예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseFrame">Base frame</param>
        /// <param name="relative">Relative frame</param>
        public override void Set(ReferenceFrame baseFrame, ReferenceFrame relative)
            base.Set(baseFrame, relative);
            IAcceleration        ab  = baseFrame as IAcceleration;
            IAcceleration        ar  = relative as IAcceleration;
            IAngularAcceleration arn = relative as IAngularAcceleration;
            IVelocity            vb  = baseFrame as IVelocity;
            IVelocity            vr  = relative as IVelocity;
            IAngularVelocity     anb = baseFrame as IAngularVelocity;
            IAngularVelocity     anr = relative as IAngularVelocity;

            double[] rp = Position;
            double[,] m = Matrix;
            double[] omr = anr.Omega;
            StaticExtensionVector3D.VectorPoduct(omr, vr.Velocity, tempV);
            double om2 = StaticExtensionVector3D.Square(omr);

            double[] eps = arn.AngularAcceleration;
            StaticExtensionVector3D.VectorPoduct(eps, rp, temp);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                tempV[i] *= 2;
                tempV[i] += om2 * rp[i] + relativeAcceleration[i] + temp[i];
            RealMatrix.Multiply(m, tempV, acceleration);
            double[]     omb = anb.Omega;
            IOrientation orr = relative as IOrientation;

            double[,] mrr = orr.Matrix;
            RealMatrix.Multiply(omb, mrr, temp);
            StaticExtensionVector3D.VectorPoduct(temp, omr, tempV);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                temp[i] = eps[i] + tempV[i];
            RealMatrix.Multiply(temp, m, angularAcceleration);
예제 #2
        /*public override double[,] RelativeMatrix
         * {
         *  get
         *  {
         *      return base.RelativeMatrix;
         *  }
         *  set
         *  {
         *      base.RelativeMatrix = value;
         *    /  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         *      {
         *          initialConditions[i + 6] = relativeQuaternion[i];
         *      }
         *  }
         * }*/


        #region IDifferentialEquationSolver Members

        void IDifferentialEquationSolver.CalculateDerivations()
            //IReferenceFrame f = this;
            //ReferenceFrame frame = f.Own;
            IDataConsumer cons = this;
            int           i    = 0;



            //Filling of massive of forces and moments using results of calculations of formula trees
            for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                forces[i] = (double)measures[i].Parameter();

            //Filling the part, responding to derivation of radius-vector

            /*for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
             * {
             *  result[i, 1] = result[3 + i, 0];
             * }*/

            int k = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = i; j < 3; j++)
                    IMeasurement min = inertia[k];
                    if (min != null)
                        double jin = (double)min.Parameter();
                        J[i, j] = jin;
                        J[j, i] = jin;
            IMeasurement mm = inertia[6];

            if (mm != null)
                unMass = (double)mm.Parameter();
                unMass = 1 / unMass;

            //Filling the part, responding to derivation of linear velocity
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                linAccAbsolute[i] = forces[6 + i] * unMass;
            double[,] T = Relative.Matrix;
            RealMatrix.Multiply(linAccAbsolute, T, aux);
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                linAccAbsolute[i] = forces[i] * unMass + aux[i];
            RealMatrix.Multiply(J, omega, aux);
            StaticExtensionVector3D.VectorPoduct(omega, aux, aux1);
            RealMatrix.Add(aux1, 0, forces, 9, aux, 0, 3);
            Array.Copy(forces, 3, aux1, 0, 3);
            RealMatrix.Multiply(aux1, T, aux2);
            RealMatrix.Add(aux2, 0, forces, 9, aux1, 0, 3);
            RealMatrix.Add(aux1, 0, aux, 0, aux2, 0, 3);
            RealMatrix.Multiply(L, aux2, epsRelative);
            aux4d[0] = 0;
            Array.Copy(omega, 0, aux4d, 1, 3);
            StaticExtensionVector3D.QuaternionInvertMultiply(relativeQuaternion, aux4d, quaternionDervation);
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                quaternionDervation[i] *= 0.5;
예제 #3
        double atm(double[] x, double t, double alf, double del, ref double s0, ref double h, int[] it)
            double hh = StaticExtensionVector3D.Normalize(x, y, 0);

            h = hh - 6378.140 * (1.0 - 0.335282E-2 * y[2] * y[2]);
            //int N10=0;
            //       int i, j, k, j1, k1;

