예제 #1
        public bool Invoke()
            return Task.Run( async () => {

                try {

                    SteamID targetUser = new SteamID( "76561198129947779" );

                    SteamClient client = new SteamClient();
                    client.Authenticator = UserAuthenticator.ForProtectedResource( AccessConstants.OAuthAccessToken );

                    chatClient.SteamChatConnectionChanged += chatClient_SteamChatConnected;

                    chatClient.SteamChatMessagesReceived += chatClient_SteamChatMessagesReceived;
                    chatClient.SteamChatUserStateChange += chatClient_SteamChatUserStateChange;

                    chatClient.LogOn( client ).Wait();

                    while( true ) {
                        switch( WriteConsole.Prompt( "Command (msg, status): " ) ) {
                            case "msg": await chatClient.SendMessage( targetUser, WriteConsole.Prompt( "Type New Message: " ) ); break;
                            case "dcn": await chatClient.Disconnect(); break;

                } catch( Exception e ) {
                    WriteConsole.Error( e.Message + "\n" + e.ToString() );
                    return false;

            } ).Result;
예제 #2
        public void SteamIDEquals()
            SteamID one = new SteamID( "76561198129947779" );
            SteamID two = new SteamID( "76561198129947779" );

            Assert.IsTrue( ( one == two ) );
        public GameServerStatsGetUserStatIntResult GetUserStatInt(SteamID steamIDUser, string name)
            GameServerStatsGetUserStatIntResult result = new GameServerStatsGetUserStatIntResult();

            result.Result = GetUserStat(steamIDUser, name, out result.IntValue);

            return result;
예제 #4
파일: Utils.cs 프로젝트: TamaHobbit/DMV
    //Thanks to Karl @ Stunlock Studios for giving me their function as he implemented utils.GetImage(Size/RGBA) into our library
    public Texture2D GetTextureFromSteamID(SteamID steamId)
        IFriends friends = Steamworks.SteamInterface.Friends;
        IUtils utils = Steamworks.SteamInterface.Utils;

        ImageHandle avatarHandle = friends.GetLargeFriendAvatar(steamId);
        if (avatarHandle.IsValid)
            uint width, height;
            if (utils.GetImageSize(avatarHandle, out width, out height))
                Texture2D texture = new Texture2D((int)width, (int)height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);
                Color32[] buffer = new Color32[width * height];

                GCHandle bufferHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                    System.IntPtr bufferPtr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer, 0);

                    if (utils.GetImageRGBA(avatarHandle, bufferPtr, (int)width * (int)height * 4))
                        // Flip vertical
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y < height / 2; y++)
                                Color32 temp = buffer[x + (width * y)];
                                buffer[x + (width * y)] = buffer[x + (width * (height - 1 - y))];
                                buffer[x + (width * (height - 1 - y))] = temp;

                return texture;

        return null;
예제 #5
        public void Update()
            Callback callback;
            SteamCallHandle steamCall;

            if ( Steamworks.Steam_BGetCallback( pipe, out callback, out steamCall ) )
                if ( callback.CallbackNum == FriendChatMsg.Callback )
                    FriendChatMsg chatMsg = null;

                        chatMsg = ( FriendChatMsg )callback.CallbackObject;
                        Steamworks.Steam_FreeLastCallback( pipe );
                        OnLogFailure( new LogFailureEventArgs( "Recieved callback was not in the correct format, call a programmer!" ) );

                    string message = string.Empty;
                    FriendMsgType type;

                    SteamID reciever = new SteamID( chatMsg.Reciever );

                    steamFriends.GetChatMessage( reciever, ( int )chatMsg.ChatID, out message, 1024 * 4, out type );

                    LogMessage log = new LogMessage();

                    log.Sender = new SteamID( chatMsg.Sender );
                    log.SenderName = steamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName( log.Sender );

                    log.Reciever = reciever;
                    log.RecieverName = steamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName( log.Reciever );

                    log.Message = message;
                    log.MessageTime = DateTime.Now;
                    log.MessageType = type;

                    AddLog( log );

