예제 #1
        public static void MainTest(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($"Running {nameof(PacketProcessing)}");
            int    size     = StdIn.ReadInt();
            Buffer buffer   = new Buffer(size);
            var    requests = ReadQueries();

            foreach (var response in ProcessRequests(buffer, requests))
                Console.WriteLine(response.Dropped ? -1 : response.StartTime);

            IEnumerable <(int TimeOfArrival, int ProcessingTime)> ReadQueries()
                int n = StdIn.ReadInt();

                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    yield return(StdIn.ReadInt(), StdIn.ReadInt());

            IEnumerable <(bool Dropped, int StartTime)> ProcessRequests(Buffer buffer,
                                                                        IEnumerable <(int TimeOfArrival, int ProcessingTime)> requests)
                foreach (var request in requests)
                    yield return(buffer.Process(request));
예제 #2
        private static void ShortestPath()
            string  filename       = "mediumEWD.txt";
            Scanner scanner        = new Scanner(new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(filename)));
            IEdgeWeightedDIgraph G = new EdgeWeightedDigraph(scanner);

            int           s  = StdIn.ReadInt();
            IShortestPath sp = new DijkstraSP(G, s);

            for (int t = 0; t < G.V; t++)
                StdOut.Print(s + " to " + t);
                StdOut.Printf(" ({0}): ", sp.DistTo(t));
                if (sp.HasPathTo(t))
                    foreach (var e in sp.PathTo(t))
                        StdOut.Print(e + "  ");
            DijkstraAllPairsSP allPairsSP = new DijkstraAllPairsSP(G);

            StdOut.Println(allPairsSP.Dist(1, 28));

            //string filename2 = "tinyEWDAG.txt";
            //scanner = new Scanner(new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(filename2)));
            //G = new EdgeWeightedDigraph(scanner);
            //IShortestPath sp2 = new AcyclicSP(G, s);
            //for (int t = 0; t < G.V; t++)
            //    StdOut.Print(s + " to " + t);
            //    StdOut.Printf(" ({0}): ", sp2.DistTo(t));
            //    if (sp2.HasPathTo(t))
            //        foreach (var e in sp.PathTo(t))
            //        {
            //            StdOut.Print(e + "  ");
            //        }
            //    StdOut.Println();

            //filename = "tinyEWDnc.txt";
            //scanner = new Scanner(new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(filename)));
            //G = new EdgeWeightedDigraph(scanner);
            //sp = new BellmanFordSP(G, s);
            //for (int t = 0; t < G.V; t++)
            //    StdOut.Print(s + " to " + t);
            //    StdOut.Printf(" ({0}): ", sp.DistTo(t));
            //    if (sp.HasPathTo(t))
            //        foreach (var e in sp.PathTo(t))
            //        {
            //            StdOut.Print(e + "  ");
            //        }
            //    StdOut.Println();
예제 #3
        private static void DiGraph()
            IDiGraph  G       = new DiGraph.DiGraph(new Scanner(new StreamReader(File.OpenRead("tinyDG.txt"))));
            Bag <int> sources = new Bag <int>();

            int i = StdIn.ReadInt();

            while (i-- > 0)
            DirectedDFS reachable = new DirectedDFS(G, sources);

            for (int v = 0; v < G.V; v++)
                if (reachable.Marked(v))
                    StdOut.Print(v + " ");

            //string filename = "jobs.txt"; //文件有问题
            //string seperator = "/";
            //SymbolDiGraph sg = new SymbolDiGraph(filename, seperator);
            //Topological topological = new Topological(sg.G);
            //foreach (int v in topological.Order)
            //    StdOut.Println(sg.Name(v));

            ISCC scc = new KosarajuSCC(G);

        public static void main(string[] strarr)
            string      str         = strarr[0];
            string      str2        = strarr[1];
            SymbolGraph symbolGraph = new SymbolGraph(str, str2);
            Graph       graph       = symbolGraph.G();

            while (StdIn.hasNextLine())
                string str3 = StdIn.readLine();
                if (symbolGraph.contains(str3))
                    int      i        = symbolGraph.index(str3);
                    Iterator iterator = graph.adj(i).iterator();
                    while (iterator.hasNext())
                        int i2 = ((Integer)iterator.next()).intValue();
                        StdOut.println(new StringBuilder().append("   ").append(symbolGraph.name(i2)).toString());
                    StdOut.println(new StringBuilder().append("input not contain '").append(str3).append("'").toString());
예제 #5
  * Reads in a sequence of extended ASCII strings or non-negative ints from standard input;
  * American flag sorts them;
  * and prints them to standard output in ascending order.
  * @param args the command-line arguments
 public static void main(String[] args) {      
     String[] a = StdIn.readAllStrings();
     // print results
     for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
예제 #6
     *  Reads the currency exchange table from standard input and
     *  prints an arbitrage opportunity to standard output (if one exists).
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // V currencies
        int V = StdIn.readInt();
        String[] name = new String[V];

