internal override void LoadProject()
            _projectLoaded = true;

            ProjectStructure = new Step7ProjectFolder() { Project = this };
            CPUFolders = new List<CPUFolder>();
            CPFolders = new List<CPFolder>();
            S7ProgrammFolders = new List<S7ProgrammFolder>();
            BlocksOfflineFolders = new List<BlocksOfflineFolder>();

            ProjectStructure.Name = this.ToString();

            var stations = new List<StationConfigurationFolder>();

            List<CPFolder> DPFolders = new List<CPFolder>();//ProfiBusDP and MPI
            //Get The Project Stations...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if ((int)row["OBJTYP"] == objectType_Simatic300 || (int)row["OBJTYP"] == objectType_Simatic400 || (int)row["OBJTYP"] == objectType_Simatic400H)
                            var x = new StationConfigurationFolder() { Project = this, Parent = ProjectStructure };
                            x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                            if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                            x.ID = (int)row["ID"];
                            x.UnitID = (int)row["UNITID"];
                            x.ObjTyp = (int)row["OBJTYP"];
                            switch ((int)row["OBJTYP"])
                                case objectType_Simatic300:
                                    x.StationType = PLCType.Simatic300;
                                case objectType_Simatic400:
                                    x.StationType = PLCType.Simatic400;
                                case objectType_Simatic400H:
                                    x.StationType = PLCType.Simatic400H;
                            x.Parent = ProjectStructure;
                        else if ( Convert.ToInt32(row["OBJTYP"])==objectType_MpiDPinCPU)
                            var dp = new CPFolder();
                            dp.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["UNITID"]);//is UNITID in CPUFolder
                            dp.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]);

            //Get The HW Folder for the Station...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(row["RELID"]) == 1315820)
                            int TobjType = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);

                            if (TobjType == objectType_MpiDP400 || TobjType == objectType_MpiDP300)
                                var dp = DPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]));
                                if (dp != null)
                                    if (dp.IdTobjId == null) dp.IdTobjId = new List<int>();

            //Get The HW Folder for the Station...
            if (ZipHelper.FileExists(_zipfile,ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _zipfile, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (var y in Step7ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof (StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder) y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["SOBJID"] == z.ID && (int)row["RELID"] == 1315838)
                                    var x = new CPUFolder() {Project = this};
                                    x.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    bool add = true;
                                    foreach (Step7ProjectFolder tmp in z.SubItems)
                                        if (tmp.GetType() == typeof (CPUFolder) && ((CPUFolder) tmp).UnitID == x.UnitID)
                                            add = false;
                                    if (add)
                                        x.Parent = z;

            //Get The CPs...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var cp = new CPFolder() { Project = this };
                        cp.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]);
                        cp.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["UNITID"]);
                        cp.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["OBJTYP"]);
                        cp.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(row["DELETED_FLAG"])) cp.Name = "$$_" + cp.Name;
                        cp.Rack = Convert.ToInt32(row["SUBSTATN"]);
                        cp.Slot = Convert.ToInt32(row["MODULN"]);
                        cp.SubModulNumber = Convert.ToInt32(row["SUBMODN"]);
            //add subitem to parent
            foreach(var cp in CPFolders.Where(x=>x.SubModulNumber > 0))
                var parent = CPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == cp.UnitID);
                if (parent != null) parent.SubModul = cp;

            //Get The CP Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach(DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        int relID = Convert.ToInt32(row["RELID"]);
                        if (relID == 1315827)
                            var cpu = (StationConfigurationFolder)ProjectStructure.SubItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]));
                            var cp = CPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]));
                            if (cpu != null && cp != null) cpu.SubItems.Add(cp);
                        else if (relID == 64)
                            var cp = CPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]));
                            if (cp != null)
                                if (cp.TobjId == null) cp.TobjId = new List<int>();

            //Get The CPU 300 Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID && (int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1314972)
                                //((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969))
                                    var x = new CPUFolder() { Project = this };
                                    x.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    x.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.Parent = z;

            //Get The CPU 300 ET200s Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID && (int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1314972)
                                //((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969))
                                    var x = new CPUFolder() { Project = this };
                                    x.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    x.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.CpuType = PLCType.SimaticET200;
                                    x.Parent = z;
            //Get The CPU 400 Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID && ((int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1314972 || (int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1315656 /* BackupCPU bei H Sys */))
                                //((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969))
                                    var x = new CPUFolder() { Project = this };
                                    x.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    x.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.Parent = z;

            //Get The CPU(ET200S)...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID && y.CpuType == PLCType.SimaticET200)
                            //if ((int)row["UNITID"] == y.UnitID && y.CpuType == PLCType.SimaticET200)
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;
                                y.ID = (int)row["ID"];

                                y.Rack = (int)row["SUBSTATN"];
                                y.Slot = (int)row["MODULN"];

            //Get The CPU(300)...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID && y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic300)
                            //if ((int)row["UNITID"] == y.UnitID && y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic300)
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;
                                y.ID = (int)row["ID"];

                                y.Rack = (int)row["SUBSTATN"];
                                y.Slot = (int)row["MODULN"];

            //Get The CPU(300) password
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                byte[] memoarray = null;

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                        if ((int)row["ATTRIIDM"] == 111142)
                            if (row["MEMOARRAYM"] != DBNull.Value)
                                memoarray = (byte[])row["MEMOARRAYM"];

                            if (memoarray.Length >= 12)
                                // memoarray[3] : level password (1-3)
                                byte[] mempass = new byte[8];
                                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                                    if (i < 2) mempass[i] = (byte)(memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                    else mempass[i] = (byte)(memoarray[i + 2] ^ memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                string res = ProjectEncoding.GetString(mempass);
                                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                    if ((int)row["IDM"] == y.ID)
                                        y.PasswdHard = res.Trim();

            //Get The CPU(400)...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID && (y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400 || y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400H))
                            //if ((int)row["UNITID"] == y.UnitID && (y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400 || y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400H) )
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;
                                y.ID = (int)row["ID"];

