예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ProgramArguments PArgs = ReadArguments(args);

            if (PArgs.Help)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: executable [-I] [-E evaluator] [-T] [-t] [-d] [file1 file2 ..] [-help]");
                Console.WriteLine("\t-I            Enter interactive (REPL) mode. Default if no files specified.");
                Console.WriteLine("\t-E evaluator  Use given evaluator, valid options: cell, classic, frame");
                Console.WriteLine("\t-T            Run tests");
                Console.WriteLine("\t-t            Enable timing");
                Console.WriteLine("\t-d            Enable instruction debugging");
                Console.WriteLine("\tfile1..       File to run");
                Console.WriteLine("\t-help         Show this help");
                Console.WriteLine("\tframe         Frame evaluator. Combines cell and classic benefits. Default.");
                Console.WriteLine("\tcell          Cell virtual machine.");
                Console.WriteLine("\tclassic       Classic eval loop, no multitasking.");

            Debug       = PArgs.Debug;
            ShowTimings = PArgs.Timing;
            Evaluator   = Activator.CreateInstance(PArgs.EvaluatorType) as ISchemeEval;

            SchemeEnvironment env = new SchemeEnvironment();


            if (PArgs.Tests)
            else if (PArgs.Files.Count == 0)
                PArgs.Interactive = true;

            if (PArgs.Files.Count > 0)
                foreach (string file in PArgs.Files)
                    RunSpecifiedFile(file, env);
            if (PArgs.Interactive)
            else if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] Press ENTER to end.");
예제 #2
 static void RunSpecifiedFile(string path, SchemeEnvironment env = null)
     try {
         // Read in specified file
         string specCode     = File.ReadAllText(GetFilePath(path));
         Cell   specCodeCell = StandardRuntime.Read(specCode);
         if (env == null)
             // Create environment
             env = new SchemeEnvironment();
         Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
         DoEval(specCodeCell, env);
         if (ShowTimings)
             Console.WriteLine("=== Executed {0} steps in {1}ms", Evaluator.Steps, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
         Console.Error.WriteLine("Finish with value: {0}", Evaluator.Result);
     } catch (Exception e) {
         Console.Error.WriteLine("!!! {0}", e.Message);
예제 #3
            public static Cell Eval(string code, CodeResult cr, SchemeEnvironment env)
                Cell codeCell = StandardRuntime.Read(code);

                return(Eval(codeCell, cr, env));
예제 #4
            public static void TestCompileEval()
                string eval  = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Program.GetFilePath("Eval.asm"));
                string entry = "main";
                CellMachineAssembler assembler = new CellMachineAssembler(eval, entry);
                CodeResult           cr;

                try {
                    cr = CellMachineAssembler.Assemble(eval, entry);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to assemble: {0}", e.Message);
                    Console.WriteLine("Stack trace:");

                Console.WriteLine("Compiled Core/Eval.asm, {0} bytes into:", eval.Length);
                Console.WriteLine("  Code: {0} instructions ({1} bytes)", cr.Code.Count, cr.Code.Count * sizeof(int));
                int wordlength = 0;
                foreach (Cell c in cr.Data)
                    wordlength += c.Value.Length;
                Console.WriteLine("  Data: {0} elements ({1} bytes)", cr.Data.Count, wordlength);

                SchemeEnvironment env = new SchemeEnvironment();

                string code = ""
                              + "(begin "
                              + "   (define fac (lambda (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (fac (- n 1))))))"
                              + "   (fac 10))";
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval(StandardRuntime.True.Value, cr, env), StandardRuntime.True);
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("1", cr, env), new Cell(1));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval(new Cell(new Cell[] { }), cr, env), StandardRuntime.Nil);
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("()", cr, env), StandardRuntime.Nil);
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(quote 1 2 3)", cr, env), new Cell(1));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(define x 123)", cr, env), new Cell(123));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("x", cr, env), new Cell(123));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(set! x 456)", cr, env), new Cell(456));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("x", cr, env), new Cell(456));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(lambda (x y) (+ x y))", cr, env), new Cell("#Lambda((x y) (+ x y))"));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(begin (define y 789) y)", cr, env), new Cell(789));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(+ 1 2)", cr, env), new Cell(3));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(begin (define add (lambda (x y) (+ x y))) (add 1 2))", cr, env), new Cell(3));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(if (= 1 1) 1 0)", cr, env), new Cell("1"));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(if (= 0 1) 0 1)", cr, env), new Cell("1"));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(if (= 1 1) 1)", cr, env), new Cell("1"));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(if (= 1 0) 1)", cr, env), StandardRuntime.Nil);
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval(code, cr, env), new Cell(3628800));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(if (= 1 1) (+ 1 1) (- 1 1))", cr, env), new Cell(2));
                if (1 == 1)
                    AssertEqual(Eval("(if (= 1 1) (begin 1) (- 1 1))", cr, env), new Cell(1));
예제 #5
        static void AddProgramGlobals(SchemeEnvironment env)
            List <Cell> history = new List <Cell>();
            bool        quit    = false;
            bool        timing  = false;