                Steamworks.Steam_FreeLastCallback( pipe );
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes LeaderboardScoresDownloaded
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handle"></param>
        /// <param name="users"></param>
        public void DownloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers(LeaderboardHandle handle, SteamID[] users)
            // We need to first convert the array of SteamID objects to a byte array
            byte[] rawData = NativeBuffer.ToBytes(users);

            using (NativeBuffer buffer = new NativeBuffer(rawData))
                // Copies the list of user ID's to unmanaged memory

                    buffer.UnmanagedMemory, users.Length);
 public bool GetUserAchievementAndUnlockTime(SteamID steamID, string name, out bool achieved,
     out uint unlockTime)
     achieved = false;
     unlockTime = 0;
     return NativeMethods.Stats_GetUserAchievementAndUnlockTime(steamID.AsUInt64, name, ref achieved,
         ref unlockTime);
 public bool GetUserAchievement(SteamID steamID, string name, out bool achieved)
     achieved = false;
     return NativeMethods.Stats_GetUserAchievement(steamID.AsUInt64, name, ref achieved);
 public bool GetUserStat(SteamID steamID, string name, out float data)
     data = 0;
     return NativeMethods.Stats_GetUserStatFloat(steamID.AsUInt64, name, ref data);
 public bool RequestLobbyData(SteamID steamIDLobby)
     return NativeMethods.MatchMaking_RequestLobbyData(steamIDLobby.AsUInt64);
예제 #11
        private void CreateTradeOffer(Bot bot, GameServerRequest gsr)
            float  tradeValue = -1;
            string message    = gsr.Arguments;

            //STEAM_0:1:42047781/2514414967/NULL/999900.00 //TOOOOOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
            string[] assetIDs     = null;
            string[] myAssetIDs   = null;
            string[] steamIDitems = message.Split('/');
            SteamID  steamid      = new SteamID(steamIDitems[0]);

            TradeOffer to = bot.TradeOfferManager.NewOffer(steamid);

            GameServer gameServer = bot.Manager.GetServerByID(gsr.ServerID);

            if (steamIDitems[1].Length > 1 && steamIDitems[1] != "NULL")
                assetIDs = steamIDitems[1].Split(',');

                List <long> contextId = new List <long>();

                bot.OtherGenericInventory.load((int)Games.CSGO, contextId, steamid);

                foreach (GenericInventory.Item item in bot.OtherGenericInventory.items.Values)
                    if (Array.IndexOf(assetIDs, item.assetid.ToString()) > -1)
                        GenericInventory.ItemDescription description = bot.OtherGenericInventory.getDescription(item.assetid);
                        to.Items.AddTheirItem(item.appid, item.contextid, (long)item.assetid);
                bot.OtherGenericInventory.load((int)Games.TF2, contextId, steamid);

                foreach (GenericInventory.Item item in bot.OtherGenericInventory.items.Values)
                    if (Array.IndexOf(assetIDs, item.assetid.ToString()) > -1)
                        GenericInventory.ItemDescription description = bot.OtherGenericInventory.getDescription(item.assetid);
                        to.Items.AddTheirItem(item.appid, item.contextid, (long)item.assetid);
                bot.OtherGenericInventory.load((int)Games.Dota2, contextId, steamid);

                foreach (GenericInventory.Item item in bot.OtherGenericInventory.items.Values)
                    if (Array.IndexOf(assetIDs, item.assetid.ToString()) > -1)
                        GenericInventory.ItemDescription description = bot.OtherGenericInventory.getDescription(item.assetid);
                        to.Items.AddTheirItem(item.appid, item.contextid, (long)item.assetid);

            if (steamIDitems[2].Length > 1 && steamIDitems[2] != "NULL")
                myAssetIDs = steamIDitems[2].Split(',');

                List <long> contextId = new List <long>();

                bot.MyGenericInventory.load((int)Games.CSGO, contextId, steamid);

                foreach (GenericInventory.Item item in bot.OtherGenericInventory.items.Values)
                    if (Array.IndexOf(myAssetIDs, item.assetid.ToString()) > -1)
                        GenericInventory.ItemDescription description = bot.OtherGenericInventory.getDescription(item.assetid);
                        to.Items.AddTheirItem(item.appid, item.contextid, (long)item.assetid);

                bot.MyGenericInventory.load((int)Games.TF2, contextId, steamid);

                foreach (GenericInventory.Item item in bot.OtherGenericInventory.items.Values)
                    if (Array.IndexOf(myAssetIDs, item.assetid.ToString()) > -1)
                        GenericInventory.ItemDescription description = bot.OtherGenericInventory.getDescription(item.assetid);
                        to.Items.AddTheirItem(item.appid, item.contextid, (long)item.assetid);

                bot.MyGenericInventory.load((int)Games.Dota2, contextId, steamid);

                foreach (GenericInventory.Item item in bot.OtherGenericInventory.items.Values)
                    if (Array.IndexOf(myAssetIDs, item.assetid.ToString()) > -1)
                        GenericInventory.ItemDescription description = bot.OtherGenericInventory.getDescription(item.assetid);
                        to.Items.AddTheirItem(item.appid, item.contextid, (long)item.assetid);

            if (steamIDitems[3] != "NULL")
                tradeValue = float.Parse(steamIDitems[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            string offerId;

            to.Send(out offerId, String.Format("\"{0}\" the {1}@{2}", gameServer.Name, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm")));

