public TransitionWrapper(string key, StateWrapper to, StateWrapper parent, int order) { Key = key; To = to; Parent = parent; Order = order; }
public CustomNode() { this.DataContext = this; //create instance of the state m_state = new StateWrapper(); initPlugs(); }
public static State GetStateNode(StateWrapper objWrap) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(DBInteractor.Common.Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Logger.WriteObjectToLogFile <State>(objWrap.objState); State objState = objWrap.objState; Country objCountry = objWrap.objCountry; State retState = null; var result = Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher .Match("(A:" + objCountry.getLabel() + " { Name : {countryName }})") .Match("(B:" + objState.getLabel() + " { Name : {stateName }})") .Match("(A)-[r:" + Rel_Country.country_state + "]->(B)") .WithParams(new { countryName = objCountry.Name, stateName = objState.Name }) .Return(B => B.As <State>()) .Results; if (result.Count() > 0) { Logger.WriteToLogFile("State found"); retState = result.ElementAt(0); } else { Logger.WriteToLogFile("State not found"); } return(retState); }
public Recorder() { recordedEvents = new Queue <Event>(); tracker = new StateWrapper <TStateId, string>( beforeOnEnter: s => RecordEnter(, beforeOnLogic: s => RecordLogic(, beforeOnExit: s => RecordExit( ); }
public static void AddState(string sheetName) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Excel.Worksheet sheet = ExcelController.GetWorkSheet(sheetName); Excel.Range usedRange = sheet.UsedRange; StateWrapper objWrap = new StateWrapper(); Country objCountry = new Country(); //Do not consider row 1 as its the header for (int Row = 2; Row <= usedRange.Rows.Count; Row++) { State objState = new State(); for (int Col = 1; Col <= usedRange.Columns.Count; Col++) { string name = (string)(usedRange.Cells[1, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2; string value = null; if ((usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2 != null) { value = (usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); } else { continue; } if (name.CompareTo(ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_COUNTRY) == 0) { objCountry.Name = value; continue; } ExcelUtilities.PopulateStructure <State>(name, value, ref objState); } //Add the country in the Neo4j Database objWrap.objState = objState; objWrap.objCountry = objCountry; DBAddinterface.CreateStateNode(objWrap); } }
public static void CreateStateNode(StateWrapper objWrap) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(DBInteractor.Common.Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Logger.WriteObjectToLogFile <State>(objWrap.objState); Country objcountry = objWrap.objCountry; State objState = objWrap.objState; if (objcountry == null) { throw new Exception("Country is null"); } var result = Neo4jController. m_graphClient.Cypher .Match("(A:" + objcountry.getLabel() + " { id : {id} })") .Merge("(A)-[R:" + Rel_Country.country_state + "]->(B:" + objState.getLabel() + " { Name : {StateName}})") .OnCreate() .Set("B = {objState}") .OnMatch() .Set("B = {objState}") .WithParams(new { id =, objState = objState, StateName = objState.Name }) .Return((B, R) => new { StateCount = B.Count(), RelationCount = R.Count() }) .Results .Single(); if (result.StateCount == 1) { Logger.WriteToLogFile("Successfully created State"); } else { Logger.WriteToLogFile("Unable to create State"); } }
public static City GetCityNode(CityWrapper objWrap) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(DBInteractor.Common.Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Logger.WriteObjectToLogFile <City>(objWrap.objCity); StateWrapper objStateWrapper = new StateWrapper(); objStateWrapper.objCountry = objWrap.objCountry; objStateWrapper.objState = objWrap.objState; City objCity = objWrap.objCity; State objState = GetStateNode(objStateWrapper); if (objState == null) { return(null); } City retCity = null; var result = Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher .Match("(A:" + objState.getLabel() + " { id : {Stateid }})") .Match("(B:" + objCity.getLabel() + " { Name : {CityName }})") .Match("(A)-[r:" + Rel_State.state_city + "]->(B)") .WithParams(new { Stateid =, CityName = objCity.Name }) .Return(B => B.As <City>()) .Results; if (result.Count() > 0) { Logger.WriteToLogFile("City found"); retCity = result.ElementAt(0); } else { Logger.WriteToLogFile("City not found"); } return(retCity); }
public static void Save(IValueSink sink, StateWrapper value) { Value<EventState>.Save(sink, value.Item); }
public CustomNode(StateWrapper state) { this.DataContext = this; m_state = state; initPlugs(); }
public static void Save(IValueSink sink, StateWrapper value) { Value <EventState> .Save(sink, value.Item); }
// Constructor. public ObjectState() { wrapper = new StateWrapper(this); }
public void read_from_file(string path) { m_rectangles.Clear(); m_connections.Clear(); m_fsm.from_file(path); var count = m_fsm.get_state_count(); var state_map = new Dictionary <string, CustomNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { StateWrapper w = m_fsm.get_state_at_index(i); var n = new CustomNode(w); n.NodeName = w.get_name(); m_rectangles.Add(n); state_map[n.NodeName] = n; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var node = Rectangles[i]; var state = node.m_state; var conn_count = state.get_connection_count(); Console.WriteLine(conn_count); for (int c = 0; c < conn_count; ++c) { var conn = state.get_connection_at_index(c); string endName = conn.get_destination_name(); CustomNode endNode = state_map[endName]; StateWrapper endState = endNode.m_state; var connShape = new Connection(); connShape.conn = conn; var outp = node.OutPlug; var inp = endNode.InPlug; outp.IsSelected = true; inp.IsSelected = true; //TODO FIX RADIUSSS outp.AddConnection(connShape); inp.AddConnection(connShape); connShape.StartPlug = inp; connShape.EndPlug = outp; var r = 10; connShape.EndPoint = new Point(outp.X + r, outp.Y + r); connShape.StartPoint = new Point(inp.X + r, inp.Y + r); Connections.Add(connShape); int cond_count = conn.get_condition_count(); for (int cnd = 0; cnd < cond_count; cnd++) { var t = conn.get_condition_type_at_index(cnd); int templ_type = conn.get_condition_template_type_at_index(cnd); if (t == "TypedCondition") { TypedConditionBinding binding; if (templ_type == 0) { var cond = conn.get_Typed_at_index <int>(cnd); binding = new TypedConditionBinding(cond); } else if (templ_type == 1) { var cond = conn.get_Typed_at_index <float>(cnd); binding = new TypedConditionBinding(cond); } else { var cond = conn.get_Typed_at_index <bool>(cnd); binding = new TypedConditionBinding(cond); } connShape.Conditions.Add(binding); } else { DoubleConditionBinding binding; if (templ_type == 0) { var cond = conn.get_Double_at_index <int>(cnd); binding = new DoubleConditionBinding(cond); } else if (templ_type == 1) { var cond = conn.get_Typed_at_index <float>(cnd); binding = new DoubleConditionBinding(cond); } else { var cond = conn.get_Typed_at_index <bool>(cnd); binding = new DoubleConditionBinding(cond); } connShape.Conditions.Add(binding); } } } } }