        // create complete network
        EdgeWeightedDigraph G = new EdgeWeightedDigraph(V);
        for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) {
            name[v] = StdIn.readString();
            for (int w = 0; w < V; w++) {
                double rate = StdIn.readDouble();
                DirectedEdge e = new DirectedEdge(v, w, -Math.log(rate));

        // find negative cycle
        BellmanFordSP spt = new BellmanFordSP(G, 0);
        if (spt.hasNegativeCycle()) {
            double stake = 1000.0;
            for (DirectedEdge e : spt.negativeCycle()) {
                StdOut.printf("%10.5f %s ", stake, name[e.from()]);
                stake *= Math.exp(-e.weight());
                StdOut.printf("= %10.5f %s\n", stake, name[e.to()]);
        else {
            StdOut.println("No arbitrage opportunity");
예제 #7
     * Unit tests the {@code SuffixArrayx} data type.
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String s = StdIn.readAll().replaceAll("\n", " ").trim();
        SuffixArrayX suffix1 = new SuffixArrayX(s);
        SuffixArray suffix2 = new SuffixArray(s);
        boolean check = true;
        for (int i = 0; check && i < s.length(); i++) {
            if (suffix1.index(i) != suffix2.index(i)) {
                StdOut.println("suffix1(" + i + ") = " + suffix1.index(i));
                StdOut.println("suffix2(" + i + ") = " + suffix2.index(i));
                String ith = "\"" + s.substring(suffix1.index(i), Math.min(suffix1.index(i) + 50, s.length())) + "\"";
                String jth = "\"" + s.substring(suffix2.index(i), Math.min(suffix2.index(i) + 50, s.length())) + "\"";
                check = false;

        StdOut.println("  i ind lcp rnk  select");

        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            int index = suffix2.index(i);
            String ith = "\"" + s.substring(index, Math.min(index + 50, s.length())) + "\"";
            int rank = suffix2.rank(s.substring(index));
            assert s.substring(index).equals(suffix2.select(i));
            if (i == 0) {
                StdOut.printf("%3d %3d %3s %3d  %s\n", i, index, "-", rank, ith);
            else {
                // int lcp  = suffix.lcp(suffix2.index(i), suffix2.index(i-1));
                int lcp  = suffix2.lcp(i);
                StdOut.printf("%3d %3d %3d %3d  %s\n", i, index, lcp, rank, ith);
예제 #8
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // key = word, value = set of files containing that word
        ST<String, SET<File>> st = new ST<String, SET<File>>();

        // create inverted index of all files
        StdOut.println("Indexing files");
        for (String filename : args) {
            StdOut.println("  " + filename);
            File file = new File(filename);
            In in = new In(file);
            while (!in.isEmpty()) {
                String word = in.readString();
                if (!st.contains(word)) st.put(word, new SET<File>());
                SET<File> set = st.get(word);

        // read queries from standard input, one per line
        while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {
            String query = StdIn.readString();
            if (st.contains(query)) {
                SET<File> set = st.get(query);
                for (File file : set) {
                    StdOut.println("  " + file.getName());

예제 #9
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String filename  = args[0];
        String separator = args[1];
        In in = new In(filename);

        ST<String, Queue<String>> st = new ST<String, Queue<String>>();
        ST<String, Queue<String>> ts = new ST<String, Queue<String>>();

        while (in.hasNextLine()) {
            String line = in.readLine();
            String[] fields = line.split(separator);
            String key = fields[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < fields.length; i++) {
                String val = fields[i];
                if (!st.contains(key)) st.put(key, new Queue<String>());
                if (!ts.contains(val)) ts.put(val, new Queue<String>());

        StdOut.println("Done indexing");

