protected override void Check() { GenerateStateSpace(new C()); StateCount.ShouldBe(51); TransitionCount.ShouldBe(52); }
protected override void Check() { GenerateStateSpace(new C1()); StateCount.ShouldBe(3); TransitionCount.ShouldBe(6); ComputedTransitionCount.ShouldBe(6); GenerateStateSpace(new C2()); StateCount.ShouldBe(1); TransitionCount.ShouldBe(2); ComputedTransitionCount.ShouldBe(2); GenerateStateSpace(new C3()); StateCount.ShouldBe(1); TransitionCount.ShouldBe(2); ComputedTransitionCount.ShouldBe(3); GenerateStateSpace(new C4()); StateCount.ShouldBe(2); TransitionCount.ShouldBe(4); ComputedTransitionCount.ShouldBe(5); }
protected override void Check() { AllowFaultsOnInitialTransitions = true; GenerateStateSpace(new C1()); StateCount.ShouldBe(3); TransitionCount.ShouldBe(6); ComputedTransitionCount.ShouldBe(6); GenerateStateSpace(new C2()); StateCount.ShouldBe(1); TransitionCount.ShouldBe(2); ComputedTransitionCount.ShouldBe(2); GenerateStateSpace(new C3()); StateCount.ShouldBe(1); TransitionCount.ShouldBe(2); ComputedTransitionCount.ShouldBe(3); GenerateStateSpace(new C4()); StateCount.ShouldBe(2); TransitionCount.ShouldBe(4); ComputedTransitionCount.ShouldBe(5); }
protected override void Check() { GenerateStateSpace(new C()); StateCount.ShouldBe(6); TransitionCount.ShouldBe(26); ComputedTransitionCount.ShouldBe(31); }
public static async Task RunAsync([CosmosDBTrigger( databaseName: "StoreDatabase", collectionName: "CartContainerByState", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnectionString", CreateLeaseCollectionIfNotExists = true, LeaseCollectionName = "materializedViewLeases")] IReadOnlyList <Document> input, ILogger log) { if (input != null && input.Count > 0) { var stateDict = new Dictionary <string, List <double> >(); foreach (var doc in input) { var action = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CartAction>(doc.ToString()); if (action.Action != ActionType.Purchased) { continue; } if (stateDict.ContainsKey(action.BuyerState)) { stateDict[action.BuyerState].Add(action.Price); } else { stateDict.Add(action.BuyerState, new List <double> { action.Price }); } } var db = cosmosClient.GetDatabase(_databaseId); var container = db.GetContainer(_containerId); var tasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (var key in stateDict.Keys) { var query = new QueryDefinition("select * from StateSales s where s.State = @state").WithParameter("@state", key); var resultSet = container.GetItemQueryIterator <StateCount>(query, requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions() { PartitionKey = new Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.PartitionKey(key), MaxItemCount = 1 }); while (resultSet.HasMoreResults) { var stateCount = (await resultSet.ReadNextAsync()).FirstOrDefault(); if (stateCount == null) { stateCount = new StateCount { State = key, TotalSales = stateDict[key].Sum(), Count = stateDict[key].Count }; } else { stateCount.TotalSales += stateDict[key].Sum(); stateCount.Count += stateDict[key].Count; } log.LogInformation("Upserting materialized view document"); tasks.Add(container.UpsertItemAsync(stateCount, new Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.PartitionKey(stateCount.State))); } } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); } }
private void Update(EvaluationContext context) { var wasUpdate = false; var neighbourCount = NeighbourCount.GetValue(context).Clamp(1, 9); var stateCount = StateCount.GetValue(context).Clamp(1, 100); var seed = RandomSeed.GetValue(context); var lambda = Lambda.GetValue(context); var isotropic = Isotropic.GetValue(context); if (neighbourCount != _neighbourCount || stateCount != _stateCount || seed != _randomSeed || Math.Abs(lambda - _lambda) > 0.001f || isotropic != _isotropic) { wasUpdate = true; _neighbourCount = neighbourCount; _stateCount = stateCount; _randomSeed = seed; _lambda = lambda; _isotropic = isotropic; _requiredBitCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(_stateCount, 2)); _ruleTableLength = 1 << (_requiredBitCount * neighbourCount); if (_cellBuffer.Length != _ruleTableLength) { _cellBuffer = new Cell[_ruleTableLength]; } var rand = new Random(seed); var countPositives = 0f; //_lambda = 0.49f; for (var ruleIndex = 0; ruleIndex < _ruleTableLength; ruleIndex++) { var choice = rand.NextDouble(); var nextState = (choice > _lambda || ruleIndex == 0) ? 