         * This action open a XML file and inspect its signatures.
        public ActionResult Index(string userfile)
            // Our action only works if a userfile is given to work with.
            byte[] userfileContent;
            if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(userfile, out userfileContent))

            // Instanciate the XmlSignatureLocator class, responsible for opening and validating the signatures
            // in the XML file. The signed XML content is passed as a parameter of the XmlSignatureLocator.
            var xmlSignatureLocator = new XmlSignatureLocator(userfileContent);

            // Get the list of signatures found in the XML file.
            var signatures = xmlSignatureLocator.GetSignatures();

            // Specify the parameters for the signature validation:
            // Define the trust arbitrator used to validate the certificate.
            var trustArbitrator = Util.GetTrustArbitrator();
            // Acces any valid XmlDSig signature as long as the signer certificate is trusted.
            var policyMapper = XmlPoliciesForValidation.GetXmlDSigBasic(trustArbitrator);

            // Generate a model to be shown on the page from each XmlSignature instance retrieved from
            // GetSignatures() method above. This class can be inspected on Models/PKi/OpenXmlSignatureModel.cs
            // file. In this class, we validate each signature based on the policy mapper defined above.
            var sigModels = signatures.Select(s => new XmlSignatureModel(s, policyMapper)).ToList();

            // Render the signatures' information (see file OpenXmlSignaturePki/Index.cshtml for more
            // information on the information returned).
            return(View(new OpenXmlSignatureModel()
                Signatures = sigModels
예제 #2
        public async Task SaveExternalIconOverwritesFailures()
            Data = "{}";

            await Target.InitializeAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            const string originalIconUrlString   = "https://source/";
            var          originalIconUrl         = new Uri(originalIconUrlString);
            const string successStorageUrlString = "https://storage2/";
            var          successStorageUrl       = new Uri(successStorageUrlString);

            await Target.SaveExternalIcon(originalIconUrl, successStorageUrl, StorageMock.Object, IconCacheStorageMock.Object, CancellationToken.None);

                ics => ics.CopyAsync(successStorageUrl, IconCacheStorageMock.Object, It.IsAny <Uri>(), It.IsAny <IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> >(), CancellationToken.None),

            var item = Target.Get(originalIconUrl);

            Assert.Equal(originalIconUrlString, item.SourceUrl.AbsoluteUri);
            Assert.Equal(DefaultResolvedUrlString, item.StorageUrl.AbsoluteUri);
예제 #3
        public async Task SavesCache()
            Data = "{}";

            await Target.InitializeAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            await Target.SaveExternalIcon(new Uri("https://sourcez"), new Uri("https://storage1/d"), StorageMock.Object, IconCacheStorageMock.Object, CancellationToken.None);

            Target.SaveExternalCopyFailure(new Uri("https://sourcey"));

            string savedContent = null;

            .Setup(s => s.SaveAsync(new Uri("https://cache.test/blob"), It.IsAny <StringStorageContent>(), CancellationToken.None))
            .Callback <Uri, StorageContent, CancellationToken>((_1, sc, _2) => savedContent = ((StringStorageContent)sc).Content)

            await Target.SaveAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            .Verify(s => s.SaveAsync(new Uri("https://cache.test/blob"), It.IsAny <StringStorageContent>(), CancellationToken.None), Times.Once);

            Assert.Contains("https://sourcez", savedContent);
            Assert.DoesNotContain("https://storage1/d", savedContent); // this url is only used for copying blob
            Assert.Contains(DefaultResolvedUrlString, savedContent);
            Assert.Contains("https://sourcey", savedContent);
예제 #4
        public async Task <ActionResult> Start(int id)
            // Get an instance of the CadesSignatureStarter class, responsible for receiving the signature
            // elements and start the signature process.
            var signatureStarter = new CadesSignatureStarter(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                // Set the signature policy.
                SignaturePolicyId = StandardCadesSignaturePolicies.PkiBrazil.AdrBasica,

                // Set the security context to be used to determine trust in the certificate chain. We have
                // encapsulated the security context choice on Util.cs.
                SecurityContextId = Util.GetSecurityContextId(),

                // Optionally, set whether the content should be encapsulated in the resulting CMS.
                EncapsulateContent = true

            // Set the document to be signed based on its ID (passed to us from the page).

