예제 #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Task TumbleAsync(string originWalletName, string destinationWalletName)
            // make sure the tumbler service is initialized
            if (this.TumblerParameters == null || this.runtime == null)
                throw new Exception("Please connect to the tumbler first.");

            // TODO: Remove wallet logic while getting tumbler interaction to work

             * // make sure that the user is not trying to resume the process with a different wallet
             * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tumblingState.DestinationWalletName) && this.tumblingState.DestinationWalletName != destinationWalletName)
             * {
             *  throw new Exception("Please use the same destination wallet until the end of this tumbling session.");
             * }
             * Wallet destinationWallet = this.walletManager.GetWallet(destinationWalletName);
             * if (destinationWallet == null)
             * {
             *  throw new Exception($"Destination wallet not found. Have you created a wallet with name {destinationWalletName}?");
             * }
             * Wallet originWallet = this.walletManager.GetWallet(originWalletName);
             * if (originWallet == null)
             * {
             *  throw new Exception($"Origin wallet not found. Have you created a wallet with name {originWalletName}?");
             * }
             * // update the state and save
             * this.tumblingState.DestinationWallet = destinationWallet;
             * this.tumblingState.DestinationWalletName = destinationWalletName;
             * this.tumblingState.OriginWallet = originWallet;
             * this.tumblingState.OriginWalletName = originWalletName;

            // Subscribe to receive new block notifications
            // TODO: Is this the right BlockObserver or should the one used by the Wallet feature be used?
            this.blockReceiver = this.signals.SubscribeForBlocks(new BlockObserver(this.chain, this));

            this.stateMachine = new StateMachinesExecutor(this.runtime);

예제 #2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task TumbleAsync(string originWalletName, string destinationWalletName, string originWalletPassword)
            // Make sure it won't start new tumbling round if already started
            if (this.State == TumbleState.Tumbling)
                this.logger.LogDebug("Tumbler is already running");
                throw new Exception("Tumbling is already running");

            this.tumblingState.TumblerUri = new Uri(this.TumblerAddress);

            // Check if in initial block download
            if (!this.chain.IsDownloaded())
                this.logger.LogDebug("Chain is still being downloaded: " + this.chain.Tip);
                throw new Exception("Chain is still being downloaded");

            Wallet destinationWallet = this.walletManager.GetWallet(destinationWalletName);
            Wallet originWallet      = this.walletManager.GetWallet(originWalletName);

            // Check if origin wallet has a sufficient balance to begin tumbling at least 1 cycle
            Money originBalance = this.walletManager.GetSpendableTransactionsInWallet(this.tumblingState.OriginWalletName)
                                  .Sum(s => s.Transaction.Amount);

            // Should ideally take network's transaction fee into account too, but that is dynamic
            if (originBalance <= (this.TumblerParameters.Denomination + this.TumblerParameters.Fee))
                this.logger.LogDebug("Insufficient funds in origin wallet");
                throw new Exception("Insufficient funds in origin wallet");

            // Check if password is valid before starting any cycles
                HdAddress tempAddress = originWallet.GetAccountsByCoinType(this.tumblingState.CoinType).First()
                originWallet.GetExtendedPrivateKeyForAddress(originWalletPassword, tempAddress);
            catch (Exception)
                this.logger.LogDebug("Origin wallet password appears to be invalid");
                throw new Exception("Origin wallet password appears to be invalid");

            // Update the state and save
            this.tumblingState.DestinationWallet     = destinationWallet ?? throw new Exception($"Destination wallet not found. Have you created a wallet with name {destinationWalletName}?");
            this.tumblingState.DestinationWalletName = destinationWalletName;
            this.tumblingState.OriginWallet          = originWallet ?? throw new Exception($"Origin wallet not found. Have you created a wallet with name {originWalletName}?");
            this.tumblingState.OriginWalletName      = originWalletName;
            this.tumblingState.OriginWalletPassword  = originWalletPassword;

            var accounts = this.tumblingState.DestinationWallet.GetAccountsByCoinType(this.tumblingState.CoinType);
            // TODO: Possibly need to preserve destination account name in tumbling state. Default to first account for now
            string    accountName = accounts.First().Name;
            HdAccount destAccount = this.tumblingState.DestinationWallet.GetAccountByCoinType(accountName, this.tumblingState.CoinType);
            string    key         = destAccount.ExtendedPubKey;
            KeyPath   keyPath     = new KeyPath("0");

