//Method name: westLigth //Method description: functionality from west light public void westLight(ref StopLight west, ref StopLight north) { //get west color west2 = west.getColor(); west.timer(west.count); //check if color changed if (string.Equals(west2, "Green") && string.Equals("Yellow", west.getColor())) { west.lightChanged = true; } //west changed to red set north to green if (string.Equals(west2, "Yellow") && string.Equals("Red", west.getColor())) { west.count = 0; north.setGreen(); west.lightChanged = true; north.count = 0; } //increase count if green or yellow if (string.Equals("Green", west.getColor()) || string.Equals("Yellow", west.getColor())) { west.count++; } }
//Method name: southLigth //Method description: functionality from south light public void southLight(ref StopLight south, ref StopLight east) { //get souths color south2 = south.getColor(); south.timer(south.count); //check to see if color changed if (string.Equals(south2, "Green") && string.Equals("Yellow", south.getColor())) { south.lightChanged = true; } //if south is red set east to green if (string.Equals(south2, "Yellow") && string.Equals("Red", south.getColor())) { south.count = 0; east.setGreen(); south.lightChanged = true; east.count = 0; } //increase count if south is green or yellow if (string.Equals("Green", south.getColor()) || string.Equals("Yellow", south.getColor())) { south.count++; } }
//Method name: eastLigth //Method description: functionality from east light public void eastLight(ref StopLight east, ref StopLight west) { //get easts color east2 = east.getColor(); east.timer(east.count); //check to see if color changed if (string.Equals(east2, "Green") && string.Equals("Yellow", east.getColor())) { east.lightChanged = true; } if (string.Equals(east2, "Yellow") && string.Equals("Red", east.getColor())) { east.lightChanged = true; east.count = 0; } //increase east count if green or yellow if (string.Equals("Green", east.getColor()) || string.Equals("Yellow", east.getColor())) { east.count++; } //set west to green if (east.count == 7) { west.setGreen(); west.lightChanged = true; west.count = 0; } }
//Method name: northLigth //Method description: functionality from north light public void northLight(ref StopLight north, ref StopLight south) { //get norths color before calling function north2 = north.getColor(); north.timer(north.count); //check to see if color has changed if (string.Equals(north2, "Green") && string.Equals("Yellow", north.getColor())) { north.lightChanged = true; } //light changed if (string.Equals(north2, "Yellow") && string.Equals("Red", north.getColor())) { north.lightChanged = true; count = 0; } //increase count if ligth is green or yellow if (string.Equals("Green", north.getColor()) || string.Equals("Yellow", north.getColor())) { count++; } if (count == 7) { south.setGreen(); south.lightChanged = true; south.count = 0; } }