            // Add a function to get a history result
            env.Insert("h", new Cell(args => new Cell(history[(int)(args[0])])));
            env.Insert("eval", new Cell((args, subenv) => {
                if (args.Length > 1)
                    subenv = args[1].Environment;
                return(DoEval(new Cell(args[0]), subenv));
            env.Insert("env", new Cell((args, subenv) => new Cell(subenv)));
            env.Insert("str", new Cell(args => new Cell(args[0].ToString())));
            env.Insert("env-str", new Cell(args => new Cell(args[0].Environment.ToString())));
            env.Insert("exit", new Cell(args => { quit = true; return(StandardRuntime.Nil); }));
            env.Insert("quit", env.Lookup(new Cell("exit")));
            env.Insert("timing", new Cell(args => {
                if (args.Length > 0)
                    timing = ((string)args[0] == "on" || args[0] == StandardRuntime.True);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Timing is now " + (timing ? "on" : "off"));
                return(timing ? StandardRuntime.True : StandardRuntime.False);

            // Add evaluator constants
            env.Insert("evcell", new Cell("evcell"));
            env.Insert("evclassic", new Cell("evclassic"));
            env.Insert("evframe", new Cell("evframe"));
            // Add function to change evaluator
            env.Insert("sweval", new Cell(args => {
                if (args.Length == 0)
                    if (Evaluator.GetType() == typeof(CellMachineEval))
                        return(new Cell("evcell"));
                    else if (Evaluator.GetType() == typeof(StandardEval))
                        return(new Cell("evclassic"));
                    else if (Evaluator.GetType() == typeof(FrameEval))
                        return(new Cell("evframe"));
                        throw new InvalidDataException();

                ISchemeEval newEvaluator;
                Cell result;
                switch (args[0].Value)
                case "evcell":
                    newEvaluator = new CellMachineEval();
                    result       = new Cell("evcell");

                case "evclassic":
                    newEvaluator = new StandardEval();
                    result       = new Cell("evclassic");

                case "evframe":
                    newEvaluator = new FrameEval();
                    result       = new Cell("evframe");

                    return(new Cell("#invalid_argument"));

                // Copy details to new evaluator
                newEvaluator.Debug = Evaluator.Debug;
                Evaluator          = newEvaluator;

            // Add function to run unit tests on evaluator
            env.Insert("swtest", new Cell(args => {
                var results = SchemeEval.RunTests(Evaluator);
                Cell result = new Cell(CellType.LIST);
                result.ListValue.Add(new Cell(results.Success));
                result.ListValue.Add(new Cell(results.Failures));

            env.Insert("help", new Cell(args => {
                Console.Write("SchemingSharply v {0}", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version);
                Console.WriteLine(" debug");
                Console.WriteLine(" release");
                Console.WriteLine("Type `quit' or `\\q' to quit");
                Console.WriteLine("Type `(env-str (env))' to display environment");
                //Console.WriteLine("Use `(eval expr)' or `(eval expr (env))' for testing");
                Console.WriteLine("Use `(h n)' to view history item n");
                Console.WriteLine("Use `(timing #true)` to enable timing, `(debug #true)` to enable debugging");
                Console.WriteLine("Use `(sweval ...)` to get or set evaluator; valid options: evcell, evclassic, evframe");
                Console.WriteLine("Use `(swtest)` to run unit tests");
                Console.WriteLine("Use `(help)' to display this message again");
            env.Insert("repl", new Cell(args => {
                quit = false;
                while (!quit)
                    int index    = history.Count;
                    string entry = ReadLine(string.Format("{0}> ", index)).Trim();
                    if (entry.Equals("quit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                        entry.Equals("exit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                        entry == "\\q")
                    if (entry.Equals(""))
                    try {
                        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
                        Cell entered      = StandardRuntime.Read(entry);
                        LastExecutedSteps = Evaluator.Steps;
                        Cell result       = DoEval(entered, env);
                        string steps      = (Evaluator.Steps - LastExecutedSteps).ToString();
                        if (Evaluator.Steps < LastExecutedSteps)
                            steps = "??";
                        Console.WriteLine("===> {0}", result);
                        if (timing)
                            Console.WriteLine("=== Executed {0} steps in {1}ms", steps, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Console.WriteLine("!!!> {0}", e.Message);