public static void Execute(StorageEnvironmentOptions srcOptions, StorageEnvironmentOptions.DirectoryStorageEnvironmentOptions compactOptions, Action<CompactionProgress> progressReport = null) { if (srcOptions.IncrementalBackupEnabled) throw new InvalidOperationException(CannotCompactBecauseOfIncrementalBackup); long minimalCompactedDataFileSize; srcOptions.ManualFlushing = true; // prevent from flushing during compaction - we shouldn't touch any source files compactOptions.ManualFlushing = true; // let us flush manually during data copy using(var existingEnv = new StorageEnvironment(srcOptions)) using (var compactedEnv = new StorageEnvironment(compactOptions)) { CopyTrees(existingEnv, compactedEnv, progressReport); compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(allowToFlushOverwrittenPages: true); compactedEnv.Journal.Applicator.SyncDataFile(compactedEnv.OldestTransaction); compactedEnv.Journal.Applicator.DeleteCurrentAlreadyFlushedJournal(); minimalCompactedDataFileSize = compactedEnv.NextPageNumber*AbstractPager.PageSize; } using (var compactedDataFile = new FileStream(Path.Combine(compactOptions.BasePath, Constants.DatabaseFilename), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { compactedDataFile.SetLength(minimalCompactedDataFileSize); } }
public void AllScratchPagesShouldBeReleased() { var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly(); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { env.CreateTree(txw, "test"); txw.Commit(); } using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var tree = txw.Environment.CreateTree(txw, "test"); tree.Add("key/1", new MemoryStream(new byte[100])); tree.Add("key/1", new MemoryStream(new byte[200])); txw.Commit(); } env.FlushLogToDataFile(); // non read nor write transactions, so it should flush and release everything from scratch Assert.Equal(0, env.ScratchBufferPool.GetNumberOfAllocations(0)); } }
private void Restore(StorageEnvironment env, string singleBackupFile) { using (env.Journal.Applicator.TakeFlushingLock()) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(); var transactionPersistentContext = new TransactionPersistentContext(true); using (var txw = env.NewLowLevelTransaction(transactionPersistentContext, TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { using (var package = ZipFile.Open(singleBackupFile, ZipArchiveMode.Read, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { if (package.Entries.Count == 0) { return; } var toDispose = new List <IDisposable>(); var tempDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid()).FullName; Restore(env, package.Entries, tempDir, toDispose, txw); } } } }
public void AllScratchPagesShouldBeReleased() { var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly(); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { using (var txw = env.WriteTransaction()) { txw.CreateTree("test"); txw.Commit(); } using (var txw = env.WriteTransaction()) { var tree = txw.CreateTree("test"); tree.Add("key/1", new MemoryStream(new byte[100])); tree.Add("key/1", new MemoryStream(new byte[200])); txw.Commit(); } env.FlushLogToDataFile(); // non read nor write transactions, so it should flush and release everything from scratch // we keep track of the pages in scratch for one additional transaction, to avoid race // condition with FlushLogToDataFile concurrently with new read transactions Assert.Equal(2, env.ScratchBufferPool.GetNumberOfAllocations(0)); } }
public void AllScratchPagesShouldBeReleased() { var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly(); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { env.CreateTree(txw, "test"); txw.Commit(); } using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var tree = txw.Environment.CreateTree(txw, "test"); tree.Add("key/1", new MemoryStream(new byte[100])); tree.Add("key/1", new MemoryStream(new byte[200])); txw.Commit(); } env.FlushLogToDataFile(); // non read nor write transactions, so it should flush and release everything from scratch // we keep track of the pages in scratch for one additional transaction, to avoid race // condition with FlushLogToDataFile concurrently with new read transactions Assert.Equal(2, env.ScratchBufferPool.GetNumberOfAllocations(0)); } }
public void AllScratchPagesShouldBeReleased() { var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly(); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { env.CreateTree(txw, "test"); txw.Commit(); } using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var tree = txw.Environment.State.GetTree(txw, "test"); tree.Add("key/1", new MemoryStream(new byte[100])); tree.Add("key/1", new MemoryStream(new byte[200])); txw.Commit(); } env.FlushLogToDataFile(); // non read nor write transactions, so it should flush and release everything from scratch Assert.Equal(0, env.ScratchBufferPool.GetNumberOfAllocations(0)); } }
public static void Execute(StorageEnvironmentOptions srcOptions, StorageEnvironmentOptions.DirectoryStorageEnvironmentOptions compactOptions, Action <CompactionProgress> progressReport = null) { if (srcOptions.IncrementalBackupEnabled) { throw new InvalidOperationException(CannotCompactBecauseOfIncrementalBackup); } long minimalCompactedDataFileSize; srcOptions.ManualFlushing = true; // prevent from flushing during compaction - we shouldn't touch any source files compactOptions.ManualFlushing = true; // let us flush manually during data copy using (var existingEnv = new StorageEnvironment(srcOptions)) using (var compactedEnv = new StorageEnvironment(compactOptions)) { CopyTrees(existingEnv, compactedEnv, progressReport); compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); compactedEnv.Journal.Applicator.SyncDataFile(); compactedEnv.Journal.Applicator.DeleteCurrentAlreadyFlushedJournal(); minimalCompactedDataFileSize = compactedEnv.NextPageNumber * existingEnv.Options.PageSize; } using (var compactedDataFile = new FileStream(Path.Combine(compactOptions.BasePath, Constants.DatabaseFilename), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { compactedDataFile.SetLength(minimalCompactedDataFileSize); } }
public static void Execute(StorageEnvironmentOptions srcOptions, StorageEnvironmentOptions.DirectoryStorageEnvironmentOptions compactOptions, Action<StorageCompactionProgress> progressReport = null, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { if (srcOptions.IncrementalBackupEnabled) throw new InvalidOperationException(CannotCompactBecauseOfIncrementalBackup); long minimalCompactedDataFileSize; srcOptions.ManualFlushing = true; // prevent from flushing during compaction - we shouldn't touch any source files compactOptions.ManualFlushing = true; // let us flush manually during data copy using (var existingEnv = new StorageEnvironment(srcOptions)) using (var compactedEnv = new StorageEnvironment(compactOptions)) { CopyTrees(existingEnv, compactedEnv, progressReport, token); compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); bool synced; const int maxNumberOfRetries = 100; var syncRetries = 0; while (true) { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (var op = new WriteAheadJournal.JournalApplicator.SyncOperation(compactedEnv.Journal.Applicator)) { try { synced = op.SyncDataFile(); if (synced || ++syncRetries >= maxNumberOfRetries) break; Thread.Sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { existingEnv.Options.SetCatastrophicFailure(ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(e)); throw; } } } if (synced) compactedEnv.Journal.Applicator.DeleteCurrentAlreadyFlushedJournal(); minimalCompactedDataFileSize = compactedEnv.NextPageNumber * Constants.Storage.PageSize; } using (var compactedDataFile = new FileStream(compactOptions.BasePath.Combine(Constants.DatabaseFilename).FullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { compactedDataFile.SetLength(minimalCompactedDataFileSize); } }
