static void Main(string[] args) { int error; steamClient = (SteamClient008)Steamworks.CreateInterface(SteamClient008.InterfaceVersion, out error); if (steamClient == null) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to get SteamClient."); return; } pipe = steamClient.CreateSteamPipe(); user = steamClient.ConnectToGlobalUser(pipe); _handler += new EventHandler(ConsoleEvent); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(_handler, true); steamFriends = ( SteamFriends001 )steamClient.GetISteamFriends(user, pipe, SteamFriends001.InterfaceVersion); steamUser = (SteamUser012)steamClient.GetISteamUser(user, pipe, SteamUser012.InterfaceVersion); FriendsName = steamFriends.GetPersonaName(); RelayTargets = new List <RelayUser>(); ircClient = new IrcClient(RelayNick); ircClient.AlternateNickname = RelayNick + "`"; ircClient.Debugger.Debugging = DebugMode.All; ConnectionParser connection = ircClient.ConnectionParser; MessageParser message = ircClient.MessageParser; connection.Connected += new EventHandler <InfoEventArgs>(connection_Connected); message.ChannelMessage += new EventHandler <MessageEventArgs>(message_ChannelMessage); running = ircClient.Connect(RelayNetwork); DateTime lastUpdate = DateTime.Now; while (running) { ircClient.UpdateIn(); if ((DateTime.Now - lastUpdate) >= RelayDelay && connected) { ircClient.UpdateOut(); lastUpdate = DateTime.Now; } else { ircClient.UpdateOut(); } if (!connected) { continue; } Callback callback; SteamCallHandle steamCall; if (Steamworks.Steam_BGetCallback(pipe, out callback, out steamCall)) { Console.WriteLine("Callback: " + callback.CallbackNum); if (callback.CallbackNum == FriendChatMsg.Callback) { FriendChatMsg chatMsg = ( FriendChatMsg )callback.CallbackObject; SteamID sender = new SteamID(chatMsg.Sender); SteamID reciever = new SteamID(chatMsg.Reciever); if (sender.Equals(steamUser.GetSteamID())) { Steamworks.Steam_FreeLastCallback(pipe); continue; } string msg; FriendMsgType msgType; steamFriends.GetChatMessage(reciever, ( int )chatMsg.ChatID, out msg, 400, out msgType); if (msgType != FriendMsgType.Chat) { Steamworks.Steam_FreeLastCallback(pipe); continue; } string senderStr = steamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(sender); msg = msg.Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", " ").Replace("DCC", ""); RelayUser ru = new RelayUser() { SteamID = sender, LastMessage = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)), }; if (!RelayTargets.Contains(ru)) { RelayTargets.Add(ru); } RelayUser realUser = RelayTargets.Find(new Predicate <RelayUser>((ruser) => { return(ruser.SteamID.Equals(sender)); })); if (msg.StartsWith("!relayon")) { realUser.RelayingIRC = true; steamFriends.SendMsgToFriend(sender, FriendMsgType.ChatSent, "You are now added to the relay list."); } else if (msg.StartsWith("!relayoff")) { realUser.RelayingIRC = false; steamFriends.SendMsgToFriend(sender, FriendMsgType.ChatSent, "You have been removed from the relay list."); } else { if (!realUser.RelayingIRC) { Steamworks.Steam_FreeLastCallback(pipe); continue; } if ((DateTime.Now - realUser.LastMessage) >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) { realUser.LastMessage = DateTime.Now; ircClient.SendMessage(RelayChannel, senderStr + ": " + msg); } else { steamFriends.SendMsgToFriend(sender, FriendMsgType.ChatSent, "You are sending messages too fast."); } } } Steamworks.Steam_FreeLastCallback(pipe); } } }
private void MainForm_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) { ClassEditControl scout = new ClassEditControl( "Scout" ); scout.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.scout; // heavy ClassEditControl heavy = new ClassEditControl( "Heavy" ); heavy.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.heavy; // medic ClassEditControl medic = new ClassEditControl( "Medic" ); medic.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.medic; // soldier ClassEditControl soldier = new ClassEditControl( "Soldier" ); soldier.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.soldier; // engi ClassEditControl engineer = new ClassEditControl( "Engineer" ); engineer.ClassImage =; // spy ClassEditControl spy = new ClassEditControl( "Spy" ); spy.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.spy; // sniper ClassEditControl sniper = new ClassEditControl( "Sniper" ); sniper.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.sniper; // demo ClassEditControl demo = new ClassEditControl( "Demoman" ); demo.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.demoman; // pyro ClassEditControl pyro = new ClassEditControl( "Pyro" ); pyro.