            // Call the StartWithWebPki() method, which initiates the signature. This yields the token, a
            // 43-character case-sensitive URL-safe string, which identifies this signature process. We'll
            // use this value to call the signWithRestPki() method on the Web PKI component (see
            // batch-signature-form.js) and also to complete the signature on the POST action below (this
            // should not be mistaken with the API access token).
            var token = await signatureStarter.StartWithWebPkiAsync();

            // Return a JSON with the token obtained from REST PKI. (the page will use jQuery to decode this
            // value)
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(SignatureModel model)
            // Get an instance of the XmlSignatureFinisher class, responsible for completing the signature
            // process.
            var signatureFinisher = new XmlSignatureFinisher(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                // Set the token for this signature (rendered in a hidden input field, see the view).
                Token = model.Token

            // Call the Finish() method, which finalizes the signature process and returns the signed PDF.
            var signedXml = await signatureFinisher.FinishAsync();

            // Get information about the signer's certificate used. This method must only be called after
            // calling the Finish() method.
            var signerCert = signatureFinisher.GetCertificateInfo();

            // At this point, you'd typically store the signed XML on your database. For demonstration
            // purposes, we'll store the PDF on our mock Storage class.
            var fileId = StorageMock.Store(signedXml, ".xml");

            // Render the signature information page.
            return(View("SignatureInfo", new SignatureInfoModel()
                File = fileId,
                SignerCertificate = signerCert
        public ActionResult Index(MergeServerFilesModel model)
            string dataFileId, fileId1, fileId2;

            switch (model.ChosenCombination)
            case 0:
                dataFileId = StorageMock.CopySampleToAppData(SampleDocs.CmsDataFile);
                fileId1    = StorageMock.CopySampleToAppData(SampleDocs.CmsDetached1);
                fileId2    = StorageMock.CopySampleToAppData(SampleDocs.CmsDetached2);
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", model.ReturnController, new { file1 = fileId1, file2 = fileId2, datafile = dataFileId }));

            case 1:
                dataFileId = StorageMock.CopySampleToAppData(SampleDocs.CmsDataFile);
                fileId1    = StorageMock.CopySampleToAppData(SampleDocs.CmsAttached1);
                fileId2    = StorageMock.CopySampleToAppData(SampleDocs.CmsDetached2);
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", model.ReturnController, new { file1 = fileId1, file2 = fileId2, datafile = dataFileId }));

            case 2:
                fileId1 = StorageMock.CopySampleToAppData(SampleDocs.CmsAttached1);
                fileId2 = StorageMock.CopySampleToAppData(SampleDocs.CmsAttached2);
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", model.ReturnController, new { file1 = fileId1, file2 = fileId2 }));
        public ActionResult Start(BatchSignatureStartRequest request)
            // Instantiate a CadesSigner class
            var cadesSigner = new CadesSigner();

            // Get the file's content.
            if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(StorageMock.GetBatchDocPath(request.Id), out byte[] fileContent))
        public ActionResult Complete(BatchSignatureCompleteRequest request)
            byte[] signatureContent;

            // Recover the "transfer data" content stored in a temporary file.
            byte[] transferDataContent;
            if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(request.TransferDataFileId, out transferDataContent))

            // Instantiate a PadesSigner class
            var padesSigner = new PadesSigner();

            // Set the signature policy.

            // Set the signature computed on the client-side, along with the "transfer data" recovered from a temporary file
            padesSigner.SetPreComputedSignature(request.Signature, transferDataContent);

            // Call ComputeSignature(), which does all the work, including validation of the signer's certificate and of the
            // resulting signature

            // Get the signed PDF as an array of bytes
            signatureContent = padesSigner.GetPadesSignature();

            return(Json(new BatchSignatureCompleteResponse()
                SignedFileId = StorageMock.Store(signatureContent, ".pdf")
예제 #9
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string userfile)
            // Our action only works if a userfile is given to work with.
            if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(userfile, out string userfilePath))

            // Get an instance of the PadesSignatureExplorer class, used to open/validate PDF signatures.
            var sigExplorer = new PadesSignatureExplorer(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                // Specify that we want to validate the signatures in the file, not only inspect them.
                Validate = true,
                // Specify the parameters for the signature validation:
                // Accept any PAdES signature as long as the signer has an ICP-Brasil certificate.
                DefaultSignaturePolicyId = StandardPadesSignaturePolicies.Basic,
                // Specify the security context to be used to determine trust in the certificate chain. We
                // have encapsulated the security context choice on Util.cs.
                SecurityContextId = Util.GetSecurityContextId()

            // Set the PAdES signature file.