private static long CopyFixedSizeTrees(StorageEnvironment compactedEnv, Action <StorageCompactionProgress> progressReport, Transaction txr, TreeIterator rootIterator, string treeName, long copiedTrees, long totalTreesCount, TransactionPersistentContext context, CancellationToken token) { var treeNameSlice = rootIterator.CurrentKey.Clone(txr.Allocator); var header = (FixedSizeTreeHeader.Embedded *)txr.LowLevelTransaction.RootObjects.DirectRead(treeNameSlice); var fst = txr.FixedTreeFor(treeNameSlice, header->ValueSize); Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, 0, fst.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Copying fixed size tree '{treeName}'. Progress: 0/{fst.NumberOfEntries} entries.", treeName); using (var it = fst.Iterate()) { var copiedEntries = 0L; if (it.Seek(Int64.MinValue) == false) { return(copiedTrees); } do { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction(context)) { var snd = txw.FixedTreeFor(treeNameSlice, header->ValueSize); var transactionSize = 0L; do { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); Slice val; using (it.Value(out val)) snd.Add(it.CurrentKey, val); transactionSize += fst.ValueSize + sizeof(long); copiedEntries++; var reportRate = fst.NumberOfEntries / 33 + 1; if (copiedEntries % reportRate == 0) { Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, fst.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Copying fixed size tree '{treeName}'. Progress: {copiedEntries}/{fst.NumberOfEntries} entries.", treeName); } } while (transactionSize < compactedEnv.Options.MaxScratchBufferSize / 2 && it.MoveNext()); txw.Commit(); } if (fst.NumberOfEntries == copiedEntries) { copiedTrees++; Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, fst.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Finished copying fixed size tree '{treeName}'. Progress: {copiedEntries}/{fst.NumberOfEntries} entries.", treeName); } compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); } while (it.MoveNext()); } return(copiedTrees); }
public void OldestActiveTransactionShouldBeCalculatedProperly() { using (var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly()) { options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { var trees = CreateTrees(env, 1, "tree"); var transactions = new List <Transaction>(); for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++) { var random = new Random(1337); var buffer = new byte[random.Next(100, 1000)]; random.NextBytes(buffer); using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { foreach (var tree in trees) { tx.Environment.State.GetTree(tx, tree).Add(string.Format("key/{0}/{1}", a, i), new MemoryStream(buffer)); } } tx.Commit(); env.FlushLogToDataFile(tx); var txr = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.Read); transactions.Add(txr); } } Assert.Equal(transactions.OrderBy(x => x.Id).First().Id, env.OldestTransaction); foreach (var tx in transactions) { foreach (var tree in trees) { using (var iterator = tx.Environment.State.GetTree(tx, tree).Iterate()) { if (!iterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys)) { continue; } do { Assert.Contains("key/", iterator.CurrentKey.ToString()); } while (iterator.MoveNext()); } } } } } }
private void ReplayFlushAction(FlushActivityEntry flushEntry, Transaction currentWriteTransaction) { if (flushEntry.ActionType == DebugActionType.FlushStart) { using (_env.Options.AllowManualFlushing()) { _env.FlushLogToDataFile(currentWriteTransaction); } } }
public void Record_debug_journal_and_replay_it_with_manual_flushing() { using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly())) { env.DebugJournal = new DebugJournal(debugJouralName, env, true); using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { env.CreateTree(tx, "test-tree"); tx.Commit(); } using (var writeBatch = new WriteBatch()) { var valueBuffer = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{ \"title\": \"foo\",\"name\":\"bar\"}")); writeBatch.Add("foo", valueBuffer, "test-tree"); env.Writer.Write(writeBatch); } using (env.Options.AllowManualFlushing()) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(); } using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) using (env.Options.AllowManualFlushing()) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(tx); tx.Commit(); } } using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly())) { env.DebugJournal = DebugJournal.FromFile(debugJouralName, env); env.DebugJournal.Replay(); using (var snapshot = env.CreateSnapshot()) { Assert.Equal("{ \"title\": \"foo\",\"name\":\"bar\"}", snapshot.Read("test-tree", "foo").Reader.ToStringValue()); } } }
public void ShouldProperlyRecover() { var sequentialLargeIds = ReadData("non-leaf-page-seq-id-large-values-2.txt"); var enumerator = sequentialLargeIds.GetEnumerator(); if (Directory.Exists("tests")) { Directory.Delete("tests", true); } var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath("tests"); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { for (var transactions = 0; transactions < 100; transactions++) { using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { enumerator.MoveNext(); tx.Root.Add(enumerator.Current.Key.ToString("0000000000000000"), new MemoryStream(enumerator.Current.Value)); } tx.Commit(); } if (transactions == 50) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(); } } ValidateRecords(env, new List <string> { "Root" }, sequentialLargeIds.Select(x => x.Key.ToString("0000000000000000")).ToList()); } options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath("tests"); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { ValidateRecords(env, new List <string> { "Root" }, sequentialLargeIds.Select(x => x.Key.ToString("0000000000000000")).ToList()); } }
private PerformanceRecord ReadParallel(string operation, IEnumerable <uint> ids, PerfTracker perfTracker, int numberOfThreads) { var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(dataPath); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(); return(ExecuteReadWithParallel(operation, ids, numberOfThreads, () => ReadInternal(ids, perfTracker, env))); } }
public void ShouldOccupyLessSpace(int seed) { var r = new Random(seed); var storageEnvironmentOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir); storageEnvironmentOptions.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(storageEnvironmentOptions)) { using (var tx = env.WriteTransaction()) { var tree = tx.CreateTree("records"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var bytes = new byte[r.Next(10, 2 * 1024 * 1024)]; r.NextBytes(bytes); tree.Add("record/" + i, bytes); } tx.Commit(); } using (var tx = env.WriteTransaction()) { var tree = tx.CreateTree("records"); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { tree.Delete("record/" + r.Next(0, 100)); } tx.Commit(); } env.FlushLogToDataFile(); } var oldSize = GetDirSize(new DirectoryInfo(DataDir)); storageEnvironmentOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir); storageEnvironmentOptions.ManualFlushing = true; var compactedData = Path.Combine(DataDir, "Compacted"); StorageCompaction.Execute(storageEnvironmentOptions, (StorageEnvironmentOptions.DirectoryStorageEnvironmentOptions)StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(compactedData)); var newSize = GetDirSize(new DirectoryInfo(compactedData)); Assert.True(newSize < oldSize, string.Format("Old size: {0:#,#;;0} MB, new size {1:#,#;;0} MB", oldSize / 1024 / 1024, newSize / 1024 / 1024)); }
public void ShouldProperlyRecover() { var sequentialLargeIds = TestDataUtil.ReadData("non-leaf-page-seq-id-large-values-2.txt"); var enumerator = sequentialLargeIds.GetEnumerator(); var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { for (var transactions = 0; transactions < 100; transactions++) { using (var tx = env.WriteTransaction()) { var tree = tx.CreateTree("foo"); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { enumerator.MoveNext(); tree.Add(enumerator.Current.Key.ToString("0000000000000000"), new MemoryStream(enumerator.Current.Value)); } tx.Commit(); } if (transactions == 50) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(); } } ValidateRecords(env, new List <string> { "foo" }, sequentialLargeIds.Select(x => x.Key.ToString("0000000000000000")).ToList()); } options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { ValidateRecords(env, new List <string> { "foo" }, sequentialLargeIds.Select(x => x.Key.ToString("0000000000000000")).ToList()); } }