        // read queries from standard input, one per line
        while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {
            String query = StdIn.readLine();
            if (st.contains(query)) 
                for (String vals : st.get(query))
                    StdOut.println("  " + vals);
            if (ts.contains(query)) 
                for (String keys : ts.get(query))
                    StdOut.println("  " + keys);

예제 #10
파일: MSD.cs 프로젝트: franklzt/DataStruct
  * Reads in a sequence of extended ASCII strings from standard input;
  * MSD radix sorts them;
  * and prints them to standard output in ascending order.
  * @param args the command-line arguments
 public static void main(String[] args) {
     String[] a = StdIn.readAllStrings();
     int n = a.length;
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
예제 #11
     * Reads in a command-line integer and sequence of words from
     * standard input and prints out a word (whose length exceeds
     * the threshold) that occurs most frequently to standard output.
     * It also prints out the number of words whose length exceeds
     * the threshold and the number of distinct such words.
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int distinct = 0, words = 0;
        int minlen = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        ST<String, Integer> st = new ST<String, Integer>();

        // compute frequency counts
        while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {
            String key = StdIn.readString();
            if (key.length() < minlen) continue;
            if (st.contains(key)) {
                st.put(key, st.get(key) + 1);
            else {
                st.put(key, 1);

        // find a key with the highest frequency count
        String max = "";
        st.put(max, 0);
        for (String word : st.keys()) {
            if (st.get(word) > st.get(max))
                max = word;

        StdOut.println(max + " " + st.get(max));
        StdOut.println("distinct = " + distinct);
        StdOut.println("words    = " + words);
예제 #12
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            int N = StdIn.ReadInt();

            QuickFindUF uf = new QuickFindUF(N);

            // read in a sequence of pairs of integers (each in the range 0 to N-1),
            // calling find() for each pair: If the members of the pair are not already
            // call union() and print the pair.
            while (!StdIn.IsEmpty())
                int p = StdIn.ReadInt();
                int q = StdIn.ReadInt();

                if (uf.Connected(p, q))
                uf.Union(p, q);

                Console.WriteLine(p + " " + q);

            Console.Write(uf.Count + " components");
예제 #13
     *  Reads in a social network from a file, and then repeatedly reads in
     *  individuals from standard input and prints out their degrees of
     *  separation.
     *  Takes three command-line arguments: the name of a file,
     *  a delimiter, and the name of the distinguished individual.
     *  Each line in the file contains the name of a vertex, followed by a
     *  list of the names of the vertices adjacent to that vertex,
     *  separated by the delimiter.
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String filename  = args[0];
        String delimiter = args[1];
        String source    = args[2];

        // StdOut.println("Source: " + source);

        SymbolGraph sg = new SymbolGraph(filename, delimiter);
        Graph G = sg.graph();
        if (!sg.contains(source)) {
            StdOut.println(source + " not in database.");

        int s = sg.indexOf(source);
        BreadthFirstPaths bfs = new BreadthFirstPaths(G, s);

        while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {
            String sink = StdIn.readLine();
            if (sg.contains(sink)) {
                int t = sg.indexOf(sink);
                if (bfs.hasPathTo(t)) {
                    for (int v : bfs.pathTo(t)) {
                        StdOut.println("   " + sg.nameOf(v));
                else {
                    StdOut.println("Not connected");
            else {
                StdOut.println("   Not in database.");
예제 #14
            void OnGUI()
                if (Event.current.isKey && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyUp)
                    if (StdIn != null)
                Vector2 sizeOfCharacter = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("M"));
                Vector2 kerningCheck    = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("MM"));
                float   charWidth       = kerningCheck.x - sizeOfCharacter.x;
                int     max             = Mathf.Min(Buffer.Count, Height + ScrollY);
                string  text            = GetGUIString(max);

                if (DisplayOntoGui)
                    float x = charWidth * (CursorX - ScrollX);
                    float y = sizeOfCharacter.y * (CursorY - ScrollY);
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(x, y, sizeOfCharacter.x, sizeOfCharacter.y), "<color=white>|</color>", style);
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), text, style);
                else if (textMesh != null)
                    textMesh.text = text;
예제 #15
     * Read the following commands:
     * init n v     Initializes the array of size n with all v's
     * set a b c... Initializes the array  with [a, b, c ...]
     * rsq a b      Range Sum Query for the range [a, b]
     * rmq a b      Range Min Query for the range [a, b]
     * up  a b v    Update the [a,b] portion of the array with value v.
     * exit
     * <p>
     * Example:
     * init
     * set 1 2 3 4 5 6
     * rsq 1 3
     * Sum from 1 to 3 = 6
     * rmq 1 3
     * Min from 1 to 3 = 1
     * input up 1 3
     * [3,2,3,4,5,6]
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        SegmentTree st = null;