            if (offerId != "")
                bot.Manager.Send(gsr.ServerID, gsr.ModuleID, NetworkCode.ASteambotCode.CreateTradeOffer, offerId);
                bot.TradeoffersGS.Add(offerId, gsr.ModuleID + "|" + tradeValue);
                bot.TradeOfferValue.Add(offerId, tradeValue);

                bot.Manager.Send(gsr.ServerID, gsr.ModuleID, NetworkCode.ASteambotCode.CreateTradeOffer, "-1");
 public BeginAuthSessionResult BeginAuthSession(System.IntPtr authTicket, int cbAuthTicket, SteamID steamID)
     return (BeginAuthSessionResult)NativeMethods.GameServer_BeginAuthSession(authTicket, cbAuthTicket, steamID.AsUInt64);
예제 #13
        private static EResult ResolveVanityURL(string input, EVanityURLType urlType, out SteamID steamID)
            steamID = new SteamID();

            using (dynamic steamUser = WebAPI.GetInterface("ISteamUser", Settings.Current.Steam.WebAPIKey))
                steamUser.Timeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5).TotalMilliseconds;

                KeyValue response;

                    response = steamUser.ResolveVanityURL(vanityurl: input, url_type: (int)urlType);
                catch (WebException)

                var eResult = (EResult)response["success"].AsInteger();

                if (eResult == EResult.OK)

예제 #14
        void DumpType(object obj, TreeNode node)
            Type propType = (obj != null ? obj.GetType() : null);

            if (obj == null)
                node.Text += "<null>";

            if (propType != null)
                if (propType.IsValueType)
                    node.Text += obj.ToString();
                else if (propType == typeof(string))
                    node.Text += string.Format("\"{0}\"", obj);
                else if (propType == typeof(SteamID))
                    SteamID sId = obj as SteamID;
                    node.Text += string.Format("{0} ({1}) ", sId.ConvertToUInt64(), sId.Render());
                else if (obj is byte[])
                    byte[] data = obj as byte[];

                    node.Text += string.Format("byte[ {0} ]", data.Length);

                    if (data.Length == 0)

                    const int MaxBinLength = 400;
                    if (data.Length > MaxBinLength)
                        node.Nodes.Add(string.Format("Length exceeded {0} bytes!", MaxBinLength));

                    string strAscii   = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data).Replace("\0", "\\0");
                    string strUnicode = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data).Replace("\0", "\\0");
                    string hexString  = data.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (str, value) => str.Append(value.ToString("X2"))).ToString();

                    node.Nodes.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", "ASCII", strAscii));
                    node.Nodes.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", "UTF8", strUnicode));
                    node.Nodes.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", "Binary", hexString));

                else if (TypeIsDictionary(propType))
                    IDictionary dict = obj as IDictionary;
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry pair in dict)
                        TreeNode subNode = new TreeNode(string.Format(
                                                            "[ {0} ]: ", pair.Key.ToString()));

                        DumpType(pair.Value, subNode);

                else if (TypeIsArray(propType))
                    Type innerType = null;
                    int  count     = 0;
                    bool truncated = false;

                    foreach (var subObj in obj as IEnumerable)
                        innerType = subObj.GetType();


                        if (count <= 100)
                            TreeNode subNode = new TreeNode(string.Format(
                                                                "[ {0} ]: {1}",
                                                                count - 1,
                                                                (innerType.IsValueType ? "" : innerType.Name)

                            DumpType(subObj, subNode);
                            truncated = true;

                    if (truncated)
                        TreeNode truncNode = new TreeNode("Array truncated: more than 100 entries!");

                    node.Text += string.Format(
                        "{0}[ {1} ]",
                        (innerType == null ? propType.Name : innerType.Name),


                node.Text += propType.Name;

            foreach (var property in obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
                var      subObject = property.GetValue(obj, null);
                TreeNode subNode   = new TreeNode(property.Name + ": ");

                DumpType(subObject, subNode);
예제 #15
 public User(SteamID steamID)
     this.steamID = steamID;
     data         = new Dictionary <string, string>();
예제 #16
 public UserHandler(Bot bot, SteamID sid)
     Bot      = bot;
     OtherSID = sid;
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a chat message is sent in a chatroom
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chatID">The SteamID of the group chat</param>
 /// <param name="sender">The SteamID of the sender</param>
 /// <param name="message">The message sent</param>
 public virtual void OnChatRoomMessage(SteamID chatID, SteamID sender, string message)
예제 #18
 public override bool respondToFriendMessage(SteamID userID, string message)
     return(Respond(userID, userID, message, false));
예제 #19
 public override bool respondToChatMessage(SteamID roomID, SteamID chatterId, string message)
     return(Respond(roomID, chatterId, message, true));
예제 #20
        public JKAConfig GetUserConfig(SteamID id)
            if (configCache.ContainsKey(id))
                return configCache[id];

