IEnumerator SetupPlayer2() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); GameObject[] sticksOnline = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("StickOnline"); foreach (GameObject stick in sticksOnline) { if (stick.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().isLocalPlayer) { stick.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().position = new Vector3(-1500.0f, 0.0f, -7745.6f); stick.tag = "Stick2"; Stick stickOnlineScript = stick.GetComponent <Stick>(); stickOnlineScript.setStickOptionsForOnline(-7050.0f, -8600.0f, false, false); stickOnlineScript.UpdateControls(); } } }
public void HideSettingsMenu() { Time.timeScale = 1; settingsPanel.SetActive(false); settingsBackground.SetActive(false); settingsText.SetActive(false); settingsStartButton.SetActive(false); settingsCreateOnlineButton.SetActive(false); settingsJoinOnlineButton.SetActive(false); settingsStartAiEasyButton.SetActive(false); settingsStartAiHardButton.SetActive(false); settingsBackButton.SetActive(false); turnsSlider.SetActive(false); turnsText.SetActive(false); turnNumberText.SetActive(false); scoreText.SetActive(true); playerReady.SetActive(true); startButton = keybindsMenu.GetStartButton(); playerReadyText.text = "Player one's turn, \n Press the start button(" + startButton.ToString() + ") to start!"; gameInfo.SetActive(true); pauseMenu.UpdatePauseButton(); gameController.UpdateStartButton(); stick = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Stick"); if (stick != null) { stickScript = stick.GetComponent <Stick>(); } stick2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Stick2"); if (stick2 != null) { stickScript2 = stick2.GetComponent <Stick>(); } if (stickScript != null) { stickScript.UpdateControls(); } if (stickScript2 != null) { stickScript2.UpdateControls(); } loadingScreen.displayLoadingScreen(); if (aiModeEasy) { gameController.aiMode = true; ai.activateAI(); ai.UnpauseAI(); ai.setSimulationEasy(); } else if (aiModeHard) { gameController.aiMode = true; ai.activateAI(); ai.UnpauseAI(); ai.setSimulationHard(); } }
public void createPlayersSticks() { string model1; GameObject prefab1; Color[] colors1; float leftLimit1 = 775.0f; float rightLimit1 = -775.0f; float size1; string model2; GameObject prefab2; Color[] colors2; float leftLimit2 = -7050.0f; float rightLimit2 = -8600.0f; float size2; Vector3 stickSize; DestroyAllSticks(); model1 = avatars.getPlayer1Avatar(out prefab1, out colors1, out size1); leftLimit1 = 750.0f + ((size1 - 300) * -0.576f); rightLimit1 = -740.0f + ((size1 - 300) * 0.456f); GameObject stick1 = Instantiate(prefab1, new Vector3(), new Quaternion()); stick1.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().position = new Vector3(-1500.0f, 0.0f, 42.0f); stick1.tag = "Stick"; stickSize = stick1.GetComponent <Transform>().localScale; stickSize.z = size1; stick1.GetComponent <Transform>().localScale = stickSize; stick1.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); stick1.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("palletHit"); stick1.GetComponent <AudioSource>().playOnAwake = false; if (model1.Equals("Flower")) { var children = stick1.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (var child in children) { if ("Stem")) { if (!colors1[0].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors1[0]; } } else if ("Middle")) { if (!colors1[1].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors1[1]; } } else if ("Petal")) { if (!colors1[2].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors1[2]; } } } } if (model1.Equals("Sword")) { var children = stick1.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (var child in children) { if ( == "Blade") { if (!colors1[0].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors1[0]; } } else if ( == "Crossguard") { if (!colors1[1].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors1[1]; } } else if ( == "Grip") { if (!colors1[2].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors1[2]; } } else if ( == "Pomel") { if (!colors1[3].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors1[3]; } } } } if (model1.Equals("Normal")) { if (!colors1[0].Equals(Color.clear)) { stick1.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors1[0]; } } Stick stick1Script = stick1.GetComponent <Stick>(); stick1Script.setStickOptions(leftLimit1, rightLimit1, true); stick1Script.UpdateControls(); model2 = avatars.getPlayer2Avatar(out prefab2, out colors2, out size2); leftLimit2 = -7050.0f + ((size1 - 300) * -0.467f); rightLimit2 = -8540.0f + ((size1 - 300) * 0.533f); GameObject stick2 = Instantiate(prefab2, new Vector3(), new Quaternion()); stick2.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().position = new Vector3(-1500.0f, 0.0f, -7745.6f); stick2.tag = "Stick2"; stickSize = stick2.GetComponent <Transform>().localScale; stickSize.z = size2; stick2.GetComponent <Transform>().localScale = stickSize; stick2.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); stick2.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("palletHit"); stick2.GetComponent <AudioSource>().playOnAwake = false; if (model2.Equals("Flower")) { var children = stick2.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (var child in children) { if ("Stem")) { if (!colors2[0].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors2[0]; } } else if ("Middle")) { if (!colors2[1].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors2[1]; } } else if ("Petal")) { if (!colors2[2].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors2[2]; } } } } if (model2.Equals("Sword")) { var children = stick2.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (var child in children) { if ( == "Blade") { if (!colors2[0].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors2[0]; } } else if ( == "Crossguard") { if (!colors2[1].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors2[1]; } } else if ( == "Grip") { if (!colors2[2].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors2[2]; } } else if ( == "Pomel") { if (!colors2[3].Equals(Color.clear)) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors2[3]; } } } } if (model2.Equals("Normal")) { if (!colors2[0].Equals(Color.clear)) { stick2.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = colors2[0]; } } Stick stick2Script = stick2.GetComponent <Stick>(); stick2Script.setStickOptions(leftLimit2, rightLimit2, false); stick2Script.UpdateControls(); }