        String cmd = "cmp";
        while (true) {
            String[] line = StdIn.readLine().split(" ");

            if (line[0].equals("exit")) break;

            int arg1 = 0, arg2 = 0, arg3 = 0;

            if (line.length > 1) {
                arg1 = Integer.parseInt(line[1]);
            if (line.length > 2) {
                arg2 = Integer.parseInt(line[2]);
            if (line.length > 3) {
                arg3 = Integer.parseInt(line[3]);

            if ((!line[0].equals("set") && !line[0].equals("init")) && st == null) {
                StdOut.println("Segment Tree not initialized");
            int array[];
예제 #16
        public static void main(string[] strarr)
            Alphabet.__ <clinit>();
            Alphabet alphabet = new Alphabet(strarr[0]);
            int      num      = alphabet.R();

            int[]  array = new int[num];
            string @this = StdIn.readAll();
            int    num2  = java.lang.String.instancehelper_length(@this);

            for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
                if (alphabet.contains(java.lang.String.instancehelper_charAt(@this, i)))
                    int[] arg_54_0 = array;
                    int   num3     = alphabet.toIndex(java.lang.String.instancehelper_charAt(@this, i));
                    int[] array2   = arg_54_0;
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                StdOut.println(new StringBuilder().append(alphabet.toChar(i)).append(" ").append(array[i]).toString());
예제 #17
파일: KWIK.cs 프로젝트: franklzt/DataStruct
     * Reads a string from a file specified as the first
     * command-line argument; read an integer k specified as the
     * second command line argument; then repeatedly processes
     * use queries, printing all occurrences of the given query
     * string in the text string with k characters of surrounding
     * context on either side.
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        In in = new In(args[0]);
        int context = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);

        // read in text
        String text = in.readAll().replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
        int n = text.length();

        // build suffix array
        SuffixArray sa = new SuffixArray(text);

        // find all occurrences of queries and give context
        while (StdIn.hasNextLine()) {
            String query = StdIn.readLine();
            for (int i = sa.rank(query); i < n; i++) {
                int from1 = sa.index(i);
                int to1   = Math.min(n, from1 + query.length());
                if (!query.equals(text.substring(from1, to1))) break;
                int from2 = Math.max(0, sa.index(i) - context);
                int to2   = Math.min(n, sa.index(i) + context + query.length());
                StdOut.println(text.substring(from2, to2));
예제 #18
    /**/ public static void main(string[] strarr)
        In          @in         = new In(strarr[0]);
        int         num         = Integer.parseInt(strarr[1]);
        string      text        = java.lang.String.instancehelper_replaceAll(@in.readAll(), "\\s+", " ");
        int         num2        = java.lang.String.instancehelper_length(text);
        SuffixArray suffixArray = new SuffixArray(text);

        while (StdIn.hasNextLine())
            string text2 = StdIn.readLine();
            for (int i = suffixArray.rank(text2); i < num2; i++)
                int num3     = suffixArray.index(i);
                int endIndex = java.lang.Math.min(num2, num3 + java.lang.String.instancehelper_length(text2));
                if (!java.lang.String.instancehelper_equals(text2, java.lang.String.instancehelper_substring(text, num3, endIndex)))
                int beginIndex = java.lang.Math.max(0, suffixArray.index(i) - num);
                int endIndex2  = java.lang.Math.min(num2, suffixArray.index(i) + num + java.lang.String.instancehelper_length(text2));
                StdOut.println(java.lang.String.instancehelper_substring(text, beginIndex, endIndex2));
예제 #19
     * Unit tests the {@code TrieST} data type.
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // build symbol table from standard input
        TrieST<Integer> st = new TrieST<Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; !StdIn.isEmpty(); i++) {
            String key = StdIn.readString();
            st.put(key, i);