            return JKAConfig.FromSteamID(id, folderPrefix);
 public void SendUserDisconnect(SteamID steamIDUser)
예제 #22
 public virtual void Use(SteamID room, SteamID sender, string[] args)
     Chat.Send(room, "Sorry '" + Steam.Friends.GetFriendPersonaName(sender) + "'! The command '" + args[1] + "' has no use.");
예제 #23
 public DailySteamMessage(DateTime when, SteamID steamId, string message)
     When    = when;
     SteamId = steamId;
     Message = message;
        private void AddGrid(Cheater cheater, int row)
            void AddToGrid(UIElement element, int column)
                Grid.SetColumn(element, column);
                Grid.SetRow(element, row);

            TextBox TextBoxCreate(string value) => new()
                Text   = value,
                Margin = new Thickness(5, 0, 5, 0),

            /* <Label Grid.Column="0">WhiteList</Label>
             *                                              <Label Grid.Column="1">Name</Label>
             *                                              <Label Grid.Column="2">Steam ID</Label>
             *                                              <Label Grid.Column="3">Submitter</Label>
             *                                              <Label Grid.Column="4">Cheat List</Label>
             *                                              <Label Grid.Column="5">Notes</Label>
             *                                              <Label Grid.Column="6">ThreatLevel</Label>
             *                                              <Label Grid.Column="7"></Label>*/

            BiaCheckBox wlCheckBox = new()
                BoxBorderColor = new ByteColor((byte)(255 * .9), 200, 200, 200),
                Margin         = CheckBoxThickness,

            Label lblName = new()
                Content = cheater.LastKnownName,
                Style   = TableRowLabelStyle
            Label lblSteamID = new()
                Content = new SteamID(cheater.AccountID).Render(false).Replace("_", "__"),
                Style   = TableRowLabelStyle

            TextBox txtSubmitter = TextBoxCreate(cheater.Submitter);
            TextBox txtCheatList = TextBoxCreate(cheater.CheatList);
            TextBox txtNotes     = TextBoxCreate(cheater.Notes);
            TextBox txtThreat    = TextBoxCreate(cheater.ThreatLevel.ToString());
            Button  btnRemove    = new();

            btnRemove.Content = "Remove";

            AddToGrid(wlCheckBox, 0);
            AddToGrid(lblName, 1);
            AddToGrid(lblSteamID, 2);
            AddToGrid(txtSubmitter, 3);
            AddToGrid(txtCheatList, 4);
            AddToGrid(txtNotes, 5);
            AddToGrid(txtThreat, 6);
            AddToGrid(btnRemove, 7);

            btnRemove.Click += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs args) =>

            lblSteamID.MouseRightButtonDown += (object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) =>
                Clipboard.SetText($"{cheater.LastKnownName}, {cheater.CheatList}, {cheater.ThreatLevel}, {cheater.Notes} " +

                lblSteamID.Content = "*Copied To Clipboard*";
                var timer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);
                timer.Elapsed += (object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) => Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    lblSteamID.Content = new SteamID(cheater.AccountID).Render(false).Replace("_", "__");


            lblName.MouseLeftButtonDown += (object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) =>
                    Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo($"http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{cheater.AccountID}")
                        UseShellExecute = true
                catch { }

            void HandleText(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
                cheater.CheatList = txtCheatList.Text;
                int.TryParse(txtThreat.Text, out int threat2);
                txtThreat.Text      = threat2.ToString();
                cheater.ThreatLevel = threat2;
                cheater.Submitter   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSubmitter.Text) ? Settings["UserNameOverride"] : txtSubmitter.Text;

                cheater.Notes = txtNotes.Text;

            txtSubmitter.TextChanged += HandleText;
            txtCheatList.TextChanged += HandleText;
            txtNotes.TextChanged     += HandleText;
            txtThreat.TextChanged    += HandleText;

        TextBox TextBoxCreate(string value) => new()
            Text   = value,
            Margin = new Thickness(5, 0, 5, 0),
 public bool SetLinkedLobby(SteamID steamIDLobby, SteamID steamIDLobbyDependent)
     return NativeMethods.MatchMaking_SetLobbyOwner(steamIDLobby.AsUInt64, steamIDLobbyDependent.AsUInt64);
예제 #26
        public override void OnNewTradeOffer(TradeOffer offer)
            var escrow = Bot.GetEscrowDuration(offer.TradeOfferId);

            if (escrow.DaysMyEscrow != 0 || escrow.DaysTheirEscrow != 0)
                doWebWithCatch(1, () =>
                    if (offer.Decline())
                        Log.Error("User has not been using the Mobile Authenticator for 7 days or has turned off trade confirmations, offer declined.");
                //Get password from file on desktop
                string pass = Bot.BotDBPassword;

