public static ICharIterator ColorFormat( ICharIterator input, BitmapFont font, bool keepSequences, byte baseAlpha, IReferenceList <Color?> output) { if (input == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input)); } if (font == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(font)); } if (input.Length == 0) { return(input); } var builder = StringBuilderPool.Rent(input.Length); ColorFormat(input, builder, font, keepSequences, baseAlpha, output); var iterator = CharIteratorPool.Rent(builder, 0, builder.Length); StringBuilderPool.Return(builder); return(iterator); }
public string ToFractionBase(double n, int radix) { // based on the repeated multiplication method // const string digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; if (n == 0) { return("0"); } using (var result = StringBuilderPool.Rent()) { while (n > 0 && result.Length < 50) // arbitrary limit { var c = n * radix; var d = (int)c; n = c - d; result.Builder.Append(digits[d]); } return(result.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private JsValue Raw(JsValue thisObj, JsValue[] arguments) { var cooked = TypeConverter.ToObject(_realm, arguments.At(0)); var raw = TypeConverter.ToObject(_realm, cooked.Get(JintTaggedTemplateExpression.PropertyRaw, cooked)); var operations = ArrayOperations.For(raw); var length = operations.GetLength(); if (length <= 0) { return(JsString.Empty); } using var result = StringBuilderPool.Rent(); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i > 0) { if (i < arguments.Length && !arguments[i].IsUndefined()) { result.Builder.Append(TypeConverter.ToString(arguments[i])); } } result.Builder.Append(TypeConverter.ToString(operations.Get((ulong)i))); } return(result.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a <see cref="string"/> that represents this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="string"/> that represents this instance. /// </returns> internal override string ToString(RecursionLevel level) { if (!level.TryIncrement()) { return(MaximumRecursionLevelReachedToStringValue); } using var textBuilder = StringBuilderPool.Rent(); var text = textBuilder.Builder; text.Append("[ "); foreach (var child in children) { if (text.Length > 2) { text.Append(", "); } text.Append(child.ToString(level)); } text.Append(" ]"); level.Decrement(); return(text.ToString()); }
public void CapacityTest(int capacity) { StringBuilder sb = StringBuilderPool.Rent(capacity); Assert.True(sb.Capacity >= capacity); StringBuilderPool.Return(sb); }
/// <summary>Displays trace information</summary> /// <param name="context">Object BundleContext</param> /// <param name="response">Object BundleResponse</param> public void Process(BundleContext context, BundleResponse response) { StringBuilderPool shared = StringBuilderPool.Shared; StringBuilder stringBuilder = shared.Rent(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("*************************************************************************************"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("* BUNDLE RESPONSE *"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("*************************************************************************************"); foreach (BundleFile file in response.Files) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + file.IncludedVirtualPath); } stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("*************************************************************************************"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("* BUNDLE COLLECTION *"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("*************************************************************************************"); foreach (Bundle bundle in (IEnumerable <Bundle>)context.BundleCollection) { stringBuilder.AppendFormatLine("-= {0} =-", (object)bundle.Path); foreach (BundleFile enumerateFile in bundle.EnumerateFiles(context)) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + enumerateFile.IncludedVirtualPath); } stringBuilder.AppendLine(); } string str = stringBuilder.ToString(); shared.Return(stringBuilder); response.ContentType = "text/plain"; response.Content = str; }
public void TextTest(string input) { StringBuilder sb = StringBuilderPool.Rent(input); Assert.Equal(input, sb.ToString()); StringBuilderPool.Return(sb); }
private string ToNumberString(double m) { using (var stringBuilder = StringBuilderPool.Rent()) { return(NumberToString(m, new DtoaBuilder(), stringBuilder.Builder)); } }
protected override string CombineAssetContent(IList <IAsset> assets) { StringBuilderPool shared = StringBuilderPool.Shared; StringBuilder stringBuilder = shared.Rent(); int count = assets.Count; int num = count - 1; for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { IAsset asset = assets[index]; string str = asset.Content.TrimEnd(); if (this.EnableTracing) { stringBuilder.AppendFormatLine("//#region URL: {0}", (object)asset.Url); } stringBuilder.Append(str); if (!str.EndsWith(";")) { stringBuilder.Append(";"); } if (this.EnableTracing) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("//#endregion"); } if (index != num) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(); } } string str1 = stringBuilder.ToString(); shared.Return(stringBuilder); return(str1); }
