// ============================================ // PRIVATE Methods // ============================================ private void InitializeMenuBar() { MenuItem item; // File Menu Menu fileMenu = new Gtk.Menu(); item = new ImageMenuItem("Proxy Settings"); ((ImageMenuItem)item).Image = StockIcons.GetImage("Proxy", 20); item.Activated += new EventHandler(OnProxySettings); fileMenu.Append(item); item = new SeparatorMenuItem(); fileMenu.Append(item); item = new ImageMenuItem(Gtk.Stock.Quit, null); item.Activated += new EventHandler(OnQuit); fileMenu.Append(item); item = new MenuItem("_File"); item.Submenu = fileMenu; this.menuBar.Append(item); // Help Menu Menu helpMenu = new Gtk.Menu(); item = new ImageMenuItem(Gtk.Stock.About, null); item.Activated += new EventHandler(OnAbout); helpMenu.Append(item); item = new MenuItem("_Help"); item.Submenu = helpMenu; this.menuBar.Append(item); }
// ============================================ // PUBLIC Constructors // ============================================ /// Create New Login Dialog public Login() { SetDefaultSize(240, 355); DefaultIcon = StockIcons.GetPixbuf("NyFolderIcon"); // Initialize Dialog Options Title = Info.Name + " Login"; Logo = StockIcons.GetPixbuf("NyFolderLogo", 240, 140); // Remember Password (CheckButton) checkRememberPassword.Image = new Gtk.Image(Stock.Save, IconSize.Button); // Secure Authentication (CheckButton) checkSecureAuth = new CheckButton("Use Secure Authentication"); checkSecureAuth.Active = true; checkSecureAuth.Image = StockIcons.GetImage("Lock", 22); checkSecureAuth.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnCheckSecureAuthToggled); VBox.PackStart(checkSecureAuth, false, false, 2); // Initialize MenuBar this.menuBar = new Gtk.MenuBar(); VBox.PackStart(this.menuBar, false, false, 0); this.VBox.ReorderChild(this.menuBar, 0); InitializeMenuBar(); // Initialize Dialog Buttons AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok); AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Quit, ResponseType.Close); ShowAll(); }
// ============================================ // PUBLIC Constructors // ============================================ public TopBar() : base(false, 2) { // Initialize Search Logo this.imageLogo = StockIcons.GetImage("Search"); this.imageLogo.Xalign = 0.1f; this.imageLogo.Yalign = 0.1f; this.imageLogo.Xpad = 2; this.PackStart(this.imageLogo, false, false, 2); // Initialize Top VBox this.table = new Gtk.Table(3, 2, false); this.table.ColumnSpacing = 6; this.table.RowSpacing = 2; this.PackStart(this.table, true, true, 2); Gtk.Label label; // Initialize Search Label label = new Gtk.Label("<b>Search:</b>"); label.UseMarkup = true; label.Xalign = 1.0f; this.table.Attach(label, 0, 1, 0, 1); // Initialize Entry Search this.entrySearch = new Gtk.Entry(); this.table.Attach(this.entrySearch, 1, 2, 0, 1); // Initialize Search By label = new Gtk.Label("<b>By:</b>"); label.UseMarkup = true; label.Xalign = 1.0f; this.table.Attach(label, 0, 1, 1, 2); // Initialize Combo Search Type this.comboSearchType = ComboBox.NewText(); AddSearchType(); this.comboSearchType.Active = 0; this.table.Attach(this.comboSearchType, 1, 2, 1, 2); // Initialize Search By label = new Gtk.Label("<b>User:</b>"); label.UseMarkup = true; label.Xalign = 1.0f; table.Attach(label, 0, 1, 2, 3); // Initialize Combo Search Type this.comboSearchUser = ComboBox.NewText(); AddSearchUsers(); this.comboSearchUser.Active = 0; this.table.Attach(this.comboSearchUser, 1, 2, 2, 3); this.ShowAll(); }
protected void CheckForUpdates(string version, string infos) { if (version == NyFolder.Info.Version) { return; } Gtk.Image updateImage = StockIcons.GetImage("UpdateNotifier", 22); Gtk.Button updateBtn = new Gtk.Button(updateImage); updateBtn.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; updateBtn.Clicked += { UpdateInfo updateDialog = new UpdateInfo(); updateDialog.Version = version; updateDialog.Version = infos; };