                                y.Rack = (int)row["SUBSTATN"];
                                y.Slot = (int)row["MODULN"];

            //Get The CPU(400) password
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                byte[] memoarray = null;

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                        if ((int)row["ATTRIIDM"] == 111142)
                            if (row["MEMOARRAYM"] != DBNull.Value)
                                memoarray = (byte[])row["MEMOARRAYM"];
                            if (memoarray.Length >= 12)
                                // memoarray[3] : level password (1-3)
                                byte[] mempass = new byte[8];
                                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                                    if (i < 2) mempass[i] = (byte)(memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                    else mempass[i] = (byte)(memoarray[i + 2] ^ memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                string res = ProjectEncoding.GetString(mempass);
                                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                    if ((int)row["IDM"] == y.ID)
                                        y.PasswdHard = res.Trim();

            var tmpS7ProgrammFolders = new List<S7ProgrammFolder>();
            //Get all Program Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "S7RESOFF.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "S7RESOFF.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var x = new S7ProgrammFolder() { Project = this };
                        x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                        if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                        x.ID = (int)row["ID"];
                        x._linkfileoffset = (int)row["RSRVD4_L"];

            //Combine Folder and CPU (300)
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)

                        if ((int)row["RELID"] == 16)
                            int cpuid = (int)row["SOBJID"];
                            int fldid = (int)row["TOBJID"];
                            foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                if (y.ID == cpuid && y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic300)
                                    foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                                        if (z.ID == fldid)
                                            z.Parent = y;

            //Combine Folder and CPU (300 ET200s)
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)

                        if ((int)row["RELID"] == 16)
                            int cpuid = (int)row["SOBJID"];
                            int fldid = (int)row["TOBJID"];
                            foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                if (y.ID == cpuid && y.CpuType == PLCType.SimaticET200)
                                    foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                                        if (z.ID == fldid)
                                            z.Parent = y;
            //Combine Folder and CPU (400)
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)

                        if ((int)row["RELID"] == 16)
                            int cpuid = (int)row["SOBJID"];
                            int fldid = (int)row["TOBJID"];
                            foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                if (y.ID == cpuid && (y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400 || y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400H))
                                    foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                                        if (z.ID == fldid)
                                            z.Parent = y;

            //Add the BlockFolders without CPU to the Ground project
            foreach (var z in tmpS7ProgrammFolders)
                z.Parent = ProjectStructure;

            //Get Symbol Tables
            foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                var symtab = _GetSymTabForProject(z, this._showDeleted);
                if (symtab != null)
                    symtab.Parent = z;
                    z.SymbolTable = symtab;

            var tmpBlocksOfflineFolders = new List<BlocksOfflineFolder>();
            //Create the Programm Block folders...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "ombstx" + _DirSeperator + "offline" + _DirSeperator + "BSTCNTOF.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "ombstx" + _DirSeperator + "offline" + _DirSeperator + "BSTCNTOF.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var x = new BlocksOfflineFolder() { Project = this };
                        x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                        if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                        x.ID = (int)row["ID"];
                        x.Folder = ProjectFolder + "ombstx" + _DirSeperator + "offline" + _DirSeperator + x.ID.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0') + _DirSeperator;

            var Step7ProjectTypeStep7Sources = new List<SourceFolder>();
            //Create the Source Block folders...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "s7asrcom" + _DirSeperator + "S7CNTREF.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "s7asrcom" + _DirSeperator + "S7CNTREF.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var x = new SourceFolder() { Project = this };
                        x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                        if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                        x.ID = (int)row["ID"];
                        x.Folder = ProjectFolder + "s7asrcom" + _DirSeperator + x.ID.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0') + _DirSeperator;

            var pbMasterSystems = new List<ProfibusMasterSystem>();

            //Get all Profibus Master Systems
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "S7HDPSSX" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "S7HDPSSX" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if ((int)row["OBJTYP"] == 1314971)
                            var x = new ProfibusMasterSystem() { Project = this, Name = row["NAME"].ToString().Replace("\0", ""), Id = (int)row["ID"] };

            //Link all PbMasterSystems to the Stations
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "S7HDPSSX" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var lnkLst = new List<LinkHelp>();

                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "S7HDPSSX" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        lnkLst.Add(new LinkHelp() { SOBJID = (int)row["SOBJID"], SOBJTYP = (int)row["SOBJTYP"], RELID = (int)row["RELID"], TOBJID = (int)row["TOBJID"], TOBJTYP = (int)row["TOBJTYP"], TUNITID = (int)row["TUNITID"], TUNITTYP = (int)row["TUNITTYP"] });

                foreach (StationConfigurationFolder station in stations)
                    var lnks = lnkLst.Where(x => x.TOBJTYP == station.ObjTyp && x.TOBJID == station.ID);
                    foreach (LinkHelp linkHelp in lnks)
                        var ms = pbMasterSystems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == linkHelp.SOBJID);
                        if (ms != null)

            //Get all Profibus Parts
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hslntx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hslntx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if ((int)row["OBJTYP"] == 1314988)
                            var node = new ProfibusNode() { Name = row["NAME"].ToString().Replace("\0", ""), NodeId = (int)row["SUBSTATN"], GsdFile = row["CEXTTYPE"].ToString() };

                            var ma = pbMasterSystems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == (int)row["UNITID"]);
                            if (ma != null)

            var pnMasterSystems = new List<ProfinetMasterSystem>();

            //Get all Profibus Master Systems
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hssiox" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hssiox" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        int objType = Convert.ToInt32(row["OBJTYP"]);
                        if (objType == 1316787)
                            var x = new ProfinetMasterSystem() { Project = this, Name = row["NAME"].ToString().Replace("\0", ""), Id = (int)row["ID"] };
                        else if (objType == objectType_EternetInCPU3xx || objType == objectType_EternetInCPU4xx)
                            var cpu = CPUFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(row["UNITID"]));
                            if (cpu != null) cpu.IdTobjId = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]);
                        else if ( objType == 2364971 || objType == 2367589 )
                            var cp = CPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == (int)row["UNITID"]);
                            if (cp != null)
                                if (cp.IdTobjId == null) cp.IdTobjId = new List<int>();

