public static StoreDescription CreateStoreDescriptionNode(StoreDescription objNode) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(DBInteractor.Common.Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Logger.WriteObjectToLogFile <StoreDescription>(objNode); StoreRoot objRoot = new StoreRoot(); var result = Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher .Merge("(A:" + objRoot.getLabel() + " { Name : { Rootname}} )") .OnCreate() .Set("A = { objRoot}") .Merge("(A)-[R:" + Rel_StoreRoot.storeroot_store + "]->(B:" + objNode.getLabel() + "{ Name : { Name }})") .OnCreate() .Set("B = { objNode }") .WithParams(new { Rootname = objRoot.Name, objRoot = objRoot, objNode = objNode, Name = objNode.Name }) .Return((B, R) => new { Count = B.Count(), RelationCount = R.Count(), retObj = B.As <StoreDescription>() }) .Results .Single(); if (result.Count == 1) { Logger.WriteToLogFile("Successfully created Node"); objNode = result.retObj; } else { Logger.WriteToLogFile("unable to create Node"); objNode = null; } return(objNode); }
public static void CreateStoreNode(StoreWrapper objWrap) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(DBInteractor.Common.Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Logger.WriteObjectToLogFile <Store>(objWrap.objStore); City objCity = objWrap.objCity; Store objStore = objWrap.objStore; StoreDescription objStoreDesc = new StoreDescription(); objStoreDesc.Name = objStore.Name; objStore.Name = null; var result = Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher .Match("(A:" + objCity.getLabel() + " { id : {Cityid }})") .Match("(C:" + objStoreDesc.getLabel() + " { Name : { Name }})") .Merge("(A)-[R:" + Rel_City.city_store + "]->(B:" + objStore.getLabel() + "{ StoreId : { storeid} })") .OnCreate() .Set("B = { objStore }") .Merge("(B)-[:" + Rel_Store.store_storeDescription + "]->(C)") .WithParams(new { Cityid =, objStore = objStore, storeid = objStore.StoreId, Name = objStoreDesc.Name }) .Return(B => B.As <Store>()) .Results; if (result.Count() != 0) { Logger.WriteToLogFile("Successfully created Store"); } else { Logger.WriteToLogFile("Unable to create Store"); } }
public static void DeleteStoreDescription(StoreDescription objNode) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(DBInteractor.Common.Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher .Match("(D:" + objNode.getLabel() + "{ id : { Nodeid }})") .Match("(D)-[R]-()") .OptionalMatch("(E)-[:" + Rel_Store.store_storeDescription + "]->(D)") .Delete("D,R") .With("E") .Match("(E)-[R]-()") .OptionalMatch("(E)-[:" + Rel_Store.store_item + "]->(F)") .Delete("E,R") .With("F") .Match("(F)-[R]-()") .Delete("F,R") .WithParams(new { Nodeid = }) .ExecuteWithoutResults(); }