        // print results
        if (st.size() < 100) {
            for (String key : st.keys()) {
                StdOut.println(key + " " + st.get(key));



        for (String s : st.keysWithPrefix("shor"))

        for (String s : st.keysThatMatch(".he.l."))
예제 #20
  * Reads a 1D array of booleans from standard input and returns it.
  * @return the 1D array of booleans
 public static boolean[] readBoolean1D() {
     int n = StdIn.readInt();
     boolean[] a = new boolean[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
         a[i] = StdIn.readBoolean();
     return a;
예제 #21
  * Reads a 1D array of integers from standard input and returns it.
  * @return the 1D array of integers
 public static int[] readInt1D() {
     int n = StdIn.readInt();
     int[] a = new int[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
         a[i] = StdIn.readInt();
     return a;
예제 #22
  * Reads a 1D array of doubles from standard input and returns it.
  * @return the 1D array of doubles
 public static double[] readDouble1D() {
     int n = StdIn.readInt();
     double[] a = new double[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
         a[i] = StdIn.readDouble();
     return a;
예제 #23
  * Reads a sequence of integers from standard input and
  * prints the number of inversions to standard output.
  * @param args the command-line arguments
 public static void main(String[] args) {
     int[] a = StdIn.readAllInts();
     int n = a.length;
     Integer[] b = new Integer[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         b[i] = a[i];
예제 #24
 public static void main(string[] strarr)
     string[] array = StdIn.readAllStrings();
     for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
예제 #25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Stack <string> stack = new Stack <string>();
            Queue <string> q     = new Queue <string>();
            Bag <string>   b     = new Bag <string>();
            Deque <string> deque = new Deque <string>();

            while (!StdIn.IsEmpty())
                string item = StdIn.ReadString();
                if (!item.Equals("-"))
                //else if (!q.IsEmpty)
                //StdOut.Print(q.Dequeue() + " ");

            Queue <string> q2 = new Queue <string>(q);

            while (!q2.IsEmpty)
                StdOut.Print(q2.Dequeue() + " ");
            while (!q.IsEmpty)
                StdOut.Print(q.Dequeue() + " ");

            Stack <string> stack2 = new Stack <string>(stack);

            while (!stack.IsEmpty)
                StdOut.Print(stack.Pop() + " ");
            while (!stack2.IsEmpty)
                StdOut.Print(stack2.Pop() + " ");


            while (!deque.IsEmpty)
                StdOut.Print(deque.PopRight() + " ");
            foreach (var item in b)
                StdOut.Print(item + " ");
예제 #26
  * Unit tests the {@code BinarySearchST} data type.
  * @param args the command-line arguments
 public static void main(String[] args) { 
     BinarySearchST<String, Integer> st = new BinarySearchST<String, Integer>();
     for (int i = 0; !StdIn.isEmpty(); i++) {
         String key = StdIn.readString();
         st.put(key, i);
     for (String s : st.keys())
         StdOut.println(s + " " + st.get(s));
예제 #27
  * Interprets the command-line argument as a regular expression
  * (supporting closure, binary or, parentheses, and wildcard)
  * reads in lines from standard input; writes to standard output
  * those lines that contain a substring matching the regular
  * expression.
  * @param args the command-line arguments
 public static void main(String[] args) { 
     String regexp = "(.*" + args[0] + ".*)";
     NFA nfa = new NFA(regexp);
     while (StdIn.hasNextLine()) { 
         String line = StdIn.readLine();
         if (nfa.recognizes(line)) {
예제 #28
   * Unit tests the {@code FarthestPair} data type.
   * Reads in an integer {@code n} and {@code n} points (specified by
   * their <em>x</em>- and <em>y</em>-coordinates) from standard input;
   * computes a farthest pair of points; and prints the pair to standard
   * output.
   * @param args the command-line arguments
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      int n = StdIn.readInt();
      Point2D[] points = new Point2D[n];
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          int x = StdIn.readInt();
          int y = StdIn.readInt();
          points[i] = new Point2D(x, y);
      FarthestPair farthest = new FarthestPair(points);
      StdOut.println(farthest.distance() + " from " + farthest.either() + " to " + farthest.other());
예제 #29
     * Unit tests the {@code LinearProbingHashST} data type.
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
        LinearProbingHashST<String, Integer> st = new LinearProbingHashST<String, Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; !StdIn.isEmpty(); i++) {
            String key = StdIn.readString();
            st.put(key, i);

        // print keys
        for (String s : st.keys()) 
            StdOut.println(s + " " + st.get(s)); 
예제 #30
        public static void main(string[] strarr)
            string[] array = StdIn.readAllStrings();
            int      num   = array.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)