            //Link all PnMasterSystems to the Stations
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hssiox" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var lnkLst = new List<LinkHelp>();

                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hssiox" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if ( Convert.ToInt32(row["RELID"]) == 64)
                            var cpu = CPUFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IdTobjId == Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]));
                            if (cpu != null) cpu.TobjId = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJID"]);

                            var cp = CPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IdTobjId != null && x.IdTobjId.Any(c => c == (int)row["SOBJID"]));
                            if (cp != null)
                                if (cp.TobjId == null) cp.TobjId = new List<int>();

                        lnkLst.Add(new LinkHelp() { SOBJID = (int)row["SOBJID"], SOBJTYP = (int)row["SOBJTYP"], RELID = (int)row["RELID"], TOBJID = (int)row["TOBJID"], TOBJTYP = (int)row["TOBJTYP"], TUNITID = (int)row["TUNITID"], TUNITTYP = (int)row["TUNITTYP"] });
                foreach (StationConfigurationFolder station in stations)
                    var lnks = lnkLst.Where(x => x.TOBJTYP == station.ObjTyp && x.TOBJID == station.ID);
                    foreach (LinkHelp linkHelp in lnks)
                        var ms = pnMasterSystems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == linkHelp.SOBJID);
                        if (ms != null)

            //Get all Profinet Parts ...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hdevnx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var attLst = new List<AttrMeHelp>();

                //Read real name from hattrme.dbf
                if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hdevnx" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF"))
                    var dbfTbl2 = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hdevnx" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl2.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            attLst.Add(new AttrMeHelp() { IDM = (int)row["IDM"], ATTRIIDM = (int)row["ATTRIIDM"], ATTFORMATM = (int)row["ATTFORMATM"], MEMOARRAYM = (byte[])row["MEMOARRAYM"] });

                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hdevnx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if ((int)row["OBJTYP"] == 1316803)
                            var node = new ProfibusNode() { Name = row["NAME"].ToString().Replace("\0", ""), NodeId = (int)row["SUBSTATN"], GsdFile = row["CEXTTYPE"].ToString() };

                            var inf = attLst.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IDM == (int)row["ID"] && x.ATTRIIDM == 111386);

                            if (inf != null)
                                node.Name = ProjectEncoding.GetString(inf.MEMOARRAYM).Replace("\0", "");

                            var ma = pnMasterSystems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == (int)row["UNITID"]);
                            if (ma != null)

            //Infos about Link file hrs\linkhrs.lnk
            //Size of a Structure in the Link File: 512 bytes
            //Offset of Linkfile is in hrs\S7RESOFF.DBF, Filed 12 (RSRVD3_L)
            //after 0x04, 0x20, 0x11 follows the Step7ProjectBlockFolder ID (2 Bytes) or maybe the source folder id
            //after 0x01, 0x60, 0x11 follows the Step7Programm ID (2 Bytes)

            //Create the Link BlocksOfflineFolder Folder with S7ProgrammFolders...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk"))

                //FileStream hrsLink = new FileStream(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite);
                Stream hrsLink = _ziphelper.GetReadStream(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk");
                BinaryReader rd = new BinaryReader(hrsLink);
                byte[] completeBuffer = rd.ReadBytes((int)_ziphelper.GetStreamLength(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk", hrsLink));
                hrsLink = new MemoryStream(completeBuffer);

                foreach (var x in S7ProgrammFolders)
                    byte[] tmpLink = new byte[0x200];
                    hrsLink.Position = x._linkfileoffset;
                    hrsLink.Read(tmpLink, 0, 0x200);

                    int pos1 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tmpLink).IndexOf(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x60, 0x11 }));
                    int wrt1 = tmpLink[pos1 + 3] * 0x100 + tmpLink[pos1 + 4];

                    int pos2 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tmpLink).IndexOf(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(new byte[] { 0x04, 0x20, 0x11 }));
                    int wrt2 = tmpLink[pos2 + 3] * 0x100 + tmpLink[pos2 + 4];

                    BlocksOfflineFolder fld = null;
                    foreach (var y in tmpBlocksOfflineFolders)
                        if (y.ID == wrt1)
                            y.Parent = x;
                            x.BlocksOfflineFolder = y;
                            fld = y;

                    if (fld != null)

                    foreach (var y in Step7ProjectTypeStep7Sources)
                        if (y.ID == wrt2)
                            y.Parent = x;
                            x.SourceFolder = y;

                foreach (var y in tmpBlocksOfflineFolders)
                    y.Parent = ProjectStructure;

                foreach (var y in Step7ProjectTypeStep7Sources)
                    y.Parent = ProjectStructure;

            if (_showDeleted)
                foreach (var y in tmpBlocksOfflineFolders)
                    var x = new S7ProgrammFolder() { Name = "$$tmpProgram_for_deleted" };
                    x.Project = this;
                    x.Parent = ProjectStructure;
                    y.Parent = x;
                    x.BlocksOfflineFolder = y;
            //Get The ProfiBus and MPI
            List<DpHelp> DPlist = new List<DpHelp>();
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkdmax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkdmax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var dp = new DpHelp();
               = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]);
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkdmax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkdmax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                var rrr = DPFolders;
                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    int relID = Convert.ToInt32(row["RELID"]);
                    if ( relID == 1315837)
                        var dp = DPlist.FirstOrDefault(x => == Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]));
                        if ( dp != null)
                            dp.TobjID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJID"]);
                    else if (relID == 64)
                        var dp = DPlist.FirstOrDefault(x => == Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]));
                        if (dp != null)
                            dp.addr = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJID"]);
            //remove DP from DPlist to DPFolder
            foreach(var dp in DPlist)
                var dpf = DPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IdTobjId.Any(y => y == dp.TobjID));
                if ( dpf != null)
                    if (dpf.TobjId == null) dpf.TobjId = new List<int>();
            //add subitem to parent
            //foreach (var cp in CPFolders.Where(x => x.SubModulNumber > 0))
            //    var parent = CPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == cp.UnitID);
            //    if (parent != null) parent.SubModul = cp;