private void Remove(ref StringBuilder tmpBuilder, ref int removals, int value) { for (int i = 0; i < CurrentText.Length; i++) { char current = CurrentText.GetCharacter16(i); if (current == value) { if (tmpBuilder == null) { tmpBuilder = StringBuilderPool.Rent(CurrentText.Length); // append the data that we were holding onto, // excluding the char we are on currently for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { tmpBuilder.Append(CurrentText.GetCharacter16(j)); } } removals++; } else if (tmpBuilder != null) // we don't append if there are no changes yet { tmpBuilder.Append(current); } } }
protected override TextSegment.GlyphCallbackResult GlyphCallback(ICharIterator source) { if (_isObscured) { return(new TextSegment.GlyphCallbackResult(_obscureChar.ToRepeatingIterator(source.Length), leaveOpen: false)); } if (!_isMultiLined) { var builder = StringBuilderPool.Rent(source.Length); for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++) { char current = source.GetCharacter16(i); if (current != '\n') { builder.Append(current); } } var iter = builder.ToIterator(); StringBuilderPool.Return(builder); return(new TextSegment.GlyphCallbackResult(iter, leaveOpen: false)); } return(base.GlyphCallback(source)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string representation for the given transponders. /// </summary> public static String ToString(IEnumerable <FeigTransponder> transponders) { if (transponders == null) { return(String.Empty); } StringBuilder?sb = null; try { sb = StringBuilderPool.Rent(); var i = 0; foreach (var item in transponders) { if (i++ > 0) { sb.Append(", "); } sb.Append("{ "); sb.Append(item); sb.Append(" }"); } return(sb.ToString()); } finally { StringBuilderPool.Free(sb); } }
public string GetString() { if (_sprites == null) { throw new System.Exception(); } if (_cachedString == null) { var builder = StringBuilderPool.Rent(Length); Span <char> charBuffer = stackalloc char[2]; for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++) { int utf32 = _sprites[i].Character; int count = TextFormat.ConvertFromUtf32(utf32, charBuffer); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { builder.Append(charBuffer[j]); } } _cachedString = builder.ToString(); StringBuilderPool.Return(builder); } return(_cachedString); }
private string CreateExponentialRepresentation( DtoaBuilder buffer, int exponent, bool negative, int significantDigits) { bool negativeExponent = false; if (exponent < 0) { negativeExponent = true; exponent = -exponent; } using (var builder = StringBuilderPool.Rent()) { if (negative) { builder.Builder.Append('-'); } builder.Builder.Append(buffer._chars[0]); if (significantDigits != 1) { builder.Builder.Append('.'); builder.Builder.Append(buffer._chars, 1, buffer.Length - 1); int length = buffer.Length; builder.Builder.Append('0', significantDigits - length); } builder.Builder.Append('e'); builder.Builder.Append(negativeExponent ? '-' : '+'); builder.Builder.Append(exponent); return(builder.ToString()); } }
/// <summary>Gets a text content of the specified file</summary> /// <param name="virtualPath">The path to the virtual file</param> /// <returns>Text content</returns> public string GetFileTextContent(string virtualPath) { StringBuilderPool shared = StringBuilderPool.Shared; StringBuilder builder = shared.Rent(); try { using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(BundleTable.VirtualPathProvider.GetFile(virtualPath).Open())) { while (streamReader.Peek() >= 0) { builder.AppendLine(streamReader.ReadLine()); } } return(builder.ToString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format(Strings.Common_FileNotExist, (object)virtualPath), virtualPath, (Exception)ex); } finally { shared.Return(builder); } }
public void ValidTest() { StringBuilder sb = StringBuilderPool.Rent(); Assert.NotNull(sb); Assert.True(sb.Length == 0); StringBuilderPool.Return(sb); }
public void RenderMainText(BitmapFont font, Color color, Vector2 scale, int maxWidthInChars) { var builder = StringBuilderPool.Rent(Data.Title.Length + 5); DivideTextIntoLines(Data.Title, builder, maxWidthInChars); CachedMainText.Clear(); MainTextSize = font.GetGlyphSprites( CachedMainText, builder, Vector2.Zero, color, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, 0, null); StringBuilderPool.Return(builder); }
internal static string ToString(double d) { if (d > long.MinValue && d < long.MaxValue && Math.Abs(d % 1) <= DoubleIsIntegerTolerance) { // we are dealing with integer that can be cached return(ToString((long)d)); } using var stringBuilder = StringBuilderPool.Rent(); // we can create smaller array as we know the format to be short return(NumberPrototype.NumberToString(d, new DtoaBuilder(17), stringBuilder.Builder)); }
public static string ToHex(this Color color) { var builder = StringBuilderPool.Rent(8); builder.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", color.R); builder.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", color.G); builder.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", color.B); builder.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", color.A); string result = builder.ToString(); StringBuilderPool.Return(builder); return(result); }
public string GetString() { AssertIsInUse(); if (_cachedString == null) { var builder = StringBuilderPool.Rent(Length); builder.AppendIterator(this); _cachedString = builder.ToString(); StringBuilderPool.Return(builder); } return(_cachedString); }
private JsString BuildString(EvaluationContext context) { using var sb = StringBuilderPool.Rent(); for (var i = 0; i < _templateLiteralExpression.Quasis.Count; i++) { var quasi = _templateLiteralExpression.Quasis[i]; sb.Builder.Append(quasi.Value.Cooked); if (i < _expressions.Length) { var completion = _expressions[i].GetValue(context); sb.Builder.Append(completion.Value); } } return(JsString.Create(sb.ToString())); }
