예제 #1
        public void RejectLCMMatches(string id, string MatchSeqence)
            CompanyFacade          fac   = new CompanyFacade(this.CurrentClient.ApplicationDBConnectionString, Helper.UserName);
            StewardshipPortalModel model = new StewardshipPortalModel();

            //We store all matches for Company in temp data and when user will select or deselect match at that time fill old matches to list
            //and get the id from the list to PreviousId and then remove from the list and add new id into list.
            if (TempData["TempCompanies"] != null)
                model.Companies = (TempData["TempCompanies"] as List <CompanyEntity>).Copy();
            // remove selected matches for rejection.
            if (model.Companies.Any() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                foreach (var company in model.Companies)
                    if (company.InputId == Convert.ToInt32(id))
                        company.Matches[Convert.ToInt32(MatchSeqence) - 1].IsSelected = false;
                        company.SelectedMatchCount = 0;
                        company.StewardshipNotes   = "";
                        company.Matches[Convert.ToInt32(MatchSeqence) - 1].StewardshipNotes = "";
            TempData["TempCompanies"] = model.Companies;
            Helper.IsDirty            = false;
예제 #2
        public JsonResult GetNextMatchDetailRecord(int SrcId)
            // Get next matches detail for company in match item detail view.
            StewardshipPortalModel model = new StewardshipPortalModel();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(TempData["TempCompanies"])))
            return(new JsonResult {
                Data = "success"
예제 #3
        public ActionResult OpenSearchData(int InputId, int count, string Notes)
            string Note = "";

            if (Helper.IsApprovalScreen == false)
                StewardshipPortalModel model = new StewardshipPortalModel();
                if (TempData["TempCompanies"] != null)
                    model.Companies = (TempData["TempCompanies"] as List <CompanyEntity>).Copy();
                Note = Convert.ToString(model.Companies.Where(x => x.InputId == InputId).FirstOrDefault().StewardshipNotes);
                if (model.Companies.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in model.Companies)
                        if (item.InputId == InputId)
                            if (count == -1)
                                Note = item.StewardshipNotes;
                                int i = 1;
                                foreach (var match in item.Matches)
                                    if (i == count)
                                        Note = match.StewardshipNotes;
                Note = Notes;
            ViewBag.StewardShipNote = Note;
            ViewBag.InputId         = InputId;
            ViewBag.MatchCount      = count;
예제 #4
 public ActionResult OpenSearchData(string StewardshipNotes, int InputId, int Count)
     if (Helper.IsApprovalScreen == false)
         StewardshipPortalModel model = new StewardshipPortalModel();
         if (TempData["TempCompanies"] != null)
             model.Companies = (TempData["TempCompanies"] as List <CompanyEntity>).Copy();
         if (model.Companies.Count > 0)
             foreach (var item in model.Companies)
                 if (item.InputId == InputId)
                     if (Count == -1)
                         item.StewardshipNotes = StewardshipNotes;
                         item.StewardshipNotes = "";
                         int i = 1;
                         foreach (var match in item.Matches)
                             if (i == Count)
                                 match.StewardshipNotes = StewardshipNotes;
                                 item.StewardshipNotes  = StewardshipNotes;
                                 match.StewardshipNotes = "";
         TempData["TempCompanies"] = model.Companies;
     ViewBag.StewardShipNote = StewardshipNotes;
     ViewBag.CloseAlert      = "<script type='text/javascript'>$(document).ready(function(){parent.backToparent2();});</script>";
예제 #5
        public ActionResult GoogleMapPopUp(string id)
            StewardshipPortalModel model   = new StewardshipPortalModel();
            CompanyEntity          Company = new CompanyEntity();

            if (TempData["TempCompanies"] != null)
                model.Companies = (TempData["TempCompanies"] as List <CompanyEntity>).Copy();
            // remove selected matches for rejection.
            if (model.Companies.Any() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                Company = model.Companies.Where(x => x.SrcRecordId == id).FirstOrDefault();
예제 #6
        public void AcceptLCMMatches(string id, string MatchSeqence)
            CompanyFacade          fac   = new CompanyFacade(this.CurrentClient.ApplicationDBConnectionString, Helper.UserName);
            StewardshipPortalModel model = new StewardshipPortalModel();