            try {
                //read IP address from S7Netze\
                if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "S7Netze" + _DirSeperator + ""))
                    Stream hrsLink = _ziphelper.GetReadStream(ProjectFolder + "S7Netze" + _DirSeperator + "");
                    BinaryReader rd = new BinaryReader(hrsLink);
                    int lengthFile = (int)_ziphelper.GetStreamLength(ProjectFolder + "S7Netze" + _DirSeperator + "", hrsLink);
                    byte[] completeBuffer = rd.ReadBytes(lengthFile);

                    char[] searchValid = { 'A', 'd', 'd', 'r', 'e', 's', 's', 'I', 's', 'V', 'a', 'l', 'i', 'd' };
                    byte[] searchName = { (byte)'B', (byte)'a', (byte)'u', (byte)'g', (byte)'r', (byte)'u', (byte)'p', (byte)'p', (byte)'e', (byte)'n', (byte)'n', (byte)'a', (byte)'m', (byte)'e' };

                    byte[] startStructure = { 0x03, 0x52, 0x14, 0x00 };
                    byte[] startIP = { 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00 };
                    byte[] startMAC = { 0xA2, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA2, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00 };
                    byte[] startMask = { 0xE5, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE5, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00 };
                    byte[] startRouter = { 0xE3, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE3, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00 };
                    byte[] startUseRouter = { 0xE8, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE8, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00 };
                    byte[] startUseIP = { 0xEA, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xEA, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00 };
                    byte[] startUseMac = { 0xED, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xED, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00 };
                    int position = 0;
                    int lenStructure = 1705;// 1960;  //I don't think this len is correct... (look)
                    while ((position = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startStructure, position + 1, lengthFile)) >= 0)
                        int number = BitConverter.ToInt32(completeBuffer, position + 4);//or ToInt16
                        var cp = CPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TobjId != null && x.TobjId.Any(y => y == number));
                        var cpu = CPUFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TobjId == number);
                        EthernetNetworkInterface ethernet = new EthernetNetworkInterface();
                        if (cp != null)
                            if (cp.NetworkInterfaces == null) cp.NetworkInterfaces = new List<NetworkInterface>();
                        else if (cpu != null)
                            if (cpu.NetworkInterfaces == null) cpu.NetworkInterfaces = new List<NetworkInterface>();
                        else continue;

                        int pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, searchName, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                string strName = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(completeBuffer, pos + 25, (int)completeBuffer[pos + 24]);

                                ethernet.Name = strName;
                            { }

                        pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startIP, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                string strIP = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(completeBuffer, pos + 20, (int)completeBuffer[pos + 19]);
                                byte[] bIP = new byte[4];
                                bIP[0] = byte.Parse(strIP.Substring(0, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                                bIP[1] = byte.Parse(strIP.Substring(2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                                bIP[2] = byte.Parse(strIP.Substring(4, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                                bIP[3] = byte.Parse(strIP.Substring(6, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);

                                ethernet.IpAddress = new System.Net.IPAddress(bIP);
                            { }
                        pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startMAC, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                string strMAC = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(completeBuffer, pos + 20, (int)completeBuffer[pos + 19]);

                                ethernet.Mac = System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress.Parse(strMAC);
                            { }
                        pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startMask, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                string strMask = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(completeBuffer, pos + 20, (int)completeBuffer[pos + 19]);
                                byte[] bIP = new byte[4];
                                bIP[0] = byte.Parse(strMask.Substring(0, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                                bIP[1] = byte.Parse(strMask.Substring(2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                                bIP[2] = byte.Parse(strMask.Substring(4, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                                bIP[3] = byte.Parse(strMask.Substring(6, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);

                                ethernet.SubnetMask = new System.Net.IPAddress(bIP);
                            { }
                        pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startRouter, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                string strRouter = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(completeBuffer, pos + 20, (int)completeBuffer[pos + 19]);
                                byte[] bIP = new byte[4];
                                bIP[0] = byte.Parse(strRouter.Substring(0, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                                bIP[1] = byte.Parse(strRouter.Substring(2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                                bIP[2] = byte.Parse(strRouter.Substring(4, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                                bIP[3] = byte.Parse(strRouter.Substring(6, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                                ethernet.Router = new System.Net.IPAddress(bIP);
                            { }
                        pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startUseRouter, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                ethernet.UseRouter = Convert.ToBoolean(completeBuffer[pos + 19]);
                            { }
                        pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startUseIP, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                ethernet.UseIp = Convert.ToBoolean(completeBuffer[pos + 19]);
                            { }
                        pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startUseMac, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                ethernet.UseIso = Convert.ToBoolean(completeBuffer[pos + 19]);
                            { }
                    //read ProfiBus Parametrs
                    startStructure[0] = 0x02;
                    byte[] startAddress = { 0x36, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x36, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00 };
                    lenStructure = 2000;
                    position = 0;
                    while ((position = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startStructure, position + 1, lengthFile)) >= 0)
                        int number = BitConverter.ToInt32(completeBuffer, position + 4);//or ToInt16
                        var dp = DPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TobjId != null && x.TobjId.Any(y => y == number));
                        CPUFolder cpu = null;
                        if ( dp != null)
                            cpu = CPUFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UnitID == dp.UnitID);
                        MpiProfiBusNetworkInterface MpiDP = new MpiProfiBusNetworkInterface() { NetworkInterfaceType = NetworkType.Profibus};
                        if (cpu != null)
                            if (cpu.NetworkInterfaces == null) cpu.NetworkInterfaces = new List<NetworkInterface>();
                        else continue;