             * if(ifa[0]==if1[i]) break; else N10++;
             * //N10++;
             * if(h<=180) //N10=1;
             * for(j=0;j<21;j++)
             * {
             * j1=N10*21+j;
             * f1[j]=f0[j1];
             * }
             * else
             * for(k=0;k<21;k++)
             * {
             * k1=N10*21+k;
             * f1[k]=f01[k1];
             * }
            if (h <= 180)
                f1 = ff0[N10];
                f1 = ff1[N10];
            int    N3 = it[1] - 1;
            double a2, dat2;

            if (N3 <= 0)
                a2 = (double)it[0] / 10;
                dat2 = (double)it[1] / 4;
                if (Math.Abs(Math.Floor(dat2 + .00001) - dat2) < .0001)
                    a2 = (mac[N3 - 1] + 1 + it[0]) / 10.0;
                    a2 = (mac[N3 - 1] + it[0]) / 10.0;
            int    N2 = (int)Math.Floor(a2);
            double a3 = a2 - N2;

            double ad1   = ad[N2 - 1] + (ad[N2] - ad[N2 - 1]) * a3;
            double gam   = alf + f1[12] - s0 - ome * (t - 10800.0);
            double cosfi = y[2] * Math.Sin(del) + Math.Cos(del) * (y[0] * Math.Cos(gam) +
                                                                   y[1] * Math.Sin(gam));
            double xk4 = 1 + (f1[16] + f1[17] * h + f1[18] * h * h) *
                         Math.Log(ifa[1] / f1[20] + f1[19]);
            double xk3    = 1 + (f1[13] + f1[14] * h + f1[15] * h * h) * ad1;
            double cosfi2 = Math.Abs((1.0 + cosfi) / 2.0);
            double xk2    = 1 + (f1[6] + f1[7] * h + f1[8] * Math.Exp(-(h + f1[9]) / f1[10]
                                                                      * (h + f1[9]) / f1[10])) * Math.Pow(cosfi2, f1[11] / 2);
            double xk1 = 1.0 + (f1[3] + f1[4] * h + f1[5] * h * h) * (ifa[2] - ifa[0]) / ifa[0];
            double roh = Math.Exp(f1[0] - f1[1] * Math.Sqrt(h - f1[2]));

            return(roh * xk1 * xk2 * xk3 * xk4);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pericenterDistance">Pericenter Distance</param>
        /// <param name="eccentricity">Eccentricity</param>
        /// <param name="inclination">Inclination</param>
        /// <param name="ascendingNode">Ascending Node</param>
        /// <param name="argOfPeriapsis">Argument of Periapsis</param>
        /// <param name="meanAnomalyAtEpoch">Mean Anomaly at Epoch</param>
        /// <param name="period">Period</param>
        /// <param name="epoch">Epoch</param>
        public EllipticalOrbit(double pericenterDistance,
                               double eccentricity,
                               double inclination,
                               double ascendingNode,
                               double argOfPeriapsis,
                               double meanAnomalyAtEpoch,
                               double period,
                               double epoch)
            this.pericenterDistance = pericenterDistance;
            this.eccentricity       = eccentricity;
            this.inclination        = inclination;
            this.ascendingNode      = ascendingNode;
            this.argOfPeriapsis     = argOfPeriapsis;
            this.meanAnomalyAtEpoch = meanAnomalyAtEpoch;
            this.period             = period;
            this.epoch = epoch;
            double[]   angles = new double[] { ascendingNode, inclination, argOfPeriapsis };
            double[][] buffer = new double[][] { new double[4], new double[4] };
            double[]   buff   = new double[4];