public void OnDatabaseRecoverShouldMarkLastJournalAsRecyclableIfItExceedMaxLogFileSize() { CreateAndPopulateTree(startWithBigTx: false); // restart using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(ModifyOptions(StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir), manualFlushing: true))) { var journalPath = env.Options.JournalPath.FullPath; var journalsCount = new DirectoryInfo(journalPath).GetFiles().Length; env.FlushLogToDataFile(); env.ForceSyncDataFile(); Assert.True(SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => new DirectoryInfo(journalPath).GetFiles($"{StorageEnvironmentOptions.RecyclableJournalFileNamePrefix}*").Length == journalsCount, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))); } }
private void Restore(StorageEnvironment env, IEnumerable <ZipArchiveEntry> entries) { using (env.Journal.Applicator.TakeFlushingLock()) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(); var transactionPersistentContext = new TransactionPersistentContext(true); using (var txw = env.NewLowLevelTransaction(transactionPersistentContext, TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var toDispose = new List <IDisposable>(); var tempDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid()).FullName; Restore(env, entries, tempDir, toDispose, txw); } } }
private static void CopyFixedSizeTree(FixedSizeTree fst, Func <Transaction, FixedSizeTree> createDestinationTree, StorageEnvironment compactedEnv, TransactionPersistentContext context, Action <long> onEntriesCopiedProgress, Action onAllEntriesCopied, CancellationToken token) { using (var it = fst.Iterate()) { var copiedEntries = 0L; if (it.Seek(Int64.MinValue) == false) { return; } do { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction(context)) { var snd = createDestinationTree(txw); var transactionSize = 0L; do { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (it.Value(out var val)) snd.Add(it.CurrentKey, val); transactionSize += fst.ValueSize + sizeof(long); copiedEntries++; var reportRate = fst.NumberOfEntries / 33 + 1; if (copiedEntries % reportRate == 0) { onEntriesCopiedProgress(copiedEntries); } } while (transactionSize < compactedEnv.Options.MaxScratchBufferSize / 2 && it.MoveNext()); txw.Commit(); } compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); if (fst.NumberOfEntries == copiedEntries) { onAllEntriesCopied(); } } while (it.MoveNext()); } }
public void ShouldProperlyRecover() { var sequentialLargeIds = ReadData("non-leaf-page-seq-id-large-values-2.txt"); var enumerator = sequentialLargeIds.GetEnumerator(); if (Directory.Exists("tests")) Directory.Delete("tests", true); var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath("tests"); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { for (var transactions = 0; transactions < 100; transactions++) { using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { enumerator.MoveNext(); tx.Root.Add (enumerator.Current.Key.ToString("0000000000000000"), new MemoryStream(enumerator.Current.Value)); } tx.Commit(); } if (transactions == 50) env.FlushLogToDataFile(); } ValidateRecords(env, new List<string> { "Root" }, sequentialLargeIds.Select(x => x.Key.ToString("0000000000000000")).ToList()); } options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath("tests"); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { ValidateRecords(env, new List<string> { "Root" }, sequentialLargeIds.Select(x => x.Key.ToString("0000000000000000")).ToList()); } }
private static long CopyFixedSizeTrees(StorageEnvironment compactedEnv, Action <CompactionProgress> progressReport, Transaction txr, TreeIterator rootIterator, string treeName, long copiedTrees, long totalTreesCount) { var fst = txr.FixedTreeFor(rootIterator.CurrentKey.Clone(txr.Allocator), 0); Report(treeName, copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, 0, fst.NumberOfEntries, progressReport); using (var it = fst.Iterate()) { var copiedEntries = 0L; if (it.Seek(Int64.MinValue) == false) { return(copiedTrees); } do { using (var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction()) { var snd = txw.FixedTreeFor(rootIterator.CurrentKey.Clone(txr.Allocator)); var transactionSize = 0L; do { snd.Add(it.CurrentKey, it.Value); transactionSize += fst.ValueSize + sizeof(long); copiedEntries++; } while (transactionSize < compactedEnv.Options.MaxLogFileSize / 2 && it.MoveNext()); txw.Commit(); } if (fst.NumberOfEntries == copiedEntries) { copiedTrees++; } Report(treeName, copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, fst.NumberOfEntries, progressReport); compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); } while (it.MoveNext()); } return(copiedTrees); }
public void StorageEnvironment_should_be_able_to_accept_transactionsToShip_with_LOTS_of_transactions() { var transactionsToShip = new List <TransactionToShip>(); using (var shippingSourceEnv = new StorageEnvironment(StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly())) { shippingSourceEnv.Journal.OnTransactionCommit += tx => { tx.CreatePagesSnapshot(); transactionsToShip.Add(tx); }; using (var tx = shippingSourceEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { shippingSourceEnv.CreateTree(tx, "TestTree"); shippingSourceEnv.CreateTree(tx, "TestTree2"); tx.Commit(); } WriteLotsOfTestDataForTree("TestTree", shippingSourceEnv); WriteLotsOfTestDataForTree("TestTree2", shippingSourceEnv); } var storageEnvironmentOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly(); storageEnvironmentOptions.ManualFlushing = true; using (var shippingDestinationEnv = new StorageEnvironment(storageEnvironmentOptions)) { foreach (var tx in transactionsToShip) { shippingDestinationEnv.Journal.Shipper.ApplyShippedLog(tx.PagesSnapshot); } shippingDestinationEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); using (var snapshot = shippingDestinationEnv.CreateSnapshot()) { ValidateLotsOfTestDataForTree(snapshot, "TestTree"); ValidateLotsOfTestDataForTree(snapshot, "TestTree2"); } } }
public void MultipleTxPagesCanPointToOnePageNumberWhichShouldNotBeCausingIssuesDuringFlushing() { var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly(); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { var trees = CreateTrees(env, 2, "tree"); var tree1 = trees[0]; var tree2 = trees[1]; using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var t1 = tx.ReadTree(tree1); t1.MultiAdd("key", "value/1"); t1.MultiAdd("key", "value/2"); tx.Commit(); } using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var t1 = tx.ReadTree(tree1); var t2 = tx.ReadTree(tree2); var buffer = new byte[1000]; t1.MultiDelete("key", "value/1"); t1.MultiDelete("key", "value/2"); t2.Add("key/1", new MemoryStream(buffer)); t2.Add("key/2", new MemoryStream(buffer)); t2.Add("key/3", new MemoryStream(buffer)); t2.Add("key/4", new MemoryStream(buffer)); t2.Add("key/5", new MemoryStream(buffer)); tx.Commit(); } env.FlushLogToDataFile(); } }
public void MultipleTxPagesCanPointToOnePageNumberWhichShouldNotBeCausingIssuesDuringFlushing() { var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly(); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { var trees = CreateTrees(env, 2, "tree"); var tree1 = trees[0]; var tree2 = trees[1]; using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var t1 = tx.State.GetTree(tx, tree1); t1.MultiAdd("key", "value/1"); t1.MultiAdd("key", "value/2"); tx.Commit(); } using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var t1 = tx.State.GetTree(tx, tree1); var t2 = tx.State.GetTree(tx, tree2); var buffer = new byte[1000]; t1.MultiDelete("key", "value/1"); t1.MultiDelete("key", "value/2"); t2.Add("key/1", new MemoryStream(buffer)); t2.Add("key/2", new MemoryStream(buffer)); t2.Add("key/3", new MemoryStream(buffer)); t2.Add("key/4", new MemoryStream(buffer)); t2.Add("key/5", new MemoryStream(buffer)); tx.Commit(); } env.FlushLogToDataFile(); } }
public void StorageEnvironment_should_be_able_to_accept_transactionsToShip_with_new_trees() { var transactionsToShip = new ConcurrentBag <TransactionToShip>(); using (var shippingSourceEnv = new StorageEnvironment(StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly())) { shippingSourceEnv.Journal.OnTransactionCommit += tx => { tx.CreatePagesSnapshot(); transactionsToShip.Add(tx); }; using (var tx = shippingSourceEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { shippingSourceEnv.CreateTree(tx, "TestTree"); tx.Commit(); } } var storageEnvironmentOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly(); storageEnvironmentOptions.ManualFlushing = true; using (var shippingDestinationEnv = new StorageEnvironment(storageEnvironmentOptions)) { foreach (var tx in transactionsToShip) { shippingDestinationEnv.Journal.Shipper.ApplyShippedLog(tx.PagesSnapshot); } shippingDestinationEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); using (var snapshot = shippingDestinationEnv.CreateSnapshot()) { snapshot.Read("TestTree", "Foo"); } } }