                        int pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startAddress, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                MpiDP.Address = (int)Convert.ToByte(completeBuffer[pos + 19 + (int)Convert.ToByte(completeBuffer[pos + 8])]);
                            { }
                        pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, searchName, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                string strName = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(completeBuffer, pos + 25, (int)completeBuffer[pos + 24]);

                                MpiDP.Name = strName;
                            { }

                    //read MPI Parametrs
                    startStructure[0] = 0x01;
                    byte[] startMPIAddress = { 0x9A, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9A, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00 };
                    lenStructure = 2000;
                    position = 0;
                    while ((position = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startStructure, position + 1, lengthFile)) >= 0)
                        int number = BitConverter.ToInt32(completeBuffer, position + 4);//or ToInt16
                        var dp = DPFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TobjId != null && x.TobjId.Any(y => y == number));
                        CPUFolder cpu = null;
                        if (dp != null)
                            cpu = CPUFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UnitID == dp.UnitID);

                        MpiProfiBusNetworkInterface MpiDP = new MpiProfiBusNetworkInterface() { NetworkInterfaceType = NetworkType.Mpi };
                        if (cpu != null)
                            if (cpu.NetworkInterfaces == null) cpu.NetworkInterfaces = new List<NetworkInterface>();
                        else continue;

                        int pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, startMPIAddress, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                MpiDP.Address = (int)Convert.ToByte(completeBuffer[pos + 19 + (int)Convert.ToByte(completeBuffer[pos + 8])]);
                            { }
                        pos = indexOfByteArray(completeBuffer, searchName, position, lenStructure);
                        if (pos > 0)
                                string strName = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(completeBuffer, pos + 25, (int)completeBuffer[pos + 24]);

                                MpiDP.Name = strName;
                            { }
            catch { }
            //union SubModul Cp
            bool repeat;
                repeat = false;
                foreach (var cp in CPFolders.Where(x => x.SubModul != null))
                    if (cp.NetworkInterfaces == null) cp.NetworkInterfaces = new List<NetworkInterface>();
                    cp.SubModul = null;
                    repeat = true;
            } while (repeat);
        internal override void LoadProject()
            _projectLoaded = true;

            ProjectStructure = new Step7ProjectFolder() {Project = this};
            CPUFolders = new List<CPUFolder>();
            CPFolders=new List<CPFolder>();
            S7ProgrammFolders = new List<S7ProgrammFolder>();
            BlocksOfflineFolders = new List<BlocksOfflineFolder>();

            ProjectStructure.Name = this.ToString();

            //Get The Project Stations...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if ((int)row["OBJTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["OBJTYP"] == 1314970 || (int)row["OBJTYP"] == 1315650)
                            var x = new StationConfigurationFolder() { Project = this, Parent = ProjectStructure};
                            x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                            if ((bool) row["DELETED_FLAG"]) x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                            x.ID = (int) row["ID"];
                            x.UnitID = (int)row["UNITID"];
                            switch ((int)row["OBJTYP"])
                                case 1314969:
                                    x.StationType = PLCType.Simatic300;
                                case 1314970:
                                    x.StationType = PLCType.Simatic400;
                                case 1315650:
                                    x.StationType = PLCType.Simatic400H;
                            x.Parent = ProjectStructure;

            //Get The CP Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID &&
                                    ((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314970 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1315650))//as in "Get The Project Stations"
                                    var x = new CPFolder() {Project = this};
                                    x.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.Parent = z;


            //Get The CPU 300 Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID && (int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1314972)
                                   //((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969))
                                    var x = new CPUFolder() {Project = this};
                                    x.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    x.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.Parent = z;

            //Get The CPU 300 ET200s Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID && (int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1314972)
                                //((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969))
                                    var x = new CPUFolder() { Project = this };
                                    x.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    x.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.CpuType = PLCType.SimaticET200;
                                    x.Parent = z;
            //Get The CPU 400 Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID && ((int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1314972 || (int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1315656 /* BackupCPU bei H Sys */))
                                   //((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969))
                                    var x = new CPUFolder() { Project = this };
                                    x.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    x.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.Parent = z;

            //Get The HW Folder for the Station...
            if (ZipHelper.FileExists(_zipfile,ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _zipfile, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (var y in Step7ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof (StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder) y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["SOBJID"] == z.ID && (int)row["RELID"] == 1315838)
                                    var x = new CPUFolder() {Project = this};
                                    x.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    bool add = true;
                                    foreach (Step7ProjectFolder tmp in z.SubItems)
                                        if (tmp.GetType() == typeof (CPUFolder) && ((CPUFolder) tmp).UnitID == x.UnitID)
                                            add = false;
                                    if (add)
                                        x.Parent = z;

            //Get The CPU(ET200S)...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID && y.CpuType == PLCType.SimaticET200)
                            //if ((int)row["UNITID"] == y.UnitID && y.CpuType == PLCType.SimaticET200)
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;
                                y.ID = (int)row["ID"];

            //Get The CPU(300)...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID && y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic300)
                            //if ((int)row["UNITID"] == y.UnitID && y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic300)
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;
                                y.ID = (int)row["ID"];

            //Get The CPU(300) password
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                byte[] memoarray = null;

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                        if ((int)row["ATTRIIDM"] == 111142)
                            if (row["MEMOARRAYM"] != DBNull.Value)
                                memoarray = (byte[])row["MEMOARRAYM"];

                            if (memoarray.Length >= 12)
                                // memoarray[3] : level password (1-3)
                                byte[] mempass = new byte[8];
                                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                                    if (i < 2) mempass[i] = (byte) (memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                    else mempass[i] = (byte) (memoarray[i + 2] ^ memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                string res = ProjectEncoding.GetString(mempass);
                                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                    if ((int) row["IDM"] == y.ID)
                                        y.PasswdHard = res.Trim();

            //Get The CPU(400)...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID && (y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400 || y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400H))
                            //if ((int)row["UNITID"] == y.UnitID && (y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400 || y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400H) )
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;
                                y.ID = (int)row["ID"];

