예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 ///     Ctor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filterSpec">specifies what events we are interested in.</param>
 /// <param name="viewSpecs">specifies what view to use to derive data</param>
 /// <param name="optionalStreamName">stream name, or null if none supplied</param>
 /// <param name="streamSpecOptions">additional options such as unidirectional stream in a join</param>
 public FilterStreamSpecCompiled(
     FilterSpecCompiled filterSpec,
     ViewSpec[] viewSpecs,
     string optionalStreamName,
     StreamSpecOptions streamSpecOptions)
     : base(optionalStreamName, viewSpecs, streamSpecOptions)
     FilterSpecCompiled = filterSpec;
예제 #2
 public ViewFactoryForgeArgs(
     int streamNum,
     bool isSubquery,
     int subqueryNumber,
     StreamSpecOptions options,
     string optionalCreateNamedWindowName,
     StatementRawInfo statementRawInfo,
     StatementCompileTimeServices compileTimeServices)
     StatementRawInfo = statementRawInfo;
     StreamNum = streamNum;
     Options = options;
     IsSubquery = isSubquery;
     SubqueryNumber = subqueryNumber;
     OptionalCreateNamedWindowName = optionalCreateNamedWindowName;
     CompileTimeServices = compileTimeServices;
예제 #3
        public ViewFactoryChain CreateFactories(int streamNum, EventType parentEventType, ViewSpec[] viewSpecDefinitions, StreamSpecOptions options, StatementContext context, bool isSubquery, int subqueryNumber)
            // Clone the view spec list to prevent parameter modification
            IList <ViewSpec> viewSpecList = new List <ViewSpec>(viewSpecDefinitions);

            // Inspect views and add merge views if required

            // Instantiate factories, not making them aware of each other yet
            var viewFactories = ViewServiceHelper.InstantiateFactories(streamNum, viewSpecList, context, isSubquery, subqueryNumber);

            ViewFactory         parentViewFactory     = null;
            IList <ViewFactory> attachedViewFactories = new List <ViewFactory>();

            for (var i = 0; i < viewFactories.Count; i++)
                var factoryToAttach = viewFactories[i];
                    factoryToAttach.Attach(parentEventType, context, parentViewFactory, attachedViewFactories);
                    parentEventType = factoryToAttach.EventType;
                catch (ViewParameterException ex)
                    var text = "Error attaching view to parent view";
                    if (i == 0)
                        text = "Error attaching view to event stream";
                    throw new ViewProcessingException(text + ": " + ex.Message, ex);

            // obtain count of data windows
            var dataWindowCount         = 0;
            var firstNonDataWindowIndex = -1;

            for (var i = 0; i < viewFactories.Count; i++)
                var factory = viewFactories[i];
                if (factory is DataWindowViewFactory)
                if ((factory is GroupByViewFactoryMarker) || (factory is MergeViewFactory))
                if (firstNonDataWindowIndex == -1)
                    firstNonDataWindowIndex = i;

            var isAllowMultipleExpiry = context.ConfigSnapshot.EngineDefaults.ViewResources.IsAllowMultipleExpiryPolicies;
            var isRetainIntersection  = options.IsRetainIntersection;
            var isRetainUnion         = options.IsRetainUnion;

            // Set the default to retain-intersection unless allow-multiple-expiry is turned on
            if ((!isAllowMultipleExpiry) && (!isRetainUnion))
                isRetainIntersection = true;

            // handle multiple data windows with retain union.
            // wrap view factories into the union view factory and handle a group-by, if present
            if ((isRetainUnion || isRetainIntersection) && dataWindowCount > 1)
                viewFactories = GetRetainViewFactories(parentEventType, viewFactories, isRetainUnion, context);

            return(new ViewFactoryChain(parentEventType, viewFactories));