            // Stop and dispose onlymonitor
            if (this.broadcasterJob != null && this.broadcasterJob.Started)
                await this.broadcasterJob.Stop().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Bypass Tor for integration tests
            FullNodeTumblerClientConfiguration config;

            if (this.TumblerAddress.Contains(""))
                config = new FullNodeTumblerClientConfiguration(this.tumblingState, onlyMonitor: false,
                                                                connectionTest: false, useProxy: false);
                config = new FullNodeTumblerClientConfiguration(this.tumblingState, onlyMonitor: false,
                                                                connectionTest: false, useProxy: true);

            this.runtime = await TumblerClientRuntime.FromConfigurationAsync(config).ConfigureAwait(false);

            BitcoinExtPubKey extPubKey = new BitcoinExtPubKey(key, this.runtime.Network);

            if (key != null)
                this.runtime.DestinationWallet =
                    new ClientDestinationWallet(extPubKey, keyPath, this.runtime.Repository, this.runtime.Network);
            this.TumblerParameters = this.runtime.TumblerParameters;

            // Run onlymonitor mode
            this.broadcasterJob = this.runtime.CreateBroadcasterJob();

            // Run tumbling mode
            this.stateMachine = new StateMachinesExecutor(this.runtime);

            this.State = TumbleState.Tumbling;
예제 #3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task TumbleAsync(string originWalletName, string destinationWalletName, string originWalletPassword)
            // Make sure it won't start new tumbling round if already started
            if (this.State == TumbleState.Tumbling)
                this.logger.LogDebug("Tumbler is already running");
                throw new Exception("Tumbling is already running");

            this.tumblingState.TumblerUri = new Uri(this.TumblerAddress);

            // Check if in initial block download
            if (!this.chain.IsDownloaded())
                this.logger.LogDebug("Chain is still being downloaded: " + this.chain.Tip);
                throw new Exception("Chain is still being downloaded");

            Wallet destinationWallet = this.walletManager.GetWallet(destinationWalletName);
            Wallet originWallet      = this.walletManager.GetWallet(originWalletName);

            // Check if origin wallet has a balance
            WalletBalanceModel model = new WalletBalanceModel();

            var originWalletAccounts = this.walletManager.GetAccounts(originWallet.Name).ToList();
            var originConfirmed      = new Money(0);
            var originUnconfirmed    = new Money(0);

            foreach (var originAccount in originWallet.GetAccountsByCoinType(this.tumblingState.CoinType))
                var result = originAccount.GetSpendableAmount();

                originConfirmed   += result.ConfirmedAmount;
                originUnconfirmed += result.UnConfirmedAmount;

            // Should ideally take network transaction fee into account too, but that is dynamic
            if ((originConfirmed + originUnconfirmed) <= (this.TumblerParameters.Denomination + this.TumblerParameters.Fee))
                this.logger.LogDebug("Insufficient funds in origin wallet");
                throw new Exception("Insufficient funds in origin wallet");

            // TODO: Check if password is valid before starting any cycles

            // Update the state and save
            this.tumblingState.DestinationWallet     = destinationWallet ?? throw new Exception($"Destination wallet not found. Have you created a wallet with name {destinationWalletName}?");
            this.tumblingState.DestinationWalletName = destinationWalletName;
            this.tumblingState.OriginWallet          = originWallet ?? throw new Exception($"Origin wallet not found. Have you created a wallet with name {originWalletName}?");
            this.tumblingState.OriginWalletName      = originWalletName;
            this.tumblingState.OriginWalletPassword  = originWalletPassword;

            var accounts = this.tumblingState.DestinationWallet.GetAccountsByCoinType(this.tumblingState.CoinType);
            // TODO: Possibly need to preserve destination account name in tumbling state. Default to first account for now
            string accountName = null;

            foreach (var account in accounts)
                if (account.Index == 0)
                    accountName = account.Name;
            var destAccount = this.tumblingState.DestinationWallet.GetAccountByCoinType(accountName, this.tumblingState.CoinType);

            var key     = destAccount.ExtendedPubKey;
            var keyPath = new KeyPath("0");

