예제 #1
        private ActionResult GenerateStream(WebMediaType type, string itemId, int fileindex, string transcoder, int starttime, string continuationId)
            // Check if there is actually a player requested for this stream
            if (!IsUserAuthenticated())
                Log.Warn("User {0} (host {1}) requested a stream but isn't authenticated - denying access to stream", HttpContext.User.Identity.Name, Request.UserHostAddress);
                return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult());

            // Load and validate profile
            WebTranscoderProfile profile = GetStreamControl(type).GetTranscoderProfileByName(transcoder);

            if (profile == null)
                Log.Error("Requested stream for non-existing profile '{0}', other parameters type={1}; itemId={2}; starttime={3}; continuationId={4}", transcoder, type, itemId, starttime, continuationId);
                return(new HttpNotFoundResult());

            // Delegate to HLS streaming if needed
            if (profile.HasVideoStream && StreamTarget.GetVideoTargets().First(x => profile.Targets.Contains(x.Name)).Player == VideoPlayer.HLS)
                return(GenerateHttpLiveStream(type, itemId, fileindex, profile, starttime, continuationId));

            // Generate random identifier, and continuationId if needed
            string identifier = "webmediaportal-" + randomGenerator.Next(10000, 99999);

            continuationId = continuationId ?? "none-provided-" + randomGenerator.Next(10000, 99999).ToString();

            // Kill previous stream, but only if we expect it to be still running (avoid useless calls in non-seek and proxied cases)
            if (RunningStreams.ContainsKey(continuationId))
                Log.Debug("Killing off old stream for continuationId {0} with identifier {1} first", continuationId, RunningStreams[continuationId]);

            // Check stream mode, generate timeout setting and dump all info we got
            StreamType streamMode = GetStreamMode();
            int        timeout    = streamMode == StreamType.Direct ? STREAM_TIMEOUT_DIRECT : STREAM_TIMEOUT_PROXY;

            Log.Debug("Starting stream type={0}; itemId={1}; index={2}; transcoder={3}; starttime={4}; continuationId={5}",
                      type, itemId, fileindex, transcoder, starttime, continuationId);
            Log.Debug("Stream is for user {0} from host {1}, has identifier {2} and is using mode {3} with timeout {4}s",
                      HttpContext.User.Identity.Name, Request.UserHostAddress, identifier, streamMode, timeout);

            // Start the stream
            string clientDescription = String.Format("WebMediaPortal (user {0})", HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);

            using (var scope = WCFClient.EnterOperationScope(GetStreamControl(type)))
                WCFClient.SetHeader("forwardedFor", HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress);
                if (!GetStreamControl(type).InitStream((WebMediaType)type, GetProvider(type), itemId, fileindex, clientDescription, identifier, timeout))
                    Log.Error("InitStream failed");
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));

            // Save stream
            RunningStreams[continuationId] = identifier;
            string url = GetStreamControl(type).StartStream(identifier, transcoder, starttime);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                Log.Error("StartStream failed");
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));
            Log.Debug("Stream started successfully and is at {0}", url);

            // Do the actual streaming
            if (streamMode == StreamType.Proxied)
            else if (streamMode == StreamType.Direct)

            // Kill stream (doesn't matter much if this doesn't happen, WSS kills streams automatically nowadays)
            Log.Debug("Finished stream {0}", identifier);
            if (!GetStreamControl(type).FinishStream(identifier))
                Log.Error("FinishStream failed");
            return(new EmptyResult());
예제 #2
        public ActionResult Player(WebMediaType type, string itemId, int fileindex = 0)
            PlayerViewModel model = new PlayerViewModel();

            model.MediaType      = type;
            model.MediaId        = itemId;
            model.ContinuationId = randomGenerator.Next(100000, 999999).ToString();

            // get profile
            var profile = GetProfile(GetStreamControl(type), GetDefaultProfile(type));

            // get size
            if (type == WebMediaType.TV)
                // TODO: we should start the timeshifting through an AJAX call, and then load the player based upon the results
                // from that call. Also avoids timeouts of the player when initiating the timeshifting takes a long time.
                // HACK: currently there is no method in WSS to get the aspect ratio for streams with a fixed aspect ratio.
                model.Size = GetStreamControl(type).GetStreamSize(type, null, "", 0, profile.Name);
            else if (!StreamTarget.GetAllTargets().First(t => profile.Targets.Contains(t.Name)).HasVideo)
                model.Size = new WebResolution()
                    Width = 600, Height = 100
                model.Size = GetStreamControl(type).GetStreamSize(type, GetProvider(type), itemId, 0, profile.Name);

            // generate url
            RouteValueDictionary parameters = new RouteValueDictionary();

            parameters["item"]           = itemId;
            parameters["fileindex"]      = fileindex;
            parameters["transcoder"]     = profile.Name;
            parameters["continuationId"] = model.ContinuationId;
            model.URL = Url.Action(Enum.GetName(typeof(WebMediaType), type), parameters);

            // generic part
            var targets = type == WebMediaType.MusicTrack ? StreamTarget.GetAllTargets() : StreamTarget.GetVideoTargets();

            return(CreatePlayer(GetStreamControl(type), model, targets, profile, false));
예제 #3
        public ActionResult Player(WebStreamMediaType type, string itemId, bool video = true)
            // get transcoding profile
            IWebStreamingService streamControl = GetStreamControl(type);
            WebTranscoderProfile profile       = null;

            if (Request.QueryString["transcoder"] != null)
                profile = GetStreamControl(type).GetTranscoderProfileByName(Request.QueryString["transcoder"]);
            if (Request.Form["transcoder"] != null)
                profile = GetStreamControl(type).GetTranscoderProfileByName(Request.Form["transcoder"]);
            if (profile == null)
                string defaultName = "";
                if (type == WebStreamMediaType.TV || type == WebStreamMediaType.Recording)
                    defaultName = Settings.ActiveSettings.DefaultTVProfile;
                else if (video)
                    defaultName = Settings.ActiveSettings.DefaultMediaProfile;
                    defaultName = Settings.ActiveSettings.DefaultAudioProfile;
                profile = GetStreamControl(type).GetTranscoderProfileByName(defaultName);

            // get all transcoder profiles
            List <StreamTarget> targets  = video ? StreamTarget.GetVideoTargets() : StreamTarget.GetAudioTargets();
            List <string>       profiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (StreamTarget target in targets)
                profiles = profiles.Concat(GetStreamControl(type).GetTranscoderProfilesForTarget(target.Name).Select(x => x.Name)).ToList();

            // get view properties
            VideoPlayer player   = targets.First(x => x.Name == profile.Target).Player;
            string      viewName = Enum.GetName(typeof(VideoPlayer), player) + "Player";

            // player size
            WebResolution playerSize;

            if (!video)
                playerSize = new WebResolution()
                    Width = 300, Height = 150
                playerSize = GetStreamControl(type).GetStreamSize(type, GetProvider(type), itemId, profile.Name);

            // generate url
            RouteValueDictionary parameters = new RouteValueDictionary();

            parameters["item"]       = itemId;
            parameters["transcoder"] = profile.Name;

            // generate view
            return(PartialView(new PlayerViewModel
                Transcoders = profiles,
                Transcoder = profile.Name,
                Player = player,
                PlayerViewName = viewName,
                URL = Url.Action(Enum.GetName(typeof(WebStreamMediaType), type), parameters),
                Size = playerSize