protected void SearchData() { String dat = txt_contractStartDate.Text; //String tim = txt_happen_Time.Text; Staff _operator = new Staff("Company"); string condition = " WHERE 1=1"; if (txt_Query_Reason.Text != "") { condition += " AND MaterialName like '%" + txt_Query_Reason.Text.Trim() + "%' "; } if (dat != "" ) { condition += " AND (RelnventoryDate BETWEEN '" + dat + " 00:00:00' AND '" + dat + " 23:59:59')"; } //condition += query_company; DataSet ds = _operator.SelectSQL("SELECT * FROM [MROS].[dbo].[ICS_ReInventory] " + condition + " ORDER BY [RelnventoryDate] DESC "); Session["DS_INT"] = ds; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { ShowMsg2(UpdatePanel1, "查詢無資料"); } gv.DataSource = ds; gv.DataBind(); }
protected void SearchData() { Staff _operator = new Staff("Company"); string conditionName = ddlst_SearchType.SelectedValue; string condition = (txt_Query_Reason.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? " WHERE " + conditionName + " like '%" + txt_Query_Reason.Text.Trim() + "%' " : ""); //condition += query_company; DataSet ds = _operator.SelectSQL("SELECT [MaterialID],[MaterialName],[Quantity],[MaterialCost] FROM [View_ICS_Inventory] " + condition + " "); Session["DS_INT"] = ds; gv.DataSource = ds; gv.DataBind(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { ShowMsg2(UpdatePanel1, "查詢無資料"); } }