// ============================================ // PUBLIC Constructors // ============================================ public ViewerWindow() : base("Download/Upload Viewer") { // Initialize Window SetDefaultSize(440, 300); // Initialize VBox this.vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 2); this.Add(this.vbox); // Initialize Notebook this.notebook = new Gtk.Notebook(); this.notebook.ShowTabs = true; this.notebook.Scrollable = true; this.vbox.PackStart(this.notebook, true, true, 2); // Add Download Viewer this.tabDownloads = new TabLabel("<b>Downloads</b>", StockIcons.GetImage("Download", 22)); this.tabDownloads.Button.Sensitive = false; this.downloadViewer = new DownloadViewer(); this.notebook.AppendPage(this.downloadViewer, this.tabDownloads); // Add Uploads Viewer this.tabUploads = new TabLabel("<b>Uploads</b>", StockIcons.GetImage("Upload", 22)); this.tabUploads.Button.Sensitive = false; this.uploadViewer = new UploadViewer(); this.notebook.AppendPage(this.uploadViewer, this.tabUploads); // HButton Box this.hButtonBox = new Gtk.HButtonBox(); this.hButtonBox.Spacing = 4; this.hButtonBox.Layout = ButtonBoxStyle.End; this.hButtonBox.LayoutStyle = ButtonBoxStyle.End; this.vbox.PackStart(this.hButtonBox, false, false, 2); Gtk.Button button; button = new Gtk.Button(Gtk.Stock.Clear); button.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnButtonClear); this.hButtonBox.PackStart(button, false, false, 2); // Show All this.ShowAll(); }
public About() : base("About " + Info.Name) { // Initialize Dialog Window Options this.SetDefaultSize(320, 223); // Initialize VBox this.vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 0); this.Add(this.vbox); // Initialize Image Logo this.imageLogo = StockIcons.GetImage("NyIVLogo"); this.vbox.PackStart(this.imageLogo, false, false, 0); // Initialize Credit ScollBox this.scrollBox = new ScrollBox(CreditText); this.scrollBox.SetSizeRequest(320, 95); this.vbox.PackStart(this.scrollBox, false, false, 0); this.ShowAll(); }
// ============================================ // PRIVATE Methods // ============================================ private void InitializeObject(bool download) { this.hbox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 2); this.Add(this.hbox); // Initialize Image Logo this.imageLogo = StockIcons.GetImage(((download == true) ? "Download": "Upload")); this.hbox.PackStart(this.imageLogo, false, false, 2); // Initialize Delete Button this.deleteButton = new Gtk.Button(StockIcons.GetImage("DlTrash")); this.deleteButton.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; this.deleteButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnDeleteClicked); this.hbox.PackEnd(this.deleteButton, false, false, 2); // Initialize VBox this.vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 2); this.hbox.PackStart(this.vbox, true, true, 2); // Initialize Name this.labelName = new Gtk.Label(); this.labelName.UseMarkup = true; this.labelName.Xalign = 0.0f; this.vbox.PackStart(this.labelName, false, false, 2); // Initialize Status "5.8Mb of 8.1Mb (at 316.1Kb/s)" this.labelStatus = new Gtk.Label(); this.labelStatus.UseMarkup = true; this.labelStatus.Xalign = 0.0f; this.vbox.PackStart(this.labelStatus, false, false, 2); // Initialize ProgressBar this.progressBar = new Gtk.ProgressBar(); this.vbox.PackStart(this.progressBar, false, false, 2); this.vbox.PackStart(new Gtk.HSeparator(), false, false, 2); this.ShowAll(); }