            // Call the Open() method, which returns the signature file's information.
            var signature = await sigExplorer.OpenAsync();

            // Render the information (see file OpenPadesSignature/Index.html for more information on
            // the information returned).
            return(View(new OpenPadesSignatureModel()
                Signature = signature
예제 #10
        public async Task <ActionResult> Complete(string id)
            // Get an instance of the CadesSignatureFinisher2 class, responsible for completing the signature
            // process.
            var signatureFinisher = new CadesSignatureFinisher2(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                // Set the token for this signature. (rendered in a hidden input field, see the view)
                Token = id

            // Call the Finish() method, which finalizes the signature process and returns a
            // SignatureResult object.
            var result = await signatureFinisher.FinishAsync();

            // The "Certificate" property of the SignatureResult object contains information about the
            // certificate used by the user to sign the file.
            var signerCert = result.Certificate;

            // At this point, you'd typically store the signed PDF on your database. For demonstration
            // purposes, we'll store the PDF on our mock Storage class.

            // The SignatureResult object has various methods for writing the signature file to a stream
            // (WriteTo()), local file (WriteToFile()), open a stream to read the content (OpenRead()) and
            // get its contents (GetContent()). For large files, avoid the method GetContent() to avoid
            // memory allocation issues.
            string fileId;

            using (var resultStream = result.OpenRead()) {
                fileId = StorageMock.Store(resultStream, ".p7s");

            // Return a JSON with the signed file's id, stored using our mock class (the page will use
            // jQuery to decode this value).
        public ActionResult Sample(SampleDocs id)
            string filename;
            var    content = StorageMock.GetSampleDocContent(id, out filename);

            return(File(content, MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(filename), filename));
        // You may also change texts, positions and more by editing directly the method
        // generatePrinterFriendlyVersion() below.
        // ####################################################################################################

        // GET: PrinterFriendlyPadesRestPki?userfile={id}
        public ActionResult Index(string userfile)
            // Locate document and read content from storage. Our action only works if the a valid fileId is
            // given.
            byte[] fileContent;
            try {
                fileContent = StorageMock.Read(userfile);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException) {

            // Check if doc already has a verification code registered on storage.
            var verificationCode = StorageMock.GetVerificationCode(userfile);

            if (verificationCode == null)
                // If not, generate a code an register it.
                verificationCode = Util.GenerateVerificationCode();
                StorageMock.SetVerificationCode(userfile, verificationCode);

            // Generate the printer-friendly version.
            var pfvContent = generatePrinterFriendlyVersion(fileContent, verificationCode);

            // Return printer-friendly version as a downloadable file.
            return(File(pfvContent, "application/pdf", "printer-friendly.pdf"));
        public ActionResult Complete(SignatureCompleteModel model)
            byte[] signatureContent;

            try {
                // Recover the "transfer data" content stored in a temporary file.
                if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(model.TransferDataFileId, out byte[] transferDataContent))
예제 #14
        public void TestQueueStartAddDirectoryWithFiles()
            var directoryName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var directory     = Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryName);
            var fileName1     = directory.FullName + "\\" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var fileName2     = directory.FullName + "\\" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            using (var fs = File.Create(fileName1))
            using (var fs = File.Create(fileName2))
            var provider = new TokenProvider(new LexerMock());
            var storage  = new StorageMock();

            using (var objectUnderTest = new FileQueue(storage, provider))
                Thread.Sleep((int)(FileQueue.ProcessPeriodMS * 1.25));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, storage.Actions.Count);
                var file1 = storage.Actions.Dequeue();
                var file2 = storage.Actions.Dequeue();
                Assert.IsTrue((file1.Item1 == fileName1 && file2.Item1 == fileName2) ||
                              (file1.Item1 == fileName2 && file2.Item1 == fileName1));
                Assert.AreEqual(file1.Item2, StorageMock._Add);
                Assert.AreEqual(file2.Item2, StorageMock._Add);
예제 #15
        public async Task SavesFailureExpiration()
            Data = "{}";

            await Target.InitializeAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            var          time      = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            const string failedUrl = "https://icon.test/fail";