            // Stop and dispose onlymonitor
            if (this.broadcasterJob != null && this.broadcasterJob.Started)
                await this.broadcasterJob.Stop().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Bypass Tor for integration tests
            FullNodeTumblerClientConfiguration config;

            if (this.TumblerAddress.Contains(""))
                config = new FullNodeTumblerClientConfiguration(this.tumblingState, onlyMonitor: false,
                                                                connectionTest: false, useProxy: false);
                config = new FullNodeTumblerClientConfiguration(this.tumblingState, onlyMonitor: false,
                                                                connectionTest: false, useProxy: true);

            this.runtime = await TumblerClientRuntime.FromConfigurationAsync(config).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var extPubKey = new BitcoinExtPubKey(key, this.runtime.Network);

            if (key != null)
                this.runtime.DestinationWallet =
                    new ClientDestinationWallet(extPubKey, keyPath, this.runtime.Repository, this.runtime.Network);
            this.TumblerParameters = this.runtime.TumblerParameters;
            // Run onlymonitor mode
            this.broadcasterJob = this.runtime.CreateBroadcasterJob();

            // Run tumbling mode
            this.stateMachine = new StateMachinesExecutor(this.runtime);

            this.State = TumbleState.Tumbling;

예제 #4
        private static void StartTumbler(string[] args)
            Logs.Configure(new FuncLoggerFactory(i => new ConsoleLogger(i, (a, b) => true, false)));
            CancellationTokenSource broadcasterCancel = new CancellationTokenSource();
            DBreezeRepository       dbreeze           = null;

                var network = args.Contains("-testnet", StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? Network.TestNet :
                              args.Contains("-regtest", StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? Network.RegTest :
                Logs.Configuration.LogInformation("Network: " + network);

                var dataDir     = DefaultDataDirectory.GetDefaultDirectory("NTumbleBit", network);
                var consoleArgs = new TextFileConfiguration(args);
                var configFile  = GetDefaultConfigurationFile(dataDir, network);
                var config      = TextFileConfiguration.Parse(File.ReadAllText(configFile));
                consoleArgs.MergeInto(config, true);
                config.AddAlias("server", "tumbler.server");

                var onlymonitor = config.GetOrDefault <bool>("onlymonitor", false);

                RPCClient rpc = null;
                    rpc = RPCArgs.ConfigureRPCClient(config, network);
                    throw new ConfigException("Please, fix rpc settings in " + configFile);
                dbreeze = new DBreezeRepository(Path.Combine(dataDir, "db"));

                var services = ExternalServices.CreateFromRPCClient(rpc, dbreeze);

                var broadcaster = new BroadcasterJob(services, Logs.Main);
                Logs.Main.LogInformation("BroadcasterJob started");

                if (!onlymonitor)
                    var server = config.GetOrDefault("tumbler.server", null as Uri);
                    if (server == null)
                        Logs.Main.LogError("tumbler.server not configured");
                        throw new ConfigException();
                    var client = new TumblerClient(network, server);
                    Logs.Configuration.LogInformation("Downloading tumbler information of " + server.AbsoluteUri);
                    var parameters = Retry(3, () => client.GetTumblerParameters());
                    Logs.Configuration.LogInformation("Tumbler Server Connection successfull");
                    var existingConfig = dbreeze.Get <ClassicTumbler.ClassicTumblerParameters>("Configuration", client.Address.AbsoluteUri);
                    if (existingConfig != null)
                        if (Serializer.ToString(existingConfig) != Serializer.ToString(parameters))
                            Logs.Configuration.LogError("The configuration file of the tumbler changed since last connection, it should never happen");
                            throw new ConfigException();
                        dbreeze.UpdateOrInsert("Configuration", client.Address.AbsoluteUri, parameters, (o, n) => n);

                    if (parameters.Network != rpc.Network)
                        throw new ConfigException("The tumbler server run on a different network than the local rpc server");

                    IDestinationWallet destinationWallet = null;
                        destinationWallet = GetDestinationWallet(config, rpc.Network, dbreeze);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logs.Main.LogInformation("outputwallet.extpubkey is not configured, trying to use outputwallet.rpc settings.");
                            destinationWallet = GetRPCDestinationWallet(config, rpc.Network);
                        catch { throw ex; }                         //Not a bug, want to throw the other exception
                    var stateMachine = new StateMachinesExecutor(parameters, client, destinationWallet, services, dbreeze, Logs.Main);
                    Logs.Main.LogInformation("State machines started");
                Logs.Main.LogInformation("Press enter to stop");
            catch (ConfigException ex)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.Message))
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!broadcasterCancel.IsCancellationRequested)