            //Get The CPU(400) password
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                byte[] memoarray = null;

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                        if ((int)row["ATTRIIDM"] == 111142)
                            if (row["MEMOARRAYM"] != DBNull.Value)
                                memoarray = (byte[])row["MEMOARRAYM"];
                            if (memoarray.Length >= 12)
                                // memoarray[3] : level password (1-3)
                                byte[] mempass = new byte[8];
                                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                                    if (i < 2) mempass[i] = (byte)(memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                    else mempass[i] = (byte)(memoarray[i + 2] ^ memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                string res = ProjectEncoding.GetString(mempass);
                                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                    if ((int)row["IDM"] == y.ID)
                                        y.PasswdHard = res.Trim();

            //Get The CPs...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID)
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;

            var tmpS7ProgrammFolders = new List<S7ProgrammFolder>();
            //Get all Program Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "S7RESOFF.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "S7RESOFF.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var x = new S7ProgrammFolder() { Project = this };
                        x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0","");
                        if ((bool) row["DELETED_FLAG"]) x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                        x.ID = (int) row["ID"];
                        x._linkfileoffset = (int) row["RSRVD4_L"];

            //Combine Folder and CPU (300)
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)

                        if ((int)row["RELID"] == 16)
                            int cpuid = (int)row["SOBJID"];
                            int fldid = (int)row["TOBJID"];
                            foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                if (y.ID == cpuid && y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic300)
                                    foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                                        if (z.ID == fldid)
                                            z.Parent = y;

            //Combine Folder and CPU (300 ET200s)
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)

                        if ((int)row["RELID"] == 16)
                            int cpuid = (int)row["SOBJID"];
                            int fldid = (int)row["TOBJID"];
                            foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                if (y.ID == cpuid && y.CpuType == PLCType.SimaticET200)
                                    foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                                        if (z.ID == fldid)
                                            z.Parent = y;
            //Combine Folder and CPU (400)
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)

                        if ((int)row["RELID"] == 16)
                            int cpuid = (int)row["SOBJID"];
                            int fldid = (int)row["TOBJID"];
                            foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                if (y.ID == cpuid && (y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400 || y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400H))
                                    foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                                        if (z.ID == fldid)
                                            z.Parent = y;

            //Add the BlockFolders without CPU to the Ground project
            foreach (var z in tmpS7ProgrammFolders)
                z.Parent = ProjectStructure;

            //Get Symbol Tables
            foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                var symtab = _GetSymTabForProject(z, this._showDeleted);
                if (symtab != null)
                    symtab.Parent = z;
                    z.SymbolTable = symtab;

            var tmpBlocksOfflineFolders = new List<BlocksOfflineFolder>();
            //Create the Programm Block folders...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "ombstx" + _DirSeperator + "offline" + _DirSeperator + "BSTCNTOF.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "ombstx" + _DirSeperator + "offline" + _DirSeperator + "BSTCNTOF.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var x = new BlocksOfflineFolder() { Project = this };
                        x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                        if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                        x.ID = (int) row["ID"];
                        x.Folder = ProjectFolder + "ombstx" + _DirSeperator + "offline" + _DirSeperator + x.ID.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0') + _DirSeperator;

            var Step7ProjectTypeStep7Sources = new List<SourceFolder>();
            //Create the Source Block folders...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "s7asrcom" + _DirSeperator + "S7CNTREF.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "s7asrcom" + _DirSeperator + "S7CNTREF.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var x = new SourceFolder() { Project = this };
                        x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0","");
                        if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"]) x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                        x.ID = (int)row["ID"];
                        x.Folder = ProjectFolder + "s7asrcom" + _DirSeperator + x.ID.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0') + _DirSeperator;

            //Infos about Link file hrs\linkhrs.lnk
            //Size of a Structure in the Link File: 512 bytes
            //Offset of Linkfile is in hrs\S7RESOFF.DBF, Filed 12 (RSRVD3_L)
            //after 0x04, 0x20, 0x11 follows the Step7ProjectBlockFolder ID (2 Bytes) or maybe the source folder id
            //after 0x01, 0x60, 0x11 follows the Step7Programm ID (2 Bytes)

            //Create the Link BlocksOfflineFolder Folder with S7ProgrammFolders...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk"))

                //FileStream hrsLink = new FileStream(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite);
                Stream hrsLink = _ziphelper.GetReadStream(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk");
                BinaryReader rd = new BinaryReader(hrsLink);
                byte[] completeBuffer = rd.ReadBytes((int)_ziphelper.GetStreamLength(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk", hrsLink));
                hrsLink = new MemoryStream(completeBuffer);

                foreach (var x in S7ProgrammFolders)
                    byte[] tmpLink = new byte[0x200];
                    hrsLink.Position = x._linkfileoffset;
                    hrsLink.Read(tmpLink, 0, 0x200);

                    int pos1 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tmpLink).IndexOf(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x60, 0x11 }));
                    int wrt1 = tmpLink[pos1 + 3] * 0x100 + tmpLink[pos1 + 4];

                    int pos2 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tmpLink).IndexOf(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(new byte[] { 0x04, 0x20, 0x11 }));
                    int wrt2 = tmpLink[pos2 + 3] * 0x100 + tmpLink[pos2 + 4];

                    foreach (var y in tmpBlocksOfflineFolders)
                        if (y.ID == wrt1)
                            y.Parent = x;
                            x.BlocksOfflineFolder = y;

                    foreach (var y in Step7ProjectTypeStep7Sources)
                        if (y.ID == wrt2)
                            y.Parent = x;
                            x.SourceFolder = y;

                foreach (var y in tmpBlocksOfflineFolders)
                    y.Parent = ProjectStructure;

                foreach (var y in Step7ProjectTypeStep7Sources)
                    y.Parent = ProjectStructure;
        override internal void LoadProject()
            _projectLoaded = true;