            Target.SaveExternalCopyFailure(new Uri(failedUrl));

            string savedContent = null;

            .Setup(s => s.SaveAsync(new Uri("https://cache.test/blob"), It.IsAny <StringStorageContent>(), CancellationToken.None))
            .Callback <Uri, StorageContent, CancellationToken>((_1, sc, _2) => savedContent = ((StringStorageContent)sc).Content)

            await Target.SaveAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            var savedDictionary = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <Uri, ExternalIconCopyResult> >(savedContent);
            var item            = Assert.Single(savedDictionary, e => e.Key.AbsoluteUri == failedUrl);

            Assert.True(item.Value.Expiration - time < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
예제 #16
        public void TestAddDirectoryCreateFileChangeFileRenameFileRemoveFileFast()
            var directoryName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var directory     = Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryName);
            var provider      = new TokenProvider(new LexerMock());
            var storage       = new StorageMock();

            using (var objectUnderTest = new FileQueue(storage, provider))
                var fileName = directory.FullName + "\\" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                using (var fs = File.Create(fileName))
                    fs.Write(new byte[] { 1 }, 0, 1);
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName))
                var newFileName = directory.FullName + "\\" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                File.Move(fileName, newFileName);
                Thread.Sleep((int)(0.1 * FileQueue.ProcessPeriodMS));
                Assert.AreEqual(1, storage.Actions.Count);
                Thread.Sleep((int)(1.25 * FileQueue.ProcessPeriodMS));
                Assert.AreEqual(1, storage.Actions.Count);
                var tuple = storage.Actions.Dequeue();
                Assert.AreEqual(newFileName, tuple.Item1);
                Assert.AreEqual(StorageMock._Delete, tuple.Item2);
예제 #17
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string userfile)
            // Get an instance of the PadesSignatureExplorer class, used to open/validate PDF signatures.
            var sigExplorer = new PadesSignatureExplorer(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                // Specify that we want an audit package to be generated, and that the signed file should be
                // included in the package.
                GenerateAuditPackage            = true,
                IncludeSignedFileInAuditPackage = true,
                // In order to generate an audit package, we must also pass Validate = true.
                Validate = true,
                // Specify the parameters for the signature validation:
                // Accept any PAdES signature as long as the signer has an ICP-Brasil certificate.
                DefaultSignaturePolicyId = StandardPadesSignaturePolicies.Basic,
                // We have encapsulated the security context choice on Util.cs.
                SecurityContextId = Util.GetSecurityContextId()

            // Set the PDF file.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userfile))
                // If no file is passed, we use a previously signed and B-Stamped file.
                sigExplorer.SetSignatureFile(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + userfile.Replace("_", ".")));
                // Note: we're receiving the userfile argument with "_" as "." because of limitations of
                // ASP.NET MVC.

            // Call the OpenAsync() method, which returns the signature file's information.
            var signature = await sigExplorer.OpenAsync();

            // If the document has been B-Stamped, store the "digest index file" to show a link on the page.
            if (signature.BStamp != null)
                string indexFileId;
                using (var indexFileStream = signature.BStamp.IndexFile.OpenRead()) {
                    indexFileId = StorageMock.Store(indexFileStream, ".txt");
                ViewBag.BStampIndexFile = indexFileId;

            // Store the generated audit package. Notice that although we asked for its generation, the
            // signature might not have been B-Stamped yet, so an audit package might not be returned.
            if (signature.AuditPackage != null)
                string auditPkgId;
                using (var auditPkgStream = signature.AuditPackage.OpenRead()) {
                    auditPkgId = StorageMock.Store(auditPkgStream, ".zip");
                ViewBag.AuditPackageFile = auditPkgId;

            // Render the information. (see file Views/OpenPadesSignatureBStamp/Index.html for more
            // information on the information returned)
        public ActionResult Index(SignatureStartModel model)
            byte[]             toSignBytes, transferData;
            SignatureAlgorithm signatureAlg;

            try {
                // Verify if the userfile exists and get its absolute path.
                string userfilePath;
                if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(model.UserFile, out userfilePath))

                // Decode the user's certificate.
                var cert = PKCertificate.Decode(model.CertContent);

                // Get an instance of the PadesSigner class.
                var padesSigner = new PadesSigner();

                // Set the file to be signed.