            if (TempData["TempCompanies"] != null)
                model.Companies = (TempData["TempCompanies"] as List <CompanyEntity>).Copy();
            if (model.Companies.Any() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                foreach (var company in model.Companies)
                    if (company.InputId == Convert.ToInt32(id))
                        if (Convert.ToString(MatchSeqence).ToLower() == "rejectall")
                            company.Matches.ForEach(x => x.IsSelected = false);
                            company.SelectedMatchCount = 0;
                            company.RejectCompany      = true;
                        else if (Convert.ToString(MatchSeqence).ToLower() == "unrejectall")
                            company.RejectCompany = false;
                            company.Matches.ForEach(x => x.IsSelected = false);
                            company.Matches[Convert.ToInt32(MatchSeqence) - 1].IsSelected = true;
                            company.SelectedMatchCount = 1;
                            company.RejectCompany      = false;
            TempData["TempCompanies"] = model.Companies;
            Helper.IsDirty            = true;
예제 #7
        //Open Matched Item Detail View with all Parameter pass with serialization form and set next and prev data to manage next and prev functionality.
        public ActionResult cShowMatchedItesDetailsView(string Parameters)
            string id = string.Empty, childButtonId = string.Empty, dataNext = string.Empty, dataPrev = string.Empty, count = string.Empty; bool IsPartialView = false;

            // Get Query string in Encrypted mode and decrypt Query string and set Parameters
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameters))
                Parameters               = StringCipher.Decrypt(Parameters.Replace(Utility.Utility.urlseparator, "+"), General.passPhrase);
                id                       = Utility.Utility.SplitParameters(Parameters, Utility.Utility.Colonseparator, 0, 1);
                childButtonId            = Utility.Utility.SplitParameters(Parameters, Utility.Utility.Colonseparator, 1, 1);
                dataNext                 = Utility.Utility.SplitParameters(Parameters, Utility.Utility.Colonseparator, 2, 1);
                dataPrev                 = Utility.Utility.SplitParameters(Parameters, Utility.Utility.Colonseparator, 3, 1);
                count                    = Utility.Utility.SplitParameters(Parameters, Utility.Utility.Colonseparator, 4, 1);
                ViewBag.AdditionalFields = Utility.Utility.SplitParameters(Parameters, Utility.Utility.Colonseparator, 5, 1);
                IsPartialView            = Convert.ToBoolean(Utility.Utility.SplitParameters(Parameters, Utility.Utility.Colonseparator, 6, 1));
            MatchEntity Match = new MatchEntity();

            ViewBag.dataNext = Convert.ToString(dataNext);
            ViewBag.dataPrev = Convert.ToString(dataPrev);
            CompanyFacade          fac   = new CompanyFacade(this.CurrentClient.ApplicationDBConnectionString, Helper.UserName);
            StewardshipPortalModel model = new StewardshipPortalModel();

            ViewBag.SelectData = "ApproveMatch";
            if (TempData["TempCompanies"] != null)
                model.Companies = (TempData["TempCompanies"] as List <CompanyEntity>).Copy();
                Helper.oUser.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.GetUserId());
                int page       = Convert.ToInt32(TempData["page"]);
                int pagevalue  = Convert.ToInt32(TempData["pageno"]);
                int totalCount = 0;
                Tuple <List <CompanyEntity>, string> tuplecompany = fac.GetLCMCompany(Helper.oUser.UserId, page == 0 ? 1 : page, pagevalue == 0 ? 10 : pagevalue, out totalCount, Helper.IsApprovalScreen);
                model.Companies = tuplecompany.Item1;
            model.Companies = SetOriginalMatchCount(model.Companies);
            // Set All Company details in session
            CompanyEntity company = new CompanyEntity();

