private void WriteAudio(byte[] audioData) { try { AsyncDuplexStreamingCall <StreamingRecognitionRequest, StreamingRecognitionResponse> call = this.ActiveCall(); StreamingRecognitionRequest rR = new StreamingRecognitionRequest(); rR.AudioContent = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFrom(audioData); call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(rR).Wait(); } catch (RpcException ex) //when (ex.StatusCode == StatusCode.DeadlineExceeded) { Log.Error($"during data sent error: {ex.Message} with status {ex.Status} code {ex.StatusCode}"); throw ex; } }
private const int MAX_BYTES_SENT = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // check for limitation details private AsyncDuplexStreamingCall <StreamingRecognitionRequest, StreamingRecognitionResponse> ActiveCall() { if (this._call != null) { try { Status status = this._call.GetStatus(); log.Information($"Call status: ${status.StatusCode} ${status.Detail}"); this._call.Dispose(); this._call = null; if (this._readTask != null) { log.Information($"Call status: ${status.StatusCode} ${status.Detail}. Disposing."); this._readTask.Dispose(); // Close read task } this._readTask = null; // call is finished } catch (Exception ex) { log.Information($"Call is in process - reuse. ${ex.Message}"); return(this._call); } } try { Log.Information($"Initialize gRPC call is finished"); this._call = speechKitRpctClient.StreamingRecognize( headers: this.MakeMetadata(), deadline: DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5)); // check for limitation details this.bytesSent = 0; // reset bytes counter StreamingRecognitionRequest rR = new StreamingRecognitionRequest(); rR.Config = this.rConf; this._call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(rR).Wait(); // Start reading task for call if (this._readTask == null) { this._readTask = SpeechToTextResponseReader.ReadResponseStream(this._call); } return(this._call); } catch (RpcException ex) //when (ex.StatusCode == StatusCode.DeadlineExceeded) { Log.Warning($"gRPC request on create exception {ex.Message} with status {ex.Status} code {ex.StatusCode}"); // Maximum duration exeeded reestablish connection if (ex.StatusCode == StatusCode.DeadlineExceeded) //|| StatusCode=\"InvalidArgument\", Detail=\"audio should be less than 10MB\")" { return(ActiveCall()); } else { throw ex; } } catch (Exception ex) //when (ex.StatusCode == StatusCode.DeadlineExceeded) { Log.Error($"during data sent exception {ex.Message} "); throw ex; } }