public void StorageEnvironment_should_be_able_to_accept_transactionsToShip_with_new_trees() { var transactionsToShip = new ConcurrentBag<TransactionToShip>(); using (var shippingSourceEnv = new StorageEnvironment(StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly())) { shippingSourceEnv.Journal.OnTransactionCommit += tx => { tx.CreatePagesSnapshot(); transactionsToShip.Add(tx); }; using (var tx = shippingSourceEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { shippingSourceEnv.CreateTree(tx, "TestTree"); tx.Commit(); } } var storageEnvironmentOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.CreateMemoryOnly(); storageEnvironmentOptions.ManualFlushing = true; using (var shippingDestinationEnv = new StorageEnvironment(storageEnvironmentOptions)) { foreach (var tx in transactionsToShip) shippingDestinationEnv.Journal.Shipper.ApplyShippedLog(tx.PagesSnapshot); shippingDestinationEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); using (var snapshot = shippingDestinationEnv.CreateSnapshot()) { snapshot.Read("TestTree", "Foo"); } } }
private void Restore(StorageEnvironment env, string singleBackupFile) { using (env.Journal.Applicator.TakeFlushingLock()) { using (var txw = env.NewLowLevelTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { using (env.Options.AllowManualFlushing()) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(txw); } using (var package = ZipFile.Open(singleBackupFile, ZipArchiveMode.Read, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { if (package.Entries.Count == 0) { return; } var toDispose = new List <IDisposable>(); var tempDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid()).FullName; try { TransactionHeader *lastTxHeader = null; var pagesToWrite = new Dictionary <long, TreePage>(); long journalNumber = -1; foreach (var entry in package.Entries) { switch (Path.GetExtension(entry.Name)) { case ".merged-journal": case ".journal": var jounalFileName = Path.Combine(tempDir, entry.Name); using (var output = new FileStream(jounalFileName, FileMode.Create)) using (var input = entry.Open()) { output.Position = output.Length; input.CopyTo(output); } var pager = env.Options.OpenPager(jounalFileName); toDispose.Add(pager); if (long.TryParse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entry.Name), out journalNumber) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot parse journal file number"); } var recoveryPager = env.Options.CreateScratchPager(Path.Combine(tempDir, StorageEnvironmentOptions.JournalRecoveryName(journalNumber))); toDispose.Add(recoveryPager); var reader = new JournalReader(pager, recoveryPager, 0, lastTxHeader); while (reader.ReadOneTransaction(env.Options)) { lastTxHeader = reader.LastTransactionHeader; } foreach (var translation in reader.TransactionPageTranslation) { var pageInJournal = translation.Value.JournalPos; var page = recoveryPager.Read(null, pageInJournal); pagesToWrite[translation.Key] = page; if (page.IsOverflow) { var numberOfOverflowPages = recoveryPager.GetNumberOfOverflowPages(page.OverflowSize); for (int i = 1; i < numberOfOverflowPages; i++) { pagesToWrite.Remove(translation.Key + i); } } } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown file, cannot restore: " + entry); } } var sortedPages = pagesToWrite.OrderBy(x => x.Key) .Select(x => x.Value) .ToList(); if (sortedPages.Count == 0) { return; } var last = sortedPages.Last(); var numberOfPages = last.IsOverflow ? env.Options.DataPager.GetNumberOfOverflowPages( last.OverflowSize) : 1; var pagerState = env.Options.DataPager.EnsureContinuous(last.PageNumber, numberOfPages); txw.EnsurePagerStateReference(pagerState); foreach (var page in sortedPages) { env.Options.DataPager.Write(page); } env.Options.DataPager.Sync(); var root = Tree.Open(txw, null, &lastTxHeader->Root); root.Name = Constants.RootTreeName; txw.UpdateRootsIfNeeded(root); txw.State.NextPageNumber = lastTxHeader->LastPageNumber + 1; env.Journal.Clear(txw); txw.Commit(); env.HeaderAccessor.Modify(header => { header->TransactionId = lastTxHeader->TransactionId; header->LastPageNumber = lastTxHeader->LastPageNumber; header->Journal.LastSyncedJournal = journalNumber; header->Journal.LastSyncedTransactionId = lastTxHeader->TransactionId; header->Root = lastTxHeader->Root; header->Journal.CurrentJournal = journalNumber + 1; header->Journal.JournalFilesCount = 0; }); } finally { toDispose.ForEach(x => x.Dispose()); try { Directory.Delete(tempDir, true); } catch { // this is just a temporary directory, the worst case scenario is that we dont reclaim the space from the OS temp directory // if for some reason we cannot delete it we are safe to ignore it. } } } } } }
public void OldestActiveTransactionShouldBeCalculatedProperly() { var directory = "Test"; if (Directory.Exists(directory)) Directory.Delete(directory, true); var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(directory); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { var trees = CreateTrees(env, 1, "tree"); var transactions = new List<Transaction>(); for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++) { var random = new Random(1337); var buffer = new byte[random.Next(100, 1000)]; random.NextBytes(buffer); using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { foreach (var tree in trees) { tx.Environment.State.GetTree(tx,tree).Add(tx, string.Format("key/{0}/{1}", a, i), new MemoryStream(buffer)); } } tx.Commit(); env.FlushLogToDataFile(tx); var txr = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.Read); transactions.Add(txr); } } Assert.Equal(transactions.OrderBy(x => x.Id).First().Id, env.OldestTransaction); foreach (var tx in transactions) { foreach (var tree in trees) { using (var iterator = tx.Environment.State.GetTree(tx,tree).Iterate(tx)) { if (!iterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys)) continue; do { Assert.Contains("key/", iterator.CurrentKey.ToString()); } while (iterator.MoveNext()); } } } } }
private void Restore(StorageEnvironment env, string singleBackupFile) { using (env.Journal.Applicator.TakeFlushingLock()) { using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { using (env.Options.AllowManualFlushing()) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(txw); } using (var package = ZipFile.Open(singleBackupFile, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { if (package.Entries.Count == 0) { return; } var toDispose = new List <IDisposable>(); var tempDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid()).FullName; try { TransactionHeader *lastTxHeader = null; var pagesToWrite = new Dictionary <long, Func <Page> >(); long journalNumber = -1; foreach (var entry in package.Entries) { switch (Path.GetExtension(entry.Name)) { case ".journal": var jounalFileName = Path.Combine(tempDir, entry.Name); using (var output = new FileStream(jounalFileName, FileMode.Create)) using (var input = entry.Open()) { output.Position = output.Length; input.CopyTo(output); } var pager = new Win32MemoryMapPager(jounalFileName); toDispose.Add(pager); if (long.TryParse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entry.Name), out journalNumber) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot parse journal file number"); } var recoveryPager = new Win32MemoryMapPager(Path.Combine(tempDir, StorageEnvironmentOptions.JournalRecoveryName(journalNumber))); toDispose.Add(recoveryPager); var reader = new JournalReader(pager, recoveryPager, 0, lastTxHeader); while (reader.ReadOneTransaction(env.Options)) { lastTxHeader = reader.LastTransactionHeader; } foreach (var translation in reader.TransactionPageTranslation) { var pageInJournal = translation.Value.JournalPos; pagesToWrite[translation.Key] = () => recoveryPager.Read(pageInJournal); } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown file, cannot restore: " + entry); } } var sortedPages = pagesToWrite.OrderBy(x => x.Key) .Select(x => x.Value()) .ToList(); if (sortedPages.Count == 0) { return; } var last = sortedPages.Last(); env.Options.DataPager.EnsureContinuous(txw, last.PageNumber, last.IsOverflow ? env.Options.DataPager.GetNumberOfOverflowPages( last.OverflowSize) : 1); foreach (var page in sortedPages) { env.Options.DataPager.Write(page); } env.Options.DataPager.Sync(); txw.State.Root = Tree.Open(txw, &lastTxHeader->Root); txw.State.FreeSpaceRoot = Tree.Open(txw, &lastTxHeader->FreeSpace); txw.State.FreeSpaceRoot.Name = Constants.FreeSpaceTreeName; txw.State.Root.Name = Constants.RootTreeName; txw.State.NextPageNumber = lastTxHeader->LastPageNumber + 1; env.Journal.Clear(txw); txw.Commit(); env.HeaderAccessor.Modify(header => { header->TransactionId = lastTxHeader->TransactionId; header->LastPageNumber = lastTxHeader->LastPageNumber; header->Journal.LastSyncedJournal = journalNumber; header->Journal.LastSyncedTransactionId = lastTxHeader->TransactionId; header->Root = lastTxHeader->Root; header->FreeSpace = lastTxHeader->FreeSpace; header->Journal.CurrentJournal = journalNumber + 1; header->Journal.JournalFilesCount = 0; }); } finally { toDispose.ForEach(x => x.Dispose()); try { Directory.Delete(tempDir, true); } catch (Exception) { // just temp dir - ignore it } } } } } }