            company = model.Companies.Where(x => x.InputId == Convert.ToInt32(id)).FirstOrDefault();
            Match   = company.Matches.Where(x => x.DnBDUNSNumber == childButtonId).FirstOrDefault();
                ViewBag.NextToNextDUNS = dataNext != "" ? company.Matches.SkipWhile(p => p.DnBDUNSNumber != dataNext).ElementAt(1).DnBDUNSNumber : company.Matches.SkipWhile(p => p.DnBDUNSNumber != childButtonId).ElementAt(1).DnBDUNSNumber;
                ViewBag.NextToNextDUNS = "";
                ViewBag.PrevToPrevDUNS = dataPrev != "" ? company.Matches.TakeWhile(p => p.DnBDUNSNumber != dataPrev).LastOrDefault().DnBDUNSNumber : company.Matches.TakeWhile(p => p.DnBDUNSNumber != childButtonId).LastOrDefault().DnBDUNSNumber;
                ViewBag.PrevToPrevDUNS = "";
            var IsSelected = company != null?company.Matches.Where(x => x.DnBDUNSNumber == Match.DnBDUNSNumber).Select(x => x.IsSelected).FirstOrDefault() : false;

            Match.IsSelected   = IsSelected;
            Helper.CompanyName = company.CompanyName == "" ? "Null" : company.CompanyName;
            Helper.Address     = company.Address == "" ? "Null" : company.Address;
            Helper.City        = company.City == "" ? "Null" : company.City;
            Helper.State       = company.State == "" ? "Null" : company.State;
            Helper.PhoneNbr    = company.PhoneNbr == "" ? "Null" : company.PhoneNbr;
            Helper.Zip         = company.PostalCode == "" ? "" : company.PostalCode;

            Tuple <MatchEntity, CompanyEntity> tuple = new Tuple <MatchEntity, CompanyEntity>(Match, company);

            //when Popup is already open and click on next previous at that time we reload just partial view
            if (!IsPartialView)
                return(PartialView("_MatchedItemDetailView", tuple));
                return(PartialView("_MatchDetails", tuple));
예제 #8
        public ActionResult Index(int?page, int?sortby, int?sortorder, int?pagevalue)
            // Set User id in Session.

            CompanyFacade          fac   = new CompanyFacade(this.CurrentClient.ApplicationDBConnectionString, Helper.oUser.UserName);
            StewardshipPortalModel model = new StewardshipPortalModel();

            Helper.IsApprovalScreen = true;
            // Get user Detail by UserId.
            UsersModel Users = new UsersModel();

            // Get Login Detail by the userId
            Users.objUsers = fac.StewUserLogIn(Helper.oUser.EmailAddress, null, true);
            // Check if User allow Enable2state and IsApproval screen or not.
            if (!Helper.Enable2StepUpdate)
                Helper.Approve = true;

            if (Helper.Enable2StepUpdate && !Helper.IsApprovalScreen)
                Helper.Approve = false;

            if (Helper.IsApprovalScreen)
                Helper.Approve = true;

            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            TempData["page"] = page;
            // Find Company by userid and according to page no and page size wise.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(TempData["pageno"])) && pagevalue == null)
                pagevalue = Convert.ToInt32(TempData["pageno"]);
            if (!(sortby.HasValue && sortby.Value > 0))
                sortby = 1;
            if (!(sortorder.HasValue && sortorder.Value > 0))
                sortorder = 1;

            int sortParam        = int.Parse(sortby.ToString() + sortorder.ToString());
            int totalCount       = 0;
            int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
            int pageno           = pagevalue.HasValue ? pagevalue.Value : 10;

            pageno             = pageno < 5 ? 5 : pageno;
            TempData["pageno"] = pageno;
            ViewBag.SortBy     = sortby;
            ViewBag.SortOrder  = sortorder;
            ViewBag.pageno     = pageno;
            ViewBag.pagevalue  = pagevalue;
            // Find Company by userid and according to page no and page size wise.

