예제 #1
        private void StudyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            StartQuizForm SQF = new StartQuizForm(Student, SelectedQuiz, ListOfStoredQuestions, QuizQuestionsId, CQuiz, completedQuestion); //Opens the form containing the starting quiz information



            SQF.CompletedQuiz += NewViewStats; //Method retrives the stats from the start quiz page based upon how well they did and then refreshes the page

            SQF.FormClosed += (source, EventArgs) =>
            }; //When the start quiz form is closed then this event is triggered
예제 #2
 private void NewViewStats(StartQuizForm SQF, StudentLogin student, StoredQuizzes SQuiz, List <StoredQuestions> storedQuestions, List <StoredQuizQuestions> storedQuizQuestions, List <CompletedQuestion> cq)
     setup(student, SQuiz, storedQuestions, storedQuizQuestions, cq); //Refresehs the page to display any changes that may have been created when the student either deletes question info or completes a question