  * ==== Custom indexing client
  * Since Elasticsearch will automatically reroute ingest requests to ingest nodes, you don't have to specify or configure any routing
  * information. However, if you're doing heavy ingestion and have dedicated ingest nodes, it makes sense to send index requests to
  * these nodes directly, to avoid any extra hops in the cluster.
  * The simplest way to achieve this is to create a dedicated "indexing" client instance, and use it for indexing requests.
 public void CustomClient()
     var pool = new StaticNodePool(new []             //<1> list of ingest nodes
         new Uri("http://ingestnode1:9200"),
         new Uri("http://ingestnode2:9200"),
         new Uri("http://ingestnode3:9200")
     var settings       = new ElasticsearchClientSettings(pool);
     var indexingClient = new ElasticsearchClient(settings);
    public async Task BadBulkRequestFeedsToOnError()
        var index     = CreateIndexName();
        var documents = await CreateIndexAndReturnDocuments(index);

        var seenPages      = 0;
        var badUris        = new[] { new Uri("http://test.example:9201"), new Uri("http://test.example:9202") };
        var pool           = new StaticNodePool(badUris);
        var badClient      = new ElasticsearchClient(new ElasticsearchClientSettings(pool));
        var observableBulk = badClient.BulkAll(documents, f => f
        Exception ex     = null;
        var       handle = new ManualResetEvent(false);

        using (observableBulk.Subscribe(
                   b => Interlocked.Increment(ref seenPages),
                   e =>
            ex = e;
                   () => handle.Set()
            var clientException = ex.Should().NotBeNull().And.BeOfType <TransportException>().Subject;
            clientException.Message.Should().StartWith("BulkAll halted after attempted bulk failed over all the active nodes");