public static void SetKey(string projectId, string keyId, string fileNameOrValueOrGeometry) { CheckForInitAndLoginSDK(); Project project = GetProjectById(projectId); CellInfo key = project.DataTable.Cells.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CellId == keyId); if (key == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Key by id: '{0}' not found.", keyId)); } string valueForSet; SourceOfData sourceOfData = SourceOfData.Primitive; string name = string.Empty; //checking parameter as filename string fileName = string.Empty; if (fileNameOrValueOrGeometry.StartsWith("<") && fileNameOrValueOrGeometry.Length > 1) { //delete first char fileName = fileNameOrValueOrGeometry.Substring(1); if (!FileHelper.IsFileExists(ref fileName)) { Console.WriteLine("File name '{0}' is not exists", fileName); } valueForSet = File.ReadAllText(fileName); sourceOfData = SourceOfData.File; } else { name = fileNameOrValueOrGeometry.ToUpper(); //check parameter, if name is inside Geometric Primitives if (!GeometricPrimitives.TryGetValue(name, out valueForSet)) { //check parameter, if number is inside Geometric Primitives int numberPrimitive; if (int.TryParse(name, out numberPrimitive) && numberPrimitive <= GeometricPrimitives.Count) { valueForSet = GeometricPrimitives.Values.ElementAt(numberPrimitive - 1); name = GeometricPrimitives.Keys.ElementAt(numberPrimitive - 1); } else { valueForSet = fileNameOrValueOrGeometry; sourceOfData = SourceOfData.Value; } } } var serializedValueStr = DataSerializer.Serialize(valueForSet); Stream stream = StreamUtils.GenerateStreamFromString(serializedValueStr); CellInfo updatingKey = project.DataTable.SetCell(key.CellId, stream, key.ClientMetadata); switch (sourceOfData) { case SourceOfData.File: Console.WriteLine("Key '{0}' was updated from file: '{1}'", updatingKey.ClientMetadata.Label, fileName); break; case SourceOfData.Primitive: Console.WriteLine("Key '{0}' was updated by predefined geometric primitive '{1}': ", updatingKey.ClientMetadata.Label, name); Console.WriteLine(@"Please vivsit, project - '{0}', key - '{1}' to review this changes.", project.Name, key.ClientMetadata.Label); break; case SourceOfData.Value: Console.WriteLine("Key '{0}' was updated with value: '{1}'", updatingKey.ClientMetadata.Label, valueForSet); break; } }