                // Set the signer certificate.

                // Set the signature policy.

                // Set a visual representation for the signature.

                // Generate the "to-sign-bytes". This method also yields the signature algorithm that must
                // be used on the client-side, based on the signature policy, as well as the "transfer data",
                // a byte-array that will be needed on the next step.
                toSignBytes = padesSigner.GetToSignBytes(out signatureAlg, out transferData);
            } catch (ValidationException ex) {
                // Some of the operations above may throw a ValidationException, for instance if the certificate
                // encoding cannot be read or if the certificate is expired.
                ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.ValidationResults.ToString());

            // On the next step (Complete action), we'll need once again some information:
            // - The thumbprint of the selected certificate.
            // - The "transfer data" used to validate the signature in complete action. Its content is stored in
            //   a temporary file (with extension .bin) to be shared with the Complete action.
            // - The "to-sign-hash" (digest of the "to-sign-bytes") to be signed. (see signature-complete-form.js)
            // - The OID of the digest algorithm to be used during the signature operation.
            // We'll store these values on TempData, which is a dictionary shared between actions.
            TempData["SignatureCompleteModel"] = new SignatureCompleteModel()
                CertThumb          = model.CertThumb,
                TransferDataFileId = StorageMock.Store(transferData, ".bin"),
                ToSignHash         = signatureAlg.DigestAlgorithm.ComputeHash(toSignBytes),
                DigestAlgorithmOid = signatureAlg.DigestAlgorithm.Oid

            return(RedirectToAction("Complete", new { userfile = model.UserFile }));
예제 #19
        private async Task OnDocumentSignatureCompletedAsync(DocumentModel model)
            var restPkiService = Util.GetRestPkiService();
            var apiDocument    = await restPkiService.GetDocumentAsync(model);

            var content = await restPkiService.GetContentAsync(apiDocument.SignedFile.Location);

            StorageMock.Store(content, "", apiDocument.SignedFile.Name);
        public async Task DeleteAllAsync_Sunshine()
            .Setup(crd =>
            await _serviceToTest.DeleteAllAsync();

예제 #21
        public void TestQueueSimpleStartStop()
            var provider = new TokenProvider(new LexerMock());
            var storage  = new StorageMock();

            using (var objectUnderTest = new FileQueue(storage, provider))
        public async Task DeleteAsync_Sunshine()
            .Setup(crd =>
                   crd.DeleteAsync(It.Is <string>(id => id == TestModelServerId),
            await _serviceToTest.DeleteAsync(TestModelServerId);

예제 #23
        public ActionResult SignCodeh(string id, SignatureStartModel model)
            // Recover XML envelope with signed COD element from "storage" based on its ID
            byte[] content;
            if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(id, out content))

            byte[]             toSignHash, transferData;
            SignatureAlgorithm signatureAlg;

            try {
                // Get an instance of the XmlElementSigner class.
                var signer = new XmlElementSigner();

                // Set the XML to sign

                // Set the ID of the CODEH element

                // Decode the user's certificate and set as the signer certificate

                // Set the signature policy

                // Generate the "to-sign-hash". This method also yields the signature algorithm that must
                // be used on the client-side, based on the signature policy.
                toSignHash = signer.GenerateToSignHash(out signatureAlg, out transferData);
            } catch (ValidationException ex) {
                // Some of the operations above may throw a ValidationException, for instance if the certificate
                // encoding cannot be read or if the certificate is expired.
                ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.ValidationResults.ToString());