                //Get items in the trade, and ID of user sending trade
                var theirItems = offer.Items.GetTheirItems();
                var myItems    = offer.Items.GetMyItems();
                var userID     = offer.PartnerSteamId;

                bool shouldDecline = false;

                //Check if they are trying to get items from the bot
                if (myItems.Count > 0 || theirItems.Count == 0)
                    //shouldDecline = true;
                    Log.Error("Offer declined because the offer wasn't a gift; the user wanted items instead of giving.");

                //Check to make sure all items are for CS: GO.
                foreach (TradeAsset item in theirItems)
                    if (item.AppId != 730)
                        shouldDecline = true;
                        Log.Error("Offer declined because one or more items was not for CS: GO.");

                //Check if there are more than 10 items in the trade
                if (theirItems.Count > 10)
                    shouldDecline = true;
                    Log.Error("Offer declined because there were more than 10 items in the deposit.");

                if (shouldDecline)
                    doWebWithCatch(1, () =>
                        if (offer.Decline())
                            Log.Error("Offer declined.");


                Log.Success("Offer approved, accepting.");
                //Send items to server and check if all items add up to more than $1.
                //If they do, accept the trade. If they don't, decline the trade.
                string postData = "password="******"&owner=" + userID;

                string theirItemsJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(theirItems);

                postData += "&items=" + theirItemsJSON;

                string url     = Bot.BotWebsiteURL + "/php/check-items.php";
                var    request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);

                var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);

                request.Method        = "POST";
                request.ContentType   = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                request.ContentLength = data.Length;

                using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
                    stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

                var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

                var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

                //Uncomment this line to view the response from check-items.php
                //Log.Success ("Response received from check-items.php: \n" + responseString);

                JSONClass responseJsonObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSONClass>(responseString);

                if (responseJsonObj.success == 1)
                    //Get data array from json
                    var jsonData = responseJsonObj.data;

                    if (jsonData.minDeposit == 1)
                        doWebWithCatch(10, () =>
                            if (offer.Accept())
                                Log.Success("Offer accepted from " + userID);

                                //Put items into the pot
                                string urlPutItemsIn     = Bot.BotWebsiteURL + "/php/deposit.php";
                                var requestUrlPutItemsIn = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlPutItemsIn);

                                string postDataPutItemsIn = "password="******"&owner=" + userID;
                                postDataPutItemsIn       += "&items=" + jsonData.allItems;
                                //Log.Success (jsonData.allItems);

                                var dataPutItemsIn = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postDataPutItemsIn);

                                requestUrlPutItemsIn.Method        = "POST";
                                requestUrlPutItemsIn.ContentType   = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                                requestUrlPutItemsIn.ContentLength = dataPutItemsIn.Length;

                                using (var stream = requestUrlPutItemsIn.GetRequestStream())
                                    stream.Write(dataPutItemsIn, 0, dataPutItemsIn.Length);

                                var responsePutItemsIn          = (HttpWebResponse)requestUrlPutItemsIn.GetResponse();
                                string responsePutItemsInString = new StreamReader(responsePutItemsIn.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

                                //Uncomment this line to view the response from deposit.php
                                //Log.Success ("Response received from deposit.php: " + responsePutItemsInString);

                                JSONClass responseJsonObjPutItemsIn = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSONClass>(responsePutItemsInString);
                                jsonData = responseJsonObjPutItemsIn.data;

                        //Check if it should start the timer
                        if (jsonData.startTimer == 1)
                            //Check if the timer is already running.
                            if (!timerRunning)
                                timer          = new System.Timers.Timer();
                                timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timerEvent);
                                timer.Interval = 1000;

                                timerRunning = true;

                        //Check if the pot is over
                        if (jsonData.potOver == 1)
                            //End the timer
                            timerTime = 0;

                            //Get items to give and keep, and the winner and their trade token
                            var itemsToGive = jsonData.tradeItems;
                            var itemsToKeep = jsonData.profitItems;

                            string  winnerSteamIDString = jsonData.winnerSteamId;
                            SteamID winnerSteamID       = new SteamID(winnerSteamIDString);

                            string winnerTradeToken = jsonData.winnerTradeToken;

                            Log.Success("Winner steam id: " + winnerSteamIDString + ", token: " + winnerTradeToken);

                            //Get bot's inventory json
                            string botInvUrl      = "http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/" + Bot.SteamUser.SteamID.ConvertToUInt64() + "/inventory/json/730/2";
                            var    botInvRequest  = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(botInvUrl);
                            var    botInvResponse = (HttpWebResponse)botInvRequest.GetResponse();
                            string botInvString   = new StreamReader(botInvResponse.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

