//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <inheritdoc/> public override void OnCreate(TimelineClip clip, TrackAsset track, TimelineClip clonedFrom) { StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset asset = clip.asset as StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset; if (null == asset) { Debug.LogError("Asset is not a StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset: " + clip.asset); return; } StreamingImageSequenceTrack sisTrack = track as StreamingImageSequenceTrack; Assert.IsNotNull(sisTrack); //This callback occurs before the clip is assigned to the track, but we need the track for creating curves. clip.parentTrack = track; //If we have a default asset, and clonedFrom is NULL, which means this is created by user interaction, //such as Folder D&D UnityEditor.DefaultAsset timelineDefaultAsset = asset.GetTimelineDefaultAsset(); if (null != timelineDefaultAsset && null == clonedFrom) { InitializeAssetFromDefaultAsset(asset, timelineDefaultAsset); } //If the clip already has curves (because of cloning, etc), then we don't set anything if (null == clip.curves) { if (asset.HasImages()) { clip.duration = asset.GetImageFileNames().Count * 0.125; // 8fps (standard limited animation) clip.displayName = Path.GetFileName(asset.GetFolder()); } clip.CreateCurves("Curves: " + clip.displayName); } TimelineClipSISData sisData = null; asset.InitTimelineClipCurve(clip); if (null == clonedFrom) { sisData = new TimelineClipSISData(clip); asset.BindTimelineClipSISData(sisData); return; } //Duplicate/Split process StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset clonedFromAsset = clonedFrom.asset as StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset; Assert.IsNotNull(clonedFromAsset); TimelineClipSISData otherSISData = clonedFromAsset.GetBoundTimelineClipSISData(); sisData = new TimelineClipSISData(clip, otherSISData); asset.BindTimelineClipSISData(sisData); clip.displayName = clonedFrom.displayName + " (Cloned)"; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <inheritdoc/> public override void OnCreate(TimelineClip clip, TrackAsset track, TimelineClip clonedFrom) { StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset asset = clip.asset as StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset; if (null == asset) { Debug.LogError("Asset is not a StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset: " + clip.asset); return; } //[Note-sin: 2021-2-25] Track can be null during copy and paste if (null != track) { //This callback occurs before the clip is assigned to the track, but we need the track for creating curves. clip.TryMoveToTrack(track); } //If we have a default asset, and clonedFrom is NULL, which means this is created by user interaction, //such as Folder D&D UnityEditor.DefaultAsset timelineDefaultAsset = asset.GetTimelineDefaultAsset(); if (null != timelineDefaultAsset && null == clonedFrom) { InitializeAssetFromDefaultAsset(asset, timelineDefaultAsset); } //If the clip already has curves (because of cloning, etc), then we don't set anything if (null == clip.curves) { int numImages = asset.GetNumImages(); if (numImages > 0) { SISUserSettings userSettings = SISUserSettings.GetInstance(); clip.duration = (double)(numImages) / (userSettings.GetDefaultSISPlayableAssetFPS()); clip.displayName = Path.GetFileName(asset.GetFolder()); } ExtendedClipEditorUtility.CreateTimelineClipCurve(clip, StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset.GetTimeCurveBinding()); } if (null == clonedFrom) { asset.BindClipData(new SISClipData(clip)); return; } //Duplicate/Split process StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset clonedFromAsset = clonedFrom.asset as StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset; Assert.IsNotNull(clonedFromAsset); SISClipData otherSISData = clonedFromAsset.GetBoundClipData(); if (null == otherSISData) { asset.BindClipData(new SISClipData(clip)); //[Note-sin: 2021-2-25] can be null during copy and paste return; } SISClipData sisData = new SISClipData(clip, otherSISData); asset.BindClipData(sisData); clip.displayName = clonedFrom.displayName + " (Cloned)"; }