            meanMotion = 2.0 * Math.PI / period;
            StaticExtensionVector3D.Rotate(angles, axis, quaternion, buffer, buff);
            quaternion.QuaternionToMatrix(orbitPlaneRotation, qq);
            if (eccentricity < 1.0)
                positionAtEFunc = (double E, double[] x) =>
                    double a = pericenterDistance / (1.0 - eccentricity);
                    x[0] = a * (Math.Cos(E) - eccentricity);
                    x[1] = a * Math.Sqrt(1 - (eccentricity * eccentricity)) * Math.Sin(E);
                velocityAtEFunc = (double E, double[] x) =>
                    double a    = pericenterDistance / (1.0 - eccentricity);
                    double sinE = Math.Sin(E);
                    double cosE = Math.Cos(E);

                    x[0] = -a * sinE;
                    x[1] = a * Math.Sqrt(1 - (eccentricity * eccentricity)) * cosE;

                    double mm   = 2.0 * Math.PI / period;
                    double edot = mm / (1 - eccentricity * cosE);
                    x[0] *= edot;
                    x[1] *= edot;
            else if (eccentricity > 1.0)
                positionAtEFunc = (double E, double[] x) =>
                    double a = pericenterDistance / (1.0 - eccentricity);
                    x[0] = -a * (eccentricity - Math.Cosh(E));
                    x[1] = -a *Math.Sqrt((eccentricity *eccentricity) - 1) * Math.Sinh(E);
                velocityAtEFunc = (double E, double[] x) =>
                    double a = pericenterDistance / (1.0 - eccentricity);
                    x[0] = -a * (eccentricity - Math.Cosh(E));
                    x[1] = -a *Math.Sqrt((eccentricity *eccentricity) - 1) * Math.Sinh(E);
                // TODO: Handle parabolic orbits
                positionAtEFunc = (double E, double[] x) =>
                    x[0] = 0;
                    x[1] = 0;
                positionAtEFunc = (double E, double[] x) =>
                    x[0] = 0;
                    x[1] = 0;

            meanAnomalyFunc = (double t) =>
                return(meanAnomalyAtEpoch + meanMotion * t);

            double err = 0;

            if (eccentricity == 0)
                ecc = () => { return(meanAnomaly); };
            else if (eccentricity < 0.2)
                Func <double, double> f = SolveKeplerFunc1;

                ecc = () =>
                    return(f.SolveIterationFixed(10, meanAnomaly, out err));
            else if (eccentricity < 0.9)
                // Higher eccentricity elliptical orbit; use a more complex but
                // much faster converging iteration.
                Func <double, double> f = SolveKeplerFunc2;
                ecc = () =>
                    return(f.SolveIterationFixed(6, meanAnomaly, out err));
            else if (eccentricity < 1.0)
                // Extremely stable Laguerre-Conway method for solving Kepler's
                // equation.  Only use this for high-eccentricity orbits, as it
                // requires more calcuation.
                Func <double, double> f = SolveKeplerLaguerreConway;
                ecc = () =>
                    E = meanAnomaly + 0.85 * eccentricity * Math.Sign(Math.Sin(meanAnomaly));
                    return(f.SolveIterationFixed(9, meanAnomaly, out err));
            else if (eccentricity == 1.0)
                // Nearly parabolic orbit; very common for comets
                // TODO: handle this
                ecc = () => { return(meanAnomaly); };
                // Laguerre-Conway method for hyperbolic (ecc > 1) orbits.
                Func <double, double> f = SolveKeplerLaguerreConwayHyp;
                ecc = () =>
                    E = Math.Log(2 * meanAnomaly / eccentricity + 1.85);
                    return(f.SolveIterationFixed(30, meanAnomaly, out err));
예제 #5
        static public void StateVectorToOrbit(
            double[] position, double[] v, double gravityParameter, double time,
            out double pericenterDistance,
            out double eccentricity,
            out double inclination,
            out double ascendingNode,
            out double argOfPeriapsis,
            out double meanAnomalyAtEpoch,
            out double period)
            //Vec3d R = position - Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            StaticExtensionVector3D.VectorPoduct(position, v, L);
            double magR = position.Norm();
            double magL = L.Norm();
            double magV = v.Norm();

            L.Multiply(1 / magL);
            StaticExtensionVector3D.VectorPoduct(L, position, W);
            W.Multiply(1 / magR);

