예제 #1
        }//close OnStockThresholdReached(...)

        protected virtual void OnWriteThresholdReached(StockThresholdReachedEventArgs e)
            EventHandler <StockThresholdReachedEventArgs> handler = WriteThresholdReached;

            //make sure that the event is not null
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, e); // raise the event
        }//close OnWriteThresholdReached(...)
예제 #2
        }//close Activate()

        public void ChangeStockValue()
            Random random = new Random();                       //Declare random variable

            currentStockValue += random.Next(1, maxChange + 1); //update currentStockValue by random number
            //int randomNumber = random.Next(1, maxChange+1);
            //int sign = random.Next(0, 2);
            //randomNumber = (sign == 0) ? randomNumber : -randomNumber;
            //currentStockValue += randomNumber;
            numberOfChanges++; //increment the number of changes related to the designated stock.
            //if ((Math.Abs(currentStockValue - initialValue)) > notificationThreshold){
            if ((currentStockValue - initialValue) > notificationThreshold)
                lock (threadLock) { //lock - create critical section that can only be accessed by 1 thread at a time
                    //Declare new StockThresholdReachedEventArgs
                    StockThresholdReachedEventArgs args = new StockThresholdReachedEventArgs();
                    args.StockName         = stockName;         //set StockName data
                    args.CurrentStockValue = currentStockValue; //set CurrentStockValue attribute
                    args.StockChangeNum    = numberOfChanges;   //set StockChangeNum
                    OnStockThresholdReached(args);              //Raise Event - Display To Console
                    OnWriteThresholdReached(args);              //Raise Event - Write To Console
                }//close lock
            }//end if
        }//close ChangeStockValue()