != 0)) { { State = 17; expr(0); State = 22; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); while (_la == T__16) { { { State = 18; Match(T__16); State = 19; expr(0); } } State = 24; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); } } } State = 27; Match(T__15); } break; case 4: { _localctx = new StringContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 28; Match(STRING); } break; case 5: { _localctx = new CellRefContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 29; Match(CELLREF); } break; case 6: { _localctx = new BooleanContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 30; Match(BOOLEAN); } break; case 7: { _localctx = new NumberContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 31; Match(NUMBER); } break; case 8: { _localctx = new NameContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 32; Match(NAME); } break; case 9: { _localctx = new ErrorContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 33; Match(ERROR); } break; } Context.Stop = TokenStream.LT(-1); State = 61; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream, 4, Context); while (_alt != 2 && _alt != global::Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (_alt == 1) { if (ParseListeners != null) { TriggerExitRuleEvent(); } _prevctx = _localctx; { State = 59; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); switch (Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream, 3, Context)) { case 1: { _localctx = new RangeContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 36; if (!(Precpred(Context, 17))) { throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 17)"); } State = 37; Match(T__1); State = 38; expr(18); } break; case 2: { _localctx = new PowContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 39; if (!(Precpred(Context, 14))) { throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 14)"); } State = 40; Match(T__5); State = 41; expr(15); } break; case 3: { _localctx = new MulDivContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 42; if (!(Precpred(Context, 13))) { throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 13)"); } State = 43; ((MulDivContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if (!(_la == T__6 || _la == T__7)) { ((MulDivContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 44; expr(14); } break; case 4: { _localctx = new AddSubContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 45; if (!(Precpred(Context, 12))) { throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 12)"); } State = 46; ((AddSubContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if (!(_la == T__2 || _la == T__3)) { ((AddSubContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 47; expr(13); } break; case 5: { _localctx = new ConcatenateContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 48; if (!(Precpred(Context, 11))) { throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 11)"); } State = 49; Match(T__8); State = 50; expr(12); } break; case 6: { _localctx = new EqualityContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 51; if (!(Precpred(Context, 10))) { throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 10)"); } State = 52; ((EqualityContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if (!(_la == T__0 || _la == T__9)) { ((EqualityContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 53; expr(11); } break; case 7: { _localctx = new RelationalContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 54; if (!(Precpred(Context, 9))) { throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 9)"); } State = 55; ((RelationalContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if (!((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << T__10) | (1L << T__11) | (1L << T__12) | (1L << T__13))) != 0))) { ((RelationalContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 56; expr(10); } break; case 8: { _localctx = new PercentageContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 57; if (!(Precpred(Context, 15))) { throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 15)"); } State = 58; Match(T__4); } break; } } } State = 63; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream, 4, Context); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { UnrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); } return(_localctx); }
public override ASTN VisitString([NotNull] StringContext context) => new StringNode(context, context.GetText());
public override SymbolBase VisitString([NotNull] StringContext context) => new StringSymbol(context.GetText());
public AstLiteralString(StringContext context) : base(AstNodeKind.Literal) { Context = context; Value = Parse(context.STRING().GetText()); }
private void ExportMessageParser(string outputDir, MessageGroup encodeGroup, MessageGroup decodeGroup, StringContext context) { context.Add(CONTEXT_ENCODE_MESSAGE_GROUP_KEY, encodeGroup); context.Add(CONTEXT_DECODE_MESSAGE_GROUP_KEY, decodeGroup); string outputFilePath = $"{outputDir}/{context.Get<string>(CONTEXT_PLATFORM_KEY)}MessageParser{GetExtension()}"; string outputContent = TemplateEngine.Execute(context, exportData.parserTemplateContent, new string[] { typeof(MessageConfig).Assembly.Location }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputContent)) { File.WriteAllText(outputFilePath, outputContent); } context.Remove(CONTEXT_ENCODE_MESSAGE_GROUP_KEY); context.Remove(CONTEXT_DECODE_MESSAGE_GROUP_KEY); }
public override void EnterString([NotNull] StringContext context) { string value = context.STRING_LITERAL().GetText().Replace("\"", ""); this.Result.Insert(new ConstStringExpression(Result, context, value)); }
private HiddenData Create_HiddenData_from_string_context(StringContext context) { _expectedId = Reflection.GetPropertyName(() => context.Value).ToCamelCase(); _expectedName = _expectedId; _expectedValue = context.Value; return Hidden.For(context, x => x.Value.ToString(), x => x.Value); }
public override object VisitString([NotNull] StringContext context) => context.GetText().Substring(1, context.GetText().Length - 2);
public StringContext @string() { StringContext _localctx = new StringContext(Context, State); EnterRule(_localctx, 162, RULE_string); int _la; try { EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 1046; _la = TokenStream.La(1); if ( !(_la==STRING_LITERAL || _la==BYTES_LITERAL) ) { ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { Consume(); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { ExitRule(); } return _localctx; }