private static void CopyTrees(StorageEnvironment existingEnv, StorageEnvironment compactedEnv, Action<CompactionProgress> progressReport = null) { using (var rootIterator = existingEnv.State.Root.Iterate()) { if (rootIterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys) == false) return; var totalTreesCount = existingEnv.State.Root.State.EntriesCount; var copiedTrees = 0L; do { var treeName = rootIterator.CurrentKey.ToString(); using (var txr = existingEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.Read)) { var existingTree = existingEnv.State.GetTree(txr, treeName); Report(treeName, copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, 0, existingTree.State.EntriesCount, progressReport); using (var existingTreeIterator = existingTree.Iterate()) { if (existingTreeIterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys) == false) continue; using (var txw = compactedEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { compactedEnv.CreateTree(txw, treeName); txw.Commit(); } var copiedEntries = 0L; do { var transactionSize = 0L; using (var txw = compactedEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var newTree = txw.ReadTree(treeName); do { var key = existingTreeIterator.CurrentKey; if (existingTreeIterator.Current->Flags == NodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef) { using (var multiTreeIterator = existingTree.MultiRead(key)) { if (multiTreeIterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys) == false) continue; do { var multiValue = multiTreeIterator.CurrentKey; newTree.MultiAdd(key, multiValue); transactionSize += multiValue.Size; } while (multiTreeIterator.MoveNext()); } } else { using (var value = existingTree.Read(key).Reader.AsStream()) { newTree.Add(key, value); transactionSize += value.Length; } } copiedEntries++; } while (transactionSize < compactedEnv.Options.MaxLogFileSize/2 && existingTreeIterator.MoveNext()); txw.Commit(); } if (copiedEntries == existingTree.State.EntriesCount) copiedTrees++; Report(treeName, copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, existingTree.State.EntriesCount, progressReport); compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); } while (existingTreeIterator.MoveNext()); } } } while (rootIterator.MoveNext()); } }
private static unsafe long CopyVariableSizeTree(StorageEnvironment compactedEnv, Action <CompactionProgress> progressReport, Transaction txr, string treeName, long copiedTrees, long totalTreesCount) { var existingTree = txr.ReadTree(treeName); Report(treeName, copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, 0, existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries, progressReport); using (var existingTreeIterator = existingTree.Iterate(true)) { if (existingTreeIterator.Seek(Slices.BeforeAllKeys) == false) { return(copiedTrees); } using (var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction()) { txw.CreateTree(treeName); txw.Commit(); } var copiedEntries = 0L; do { var transactionSize = 0L; using (var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction()) { var newTree = txw.ReadTree(treeName); do { var key = existingTreeIterator.CurrentKey; if (existingTreeIterator.Current->Flags == TreeNodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef) { using (var multiTreeIterator = existingTree.MultiRead(key)) { if (multiTreeIterator.Seek(Slices.BeforeAllKeys) == false) { continue; } do { var multiValue = multiTreeIterator.CurrentKey; newTree.MultiAdd(key, multiValue); transactionSize += multiValue.Size; } while (multiTreeIterator.MoveNext()); } } else { using (var value = existingTree.Read(key).Reader.AsStream()) { newTree.Add(key, value); transactionSize += value.Length; } } copiedEntries++; } while (transactionSize < compactedEnv.Options.MaxLogFileSize / 2 && existingTreeIterator.MoveNext()); txw.Commit(); } if (copiedEntries == existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries) { copiedTrees++; } Report(treeName, copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries, progressReport); compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); } while (existingTreeIterator.MoveNext()); } return(copiedTrees); }
private static long CopyVariableSizeTree(StorageEnvironment compactedEnv, Action <StorageCompactionProgress> progressReport, Transaction txr, string treeName, long copiedTrees, long totalTreesCount, TransactionPersistentContext context, CancellationToken token) { var existingTree = txr.ReadTree(treeName); Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, 0, existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Copying variable size tree '{treeName}'. Progress: 0/{existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries} entries.", treeName); using (var existingTreeIterator = existingTree.Iterate(true)) { if (existingTreeIterator.Seek(Slices.BeforeAllKeys) == false) { return(copiedTrees); } token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction(context)) { if (existingTree.IsLeafCompressionSupported) { txw.CreateTree(treeName, flags: TreeFlags.LeafsCompressed); } else { txw.CreateTree(treeName); } txw.Commit(); } var copiedEntries = 0L; do { var transactionSize = 0L; token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction(context); try { var newTree = txw.ReadTree(treeName); do { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var key = existingTreeIterator.CurrentKey; if (existingTreeIterator.Current->Flags == TreeNodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef) { using (var multiTreeIterator = existingTree.MultiRead(key)) { if (multiTreeIterator.Seek(Slices.BeforeAllKeys) == false) { continue; } do { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var multiValue = multiTreeIterator.CurrentKey; newTree.MultiAdd(key, multiValue); transactionSize += multiValue.Size; } while (multiTreeIterator.MoveNext()); } } else if (existingTree.IsLeafCompressionSupported) { using (var read = existingTree.ReadDecompressed(key)) { var value = read.Reader.AsStream(); newTree.Add(key, value); transactionSize += value.Length; } } else if (existingTree.State.Flags == (TreeFlags.FixedSizeTrees | TreeFlags.Streams)) { var tag = existingTree.GetStreamTag(key); using (var stream = existingTree.ReadStream(key)) { if (tag != null) { Slice tagStr; using (Slice.From(txw.Allocator, tag, out tagStr)) newTree.AddStream(key, stream, tagStr); } else { newTree.AddStream(key, stream); } transactionSize += stream.Length; } } else if (existingTree.State.Flags == TreeFlags.FixedSizeTrees) { var reader = existingTree.GetValueReaderFromHeader(existingTreeIterator.Current); if (reader.Length >= sizeof(FixedSizeTreeHeader.Embedded)) { var header = (FixedSizeTreeHeader.Embedded *)reader.Base; if (header->RootObjectType == RootObjectType.FixedSizeTree || header->RootObjectType == RootObjectType.EmbeddedFixedSizeTree) { // CopyFixedSizeTree will open dedicated write transaction to copy fixed size tree txw.Commit(); txw.Dispose(); txw = null; var fixedSizeTreeName = key; var fst = existingTree.FixedTreeFor(fixedSizeTreeName, (byte)header->ValueSize); var currentCopiedTrees = copiedTrees; var currentCopiedEntries = copiedEntries; CopyFixedSizeTree(fst, tx => { var treeInCompactedEnv = tx.ReadTree(treeName); return(treeInCompactedEnv.FixedTreeFor(fixedSizeTreeName, (byte)header->ValueSize)); }, compactedEnv, context, copiedFstEntries => { Report(currentCopiedTrees, totalTreesCount, currentCopiedEntries, existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Copying fixed size tree '{fixedSizeTreeName}' inside '{treeName}' tree. Progress: {copiedFstEntries}/{fst.NumberOfEntries} entries.", treeName); }, () => { Report(currentCopiedTrees, totalTreesCount, currentCopiedEntries, existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Finished copying fixed size tree '{fixedSizeTreeName}' inside '{treeName}' tree. {fst.NumberOfEntries} entries copied.", treeName); }, token); IncrementNumberOfCopiedEntries(); break; // let's open new transaction after copying fixed size tree } } // if the entry wasn't recognized as fixed size tree then let's store it as regular value using (var value = existingTree.Read(key).Reader.AsStream()) { newTree.Add(key, value); transactionSize += value.Length; } } else { using (var value = existingTree.Read(key).Reader.AsStream()) { newTree.Add(key, value); transactionSize += value.Length; } } IncrementNumberOfCopiedEntries(); void IncrementNumberOfCopiedEntries() { copiedEntries++; var reportRate = existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries / 33 + 1; if (copiedEntries % reportRate == 0) { Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Copying variable size tree '{treeName}'. Progress: {copiedEntries}/{existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries} entries.", treeName); } } } while (transactionSize < compactedEnv.Options.MaxScratchBufferSize / 2 && existingTreeIterator.MoveNext()); txw?.Commit(); } finally { txw?.Dispose(); } if (copiedEntries == existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries) { copiedTrees++; Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Finished copying variable size tree '{treeName}'. Progress: {copiedEntries}/{existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries} entries.", treeName); } compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); } while (existingTreeIterator.MoveNext()); } return(copiedTrees); }
private static void CopyTrees(StorageEnvironment existingEnv, StorageEnvironment compactedEnv, Action <CompactionProgress> progressReport = null) { using (var txr = existingEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.Read)) using (var rootIterator = txr.Root.Iterate()) { if (rootIterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys) == false) { return; } var totalTreesCount = txr.Root.State.EntriesCount; var copiedTrees = 0L; do { var treeName = rootIterator.CurrentKey.ToString(); var existingTree = txr.ReadTree(treeName); Report(treeName, copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, 0, existingTree.State.EntriesCount, progressReport); using (var existingTreeIterator = existingTree.Iterate()) { if (existingTreeIterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys) == false) { continue; } using (var txw = compactedEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { compactedEnv.CreateTree(txw, treeName); txw.Commit(); } var copiedEntries = 0L; do { var transactionSize = 0L; using (var txw = compactedEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var newTree = txw.ReadTree(treeName); do { var key = existingTreeIterator.CurrentKey; if (existingTreeIterator.Current->Flags == NodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef) { using (var multiTreeIterator = existingTree.MultiRead(key)) { if (multiTreeIterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys) == false) { continue; } do { var multiValue = multiTreeIterator.CurrentKey; newTree.MultiAdd(key, multiValue); transactionSize += multiValue.Size; } while (multiTreeIterator.MoveNext()); } } else { using (var value = existingTree.Read(key).Reader.AsStream()) { newTree.Add(key, value); transactionSize += value.Length; } } copiedEntries++; } while (transactionSize < compactedEnv.Options.MaxLogFileSize / 2 && existingTreeIterator.MoveNext()); txw.Commit(); } if (copiedEntries == existingTree.State.EntriesCount) { copiedTrees++; } Report(treeName, copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, existingTree.State.EntriesCount, progressReport); compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); } while (existingTreeIterator.MoveNext()); } } while (rootIterator.MoveNext()); } }
private void Restore(StorageEnvironment env, string singleBackupFile) { using (env.Journal.Applicator.TakeFlushingLock()) { using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { using (env.Options.AllowManualFlushing()) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(txw); } using (var package = ZipFile.Open(singleBackupFile, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { if (package.Entries.Count == 0) return; var toDispose = new List<IDisposable>(); var tempDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid()).FullName; try { TransactionHeader* lastTxHeader = null; var pagesToWrite = new Dictionary<long, Func<Page>>(); long journalNumber = -1; foreach (var entry in package.Entries) { switch (Path.GetExtension(entry.Name)) { case ".journal": var jounalFileName = Path.Combine(tempDir, entry.Name); using (var output = new FileStream(jounalFileName, FileMode.Create)) using (var input = entry.Open()) { output.Position = output.Length; input.CopyTo(output); } var pager = new Win32MemoryMapPager(jounalFileName); toDispose.Add(pager); if (long.TryParse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entry.Name), out journalNumber) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot parse journal file number"); } var recoveryPager = new Win32MemoryMapPager(Path.Combine(tempDir, StorageEnvironmentOptions.JournalRecoveryName(journalNumber))); toDispose.Add(recoveryPager); var reader = new JournalReader(pager, recoveryPager, 0, lastTxHeader); while (reader.ReadOneTransaction(env.Options)) { lastTxHeader = reader.LastTransactionHeader; } foreach (var translation in reader.TransactionPageTranslation) { var pageInJournal = translation.Value.JournalPos; pagesToWrite[translation.Key] = () => recoveryPager.Read(pageInJournal); } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown file, cannot restore: " + entry); } } var sortedPages = pagesToWrite.OrderBy(x => x.Key) .Select(x => x.Value()) .ToList(); var last = sortedPages.Last(); env.Options.DataPager.EnsureContinuous(txw, last.PageNumber, last.IsOverflow ? env.Options.DataPager.GetNumberOfOverflowPages( last.OverflowSize) : 1); foreach (var page in sortedPages) { env.Options.DataPager.Write(page); } env.Options.DataPager.Sync(); txw.State.Root = Tree.Open(txw, env._sliceComparer, &lastTxHeader->Root); txw.State.FreeSpaceRoot = Tree.Open(txw, env._sliceComparer, &lastTxHeader->FreeSpace); txw.State.FreeSpaceRoot.Name = Constants.FreeSpaceTreeName; txw.State.Root.Name = Constants.RootTreeName; txw.State.NextPageNumber = lastTxHeader->LastPageNumber + 1; env.Journal.Clear(txw); txw.Commit(); env.HeaderAccessor.Modify(header => { header->TransactionId = lastTxHeader->TransactionId; header->LastPageNumber = lastTxHeader->LastPageNumber; header->Journal.LastSyncedJournal = journalNumber; header->Journal.LastSyncedTransactionId = lastTxHeader->TransactionId; header->Root = lastTxHeader->Root; header->FreeSpace = lastTxHeader->FreeSpace; header->Journal.CurrentJournal = journalNumber + 1; header->Journal.JournalFilesCount = 0; }); } finally { toDispose.ForEach(x => x.Dispose()); try { Directory.Delete(tempDir, true); } catch (Exception) { // just temp dir - ignore it } } } } } }