                            BotInventory botInventory = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BotInventory>(botInvString);
                            if (botInventory.success != true)
                                Log.Error("An error occured while fetching the bot's inventory.");
                            var rgInventory = botInventory.rgInventory;

                            //Create trade offer for the winner
                            var winnerTradeOffer = Bot.NewTradeOffer(winnerSteamID);

                            //Loop through all winner's items and add them to trade
                            List <long> alreadyAddedToWinnerTrade = new List <long>();
                            foreach (CSGOItemFromWeb item in itemsToGive)
                                long classId = item.classId, instanceId = item.instanceId;

                                //Loop through all inventory items and find the asset id for the item
                                long assetId = 0;
                                foreach (var inventoryItem in rgInventory)
                                    var  value = inventoryItem.Value;
                                    long tAssetId = value.id, tClassId = value.classid, tInstanceId = value.instanceid;

                                    if (tClassId == classId && tInstanceId == instanceId)
                                        //Check if this assetId has already been added to the trade
                                        if (alreadyAddedToWinnerTrade.Contains(tAssetId))
                                            //This is for when there are 2 of the same weapon, but they have different assetIds
                                        assetId = tAssetId;

                                //Log.Success ("Adding item to winner trade offer. Asset ID: " + assetId);

                                winnerTradeOffer.Items.AddMyItem(730, 2, assetId, 1);
                            //Send trade offer to winner
                            if (itemsToGive.Count > 0)
                                string winnerTradeOfferId, winnerMessage = "Congratulations, you have won on " + Bot.BotWebsiteName + "! Here are your items.";

                                doWebWithCatch(-1, () =>
                                    if (winnerTradeOffer.SendWithToken(out winnerTradeOfferId, winnerTradeToken, winnerMessage))
                                        Log.Success("Offer sent to winner.");
                                Log.Info("No items to give... strange");

                            //Now, send all of the profit items to my own account
                            //Put your own Steam ID here

                            var profitTradeOffer = Bot.NewTradeOffer(new SteamID(Bot.ProfitAdmin));

                            //Loop through all profit items and add them to trade
                            List <long> alreadyAddedToProfitTrade = new List <long>();
                            foreach (CSGOItemFromWeb item in itemsToKeep)
                                long classId = item.classId, instanceId = item.instanceId;

                                //Loop through all inventory items and find the asset id for the item
                                long assetId = 0;
                                foreach (var inventoryItem in rgInventory)
                                    var  value = inventoryItem.Value;
                                    long tAssetId = value.id, tClassId = value.classid, tInstanceId = value.instanceid;

                                    if (tClassId == classId && tInstanceId == instanceId)
                                        //Check if this assetId has already been added to the trade
                                        if (alreadyAddedToProfitTrade.Contains(tAssetId))
                                            //This is for when there are 2 of the same weapon, but they have different assetIds
                                        assetId = tAssetId;

                                //Log.Success ("Adding item to winner trade offer. Asset ID: " + assetId);

                                profitTradeOffer.Items.AddMyItem(730, 2, assetId, 1);

                            //Send trade offer to myself with profit items
                            Log.Success(itemsToKeep.Count + "");
                            if (itemsToKeep.Count > 0)
                                string profitTradeOfferId, profitMessage = "Here are the profit items from the round.";

                                doWebWithCatch(10, () =>
                                    if (profitTradeOffer.Send(out profitTradeOfferId, profitMessage))
                                    { //Don't need the token because I am friends with the bot.
                                        Log.Success("Profit trade offer sent.");
                            //Only try this one time, because even if it gives an error, it still gets declined.
                            doWebWithCatch(1, () =>
                                if (offer.Decline())
                                    Log.Error("Server deposit request failed, declining trade. Error message:\n" + responseJsonObj.errMsg);
                        //Only try this one time, because even if it gives an error, it still gets declined.
                        doWebWithCatch(1, () =>
                            if (offer.Decline())
                                Log.Error("Minimum deposit not reached, offer declined.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Invokes UserStatsReceived
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="steamID"></param>
 public void RequestUserStats(SteamID steamID)
예제 #28
        private void timerEvent(object CancellationTokenSource, ElapsedEventArgs e)

            //Check if the timer is at 2 minutes
            if (timerTime >= 120)
                //If the timer is done, stop the timer and call to server to end the round/pick a winner
                timerTime    = 0;
                timerRunning = false;

                //Get password from file on desktop
                string pass = Bot.BotDBPassword;

                string urlTimerEnd        = Bot.BotWebsiteURL + "/php/timer-end.php";
                var    requestUrlTimerEnd = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlTimerEnd);

                string postDataTimerEnd = "password="******"POST";
                requestUrlTimerEnd.ContentType   = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                requestUrlTimerEnd.ContentLength = dataTimerEnd.Length;

                using (var stream = requestUrlTimerEnd.GetRequestStream())
                    stream.Write(dataTimerEnd, 0, dataTimerEnd.Length);

                var    responseTimerEnd       = (HttpWebResponse)requestUrlTimerEnd.GetResponse();
                string responseTimerEndString = new StreamReader(responseTimerEnd.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

