예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the list item for the given standing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contact"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void DrawItem(Contact contact, DrawItemEventArgs e)
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            // Draw background
            g.FillRectangle(e.Index % 2 == 0 ? Brushes.White : Brushes.LightGray, e.Bounds);
            // Measure and draw contact name
            Size contactTextSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g, contact.Name,
                                                            m_contactsBoldFont, Size.Empty, Format);

            TextRenderer.DrawText(g, contact.Name, m_contactsBoldFont, new Rectangle(
                                      e.Bounds.Left + contact.EntityImage.Width + 4, e.Bounds.Top + (contact.Group ==
                                                                                                     ContactGroup.Agent ? PadTop : (e.Bounds.Height - contactTextSize.Height) / 2),
                                      contactTextSize.Width + PadLeft, contactTextSize.Height), Color.Black);

            // Draw text for agents
            if (contact.Group == ContactGroup.Agent)
                Agent agent = StaticGeography.GetAgentByName(contact.Name);
                if (agent != null)
                    Station agentStation      = agent.Station;
                    string  agentLocationText = agentStation != null ? agentStation.Name :
                    // Determine the agent level and division
                    string agentLevelText = (agent.AgentType != AgentType.BasicAgent &&
                                             agent.AgentType != AgentType.ResearchAgent) ? agent.AgentType.
                                            GetDescription() : $"Level {Skill.GetRomanFromInt(agent.Level)}";
                    string agentLevelDivisionText = $"( {agentLevelText} - {agent.Division} )";
                    // Calculate text size
                    Size agentLocationTextSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g, agentLocationText,
                                                                          m_contactsFont, Size.Empty, Format);
                    Size agentLevelDivisionTextSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g,
                                                                               agentLevelDivisionText, m_contactsFont, Size.Empty, Format);
                    // Draw agent level and division text
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, agentLevelDivisionText, m_contactsFont,
                                          new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Left + contact.EntityImage.Width + 4 +
                                                        contactTextSize.Width + PadRight, e.Bounds.Top + PadTop,
                                                        agentLevelDivisionTextSize.Width + PadLeft,
                                                        agentLevelDivisionTextSize.Height), Color.Black, Format);

                    // Draw agent location
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, agentLocationText, m_contactsFont, new Rectangle(
                                              e.Bounds.Left + contact.EntityImage.Width + 4, e.Bounds.Top + PadTop +
                                              agentLevelDivisionTextSize.Height, agentLocationTextSize.Width +
                                              PadLeft, agentLocationTextSize.Height), Color.Black);
            else if (Settings.UI.SafeForWork)
                string contactStandingStatusText = $"({Standing.Status(contact.Standing)})";
                // Measure and draw standing text
                Size contactStandingStatusTextSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g,
                                                                              contactStandingStatusText, m_contactsFont, Size.Empty, Format);
                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, contactStandingStatusText, m_contactsFont,
                                      new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Left + contact.EntityImage.Width + 4 +
                                                    contactTextSize.Width + PadRight, e.Bounds.Top + (e.Bounds.Height -
                                                                                                      contactStandingStatusTextSize.Height) / 2, contactStandingStatusTextSize.
                                                    Width + PadLeft, contactStandingStatusTextSize.Height), Color.Black);
                // Draw watchlist text
                if (contact.IsInWatchlist)
                    const string ContactInWatchListText     = " - Watching";
                    Size         contactInWatchListTextSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g,
                                                                                       ContactInWatchListText, m_contactsFont, Size.Empty, Format);
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, ContactInWatchListText, m_contactsFont,
                                          new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Left + contact.EntityImage.Width + 4 +
                                                        contactTextSize.Width + contactStandingStatusTextSize.Width +
                                                        PadRight, e.Bounds.Top + (e.Bounds.Height -
                                                                                  contactStandingStatusTextSize.Height) / 2,
                                                        contactInWatchListTextSize.Width + PadLeft,
                                                        contactInWatchListTextSize.Height), Color.Black);
                // Draw standing image
                Image standingImage = Standing.GetStandingImage((int)contact.Standing);
                g.DrawImage(standingImage, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Left + contact.EntityImage.
                                                         Width + 4 + contactTextSize.Width + PadRight * 2, e.Bounds.Top + (e.Bounds.
                                                                                                                           Height - standingImage.Size.Height) / 2, standingImage.Width,
                // Draw watchlist image
                if (contact.IsInWatchlist)
                    g.DrawImage(Resources.Watch, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Left + contact.
                                                               EntityImage.Width + 4 + contactTextSize.Width + standingImage.Width +
                                                               PadRight * 3, e.Bounds.Top + (e.Bounds.Height - Resources.Watch.
                                                                                             Height) / 2, Resources.Watch.Width, Resources.Watch.Height));

            // Draw images
            if (!Settings.UI.SafeForWork)
                g.DrawImage(contact.EntityImage, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Left + PadLeft / 2,
                                                               ContactDetailHeight / 2 - contact.EntityImage.Height / 2 + e.Bounds.Top,
                                                               contact.EntityImage.Width, contact.EntityImage.Height));