private static long CopyTableTree(StorageEnvironment compactedEnv, Action <StorageCompactionProgress> progressReport, Transaction txr, string treeName, long copiedTrees, long totalTreesCount, TransactionPersistentContext context, CancellationToken token) { // Load table var tableTree = txr.ReadTree(treeName, RootObjectType.Table); // Get the table schema var schemaSize = tableTree.GetDataSize(TableSchema.SchemasSlice); var schemaPtr = tableTree.DirectRead(TableSchema.SchemasSlice); var schema = TableSchema.ReadFrom(txr.Allocator, schemaPtr, schemaSize); // Load table into structure var inputTable = txr.OpenTable(schema, treeName); // The next three variables are used to know what our current // progress is var copiedEntries = 0; // It is very important that these slices be allocated in the // txr.Allocator, as the intermediate write transactions on // the compacted environment will be destroyed between each // loop. var lastSlice = Slices.BeforeAllKeys; long lastFixedIndex = 0L; Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, inputTable.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Copying table tree '{treeName}'. Progress: {copiedEntries:#,#;;0}/{inputTable.NumberOfEntries:#,#;;0} entries.", treeName); using (var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction(context)) { schema.Create(txw, treeName, Math.Max((ushort)inputTable.ActiveDataSmallSection.NumberOfPages, (ushort)((ushort.MaxValue + 1) / Constants.Storage.PageSize))); txw.Commit(); // always create a table, even if it is empty } while (copiedEntries < inputTable.NumberOfEntries) { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction(context)) { long transactionSize = 0L; var outputTable = txw.OpenTable(schema, treeName); if (schema.Key == null || schema.Key.IsGlobal) { // There is no primary key, or there is one that is global to multiple tables // we require a table to have at least a single local index that we'll use var variableSizeIndex = schema.Indexes.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsGlobal == false); if (variableSizeIndex != null) { // We have a variable size index, use it // In case we continue an existing compaction, skip to the next slice var skip = 0; // can't use SliceComparer.Compare here if (lastSlice.Options != Slices.BeforeAllKeys.Options) { skip = 1; } var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (var tvr in inputTable.SeekForwardFrom(variableSizeIndex, lastSlice, skip)) { // The table will take care of reconstructing indexes automatically outputTable.Insert(ref tvr.Result.Reader); copiedEntries++; transactionSize += tvr.Result.Reader.Size; ReportIfNeeded(sp, copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, inputTable.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Copying table tree '{treeName}'. Progress: {copiedEntries:#,#;;0}/{inputTable.NumberOfEntries:#,#;;0} entries.", treeName); // The transaction has surpassed the allowed // size before a flush if (lastSlice.Equals(tvr.Key) == false && transactionSize >= compactedEnv.Options.MaxScratchBufferSize / 2) { lastSlice = tvr.Key.Clone(txr.Allocator); break; } } } else { // Use a fixed size index var fixedSizeIndex = schema.FixedSizeIndexes.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsGlobal == false); if (fixedSizeIndex == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot compact table " + inputTable.Name + " because is has no local indexes, only global ones"); } var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (var entry in inputTable.SeekForwardFrom(fixedSizeIndex, lastFixedIndex, lastFixedIndex > 0 ? 1 : 0)) { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // The table will take care of reconstructing indexes automatically outputTable.Insert(ref entry.Reader); copiedEntries++; transactionSize += entry.Reader.Size; ReportIfNeeded(sp, copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, inputTable.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Copying table tree '{treeName}'. Progress: {copiedEntries:#,#;;0}/{inputTable.NumberOfEntries:#,#;;0} entries.", treeName); // The transaction has surpassed the allowed // size before a flush if (transactionSize >= compactedEnv.Options.MaxScratchBufferSize / 2) { lastFixedIndex = fixedSizeIndex.GetValue(ref entry.Reader); break; } } } } else { // The table has a primary key, inserts in that order are expected to be faster foreach (var entry in inputTable.SeekByPrimaryKey(lastSlice, 0)) { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // The table will take care of reconstructing indexes automatically outputTable.Insert(ref entry.Reader); copiedEntries++; transactionSize += entry.Reader.Size; // The transaction has surpassed the allowed // size before a flush if (transactionSize >= compactedEnv.Options.MaxScratchBufferSize / 2) { schema.Key.GetSlice(txr.Allocator, ref entry.Reader, out lastSlice); break; } } } txw.Commit(); } if (copiedEntries == inputTable.NumberOfEntries) { copiedTrees++; Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, inputTable.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Finished copying table tree '{treeName}'. Progress: {copiedEntries:#,#;;0}/{inputTable.NumberOfEntries:#,#;;0} entries.", treeName); } compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); } return(copiedTrees); }
public unsafe void ValidatePageChecksumShouldDetectDataCorruption() { // Create some random data var treeNames = new List <string>(); var random = new Random(); var value1 = new byte[random.Next(1024 * 1024 * 2)]; var value2 = new byte[random.Next(1024 * 1024 * 2)]; random.NextBytes(value1); random.NextBytes(value2); const int treeCount = 5; const int recordCount = 6; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir))) { env.Options.ManualFlushing = true; for (int i = 0; i < treeCount; i++) { using (var tx = env.WriteTransaction()) { string name = "tree/" + i; treeNames.Add(name); var tree = tx.CreateTree(name); for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) { tree.Add(string.Format("{0}/items/{1}", name, j), j % 2 == 0 ? value1 : value2); } tx.Commit(); } } env.FlushLogToDataFile(); } // Lets corrupt something using (var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir)) using (var pager = LinuxTestUtils.GetNewPager(options, DataDir, "Raven.Voron")) using (var tempTX = new TempPagerTransaction()) { var writePtr = pager.AcquirePagePointer(tempTX, 2) + PageHeader.SizeOf + 43; // just some random place on page #2 for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) { writePtr[i] = i; } } // Now lets try to read it all back and hope we get an exception try { using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir))) { using (var tx = env.ReadTransaction()) { foreach (var treeName in treeNames) { var tree = tx.CreateTree(treeName); for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) { var readResult = tree.Read(string.Format("{0}/items/{1}", treeName, i)); Assert.NotNull(readResult); if (i % 2 == 0) { var readBytes = new byte[value1.Length]; readResult.Reader.Read(readBytes, 0, readBytes.Length); } else { var readBytes = new byte[value2.Length]; readResult.Reader.Read(readBytes, 0, readBytes.Length); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Assert.True(e is InvalidOperationException || e is InvalidDataException); } }
private void Restore(StorageEnvironment env, string backupPath) { using (env.Journal.Applicator.TakeFlushingLock()) { using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { using (env.Options.AllowManualFlushing()) { env.FlushLogToDataFile(txw); } List <string> journalNames; using (var package = ZipFile.Open(backupPath, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { journalNames = package.Entries.