private JsString BuildString() { using (var sb = StringBuilderPool.Rent()) { for (var i = 0; i < _templateLiteralExpression.Quasis.Count; i++) { var quasi = _templateLiteralExpression.Quasis[i]; sb.Builder.Append(quasi.Value.Cooked); if (i < _expressions.Length) { sb.Builder.Append(_expressions[i].GetValue()); } } return(JsString.Create(sb.ToString())); } }
public JavaScriptException SetCallstack(Engine engine, Location?location = null) { Location = location ?? default; using (var sb = StringBuilderPool.Rent()) { foreach (var cse in engine.CallStack) { sb.Builder.Append(" at ") .Append(cse) .Append("("); for (var index = 0; index < cse.CallExpression.Arguments.Count; index++) { if (index != 0) { sb.Builder.Append(", "); } var arg = cse.CallExpression.Arguments[index]; if (arg is Expression pke) { sb.Builder.Append(GetPropertyKey(pke)); } else { sb.Builder.Append(arg); } } sb.Builder.Append(") @ ") .Append(cse.CallExpression.Location.Source) .Append(" ") .Append(cse.CallExpression.Location.Start.Column) .Append(":") .Append(cse.CallExpression.Location.Start.Line) .AppendLine(); } CallStack = sb.ToString(); } return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string that represents the current instance. /// </summary> public override String ToString() { StringBuilder?sb = null; try { sb = StringBuilderPool.Rent(); sb.Append("Type: "); sb.Append(TransponderType); sb.Append(", ID: "); sb.Append(Identifier); return(sb.ToString()); } finally { StringBuilderPool.Free(sb); } }
protected override string CombineAssetContent(IList <IAsset> assets) { StringBuilderPool shared = StringBuilderPool.Shared; StringBuilder stringBuilder = shared.Rent(); string empty = string.Empty; List <string> stringList = new List <string>(); int count = assets.Count; int num = count - 1; for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { IAsset asset = assets[index]; if (this.EnableTracing) { stringBuilder.AppendFormatLine("/*#region URL: {0} */", (object)asset.Url); } stringBuilder.Append(StyleCombiner.EjectCssCharsetAndImports(asset.Content, ref empty, (IList <string>)stringList)); if (this.EnableTracing) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("/*#endregion*/"); } if (index != num) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(); } } if (stringList.Count > 0) { string format = this.EnableTracing ? "/*#region CSS Imports */{0}{1}{0}/*#endregion*/{0}{0}" : "{1}{0}"; stringBuilder.Insert(0, string.Format(format, (object)Environment.NewLine, (object)string.Join(Environment.NewLine, (IEnumerable <string>)stringList))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(empty)) { stringBuilder.Insert(0, empty + Environment.NewLine); } string str = stringBuilder.ToString(); shared.Return(stringBuilder); return(str); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string that represents the current instance. /// </summary> public override String ToString() { StringBuilder?sb = null; try { sb = StringBuilderPool.Rent(); sb.Append("Status: "); sb.Append(Status); sb.Append(", Response: { "); sb.Append(Response?.ToString() ?? "<null>"); sb.Append(" }"); return(sb.ToString()); } finally { StringBuilderPool.Free(sb); } }
public string ToBase(long n, int radix) { const string digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; if (n == 0) { return("0"); } using (var result = StringBuilderPool.Rent()) { while (n > 0) { var digit = (int)(n % radix); n = n / radix; result.Builder.Insert(0, digits[digit]); } return(result.ToString()); } }
public bool Execute(ArraySegment <string> arguments, ICommandSender sender, out string response) { StringBuilderPool sp = new StringBuilderPool(); StringBuilder listBuilder = sp.Rent(); listBuilder.AppendLine("Here are the available SCPs to swap (Some may be blacklisted):"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, RoleType> kvp in EventHandlers.valid) { listBuilder.Append(kvp.Key); listBuilder.Append(" ("); listBuilder.Append((int)kvp.Value); listBuilder.AppendLine(")"); } string message = listBuilder.ToString(); listBuilder.Clear(); sp.Return(listBuilder); response = message; return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string that represents the current instance. /// </summary> public override String ToString() { StringBuilder?sb = null; try { sb = StringBuilderPool.Rent(); sb.Append("Address: "); sb.Append(Address); sb.Append(", Command: "); sb.Append(Command); sb.Append(", Data: "); sb.Append(Data); return(sb.ToString()); } finally { StringBuilderPool.Free(sb); } }
public override string ToString() { // adapted custom version as logic differs between full framework and .NET Core var className = GetType().ToString(); var message = Message; var innerExceptionString = InnerException?.ToString() ?? ""; const string endOfInnerExceptionResource = "--- End of inner exception stack trace ---"; var stackTrace = StackTrace; using var rent = StringBuilderPool.Rent(); var sb = rent.Builder; sb.Append(className); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { sb.Append(": "); sb.Append(message); } if (InnerException != null) { sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ---> "); sb.Append(innerExceptionString); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(endOfInnerExceptionResource); } if (stackTrace != null) { sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(stackTrace); } return(rent.ToString()); }