public void EnterStage(string pose, StageDistance distance, StagePosition facing, bool Skip) { Start(); // just incase this gets called before start, somehow; visual.sprite = GetPose(pose); ChangeDistance(distance); ChangeFacing(facing); var awhite = Color.white; awhite.a = 0; if (Skip) { visual.color = Color.white; BackSprite.color = awhite; } else { Entering = true; visual.color = awhite; BackSprite.color = awhite; //visual.gameObject.DispatchEvent(Events.Fade, new FadeEvent(Color.white, SpriteSwitchSpeed)); } }
int CountCharactersOnSide(StagePosition position) { Debug.Log($"CountCOS fired. StagePosition is {position}"); int count = 0; int side = 0; if (position == StagePosition.left) { side = -1; } else if (position == StagePosition.right) { side = 1; } else { Debug.Log($"CountCOS returned without counting"); return(0); } RectTransform characterPanel = (RectTransform)GameObject.Find("CharacterPanel").transform; foreach (RectTransform child in characterPanel) { if (child.anchoredPosition.x * side > 0) { count += 1; Debug.Log($"Child.anchoredPosition.x is {child.anchoredPosition.x} side modifier is {side} and side/position is {position}"); } } return(count); }
void OnNewLine(DescriptionEvent eventdata) { if (eventdata.Speaker == "") { return; } if (Actors.ContainsKey(eventdata.TrueSpeaker.ToLower())) { StagePosition pos = Actors[eventdata.TrueSpeaker.ToLower()]; GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("Skipping", IsSkipping); switch (pos) { case StagePosition.Left: GetComponent <Animator>().SetInteger("Position", 0); break; case StagePosition.Center: GetComponent <Animator>().SetInteger("Position", 1); break; case StagePosition.Right: GetComponent <Animator>().SetInteger("Position", 2); break; default: GetComponent <Animator>().SetInteger("Position", 0); break; } } else { GetComponent <Animator>().SetInteger("Position", 0); } }
// TODO // deal with placing more than one character on the same side of the screen // it will calculate the position on the screen based on the number of characters on that side of the screen // will it reposition existing characters or just put the new one in place in some kind of set order. // [.5f, .33f, .66f, .2f, .8f, .125f, .875f] public void MoveTo(RectTransform RT, StagePosition newPosition, int numCharacters = 0) { float spriteWidth = RT.sizeDelta.x; float margin = (ScreenWidth - spriteWidth) / 2; float distance; float[] scale = new float[] { .66f, .33f, .2f, .8f, .125f, .875f }; switch (newPosition) { case StagePosition.offStage: RT.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -10000f); break; case RT.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, 0f); break; case StagePosition.right: distance = margin * scale[numCharacters]; RT.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(distance, 0f); break; case StagePosition.left: distance = margin * scale[numCharacters]; RT.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-distance, 0f); break; } ; }
void Start() { Stage5Pos = FindObjectOfType <StagePosition>().GetComponent <StagePosition>(); ObjLife = GetComponent <ObjectLife>(); ani = GetComponent <Animator>(); NCommand = GetComponent <NatureCommand>(); BCommand = GetComponent <BattleCommand>(); Player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Transform>(); //가져와서 적용해야 할 부분 msg = new MoveMsg(); //가져와서 적용해야 할 부분 Battle = new Queue(); Peace = new Queue(); for (int i = 0; i < BasicPeace.Length; ++i) { Peace.Enqueue(BasicPeace [i]); } for (int i = 0; i < BasicBattle.Length; ++i) { Battle.Enqueue(BasicBattle [i]); } //while (Peace.Count > 0) { // Debug.Log (Peace.Dequeue ()); //} StartCoroutine("AISearching"); }
public void ExitStage(StagePosition direction, bool Skip) { //visual.sprite = Poses[pose]; var awhite = Color.white; awhite.a = 0; if (Skip) { visual.color = awhite; Destroy(gameObject, 0.5f); return; } visual.gameObject.DispatchEvent(Events.Fade, new FadeEvent(awhite, SpriteSwitchSpeed)); var pos = transform.position; if (direction == StagePosition.Left) { pos.x -= 2.5f; } else if (direction == StagePosition.Right) { pos.x += 2.5f; } iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, pos, 2); Destroy(gameObject, 5); }
public CastDirectionEvent(string person, string pose = "", StageDistance Dis = StageDistance.Center, StagePosition Pos = StagePosition.Center, StagePosition face = StagePosition.Right) { character = person; Pose = pose; Direction = Pos; Distance = Dis; FacingDirection = face; }
public CastDirectionEvent(string person, string calls) { character = person; Pose = "None"; string[] directions = calls.Split(','); foreach (string call in directions) { //MonoBehaviour.print(call); var calling = call.Replace(" ", ""); switch (calling.ToLower()) { case "exit": Exiting = true; break; case "left": FacingDirection = StagePosition.Left; break; case "right": FacingDirection = StagePosition.Right; break; case "close": Distance = StageDistance.Close; break; case "medium": Distance = StageDistance.Center; break; case "far": Distance = StageDistance.Far; break; case "stage_right": Direction = StagePosition.Right; break; case "stage_left": Direction = StagePosition.Left; break; case "stage_center": Direction = StagePosition.Center; break; default: Pose = calling; break; } } }
public CharacterIntermission(CharacterIntermission copy_) { chara = copy_.chara; Dir = copy_.Dir; face = copy_.face; Dis = copy_.Dis; PosX = copy_.PosX; PosY = copy_.PosY; Name = copy_.Name; }
public void DoOutro(Character character) { if (character.Has(Character.Left) && LeftStagePos == StagePosition.OnStage) { leftCharacterAnimator.SetTrigger(OutroAnimation); LeftStagePos = StagePosition.OffStage; } if (character.Has(Character.Right) && RightStagePos == StagePosition.OnStage) { rightCharacterAnimator.SetTrigger(OutroAnimation); RightStagePos = StagePosition.OffStage; } }