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); } if (journalNames.Count == 0) { return; } var tempDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid()).FullName; var toDispose = new List <IDisposable>(); try { ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(backupPath, tempDir); TransactionHeader *lastTxHeader = null; var pagesToWrite = new Dictionary <long, Func <Page> >(); long journalNumber = -1; foreach (var journalName in journalNames) { var pager = new Win32MemoryMapPager(Path.Combine(tempDir, journalName)); toDispose.Add(pager); if (long.TryParse(journalName.Replace(".journal", string.Empty), out journalNumber) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot parse journal file number"); } var recoveryPager = new Win32MemoryMapPager(Path.Combine(tempDir, StorageEnvironmentOptions.JournalRecoveryName(journalNumber))); toDispose.Add(recoveryPager); var reader = new JournalReader(pager, recoveryPager, 0, lastTxHeader); while (reader.ReadOneTransaction(env.Options)) { lastTxHeader = reader.LastTransactionHeader; } foreach (var translation in reader.TransactionPageTranslation) { var pageInJournal = translation.Value.JournalPos; pagesToWrite[translation.Key] = () => recoveryPager.Read(pageInJournal); } } var sortedPages = pagesToWrite.OrderBy(x => x.Key) .Select(x => x.Value()) .ToList(); var last = sortedPages.Last(); env.Options.DataPager.EnsureContinuous(txw, last.PageNumber, last.IsOverflow ? env.Options.DataPager.GetNumberOfOverflowPages( last.OverflowSize) : 1); foreach (var page in sortedPages) { env.Options.DataPager.Write(page); } env.Options.DataPager.Sync(); txw.State.Root = Tree.Open(txw, env._sliceComparer, &lastTxHeader->Root); txw.State.FreeSpaceRoot = Tree.Open(txw, env._sliceComparer, &lastTxHeader->FreeSpace); txw.State.FreeSpaceRoot.Name = Constants.FreeSpaceTreeName; txw.State.Root.Name = Constants.RootTreeName; txw.State.NextPageNumber = lastTxHeader->LastPageNumber + 1; env.Journal.Clear(txw); txw.Commit(); env.HeaderAccessor.Modify(header => { header->TransactionId = lastTxHeader->TransactionId; header->LastPageNumber = lastTxHeader->LastPageNumber; header->Journal.LastSyncedJournal = journalNumber; header->Journal.LastSyncedTransactionId = lastTxHeader->TransactionId; header->Root = lastTxHeader->Root; header->FreeSpace = lastTxHeader->FreeSpace; header->Journal.CurrentJournal = journalNumber + 1; header->Journal.JournalFilesCount = 0; }); } finally { toDispose.ForEach(x => x.Dispose()); Directory.Delete(tempDir, true); } } } }
public void ScratchPagesShouldNotBeReleasedUntilNotUsed() { var directory = "Test2"; if (Directory.Exists(directory)) Directory.Delete(directory, true); var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(directory); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { CreateTrees(env, 2, "tree"); for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { tx.Environment.State.GetTree(tx, "tree0").Add(string.Format("key/{0}/{1}/1", new string('0', 1000), a), new MemoryStream()); tx.Environment.State.GetTree(tx, "tree0").Add(string.Format("key/{0}/{1}/2", new string('0', 1000), a), new MemoryStream()); tx.Commit(); } } using (var tx = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { tx.Environment.State.GetTree(tx, "tree1").Add("yek/1", new MemoryStream()); tx.Commit(); } using (var txr = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.Read)) { using (var iterator = txr.Environment.State.GetTree(txr, "tree0").Iterate()) { Assert.True(iterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys)); // all pages are from scratch (one from position 11) var currentKey = iterator.CurrentKey.ToString(); env.FlushLogToDataFile(); // frees pages from scratch (including the one at position 11) using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var tree = txw.Environment.State.GetTree(txw, "tree1"); tree.Add(string.Format("yek/{0}/0/0", new string('0', 1000)), new MemoryStream()); // allocates new page from scratch (position 11) txw.Commit(); } Assert.Equal(currentKey, iterator.CurrentKey.ToString()); using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) { var tree = txw.Environment.State.GetTree(txw, "tree1"); tree.Add("fake", new MemoryStream()); txw.Commit(); } Assert.Equal(currentKey, iterator.CurrentKey.ToString()); var count = 0; do { currentKey = iterator.CurrentKey.ToString(); count++; Assert.Contains("key/", currentKey); } while (iterator.MoveNext()); Assert.Equal(6, count); } } } }
public void ScratchPagesShouldNotBeReleasedUntilNotUsed() { var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir); options.ManualFlushing = true; using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(options)) { CreateTrees(env, 2, "tree"); for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { using (var tx = env.WriteTransaction()) { tx.CreateTree("tree0").Add(string.Format("key/{0}/{1}/1", new string('0', 1000), a), new MemoryStream()); tx.CreateTree("tree0").Add(string.Format("key/{0}/{1}/2", new string('0', 1000), a), new MemoryStream()); tx.Commit(); } } using (var tx = env.WriteTransaction()) { tx.CreateTree("tree1").Add("yek/1", new MemoryStream()); tx.Commit(); } using (var txr = env.ReadTransaction()) { using (var iterator = txr.CreateTree("tree0").Iterate(false)) { Assert.True(iterator.Seek(Slices.BeforeAllKeys)); // all pages are from scratch (one from position 11) var currentKey = iterator.CurrentKey.ToString(); env.FlushLogToDataFile(); // frees pages from scratch (including the one at position 11) using (var txw = env.WriteTransaction()) { var tree = txw.CreateTree("tree1"); tree.Add(string.Format("yek/{0}/0/0", new string('0', 1000)), new MemoryStream()); // allocates new page from scratch (position 11) txw.Commit(); } Assert.Equal(currentKey, iterator.CurrentKey.ToString()); using (var txw = env.WriteTransaction()) { var tree = txw.CreateTree("tree1"); tree.Add("fake", new MemoryStream()); txw.Commit(); } Assert.Equal(currentKey, iterator.CurrentKey.ToString()); var count = 0; do { currentKey = iterator.CurrentKey.ToString(); count++; Assert.Contains("key/", currentKey); }while (iterator.MoveNext()); Assert.Equal(6, count); } } } }
private static long CopyVariableSizeTree(StorageEnvironment compactedEnv, Action <StorageCompactionProgress> progressReport, Transaction txr, string treeName, long copiedTrees, long totalTreesCount, TransactionPersistentContext context, CancellationToken token) { var existingTree = txr.ReadTree(treeName); Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, 0, existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Copying variable size tree '{treeName}'. Progress: 0/{existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries} entries.", treeName); using (var existingTreeIterator = existingTree.Iterate(true)) { if (existingTreeIterator.Seek(Slices.BeforeAllKeys) == false) { return(copiedTrees); } token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction(context)) { if (existingTree.IsLeafCompressionSupported) { txw.CreateTree(treeName, flags: TreeFlags.LeafsCompressed); } else { txw.CreateTree(treeName); } txw.Commit(); } var copiedEntries = 0L; do { var transactionSize = 0L; token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (var txw = compactedEnv.WriteTransaction(context)) { var newTree = txw.ReadTree(treeName); do { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var key = existingTreeIterator.CurrentKey; if (existingTreeIterator.Current->Flags == TreeNodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef) { using (var multiTreeIterator = existingTree.MultiRead(key)) { if (multiTreeIterator.Seek(Slices.BeforeAllKeys) == false) { continue; } do { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var multiValue = multiTreeIterator.CurrentKey; newTree.MultiAdd(key, multiValue); transactionSize += multiValue.Size; } while (multiTreeIterator.MoveNext()); } } else if (existingTree.IsLeafCompressionSupported) { using (var read = existingTree.ReadDecompressed(key)) { var value = read.Reader.AsStream(); newTree.Add(key, value); transactionSize += value.Length; } } else if (existingTree.State.Flags == (TreeFlags.FixedSizeTrees | TreeFlags.Streams)) { var tag = existingTree.GetStreamTag(key); using (var stream = existingTree.ReadStream(key)) { if (tag != null) { Slice tagStr; using (Slice.From(txw.Allocator, tag, out tagStr)) newTree.AddStream(key, stream, tagStr); } else { newTree.AddStream(key, stream); } transactionSize += stream.Length; } } else { using (var value = existingTree.Read(key).Reader.AsStream()) { newTree.Add(key, value); transactionSize += value.Length; } } copiedEntries++; var reportRate = existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries / 33 + 1; if (copiedEntries % reportRate == 0) { Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Copying variable size tree '{treeName}'. Progress: {copiedEntries}/{existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries} entries.", treeName); } } while (transactionSize < compactedEnv.Options.MaxScratchBufferSize / 2 && existingTreeIterator.MoveNext()); txw.Commit(); } if (copiedEntries == existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries) { copiedTrees++; Report(copiedTrees, totalTreesCount, copiedEntries, existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries, progressReport, $"Finished copying variable size tree '{treeName}'. Progress: {copiedEntries}/{existingTree.State.NumberOfEntries} entries.", treeName); } compactedEnv.FlushLogToDataFile(); } while (existingTreeIterator.MoveNext()); } return(copiedTrees); }