            ProjectStructure = new Step7ProjectFolder()
                Project = this
            CPUFolders           = new List <CPUFolder>();
            CPFolders            = new List <CPFolder>();
            S7ProgrammFolders    = new List <S7ProgrammFolder>();
            BlocksOfflineFolders = new List <BlocksOfflineFolder>();

            ProjectStructure.Name = this.ToString();

            //Get The Project Stations...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if ((int)row["OBJTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["OBJTYP"] == 1314970 || (int)row["OBJTYP"] == 1315650)
                            var x = new StationConfigurationFolder()
                                Project = this, Parent = ProjectStructure
                            x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                            if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                                x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                            x.ID     = (int)row["ID"];
                            x.UnitID = (int)row["UNITID"];
                            switch ((int)row["OBJTYP"])
                            case 1314969:
                                x.StationType = PLCType.Simatic300;

                            case 1314970:
                                x.StationType = PLCType.Simatic400;

                            case 1315650:
                                x.StationType = PLCType.Simatic400H;
                            x.Parent = ProjectStructure;

            //Get The CP Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID &&
                                    ((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314970 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1315650))//as in "Get The Project Stations"
                                    var x = new CPFolder()
                                        Project = this
                                    x.UnitID  = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.ID      = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.Parent  = z;

            //Get The CPU 300 Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID && (int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1314972)
                                //((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969))
                                    var x = new CPUFolder()
                                        Project = this
                                    x.UnitID  = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    x.ID      = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.Parent  = z;

            //Get The CPU 300 ET200s Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID && (int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1314972)
                                //((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969))
                                    var x = new CPUFolder()
                                        Project = this
                                    x.UnitID  = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    x.ID      = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.CpuType = PLCType.SimaticET200;
                                    x.Parent  = z;
            //Get The CPU 400 Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in ProjectStructure.SubItems)
                    if (y.GetType() == typeof(StationConfigurationFolder))
                        var z = (StationConfigurationFolder)y;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                            if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                                if ((int)row["TUNITID"] == z.ID && ((int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1314972 || (int)row["TOBJTYP"] == 1315656 /* BackupCPU bei H Sys */))
                                //((int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969 || (int)row["TUNITTYP"] == 1314969))
                                    var x = new CPUFolder()
                                        Project = this
                                    x.UnitID  = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
                                    x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
                                    x.CpuType = z.StationType;
                                    x.ID      = Convert.ToInt32(row["SOBJID"]);
                                    x.Parent  = z;

             * //Get The HW Folder for the Station...
             * if (ZipHelper.FileExists(_zipfile,ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
             * {
             *  var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hstatx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _zipfile, _DirSeperator);
             *  foreach (var y in Step7ProjectStructure.SubItems)
             *  {
             *      if (y.GetType() == typeof (StationConfigurationFolder))
             *      {
             *          var z = (StationConfigurationFolder) y;
             *          foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
             *          {
             *              if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
             *              {
             *                  if ((int)row["SOBJID"] == z.ID && (int)row["RELID"] == 1315838)
             *                  {
             *                      var x = new CPUFolder() {Project = this};
             *                      x.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TUNITID"]);
             *                      x.TobjTyp = Convert.ToInt32(row["TOBJTYP"]);
             *                      x.CpuType = z.StationType;
             *                      bool add = true;
             *                      foreach (Step7ProjectFolder tmp in z.SubItems)
             *                      {
             *                          if (tmp.GetType() == typeof (CPUFolder) && ((CPUFolder) tmp).UnitID == x.UnitID)
             *                              add = false;
             *                      }
             *                      if (add)
             *                      {
             *                          x.Parent = z;
             *                          z.SubItems.Add(x);
             *                          CPUFolders.Add(x);
             *                      }
             *                  }
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }

            //Get The CPU(ET200S)...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID && y.CpuType == PLCType.SimaticET200)
                            //if ((int)row["UNITID"] == y.UnitID && y.CpuType == PLCType.SimaticET200)
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                                    y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;
                                y.ID = (int)row["ID"];

            //Get The CPU(300)...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID && y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic300)
                            //if ((int)row["UNITID"] == y.UnitID && y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic300)
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                                    y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;
                                y.ID = (int)row["ID"];

            //Get The CPU(300) password
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF"))
                var    dbfTbl    = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                byte[] memoarray = null;

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                        if ((int)row["ATTRIIDM"] == 111142)
                            if (row["MEMOARRAYM"] != DBNull.Value)
                                memoarray = (byte[])row["MEMOARRAYM"];

                            if (memoarray.Length >= 12)
                                // memoarray[3] : level password (1-3)
                                byte[] mempass = new byte[8];
                                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                                    if (i < 2)
                                        mempass[i] = (byte)(memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                        mempass[i] = (byte)(memoarray[i + 2] ^ memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                string res = ProjectEncoding.GetString(mempass);
                                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                    if ((int)row["IDM"] == y.ID)
                                        y.PasswdHard = res.Trim();

            //Get The CPU(400)...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID && (y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400 || y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400H))
                            //if ((int)row["UNITID"] == y.UnitID && (y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400 || y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400H) )
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                                    y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;
                                y.ID = (int)row["ID"];

            //Get The CPU(400) password
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF"))
                var    dbfTbl    = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HATTRME1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);
                byte[] memoarray = null;

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                        if ((int)row["ATTRIIDM"] == 111142)
                            if (row["MEMOARRAYM"] != DBNull.Value)
                                memoarray = (byte[])row["MEMOARRAYM"];
                            if (memoarray.Length >= 12)
                                // memoarray[3] : level password (1-3)
                                byte[] mempass = new byte[8];
                                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                                    if (i < 2)
                                        mempass[i] = (byte)(memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                        mempass[i] = (byte)(memoarray[i + 2] ^ memoarray[i + 4] ^ 0xAA);
                                string res = ProjectEncoding.GetString(mempass);
                                foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                    if ((int)row["IDM"] == y.ID)
                                        y.PasswdHard = res.Trim();

