void HandleOnKeyPress_Right()
        // Debug.Log ("Get Axis Right");
        // reverse as left, depend go up or down by stair facing
        if (stairManager.isOnStair())
            if (stairManager.getCurStairFacing() == Globals.STAIR_FACING.Right)

        if (!grounded || whipAttManager.attacking || animator.GetBool("Squat"))
        if (curHorizontalVelocity == 0)
            animator.SetInteger("Speed", 1);
        else if (curHorizontalVelocity == 1)
        else if (curHorizontalVelocity == -1)
            animator.SetInteger("Speed", 0);
            Debug.LogError("Speed of a value different to 1,-1,0; Speed: " + curHorizontalVelocity);
예제 #2
    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll)

        GameObject collidedObj = coll.gameObject;

        // get the four corner points of both object
        Vector2 objLL = collidedObj.collider2D.bounds.min;
        Vector2 objUR = collidedObj.collider2D.bounds.max;
        Vector2 myLL  = collider2D.bounds.min;
        Vector2 myUR  = collider2D.bounds.max;

        List <float> collDepth = new List <float> (
            new float[4] {
            float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue

//		if(objUR.x >= myLL.x && objLL.x <= myLL.x)             // Player on left
        collDepth[0] = objUR.x - myLL.x;
//		if(objLL.x <= myUR.x && objUR.x >= myUR.x)             // Player on Right
        collDepth[1] = myUR.x - objLL.x;
//		if(objUR.y>= myLL.y && objLL.y <= myLL.y)             // Player on Bottom
        collDepth[2] = objUR.y - myLL.y;
//		if(objLL.y <= myUR.y && objUR.y>= myUR.y)             // Player on Top
        collDepth[3] = myUR.y - objLL.y - 0.02f;

        // return the closest intersection
        collIndex = collDepth.IndexOf(Mathf.Min(collDepth.ToArray()));

        CollisionManager cmScript = collidedObj.GetComponent <CollisionManager>();

        if (cmScript != null)
            if (collidedObj.tag == Globals.playerTag)
                StairManager smScript = collidedObj.GetComponent <StairManager>();
                if (smScript && smScript.isOnStair())
                    collIndex = 3;
            cmScript.playerCollisionEnter(collIndex, this.gameObject.collider2D.bounds.max.y);
            collIdTable.Add(collidedObj.GetInstanceID(), collIndex);
    // ============================================================================ //
    public IEnumerator Hurt()
        status.playerHealth -= 2;

        if (stairMan.isOnStair())
            hurting = true;
            yield return(null);
            Debug.Log("HURTING: Hurt fucntion called");
            hurting = true;

            // TODO do what ever is needed to turn off some collision
            // CODE HERE
            disableControl = true;

            animator.SetBool("Hurt", true);
            pc.VerticalSpeed  = 0;            //reset to avoid fly high
            pc.VerticalSpeed += initHurtVericalSpeed;
            // add horizontal speed according to facing
            pc.CurHorizontalVelocity = pc.facingRight? -1 : 1;

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.33f));

            animator.SetBool("Hurt", false);
            Debug.Log("HURTING: fly state cleaned");
            // turn
            animator.SetInteger("Speed", 0);

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0f));

            pc.CurHorizontalVelocity = 0;
            disableControl           = false;
예제 #4
    void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D coll)
        GameObject collObj = coll.gameObject;

        Debug.Log("ready to change scene on stair" + collObj.tag);

        if (collObj.tag == Globals.playerTag)
            PlayerController plScript = collObj.GetComponent <PlayerController>();
            StairManager     smScript = collObj.GetComponent <StairManager>();
            StatusManager    stScript = collObj.GetComponent <StatusManager>();
            if (smScript.isOnStair())
                if ((targetScene.Equals("Scene_01") && plScript.facingRight == false) ||
                    (targetScene.Equals("Scene_02") && plScript.facingRight == true))
                    Debug.Log("changed to " + targetScene + " on stair");
                    stScript.portalNum = thisPortalNum;