// ============================================ // PROTECTED Methods // ============================================ // ============================================ // PRIVATE Methods // ============================================ private void InitializeObject() { // Initialize Image Logo this.imageLogo = new Gtk.Image(); this.imageLogo.Xpad = 5; this.PackStart(this.imageLogo, false, false, 2); // Initialize Delete Button this.deleteButton = new Gtk.Button(StockIcons.GetImage("DlTrash")); this.deleteButton.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; this.deleteButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnDeleteClicked); this.PackEnd(this.deleteButton, false, false, 2); // Initialize VBox this.vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 2); this.PackStart(this.vbox, true, true, 2); // Initialize Name this.labelName = new Gtk.Label(); this.labelName.UseMarkup = true; this.labelName.Xalign = 0.0f; this.vbox.PackStart(this.labelName, false, false, 2); // Initialize Status "6.1Mb of 10.1Mb (60%)" this.labelStatus = new Gtk.Label(); this.labelStatus.UseMarkup = true; this.labelStatus.Xalign = 0.0f; this.vbox.PackStart(this.labelStatus, false, false, 2); // Initialize ProgressBar this.progressBar = new Gtk.ProgressBar(); this.vbox.PackStart(this.progressBar, false, false, 2); this.vbox.PackStart(new Gtk.HSeparator(), false, false, 2); this.ShowAll(); }
// ============================================ // PUBLIC Constructors // ============================================ public UpdateInfo() : base("Update Informations", null, DialogFlags.Modal) { Gtk.HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 4); this.VBox.PackStart(hbox, true, true, 4); // Add Close Button AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Close, ResponseType.Close); // Update Logo Gtk.Image updateLogo = StockIcons.GetImage("UpdateNotifier"); updateLogo.Yalign = 0; updateLogo.Xpad = 2; hbox.PackStart(updateLogo, false, false, 2); // Update Informations this.vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 2); hbox.PackStart(this.vbox, true, true, 2); // Title this.title = new Gtk.Label("<span size='x-large'><b>Update Informations</b></span>"); this.title.UseMarkup = true; this.vbox.PackStart(this.title, false, false, 2); // Version this.version = new Gtk.Label(); this.version.Xalign = 0; this.version.UseMarkup = true; this.vbox.PackStart(this.version, false, false, 2); // Infos this.infos = new Gtk.Label(); this.infos.Xalign = 0; this.infos.Yalign = 0; this.vbox.PackStart(this.infos, true, true, 2); this.ShowAll(); }
// ============================================ // PUBLIC Constructors // ============================================ public ProgressDialog(string password) : base(MyInfo.Name + " Login", null, DialogFlags.Modal) { // Initialize Dialog Options WindowPosition = Gtk.WindowPosition.Center; // Initialize Dialog Events Response += new ResponseHandler(OnResponse); // Initialize Dialog Components AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Close, ResponseType.Close); Gtk.HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 2); Gtk.VBox vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 2); VBox.PackStart(hbox, true, true, 2); hbox.PackStart(StockIcons.GetImage("Channel"), false, false, 2); hbox.PackStart(vbox, true, true, 2); // Initialize Label labelMessage = new Gtk.Label("<b>Waiting for " + MyInfo.Name + " Login...</b>"); labelMessage.UseMarkup = true; vbox.PackStart(labelMessage, false, false, 2); // Initialize ProgressBar progressBar = new Gtk.ProgressBar(); vbox.PackStart(progressBar, false, false, 2); // Initialize Timer timer = GLib.Timeout.Add(100, new GLib.TimeoutHandler(ProgressTimeout)); // Initialize UserInfo MyInfo.LoginChecked += new LoginEventHandler(OnLoginChecked); MyInfo.Login(password); this.ShowAll(); }