public void DisplayMenu() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to World Electronics Where Technology Meets Creativity"); Console.WriteLine("How May I Help Today. Enter 'B' for Shoping; 'C' to get Customer's Information"); Console.WriteLine("Or 'S' for Store Locationss and 'V' to view Orders History:"); string str = Console.ReadLine(); //check if the user input the right variable while (str.Length > 1) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to World Electronics Where Technology Meets Creativity"); Console.WriteLine("How May I Help Today. Enter 'B' for Shoping; 'C' to get Customer's Information"); Console.WriteLine("Or 'S' for Store Locationss and 'V' to view Orders History:"); str = Console.ReadLine(); } char choice; //this allows the usee to enter input in lower case string ch = str.ToUpper(); choice = ch[0]; using project0Context context = new project0Context(); Cart cart = new Cart(); switch (choice) { case 'B': cart.Buying(context); BackToMenu(); break; case 'C': CustomerDal customer = new CustomerDal(); customer.CustomersHome(context); BackToMenu(); break; case 'V': OrderDal order = new OrderDal(); order.DisplayCustomerHist(context, 1); BackToMenu(); break; case 'S': StoreDal store = new StoreDal(); Console.WriteLine("showing store 1:"); store.ShowStoreAddress(context, 1); BackToMenu(); break; default: BackToMenu(); break; } }
public ShowRentalOrder(RentalOrder order) { InitializeComponent(); string StoreName = new StoreDal().StoreSelectById(order.StoreID).StoreName; string UserName = new UserDal().SelectUserByID(order.UserID).UserName; lbStoreName.Text += " " + StoreName; lbUserName.Text += " " + UserName; lbCarID.Text += " " + order.CarID; lbStartTime.Text += order.StartTime; lbEndTime.Text += order.EndTime; lbCost.Text += " " + order.OrderCost.ToString("C"); }
public StoreService() { Dal = new StoreDal(); }