public static WorldCoordinate findGlobalCoords(byte[] input) { try { for (int i = 0; i < input.Length - 26; i++) { foreach (byte[] sector in StarryboundServer.sectors) { byte[] buffer = new byte[sector.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(input, i, buffer, 0, sector.Length); if (sector.SequenceEqual(buffer)) { byte[] returnBytes = new byte[sector.Length + 21]; Buffer.BlockCopy(input, i - 1, returnBytes, 0, sector.Length + 21); BinaryReader coords = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(returnBytes)); WorldCoordinate rCoords = coords.ReadStarWorldCoordinate(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rCoords._syscoord._sector)) { rCoords = null; } return(rCoords); } } } return(null); } catch (Exception e) { StarryboundServer.logDebug("findGlobalCoords", "Exception: " + e.ToString()); return(null); } }
public override Object onReceive() { byte[] assetDigest = stream.ReadStarByteArray(); var claim = stream.ReadStarVariant(); byte[] UUID = stream.ReadStarUUID(); string name = stream.ReadStarString(); string species = stream.ReadStarString(); byte[] shipWorld = stream.ReadStarByteArray(); string account = stream.ReadStarString(); // Identify player to server this.client.playerData.uuid = Utils.ByteArrayToString(Utils.HashUUID(UUID)).ToLower(); = name; this.client.playerData.account = account; User userPData = Users.GetUser(name, this.client.playerData.uuid, this.client.playerData.ip); if (StarryboundServer.config.maxClients <= StarryboundServer.clientCount) { if (!userPData.getGroup().hasPermission("admin.reservedlist") || StarryboundServer.clientCount == (StarryboundServer.serverConfig.maxPlayers - 1)) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("The server is full. Please try again later."); return(false); } } string[] reasonExpiry = Bans.checkForBan(new string[] { name, this.client.playerData.uuid, this.client.playerData.ip }); if (reasonExpiry.Length == 2 && !userPData.getGroup().hasPermission("admin.bypassban")) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("You are " + ((reasonExpiry[1] == "0") ? "permanently" : "temporarily") + " banned from this server.\nReason: " + reasonExpiry[0]); return(false); } string sAssetDigest = Utils.ByteArrayToString(assetDigest); StarryboundServer.logDebug("AssetDigest", "[" + this.client.playerData.client + "] [" + sAssetDigest + "]"); if (!StarryboundServer.config.allowModdedClients) { if (sAssetDigest != StarryboundServer.unmoddedClientDigest) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("Modded client detected: You cannot modify or add asset files or mods. Please delete your entire Starbound folder and reinstall Starbound to join."); return(false); } } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( { this.client.rejectPreConnected("You may not have a blank name."); return(false); } if (!StarryboundServer.config.allowSpaces) { if (" ")) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("You may not have spaces in your name on this server."); return(false); } } if (!StarryboundServer.config.allowSymbols) { Regex r = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\- ]*$"); if (!r.IsMatch( { this.client.rejectPreConnected("You may not have special characters in your name on this server."); return(false); } } if (!userPData.getGroup().hasPermission("admin.bypassban")) { foreach (string bannedUnamePhrase in StarryboundServer.config.bannedUsernames) { if ( { this.client.rejectPreConnected("Your name contains a phrase that is banned on this server. (" + bannedUnamePhrase + ")"); return(false); } } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(account)) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("You need clear the server account field of all text."); return(false); } try { PlayerData pData = this.client.playerData; pData.isMuted = userPData.isMuted; pData.canBuild = userPData.canBuild; pData.lastOnline = userPData.lastOnline; = userPData.getGroup(); pData.freeFuel = userPData.freeFuel; pData.receivedStarterKit = userPData.receivedStarterKit; pData.privateShip = userPData.privateShip; pData.shipBlacklist = userPData.shipBlacklist; pData.shipWhitelist = userPData.shipWhitelist; if (userPData.uuid != pData.uuid && userPData.groupName != StarryboundServer.defaultGroup) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("Connection Failed: You cannot use \"" + + "\" on this server."); return(false); } } catch (Exception) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("Connection Failed: A internal server error occurred (2)"); return(false); } foreach (Client checkClient in StarryboundServer.getClients()) { if ( == name.ToLower()) { if (userPData.groupName != StarryboundServer.defaultGroup) { checkClient.delayDisconnect("Someone else is attempting to connect with your name. Disconnecting."); this.client.rejectPreConnected("We have disconnected the old player on the server. Please try again in 15 seconds."); } else { this.client.rejectPreConnected("Someone is already logged in with this name."); } } } return(null); }