protected void SetupList() { if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue == "Staff") { StaffList stl1 = new StaffList(); stl1.LoadList(DateTime.Now, true); ListBox_staff.Items.Clear(); foreach (SimpleStaff s1 in stl1.m_stafflist) { ListItem l = new ListItem(s1.m_StaffCode, s1.m_StaffId.ToString()); ListBox_staff.Items.Add(l); } } if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue == "Subjects") { ListBox_staff.Items.Clear(); CourseList cl1 = new CourseList(5); foreach (Course c in cl1._courses) { ListItem l = new ListItem(c.CourseCode, c._CourseID.ToString()); ListBox_staff.Items.Add(l); } } if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue == "All") { StaffList stl1 = new StaffList(); stl1.LoadList(DateTime.Now, true); ListBox_staff.Items.Clear(); foreach (SimpleStaff s1 in stl1.m_stafflist) { ListItem l = new ListItem(s1.m_StaffCode, s1.m_StaffId.ToString()); ListBox_staff.Items.Add(l); l.Selected = true; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Utility u = new Utility(); StaffList sl1 = new StaffList(); sl1.LoadList(DateTime.Now, true); foreach (SimpleStaff s in sl1.m_stafflist) { DropDownList_staff.Items.Add(s.m_StaffCode); } TimetableControl1.type = TT_writer.TimetableType.Booking; #if DEBUG TimetableControl1.BaseId = new Guid(u.Get_StaffID("CC")); if (u.CheckStaffInConfigGroup("CC", "PhysicsExptSupervisor")) { Label_ActAs.Visible = true; DropDownList_staff.Visible = true; } #else TimetableControl1.BaseId = u.GetsStaffIdfromRequest(Request); //TimetableControl1.BaseId = u.GetStaffIDfromContext(Context); if (u.CheckStaffInConfigGroup(Context, "PhysicsExptSupervisor")) { Label_ActAs.Visible = true; DropDownList_staff.Visible = true; } #endif } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { StaffList sl1 = new StaffList(); sl1.LoadList(DateTime.Now, true); foreach (SimpleStaff s in sl1.m_stafflist) { ListItem l = new ListItem(s.m_StaffCode + " : " + s.m_PersonGivenName + " " + s.m_PersonSurname, s.m_StaffId.ToString()); ListBox_staff.Items.Add(l); } }
private void BuildNamesList(string type) { NameList.Items.Clear(); if (type == "staff") { StaffList stlist1 = new StaffList(); stlist1.LoadList(DateTime.Now, true); foreach (SimpleStaff s in stlist1.m_stafflist) { ListItem l = new ListItem(s.m_PersonGivenName + " " + s.m_PersonSurname + "-" + s.m_StaffCode, s.m_StaffId.ToString()); NameList.Items.Add(l); } Label_Year.Text = "Type to search on name or code."; TextBox_mask.Visible = true; Display_List.Items.FindByValue("Details").Enabled = true; Display_List.Items.FindByValue("Incidents Authored by").Enabled = true; } if (type == "room") { RoomList rmlist1 = new RoomList(); rmlist1.LoadList(); foreach (SimpleRoom r in rmlist1.m_roomlist) { ListItem l = new ListItem(r.m_roomcode, r.m_RoomID.ToString()); NameList.Items.Add(l); } Label_Year.Text = "Rooms"; RadioButtonList_StaffType.Visible = false; } if (type == "Currentstaff") { StaffList stlist1 = new StaffList(); stlist1.LoadList(DateTime.Now, false); foreach (SimpleStaff s in stlist1.m_stafflist) { ListItem l = new ListItem(s.m_PersonGivenName + " " + s.m_PersonSurname + "-" + s.m_StaffCode, s.m_StaffId.ToString()); NameList.Items.Add(l); } Label_Year.Text = "Type to search on name or code."; TextBox_mask.Visible = true; Display_List.Items.FindByValue("Details").Enabled = true; Display_List.Items.FindByValue("Incidents Authored by").Enabled = true; } if (type == "Allstaff") { StaffList stlist1 = new StaffList(); stlist1.LoadFullList(); foreach (SimpleStaff s in stlist1.m_stafflist) { ListItem l = new ListItem(s.m_PersonGivenName + " " + s.m_PersonSurname + "-" + s.m_StaffCode, s.m_StaffId.ToString()); NameList.Items.Add(l); } Label_Year.Text = "Type to search on name or code."; TextBox_mask.Visible = true; Display_List.Items.FindByValue("Details").Enabled = true; Display_List.Items.FindByValue("Incidents Authored by").Enabled = true; } }
protected void TextBox_mask_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { NameList.Items.Clear(); StaffList stlist1 = new StaffList(); stlist1.LoadList(DateTime.Now, true); foreach (SimpleStaff s in stlist1.m_stafflist) { if ((s.m_PersonSurname.ToUpper().Contains(TextBox_mask.Text.ToUpper()) || (s.m_PersonGivenName.ToUpper().Contains(TextBox_mask.Text.ToUpper()))) || s.m_StaffCode.ToUpper().Contains(TextBox_mask.Text.ToUpper())) { ListItem l = new ListItem(s.m_PersonGivenName + " " + s.m_PersonSurname + "-" + s.m_StaffCode, s.m_StaffId.ToString()); NameList.Items.Add(l); } } if (NameList.Items.Count > 0) { NameList.Items[0].Selected = true; NameList.Visible = true; Display_List.Visible = true; Display(); } }