            Tuple <List <CompanyEntity>, string> tuplecompany = fac.GetLCMCompany(Helper.oUser.UserId, currentPageIndex, pageno, out totalCount, Helper.IsApprovalScreen);

            model.Companies = tuplecompany.Item1;
            TempData["ApproveQueueMessage"] = tuplecompany.Item2;
            model.Companies = SetOriginalMatchCount(model.Companies);
            if (Helper.IsApprovalScreen && model.Companies != null)
                model.Companies = FinishedLoadCompanies(model.Companies);

            string ViewId = Users.objUsers.UserLayoutPreference;

            // Check Default view mean display in grid view or panel view.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(Session["ApproveMatchDataDefaultView"])))
                if (ViewId == "GRID")
                    Session["ApproveMatchDataDefaultView"] = "GRID";
                    Session["ApproveMatchDataCurrentView"] = "GRID";
                else if (ViewId == "PANEL")
                    Session["ApproveMatchDataDefaultView"] = "PANEL";
                    Session["ApproveMatchDataCurrentView"] = "PANEL";
            //Get session Filter data from the database and set in tempdata.
            TempData["TotalCount"]    = totalCount;
            TempData["TempCompanies"] = model.Companies;
            IPagedList <CompanyEntity> pagedCompany = new StaticPagedList <CompanyEntity>(model.Companies.ToList(), currentPageIndex, pageno, totalCount);


            string ChildViewName = Convert.ToString(Session["ApproveMatchDataCurrentView"]) == "GRID" ? "_Index" : "_panelIndex";
            string ViewName      = Convert.ToString(Session["ApproveMatchDataCurrentView"]) == "GRID" ? "Index" : "PanelIndex";

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return(PartialView(ChildViewName, pagedCompany));

            return(View(ViewName, pagedCompany));
예제 #9
        public ActionResult GetFilteredCompanyList(int?page, int?sortby, int?sortorder, int?pagevalue, int CompanyMatch = 0, int CityName = 0, int StreetNo = 0, int StateName = 0, int StreetName = 0, int PostalCode = 0, int Telephone = 0, int MatchGrade = 0, string minConfidentCode = "0", string Command = null, bool SelectTopMatch = false, string MatchItemID = null)
            UserSessionFacade ufac = new UserSessionFacade(this.CurrentClient.ApplicationDBConnectionString);
            CompanyFacade     fac  = new CompanyFacade(this.CurrentClient.ApplicationDBConnectionString, Helper.UserName);

            // Set page no and Page size for the pagination.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(TempData["page"])))
                page = Convert.ToInt32(TempData["page"]);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(TempData["pageno"])))
                pagevalue = Convert.ToInt32(TempData["pageno"]);

            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            StewardshipPortalModel model = new StewardshipPortalModel();

            if (!(sortby.HasValue && sortby.Value > 0))
                sortby = 1;
            if (!(sortorder.HasValue && sortorder.Value > 0))
                sortorder = 1;
            int sortParam  = int.Parse(sortby.ToString() + sortorder.ToString());
            int totalCount = 0;

            if (TempData["TotalCount"] != null)
                totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(TempData["TotalCount"]);

            int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
            int pageno           = pagevalue.HasValue ? pagevalue.Value : 10;

            pageno            = pageno < 5 ? 5 : pageno;
            ViewBag.SortBy    = sortby;
            ViewBag.SortOrder = sortorder;
            ViewBag.pagevalue = pagevalue;
            if (minConfidentCode == "")
                minConfidentCode = "0";
            if (minConfidentCode.Contains('.'))
                minConfidentCode = minConfidentCode.Substring(0, minConfidentCode.IndexOf('.'));

            // Check and filter data from the session Filter.
            if (TempData["TempCompanies"] != null)
                model.Companies = (TempData["TempCompanies"] as List <CompanyEntity>).Copy();
                Tuple <List <CompanyEntity>, string> tuplecompany = fac.GetLCMCompany(Helper.oUser.UserId, currentPageIndex, pageno, out totalCount, Helper.IsApprovalScreen);
                model.Companies = tuplecompany.Item1;
                TempData["ApproveQueueMessage"] = tuplecompany.Item2;
                TempData["TempCompanies"]       = (model.Companies as List <CompanyEntity>).Copy();
                TempData["TotalCount"]          = totalCount;

            if (sortorder != null && sortby != null)
                model.Companies = SortData(model.Companies, Convert.ToInt32(sortorder), Convert.ToInt32(sortby));

            List <CompanyEntity> Companies = new List <CompanyEntity>();