                //Uncomment this line to print out the response from timer-end.php
                //Log.Success ("Response received from timer-end.php: " + responseTimerEndString);

                JSONClass timerEndJsonObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSONClass>(responseTimerEndString);

                if (timerEndJsonObj.success != 1)
                    Log.Error("Server request failed. Error message:\n" + timerEndJsonObj.errMsg);


                Data timerEndData = timerEndJsonObj.data;

                //Get items to give and keep, and the winner and their trade token
                var itemsToGive = timerEndData.tradeItems;
                var itemsToKeep = timerEndData.profitItems;

                string  winnerSteamIDString = timerEndData.winnerSteamId;
                SteamID winnerSteamID       = new SteamID(winnerSteamIDString);

                string winnerTradeToken = timerEndData.winnerTradeToken;

                Log.Success("Winner steam id: " + winnerSteamIDString + ", token: " + winnerTradeToken);

                //Get bot's inventory json
                string botInvUrl      = "http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/" + Bot.SteamUser.SteamID.ConvertToUInt64() + "/inventory/json/730/2";
                var    botInvRequest  = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(botInvUrl);
                var    botInvResponse = (HttpWebResponse)botInvRequest.GetResponse();
                string botInvString   = new StreamReader(botInvResponse.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

                BotInventory botInventory = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BotInventory>(botInvString);
                if (botInventory.success != true)
                    Log.Error("An error occured while fetching the bot's inventory.");
                var rgInventory = botInventory.rgInventory;

                //Create trade offer for the winner
                var winnerTradeOffer = Bot.NewTradeOffer(winnerSteamID);

                //Loop through all winner's items and add them to trade
                List <long> alreadyAddedToWinnerTrade = new List <long>();
                foreach (CSGOItemFromWeb item in itemsToGive)
                    long classId = item.classId, instanceId = item.instanceId;

                    //Loop through all inventory items and find the asset id for the item
                    long assetId = 0;
                    foreach (var inventoryItem in rgInventory)
                        var  value = inventoryItem.Value;
                        long tAssetId = value.id, tClassId = value.classid, tInstanceId = value.instanceid;

                        if (tClassId == classId && tInstanceId == instanceId)
                            //Check if this assetId has already been added to the trade
                            if (alreadyAddedToWinnerTrade.Contains(tAssetId))
                                //This is for when there are 2 of the same weapon, but they have different assetIds
                            assetId = tAssetId;

                    //Log.Success ("Adding item to winner trade offer. Asset ID: " + assetId);

                    winnerTradeOffer.Items.AddMyItem(730, 2, assetId, 1);

                //Send trade offer to winner
                if (itemsToGive.Count > 0)
                    string winnerTradeOfferId, winnerMessage = "Congratulations, you have won on " + Bot.BotWebsiteName + "! Here are your items.";

                    doWebWithCatch(-1, () =>
                        winnerTradeOffer.SendWithToken(out winnerTradeOfferId, winnerTradeToken, winnerMessage);
                    Log.Success("Offer sent to winner.");
                    Log.Info("No items to give... strange");

                //Now, send all of the profit items to my own account
                var profitTradeOffer = Bot.NewTradeOffer(new SteamID(Bot.ProfitAdmin));

                //Loop through all profit items and add them to trade
                List <long> alreadyAddedToProfitTrade = new List <long>();
                foreach (CSGOItemFromWeb item in itemsToKeep)
                    long classId = item.classId, instanceId = item.instanceId;

                    //Loop through all inventory items and find the asset id for the item
                    long assetId = 0;
                    foreach (var inventoryItem in rgInventory)
                        var  value = inventoryItem.Value;
                        long tAssetId = value.id, tClassId = value.classid, tInstanceId = value.instanceid;

                        if (tClassId == classId && tInstanceId == instanceId)
                            //Check if this assetId has already been added to the trade
                            if (alreadyAddedToProfitTrade.Contains(tAssetId))
                                //This is for when there are 2 of the same weapon, but they have different assetIds
                            assetId = tAssetId;

                    //Log.Success ("Adding item to winner trade offer. Asset ID: " + assetId);

                    profitTradeOffer.Items.AddMyItem(730, 2, assetId, 1);