            // On the next step (SignCodehComplete action), we'll need once again some information:
            // - The thumpprint of the selected certificate
            // - The "to-sign-hash"
            // - The OID of the digest algorithm to be used during the signature operation
            // - The "transfer data" used to validate the signature in complete action.Its content is stored in
            //   a temporary file (with extension .bin) to be shared with the Complete action.
            TempData["SignatureCompleteModel"] = new SignatureCompleteModel()
                CertThumb          = model.CertThumb,
                ToSignHash         = toSignHash,
                DigestAlgorithmOid = signatureAlg.DigestAlgorithm.Oid,
                TransferDataFileId = StorageMock.Store(transferData, ".bin"),

            return(RedirectToAction("SignCodehComplete", new { id }));
        // GET: CadesServerKeySdk
        public ActionResult Index(string userfile)
            byte[] signatureContent;
            PKCertificateWithKey certWithKey;

            try {
                // Instantiate a CadesSigner class
                var cadesSigner = new CadesSigner();

                // Verify if the userfile exists and get the content of the userfile.
                if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(userfile, out byte[] userfileContent))
        public async Task CreateWithSpecifiedIdAsync_Sunshine()
            .Setup(crd =>
                   crd.CreateWithSpecifiedIdAsync(It.Is <string>(id => id == TestModelServerId),
                                                  It.Is <TestModelCreate>(create => create.Status == TestModelServerStatus),
            var serverInItem = GetServerTestModel();
            await _serviceToTest.CreateWithSpecifiedIdAsync(TestModelServerId, serverInItem);

예제 #26
        public ActionResult Index(ServerFilesModel model)
            // Copy file to the App_Data folder, where the upload files is stored.
            var fileId = StorageMock.CopySampleToAppData(model.ChosenFileId);

            if (model.IsCmsCoSign)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", model.ReturnController, new { cmsfile = fileId }));

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", model.ReturnController, new { userfile = fileId }));
예제 #27
        public async Task InitializeAsyncReadsJson()
            Data = "{ \"https://key\": { \"SourceUrl\": \"https://source.test/data\", \"StorageUrl\": \"https://dest.test/data2\", \"IsCopySucceeded\": true } }";

            await Target.InitializeAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            var cache = Target.Get(new Uri("https://key"));

            Assert.Equal("https://source.test/data", cache.SourceUrl.AbsoluteUri);
            Assert.Equal("https://dest.test/data2", cache.StorageUrl.AbsoluteUri);
        public async Task CreateAsync_Sunshine()
            .Setup(crd =>
                   crd.CreateAsync(It.Is <TestModelCreate>(create => create.Status == TestModelServerStatus), CancellationToken.None))
            var serverInItem = GetServerTestModel();
            var id           = await _serviceToTest.CreateAsync(serverInItem);

            Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(TestModel.DecoratedId(ServerName, TestModelServerId), id);
예제 #29
        public ActionResult SignCodehComplete(string id, SignatureCompleteModel model)
            // Recover XML envelope with signed COD element from "storage" based on its ID
            byte[] content;
            if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(id, out content))

            byte[] signatureContent;

            try {
                // Recover the "transfer data" content stored in a temporary file.
                byte[] transferDataContent;
                if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(model.TransferDataFileId, out transferDataContent))

                // Get an instance of the XmlElementSigner class.
                var signer = new XmlElementSigner();

                // Set the document to be signed and the policy, exactly like in the SignCodeh method

                // Set the signature computed on the client-side, along with the "transfer data"
                signer.SetPrecomputedSignature(model.Signature, transferDataContent);

                // Call ComputeSignature(), which validates the signature of the "to-sign-hash" and finishes the signature process

                // Get the signed XML as an array of bytes
                signatureContent = signer.GetSignedXml();
            } catch (ValidationException ex) {
                // Some of the operations above may throw a ValidationException, for instance if the certificate is revoked.
                ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.ValidationResults.ToString());

            // On the next step (SignatureInfo action), we'll render the following information:
            // - The filename to be available to download in next action.
            // We'll store these values on TempData, which is a dictionary shared between actions.
            TempData["SignatureInfoModel"] = new SignatureInfoModel()
                // Store the signature file on the folder "App_Data/" and redirect to the SignCodehResult action with the filename.
                File = StorageMock.Store(signatureContent, ".xml")

        public void ShouldUpdateStorageForEveryEvents()
            var inputData = new List <Guid> {
                Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid()
            var eventsSource = new EventsSourceMock(inputData);
            var storage      = new StorageMock();

            var sut = new EventsProcessorWithAutoConcurrency(storage);


            Assert.AreEqual(storage.Result.Count, inputData.Count);