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.pyro; flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add( scout ); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add( heavy ); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add( medic ); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add( soldier ); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add( engineer ); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add( spy ); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add( sniper ); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add( demo ); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add( pyro ); toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Initializing steamworks..."; try { int error; client = ( SteamClient008 )Steamworks.CreateInterface( SteamClient008.InterfaceVersion, out error ); if ( client == null ) throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to create ISteamClient." ); pipe = client.CreateSteamPipe(); if ( pipe == SteamPipeHandle.InvalidHandle ) throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to create steam pipe." ); user = client.ConnectToGlobalUser( pipe ); clientEngine = ( ClientEngine )Steamworks.CreateInterface( ClientEngine.InterfaceVersion, out error ); if ( clientEngine == null ) throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to create IClientEngine." ); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show( this, "Unable to initialize steamworks. Please ensure the following:\n\n" + " * steamclient.dll, tier0_s.dll, vstdlib_s.dll, are present in the running directory\n" + " * You are logged into steam and are online.\n\nAdditional Details: " + ex.Message, "TF2 Stats Suite" ); this.Close(); return; } toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Loading stats..."; statsAcc = new StatsAccessor( client, pipe, user, 440 ); steamUser = ( SteamUser012 )client.GetISteamUser( user, pipe, SteamUser012.InterfaceVersion ); clientUtils = ( ClientUtils )clientEngine.GetIClientUtils( pipe, ClientUtils.InterfaceVersion ); clientUtils.SetAppIDForCurrentPipe( new AppID( 440 ) ); foreach ( ClassEditControl cec in flowLayoutPanel1.Controls ) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Loading stats for '" + cec.Class + "'..."; cec.LoadStats( statsAcc ); Application.DoEvents(); } toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Stats fully loaded!"; }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClassEditControl scout = new ClassEditControl("Scout"); scout.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.scout; // heavy ClassEditControl heavy = new ClassEditControl("Heavy"); heavy.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.heavy; // medic ClassEditControl medic = new ClassEditControl("Medic"); medic.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.medic; // soldier ClassEditControl soldier = new ClassEditControl("Soldier"); soldier.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.soldier; // engi ClassEditControl engineer = new ClassEditControl("Engineer"); engineer.ClassImage =; // spy ClassEditControl spy = new ClassEditControl("Spy"); spy.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.spy; // sniper ClassEditControl sniper = new ClassEditControl("Sniper"); sniper.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.sniper; // demo ClassEditControl demo = new ClassEditControl("Demoman"); demo.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.demoman; // pyro ClassEditControl pyro = new ClassEditControl("Pyro"); pyro.ClassImage = Properties.Resources.pyro; flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(scout); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(heavy); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(medic); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(soldier); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(engineer); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(spy); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(sniper); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(demo); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(pyro); toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Initializing steamworks..."; try { int error; client = ( SteamClient008 )Steamworks.CreateInterface(SteamClient008.InterfaceVersion, out error); if (client == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to create ISteamClient."); } pipe = client.CreateSteamPipe(); if (pipe == SteamPipeHandle.InvalidHandle) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to create steam pipe."); } user = client.ConnectToGlobalUser(pipe); clientEngine = ( ClientEngine )Steamworks.CreateInterface(ClientEngine.InterfaceVersion, out error); if (clientEngine == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to create IClientEngine."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Unable to initialize steamworks. Please ensure the following:\n\n" + " * steamclient.dll, tier0_s.dll, vstdlib_s.dll, are present in the running directory\n" + " * You are logged into steam and are online.\n\nAdditional Details: " + ex.Message, "TF2 Stats Suite" ); this.Close(); return; } toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Loading stats..."; statsAcc = new StatsAccessor(client, pipe, user, 440); steamUser = ( SteamUser012 )client.GetISteamUser(user, pipe, SteamUser012.InterfaceVersion); clientUtils = ( ClientUtils )clientEngine.GetIClientUtils(pipe, ClientUtils.InterfaceVersion); clientUtils.SetAppIDForCurrentPipe(new AppID(440)); foreach (ClassEditControl cec in flowLayoutPanel1.Controls) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Loading stats for '" + cec.Class + "'..."; cec.LoadStats(statsAcc); Application.DoEvents(); } toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Stats fully loaded!"; }