public void DoIntro(Character character) { Debug.Log("For " + character + ", Has: " + character.Has(Character.Left) + ", " + character.Has(Character.Right)); if (character.Has(Character.Left) && LeftStagePos == StagePosition.OffStage) { leftCharacterAnimator.SetTrigger(IntroAnimation); LeftStagePos = StagePosition.OnStage; } if (character.Has(Character.Right) && RightStagePos == StagePosition.OffStage) { rightCharacterAnimator.SetTrigger(IntroAnimation); RightStagePos = StagePosition.OnStage; } }
public static int get_Direction(IntPtr l) { int result; try { StagePosition stagePosition = (StagePosition)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); LuaObject.pushValue(l, stagePosition.Direction); result = 2; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return result; }
public static int constructor(IntPtr l) { int result; try { StagePosition o = new StagePosition(); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); LuaObject.pushValue(l, o); result = 2; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return result; }
public static int set_PositionType(IntPtr l) { int result; try { StagePosition stagePosition = (StagePosition)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); StagePositionType positionType; LuaObject.checkEnum<StagePositionType>(l, 2, out positionType); stagePosition.PositionType = positionType; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return result; }
public void SetCharacters(StoryCharacter leftCharacter, StoryCharacter rightCharacter) { if (leftCharacter) { this.leftCharacter.sprite = leftCharacter.NeutralSprites.Normal; this.leftCharacterTalking.sprite = leftCharacter.NeutralSprites.Talking; LeftCharacterCache = leftCharacter; LeftStagePos = StagePosition.OffStage; } if (rightCharacter) { this.rightCharacter.sprite = rightCharacter.NeutralSprites.Normal; this.rightCharacterTalking.sprite = rightCharacter.NeutralSprites.Talking; RightCharacterChache = rightCharacter; RightStagePos = StagePosition.OffStage; } }
public static int set_Hero(IntPtr l) { int result; try { StagePosition stagePosition = (StagePosition)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); BattleHero hero; LuaObject.checkType<BattleHero>(l, 2, out hero); stagePosition.Hero = hero; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return result; }
public static int set_PlayerIndex(IntPtr l) { int result; try { StagePosition stagePosition = (StagePosition)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); int playerIndex; LuaObject.checkType(l, 2, out playerIndex); stagePosition.PlayerIndex = playerIndex; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return result; }
public static int set_Position(IntPtr l) { int result; try { StagePosition stagePosition = (StagePosition)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); GridPosition position; LuaObject.checkValueType<GridPosition>(l, 2, out position); stagePosition.Position = position; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return result; }
public void ChangeFacing(StagePosition pos) { if (pos == StagePosition.None) { return; } FacingDirection = pos; print(Character.Character + ", " + FacingDirection); if (FlipOnLeft) { if (FacingDirection == StagePosition.Right) { visual.flipX = false; BackSprite.flipX = false; } else { visual.flipX = true; BackSprite.flipX = true; } } else { if (FacingDirection == StagePosition.Right) { visual.flipX = true; BackSprite.flipX = true; } else { visual.flipX = false; BackSprite.flipX = false; } } }
void HopAnimation() { StagePosition hop = (StagePosition)Random.Range(0, System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(StagePosition)).Length); switch (hop) { case StagePosition.Left: if (trans.offsetMin.x < -Mathf.Abs(BoundsBuffer)) { return; } trans.localScale =; AnimationCurve curve = HopCurves[Random.Range(0, HopCurves.Length)]; StartCoroutine(Animate(curve, -HopDistance)); break; case StagePosition.Right: if (trans.offsetMax.x > Mathf.Abs(BoundsBuffer)) { return; } trans.localScale = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1); AnimationCurve curve2 = HopCurves[Random.Range(0, HopCurves.Length)]; StartCoroutine(Animate(curve2, HopDistance)); break; case StagePosition.Center: AnimationCurve curve3 = HopCurves[Random.Range(0, HopCurves.Length)]; StartCoroutine(Animate(curve3, 0)); break; default: break; } }
// Constructor for stage directions public Command(CommandName name, CharName character, StagePosition position) { CommandName = name; Character = character; Position = position; }
void UpdateStagePositions(StagePosition pos) { int i = 0; var spot = new Vector3(); float CenterPoint = 0; float Spacing = 0; switch (pos) { case StagePosition.Center: spot = gameObject.transform.localPosition; CenterPoint = 0.5f; break; case StagePosition.Left: spot = LeftSpot.transform.localPosition; CenterPoint = 1 / 4; break; case StagePosition.Right: spot = RightSpot.transform.localPosition; CenterPoint = 3 / 4; break; default: break; } //if the number of people in that spot is more than the spacing given allows if (Varience * SpotLights[pos] > SpotSize + 1) { Spacing = SpotSize / SpotLights[pos]; spot.x -= SpotSize * CenterPoint; print(SpotSize); } else if (SpotLights[pos] != 1) { Spacing = Varience; spot.x -= (Varience * (SpotLights[pos] - 1)) / 2; } foreach (var Roll in Actors) { if (Roll.Direction == pos) { spot.z = Roll.transform.localPosition.z; spot.y = Roll.transform.localPosition.y; if (!Skip) { Roll.MoveOnStage(spot, SpriteMoveTime); } else { Roll.transform.localPosition = spot; } spot.x += Spacing; i += 1; if (i >= SpotLights[pos]) { return; } } } }