0 : (rand.Next(stateCount - 1) + 1); if (nextState == 0) { countPositives++; } _cellBuffer[ruleIndex] = new Cell((uint)nextState); _cellBuffer[FlipLookupIndex(ruleIndex)] = new Cell((uint)nextState); } // Initialize with random // for (var ruleIndex = 0; ruleIndex < _ruleTableLength; ruleIndex++) // { // var nextState = rand.Next(stateCount); // _cellBuffer[ruleIndex] = new Cell((uint)nextState); // } // Flip to approach lambda //var countPositives = 0f; // int step = _ruleTableLength/6; // for (var ruleIndex = 0; ruleIndex < _ruleTableLength; ruleIndex+= step) // { // var currentL = MeasureLambda(); // if (currentL < _lambda) // { // _cellBuffer[ruleIndex] = new Cell((uint)rand.Next(stateCount-1)+1); // _cellBuffer[FlipLookupIndex(ruleIndex)] = new Cell((uint)rand.Next(stateCount-1)+1); // } // else // { // _cellBuffer[ruleIndex] = new Cell(0); // _cellBuffer[FlipLookupIndex(ruleIndex)] = new Cell(0); // } // //countPositives++; // } Log.Debug($" Lambda: {MeasureLambda()}"); const int stride = 4; var resourceManager = ResourceManager.Instance(); _bufferWithViews.Buffer = _buffer; resourceManager.SetupStructuredBuffer(_cellBuffer, stride * _cellBuffer.Length, stride, ref _buffer); resourceManager.CreateStructuredBufferSrv(_buffer, ref _bufferWithViews.Srv); resourceManager.CreateStructuredBufferUav(_buffer, UnorderedAccessViewBufferFlags.None, ref _bufferWithViews.Uav); } OutBuffer.Value = _bufferWithViews; TableLength.Value = _ruleTableLength; WasUpdated.Value = wasUpdate; }
public async Task GetGeoReport(bool isAjax, string keyword, DateTime?start, DateTime?end) { this.SetFilters(isAjax, keyword, String.Empty, start, end); /* * Note: the OpenFDA API has a bug/limitation that it will not support a count on distribution_pattern.exact * which would return complete distribution_pattern strings and allow more accurate parsing. Just counting * distribution_pattern splits on individual words, so there is no reliable way to distinguish between e.g. * IN for Indiana and the preposition "in". It will also fail to count two-word state names such as "South * Dakota" because the words wil be split. Due to the time constraints on this prototype, this view model * will accept this limitation of the API and return demonstrative but inaccurate results. * */ // create state count list with all states and zero counts int cnt = 0; = new List <StateCount> (); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in StateNames.stateNames) { cnt++; StateCount stateCount = new StateCount(cnt, kvp.Key, kvp.Value);; } OpenFDAQuery query = new OpenFDAQuery(); query.source =; query.type = OpenFDAQuery.FDAReportType.enforcement; query.queryCount = "distribution_pattern"; var searchQuery = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyword)) { searchQuery.Add(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(keyword)); } if (start != null && end != null) { searchQuery.Add(string.Format("recall_initiation_date:[{0:yyyyMMdd}+TO+{1:yyyyMMdd}]", start.Value, end.Value)); } if (searchQuery.Count > 0) { query.querySearch = string.Join("+AND+", searchQuery); } bool success = await query.RunQueryAsync(); if (!success) { this.ErrorMsg = "An error occurred executing the query. Please try again."; } else { this.ErrorMsg = String.Empty; foreach (OpenFDAResult result in query.response.results) { var statecount = => s.StateAbbr.ToLower().Equals(result.term) || s.StateName.ToLower().Equals(result.term)).FirstOrDefault(); if (statecount != null) { int c = 0; Int32.TryParse(result.count, out c); statecount.Count += c; } } } }