                //Send trade offer to myself with profit items
                if (itemsToKeep.Count > 0)
                    string profitTradeOfferId, profitMessage = "Here are the profit items from the round.";

                    doWebWithCatch(10, () =>
                        profitTradeOffer.Send(out profitTradeOfferId, profitMessage);
                    Log.Success("Profit offer sent.");
        public StatsGetUserStatResult GetUserStatFloat(SteamID steamID, string name)
            StatsGetUserStatResult result = new StatsGetUserStatResult();
            result.result = GetUserStat(steamID, name, out result.floatDataSender);
            return result;

예제 #30
 public override void Use(SteamID Room, SteamID Sender, string[] args)
     Chat.Send(Room, Steam.Friends.GetFriendPersonaName(Sender) + ": " + Sender.AccountID.ToString());
 public StatsGetUserAchievementResult GetUserAchievement(SteamID steamID, string name)
     StatsGetUserAchievementResult result = new StatsGetUserAchievementResult();
     result.result = GetUserAchievement(steamID, name, out result.sender);
     return result;
예제 #32
 public TradeOfferUserHandler(Bot bot, SteamID sid) : base(bot, sid)
 public StatsGetUserAchievementAndUnlockTimeResult GetUserAchievementAndUnlockTime(SteamID steamID, string name)
     StatsGetUserAchievementAndUnlockTimeResult result = new StatsGetUserAchievementAndUnlockTimeResult();
     result.result = GetUserAchievementAndUnlockTime(steamID, name, out result.achievedSender, out result.unlockTimeSender);
     return result;
예제 #34
 public override void OnChatRoomMessage(SteamID chatID, SteamID sender, string message)
     Log.Info(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(sender) + ": " + message);
     base.OnChatRoomMessage(chatID, sender, message);
예제 #35
 public SimpleUserHandler(Bot bot, SteamID sid) : base(bot, sid)
 public UserHasLicenseForAppResult UserHasLicenseForApp(SteamID steamID, AppID appID)
     int tempreturn = NativeMethods.GameServer_UserHasLicenseForApp(steamID.AsUInt64, appID.AsUInt32);
     return (UserHasLicenseForAppResult)tempreturn;
        public bool SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate(uint ipClient, byte[] authenticationBlob, out SteamID steamIDUser)

            using (NativeBuffer blobBuffer = new NativeBuffer(authenticationBlob))
                ulong rawCreator = 0;
                bool result = NativeMethods.GameServer_SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate(ipClient,
                    blobBuffer.UnmanagedMemory, (uint)blobBuffer.UnmanagedMemory, ref rawCreator);

                steamIDUser = new SteamID(rawCreator);
                return result;


 public void AssociateWithClan(SteamID steamIDClan)
 public bool UpdateUserData(SteamID steamIDUser, string playerName, uint score)
     return NativeMethods.GameServer_UpdateUserData(steamIDUser.AsUInt64, playerName, score);
예제 #40
        void HandleLogOnResponse( IPacketMsg packetMsg )
            if ( !packetMsg.IsProto )
                DebugLog.WriteLine( "CMClient", "Got non-proto logon response, this is indicative of no logon attempt after connecting." );

            var logonResp = new ClientMsgProtobuf<CMsgClientLogonResponse>( packetMsg );

            if ( logonResp.Body.eresult == ( int )EResult.OK )
                SessionID = logonResp.ProtoHeader.client_sessionid;
                SteamID = logonResp.ProtoHeader.steamid;

                int hbDelay = logonResp.Body.out_of_game_heartbeat_seconds;

                // restart heartbeat
                heartBeatFunc.Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( hbDelay );
 public void EndAuthSession(SteamID steamID)
예제 #42
 public override void Use(SteamID room, SteamID Sender, string[] args)
     Chat.Send(room, "The time is: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortTimeString() + " (UTC)");
 public bool RequestUserGroupStatus(SteamID steamIDUser, SteamID steamIDGroup)
     return NativeMethods.GameServer_RequestUserGroupStatus(steamIDUser.AsUInt64, steamIDGroup.AsUInt64);
 public bool SetLobbyJoinable(SteamID steamIDLobby, bool lobbyJoinable)
     return NativeMethods.MatchMaking_SetLobbyJoinable(steamIDLobby.AsUInt64, lobbyJoinable);
        public void ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility(SteamID steamIDNewPlayer)

 public SteamID GetLobbyOwner(SteamID steamIDLobby)
     return new SteamID(NativeMethods.MatchMaking_GetLobbyOwner(steamIDLobby.AsUInt64));
예제 #47
        void HandleLoggedOff( IPacketMsg packetMsg )
            SessionID = null;
            SteamID = null;

 public bool SetLobbyOwner(SteamID steamIDLobby, SteamID steamIDNewOwner)
     return NativeMethods.MatchMaking_SetLobbyOwner(steamIDLobby.AsUInt64, steamIDNewOwner.AsUInt64);