            //Get The CPs...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7wb53ax" + _DirSeperator + "HOBJECT1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (var y in CPFolders)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                        if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                            if ((int)row["ID"] == y.ID)
                                y.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                                if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                                    y.Name = "$$_" + y.Name;

            var tmpS7ProgrammFolders = new List <S7ProgrammFolder>();

            //Get all Program Folders
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "S7RESOFF.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "S7RESOFF.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var x = new S7ProgrammFolder()
                            Project = this
                        x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                        if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                            x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                        x.ID = (int)row["ID"];
                        x._linkfileoffset = (int)row["RSRVD4_L"];

            //Combine Folder and CPU (300)
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk31ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if ((int)row["RELID"] == 16)
                            int cpuid = (int)row["SOBJID"];
                            int fldid = (int)row["TOBJID"];
                            foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                if (y.ID == cpuid && y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic300)
                                    foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                                        if (z.ID == fldid)
                                            z.Parent = y;

            //Combine Folder and CPU (300 ET200s)
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hkcomx" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if ((int)row["RELID"] == 16)
                            int cpuid = (int)row["SOBJID"];
                            int fldid = (int)row["TOBJID"];
                            foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                if (y.ID == cpuid && y.CpuType == PLCType.SimaticET200)
                                    foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                                        if (z.ID == fldid)
                                            z.Parent = y;
            //Combine Folder and CPU (400)
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "hOmSave7" + _DirSeperator + "s7hk41ax" + _DirSeperator + "HRELATI1.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        if ((int)row["RELID"] == 16)
                            int cpuid = (int)row["SOBJID"];
                            int fldid = (int)row["TOBJID"];
                            foreach (var y in CPUFolders)
                                if (y.ID == cpuid && (y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400 || y.CpuType == PLCType.Simatic400H))
                                    foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                                        if (z.ID == fldid)
                                            z.Parent = y;

            //Add the BlockFolders without CPU to the Ground project
            foreach (var z in tmpS7ProgrammFolders)
                z.Parent = ProjectStructure;

            //Get Symbol Tables
            foreach (var z in S7ProgrammFolders)
                var symtab = _GetSymTabForProject(z, this._showDeleted);
                if (symtab != null)
                    symtab.Parent = z;
                    z.SymbolTable = symtab;

            var tmpBlocksOfflineFolders = new List <BlocksOfflineFolder>();

            //Create the Programm Block folders...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "ombstx" + _DirSeperator + "offline" + _DirSeperator + "BSTCNTOF.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "ombstx" + _DirSeperator + "offline" + _DirSeperator + "BSTCNTOF.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var x = new BlocksOfflineFolder()
                            Project = this
                        x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                        if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                            x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                        x.ID     = (int)row["ID"];
                        x.Folder = ProjectFolder + "ombstx" + _DirSeperator + "offline" + _DirSeperator + x.ID.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0') + _DirSeperator;

            var Step7ProjectTypeStep7Sources = new List <SourceFolder>();

            //Create the Source Block folders...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "s7asrcom" + _DirSeperator + "S7CNTREF.DBF"))
                var dbfTbl = DBF.ParseDBF.ReadDBF(ProjectFolder + "s7asrcom" + _DirSeperator + "S7CNTREF.DBF", _ziphelper, _DirSeperator);

                foreach (DataRow row in dbfTbl.Rows)
                    if (!(bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"] || _showDeleted)
                        var x = new SourceFolder()
                            Project = this
                        x.Name = ((string)row["Name"]).Replace("\0", "");
                        if ((bool)row["DELETED_FLAG"])
                            x.Name = "$$_" + x.Name;
                        x.ID     = (int)row["ID"];
                        x.Folder = ProjectFolder + "s7asrcom" + _DirSeperator + x.ID.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0') + _DirSeperator;

            //Infos about Link file hrs\linkhrs.lnk
            //Size of a Structure in the Link File: 512 bytes
            //Offset of Linkfile is in hrs\S7RESOFF.DBF, Filed 12 (RSRVD3_L)
            //after 0x04, 0x20, 0x11 follows the Step7ProjectBlockFolder ID (2 Bytes) or maybe the source folder id
            //after 0x01, 0x60, 0x11 follows the Step7Programm ID (2 Bytes)

            //Create the Link BlocksOfflineFolder Folder with S7ProgrammFolders...
            if (_ziphelper.FileExists(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk"))
                //FileStream hrsLink = new FileStream(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite);
                Stream       hrsLink        = _ziphelper.GetReadStream(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk");
                BinaryReader rd             = new BinaryReader(hrsLink);
                byte[]       completeBuffer = rd.ReadBytes((int)_ziphelper.GetStreamLength(ProjectFolder + "hrs" + _DirSeperator + "linkhrs.lnk", hrsLink));
                hrsLink = new MemoryStream(completeBuffer);

                foreach (var x in S7ProgrammFolders)
                    byte[] tmpLink = new byte[0x200];
                    hrsLink.Position = x._linkfileoffset;
                    hrsLink.Read(tmpLink, 0, 0x200);

                    int pos1 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tmpLink).IndexOf(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x60, 0x11 }));
                    int wrt1 = tmpLink[pos1 + 3] * 0x100 + tmpLink[pos1 + 4];

                    int pos2 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(tmpLink).IndexOf(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(new byte[] { 0x04, 0x20, 0x11 }));
                    int wrt2 = tmpLink[pos2 + 3] * 0x100 + tmpLink[pos2 + 4];

                    foreach (var y in tmpBlocksOfflineFolders)
                        if (y.ID == wrt1)
                            y.Parent = x;
                            x.BlocksOfflineFolder = y;

                    foreach (var y in Step7ProjectTypeStep7Sources)
                        if (y.ID == wrt2)
                            y.Parent = x;
                            x.SourceFolder = y;
                foreach (var y in tmpBlocksOfflineFolders)
                    y.Parent = ProjectStructure;

                foreach (var y in Step7ProjectTypeStep7Sources)
                    y.Parent = ProjectStructure;