            // Set Company matches for the particular company wise.
            model.Companies = SetOriginalMatchCount(model.Companies);
            foreach (var co in model.Companies)
                List <MatchEntity> matches = (from m in co.Matches
                                              where m.DnBConfidenceCode >= Convert.ToInt32(minConfidentCode)
                                              where ((CompanyMatch > 0) ? SetMatchGradeFilterString(CompanyMatch).Contains(m.MGCompanyName.ToString()) : m.MGCompanyName.Contains(m.MGCompanyName))
                                              where ((StreetNo > 0) ? SetMatchGradeFilterString(StreetNo).Contains(m.MGStreetNo.ToString()) : m.MGStreetNo.Contains(m.MGStreetNo))
                                              where ((StreetName > 0) ? SetMatchGradeFilterString(StreetName).Contains(m.MGStreetName.ToString()) : m.MGStreetName.Contains(m.MGStreetName))
                                              where ((CityName > 0) ? SetMatchGradeFilterString(CityName).Contains(m.MGCity.ToString()) : m.MGCity.Contains(m.MGCity))
                                              where ((StateName > 0) ? SetMatchGradeFilterString(StateName).Contains(m.MGState.ToString()) : m.MGState.Contains(m.MGState))
                                              where ((Telephone > 0) ? SetMatchGradeFilterString(Telephone).Contains(m.MGTelephone.ToString()) : m.MGTelephone.Contains(m.MGTelephone))
                                              where ((PostalCode > 0) ? SetMatchGradeFilterString(PostalCode).Contains(m.MGZipCode.ToString()) : m.MGZipCode.Contains(m.MGZipCode))
                                              select m).ToList <MatchEntity>();
                co.Matches = matches;
                if (matches.Count == 0)
            if (Companies != null && Companies.Any())
                foreach (var company in Companies)
            // if select top 1 match records than select and set first records of each company as selected.
            if (SelectTopMatch)
                model.Companies.ForEach(x => x.Matches.RemoveRange(1, x.Matches.Count - 1));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Command))
                if (Command == "Update")
                    // if Match update than Match set per company.
                    model.Companies.ForEach(x => x.MatchesFiltered = x.Matches);
                    ViewBag.Message = "No record updated.";
                    if (model != null && model.Companies.Any())
                        foreach (CompanyEntity company in model.Companies)
                            if (company.RejectCompany)
                            else if (company.SelectedMatchCount > 0)
                Tuple <List <CompanyEntity>, string> tuplecompany = fac.GetLCMCompany(Helper.oUser.UserId, pageNumber, pageno, out totalCount, Helper.IsApprovalScreen);
                model.Companies = tuplecompany.Item1;
                TempData["ApproveQueueMessage"] = tuplecompany.Item2;
                if (totalCount <= 0 && model.Companies.Count == 0 && pageNumber > 1)
                    tuplecompany    = fac.GetLCMCompany(Helper.oUser.UserId, pageNumber - 1, pageno, out totalCount, Helper.IsApprovalScreen);
                    model.Companies = tuplecompany.Item1;
                    TempData["ApproveQueueMessage"] = tuplecompany.Item2;
                    TempData["page"] = pageNumber - 1;

                model.Companies           = SetOriginalMatchCount(model.Companies);
                TempData["TempCompanies"] = model.Companies;
                TempData["TotalCount"]    = totalCount;
                if (SelectTopMatch)
                    model.Companies.ForEach(x => x.Matches.RemoveRange(1, x.Matches.Count - 1));
            // Set model of Company entity to pass this model to view.
            IPagedList <CompanyEntity> pagedCompany = new StaticPagedList <CompanyEntity>(model.Companies.ToList(), pageNumber, pageno, totalCount);

            string ChildViewName = Convert.ToString(Session["ApproveMatchDataCurrentView"]) == "GRID" ? "_Index" : "_panelIndex";
            string ViewName      = Convert.ToString(Session["ApproveMatchDataCurrentView"]) == "GRID" ? "Index" : "PanelIndex";

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return(PartialView(ChildViewName, pagedCompany));

            return(View(ViewName, pagedCompany));