            /* double G = Astro.G * 1e-9; // convert from meters to kilometers
             * double GM = G *
             *   gravityParameter;*/

            // Compute the semimajor axis
            double a = 1.0 / (2.0 / magR - (magV * magV) / gravityParameter);

            // Compute the eccentricity
            double p  = (magL * magL) / gravityParameter;
            double q  = position.ScalarProduct(v);
            double ex = 1.0 - magR / a;
            double ey = q / Math.Sqrt(a * gravityParameter);

            eccentricity = Math.Sqrt(ex * ex + ey * ey);

            // Compute the mean anomaly
            double E = Math.Atan2(ey, ex);

            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = E - eccentricity * Math.Sin(E);

            double cosi = L[1];

            inclination = 0.0;
            if (cosi < 1.0)
                inclination = Math.Acos(cosi);

            // Compute the longitude of ascending node
            ascendingNode = Math.Atan2(L[0], L[2]);

            // Compute the argument of pericenter
            Array.Copy(position, U, 3);
            U.Multiply(1 / magR);

            double s_nu = StaticExtensionVector3D.ScalarProduct(v, U) * Math.Sqrt(p / gravityParameter);
            double c_nu = StaticExtensionVector3D.ScalarProduct(v, W) * Math.Sqrt(p / gravityParameter) - 1;

            s_nu /= eccentricity;
            c_nu /= eccentricity;

            double P = U[1] * c_nu - W[1] * s_nu;
            double Q = U[1] * s_nu + W[1] * s_nu;

            argOfPeriapsis = Math.Atan2(P, Q);

            // Compute the period
            period = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Sqrt((a * a * a) / gravityParameter);

            pericenterDistance = a * (1 - eccentricity);///, e, i, Om, om, M, T, t);
        void IDifferentialEquationSolver.CalculateDerivations()
            foreach (AggregableWrapper aw in aggrWrappres)
                IAggregableMechanicalObject obj = aw.Aggregate;
                if (obj is Diagram.UI.IUpdatableObject)
                    Diagram.UI.IUpdatableObject uo = obj as Diagram.UI.IUpdatableObject;
                    if (uo.Update != null)
            int n  = 0;
            int kv = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < aggrWrappres.Length; i++)
                AggregableWrapper           wrapper = aggrWrappres[i];
                IAggregableMechanicalObject agg     = wrapper.Aggregate;
                Motion6DAcceleratedFrame    frame   = wrapper.OwnFrame;
                IVelocity     vel   = frame;
                IAcceleration acc   = frame;
                IPosition     pos   = frame;
                double[]      state = agg.State;
                double[]      p     = pos.Position;
                double[]      v     = vel.Velocity;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    p[j] = state[j];
                    derivations[n + j, 0] = state[j];
                    double a = state[j + 3];
                    v[j] = a;
                    derivations[n + j, 1]     = a;
                    derivations[n + 3 + j, 0] = a;
                    derivations[n + 3 + j, 1] = vector[kv];
                IOrientation or = frame;
                double[]     q  = or.Quaternion;
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    double a = state[j + 6];
                    quater[j] = a;
                    q[j]      = a;
                IAngularVelocity av = frame;
                double[]         om = av.Omega;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    double a = state[j + 10];
                    omega[j] = a;
                    om[j]    = a;
                StaticExtensionVector3D.CalculateQuaternionDerivation(quater, omega, der, auxQuaternion);
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    derivations[n + 6 + j, 0] = quater[j];
                    derivations[n + 6 + j, 1] = der[j];
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    derivations[n + 10 + j, 0] = omega[j];
                    derivations[n + 10 + j, 1] = vector[kv];
                int kk  = n + 13;
                int stk = kk;
                int stv = 6;
                int sk  = 13;
                for (int j = 13; j < agg.Dimension; j++)
                    derivations[kk, 0] = state[sk];
                    double a = state[sk + 1];
                    derivations[kk, 1] = a;
                    derivations[kk, 0] = a;
                    derivations[kk, 1] = vector[kv];
                n += agg.Dimension;