예제 #1
     * Draws the background image for the mouth loading screen
    void OnGUI()
        counter = GameObject.Find("StomachChooseBackground");                           // find the reference to the mouth background choser
        level   = counter.GetComponent <StomachLoadLevelCounter> ();                    // get the current level from the counter

        // draw the proper level load screen to take up the entiere screen
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height),
                        backgrounds [Mathf.Clamp(level.getLevel() - 1, 0, level.getMaxLevels())]);
예제 #2
     * Handles drawing of stats information and all related graphics
    void OnGUI()
        // Draw the number of stars text
        GUIStyle starStyle = new GUIStyle();                                                    // create new style

        starStyle.font             = (Font)Resources.Load("Fonts/JandaManateeSolid");           // set font style
        starStyle.normal.textColor = Color.yellow;                                              // set font color
        starStyle.fontSize         = (int)(34f / 597f * Screen.height);                         // set a relative font size
        // draw the text indicating the number of stars in the specified area
        GUI.Label(new Rect((290f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (138f / 768f) * Screen.height, (100f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                           (100f / 768f) * Screen.height), "" + numStars, starStyle);

        // draw the actual stars
        if (numStars == 1)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((48f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((142f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((236f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((330f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((424f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
        else if (numStars == 2)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((48f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((142f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((236f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((330f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((424f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
        else if (numStars == 3)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((48f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((142f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((236f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((330f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((424f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
        else if (numStars == 4)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((48f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((142f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((236f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((330f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((424f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
        else if (numStars == 5)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((48f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((142f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((236f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((330f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((424f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);

        // Draw the stats text
        GUIStyle statsStyle = new GUIStyle();                                                   // create a new style

        statsStyle.font             = (Font)Resources.Load("Fonts/JandaManateeSolid");          // set the font
        statsStyle.normal.textColor = Color.yellow;                                             // set the font color
        statsStyle.fontSize         = (int)(20f / 597f * Screen.height);                        // set the font relative size

        // create 2 labels to display the stats in text
        GUI.Label(new Rect((600f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (90f / 768f) * Screen.height, (((961f - 27f) - 600f) / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                           ((520f - 90f) / 768f) * Screen.height),
                  "Total food blobs:\n" +
                  "Dead stomach wall cells:\n" +

                  "Food blobs broken down:\n" +
                  "Food blobs not broken down:\n",

                   * "\n" +						//TODO: move this somewhere?
                   * "\n" +						//TODO: move this somehwere?
                   * " High Score:",				//TODO: move this somewhere?

        // this second label is needed to line up everything since we aren't using a fixed size font
        GUI.Label(new Rect((940f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (90f / 768f) * Screen.height, (((961f - 27f) - 600f) / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                           ((520f - 90f) / 768f) * Screen.height),
                  "" + totalfood + "\n" +
                  "" + timesCellDied + "\n" +

                  "" + foodDisolved + "\n" +
                  "" + foodnotDisolved + "\n",

                   * "\n" +						//TODO: move this somewhere?
                   * "\n" +                         //TODO: move this somewhere?
                   * "" + prevHighScore,			//TODO: move this somewhere?

        // draw the button for next level in the specified area of the screen
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((635f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (535f / 768f) * Screen.height,
                                ((905f - 635f) / 1024f) * Screen.width, ((665f - 535f) / 768f) * Screen.height), "", nextLevelButton))
            // make sure to not show the load screen after we're done
            if (level.getLevel() > level.getMaxLevels())
                Application.LoadLevel("StomachEndStoryboard");                  // if the mouth game is done then we load the small
                // intestine story
                Application.LoadLevel("LoadLevelStomach");                                      // if there are more mouth levels than load the next one