/// <summary>
		/// Save plugin data to disk.
		/// </summary>
		private void SavePluginData()
			// Convert dictionary to JSON and store as string in EditorPrefs

			// Retrieve dictionary keys and store as array in temporary class.
			// Then write out array class using JsonUtility.
			StoreDataArray<string> keyArray = new StoreDataArray<string>();
			keyArray._array = new string[_dataMap.Count];
			_dataMap.Keys.CopyTo(keyArray._array, 0);
			string keyJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(keyArray);

			// Retrieve dictionary values and store as array in temporary class.
			// Then write out array class using JsonUtility.
			StoreDataArray<StoreData> dataArray = new StoreDataArray<StoreData>();
			dataArray._array = new StoreData[_dataMap.Count];
			_dataMap.Values.CopyTo(dataArray._array, 0);
			string dataJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(dataArray);

			//Debug.Log("Save:: Keys: " + keyJson);
			//Debug.Log("Save:: Data: " + dataJson);

			// Store in Editor Prefs
			UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.SetString(HEU_Defines.PLUGIN_STORE_KEYS, keyJson);
			UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.SetString(HEU_Defines.PLUGIN_STORE_DATA, dataJson);

			_requiresSave = false;

		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieve the array from given JSON string.
		/// </summary>
		/// <typeparam name="T">Type of array</typeparam>
		/// <param name="jsonArray">String containing JSON array.</param>
		/// <returns>Array of objects of type T.</returns>
		private T[] GetJSONArray<T>(string jsonArray)
			// Parse out array string into array class, then just grab the array.
			StoreDataArray<T> dataArray = JsonUtility.FromJson<StoreDataArray<T>>(jsonArray);
			return dataArray._array;