public void RemoveStepCountEntry(StepCountEntry entry)
            //Cast the entry as a HealthKitBloodGlucoseEntry...
            HealthKitStepCountEntry hkStepCountEntry = entry as HealthKitStepCountEntry;

            HealthStore.DeleteObject(hkStepCountEntry.StepCountSample, new Action <bool, NSError> ((success, error) => {
                if (!success || error != null)
                    //NOTE: If this app didn't put the entry into the blood glucose list, then there will be an error on delete.
                    AlertManager.ShowError("Health Kit", "Unable to delete step count sample: " + error);
                    //Woo! We properly removed the last entry, make sure that any listeners to the glucose states are properly updated.
                    RefreshQuantityValue(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.StepCount, HKObjectType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.StepCount));
        public void AddStepCountEntry(StepCountEntry entry)
            var date         = new NSDate();
            var quantityType = HKObjectType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.StepCount);
            var countUnit    = HKUnit.Count;
            var quantity     = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(countUnit, entry.Count);
            var sample       = HKQuantitySample.FromType(quantityType, quantity, date, date);

            HealthStore.SaveObject(sample, new Action <bool, NSError>((success, error) => {
                if (!success || error != null)
                    //There may have been an add error for some reason.
                    AlertManager.ShowError("Health Kit", "Unable to add step count sample: " + error);
                    //Refresh all app wide blood glucose UI fields.
                    RefreshQuantityValue(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.StepCount, quantityType);
        public async void AddStepCountEntry(StepCountEntry entry)
            Log.Info(TAG, "Creating a new data insert request");

            // Set a start and end time for our data, using a start time of 1 hour before this moment.
            DateTime endTime          = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime startTime        = endTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromHours(1));
            long     endTimeElapsed   = GetMsSinceEpochAsLong(endTime);
            long     startTimeElapsed = GetMsSinceEpochAsLong(startTime);

            // Create a data source
            var dataSource = new DataSource.Builder()
                             .SetName(TAG + " - step count")

            // Create a data set
            //const int stepCountDelta = 1000;
            var       dataSet   = DataSet.Create(dataSource);
            DataPoint dataPoint = dataSet.CreateDataPoint()
                                  .SetTimeInterval(startTimeElapsed, endTimeElapsed, TimeUnit.Milliseconds);


            Log.Info(TAG, "Inserting the dataset in the History API");
            var insertStatus = await FitnessClass.HistoryApi.InsertDataAsync(mClient, dataSet);

            if (!insertStatus.IsSuccess)
                Log.Info(TAG, "There was a problem inserting the dataset.");

            Log.Info(TAG, "Data insert was successful!");

 public void RemoveStepCountEntry(StepCountEntry entry)
     //Google Fit doesn't support Blood Glucose, but we could add it as a custom type.
     throw new NotImplementedException();