// Token: 0x06004291 RID: 17041 RVA: 0x0016CE8C File Offset: 0x0016B08C
 protected new void Update()
     if ((base.LocalCharacter == null || this.m_lastCharacter != base.LocalCharacter) && this.m_initialized)
         this.m_initialized = false;
     if (this.m_initialized)
         if (this.UpdateInputVisibility)
             for (int i = 0; i < this.m_quickSlotDisplays.Length; i++)
                 this.m_quickSlotDisplays[i].SetInputTargetAlpha((float)((!this.m_active) ? 0 : 1));
     else if (base.LocalCharacter != null)
         for (int j = 0; j < this.m_quickSlotDisplays.Length; j++)
             int refSlotID = this.m_quickSlotDisplays[j].RefSlotID;
         this.m_lastCharacter = base.LocalCharacter;
         this.m_initialized   = true;
         // We want to find a specific QuickSlotPanel instance, since there are multiple
         if (base.name == "Keyboard" && base.transform.parent.name == "QuickSlot")
             // Find our default StabilityDisplay_Simple object
             StabilityDisplay_Simple stabilityDisplay = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <StabilityDisplay_Simple>();
             // Streamline the stability display so it's not so far from the bottom of the screen.
             // This also means the hotbar gets placed closer to the bottom of the screen, but
             // still with neat spacing.
             stabilityDisplay.transform.position = new Vector3(stabilityDisplay.transform.position.x, stabilityDisplay.transform.position.y / 4f, stabilityDisplay.transform.position.z);
             // Get the screen coords of its corners
             Vector3[] stabilityDisplayCorners = new Vector3[4];
             // We want to set the QuickSlotPanel to be above the stability display, with equal space above the
             // stability display as there is below it, to make it look nice and neat.
             float newY = stabilityDisplayCorners[1].y + stabilityDisplayCorners[0].y;
             base.transform.parent.position = new Vector3(base.transform.parent.position.x, newY, base.transform.parent.position.z);
             // Logic to center the panel so the look and feel is more consistent with normal games
             bool centerBar = true;
             if (centerBar)
                 Vector3[] v0 = new Vector3[4];
                 Vector3[] v1 = new Vector3[4];
                 // The width of each icon
                 var qsdWidth = v0[2].x - v0[1].x;
                 // The width of the space between each icon
                 var qsdSpacer = v1[0].x - v0[2].x;
                 // Total space per icon/spacer pair
                 var elemWidth = qsdWidth + qsdSpacer;
                 // How long our bar really is
                 var realWidth = elemWidth * this.m_quickSlotDisplays.Length;
                 // Re-center it based on actual content
                 base.transform.parent.position = new Vector3(realWidth / 2.0f + elemWidth / 2.0f, base.transform.parent.position.y, base.transform.parent.position.z);
        public static bool UpdatePrefix(QuickSlotPanel __instance, ref Character ___m_lastCharacter, ref bool ___m_initialized, ref QuickSlotDisplay[] ___m_quickSlotDisplays, ref bool ___m_active)
            UIElement instanceBase = __instance as UIElement;

            UIElementUpdate(__instance, new object[] { });

            if ((instanceBase.LocalCharacter == null || ___m_lastCharacter != instanceBase.LocalCharacter) && ___m_initialized)
                ___m_initialized = false;
            if (___m_initialized)
                if (__instance.UpdateInputVisibility)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ___m_quickSlotDisplays.Length; i++)
                        ___m_quickSlotDisplays[i].SetInputTargetAlpha((float)((!___m_active) ? 0 : 1));
            else if (instanceBase.LocalCharacter != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < ___m_quickSlotDisplays.Length; j++)
                    int refSlotID = ___m_quickSlotDisplays[j].RefSlotID;
                ___m_lastCharacter = instanceBase.LocalCharacter;
                ___m_initialized   = true;
                // We want to find a specific QuickSlotPanel instance, since there are multiple
                if (instanceBase.name == "Keyboard" && instanceBase.transform.parent.name == "QuickSlot")
                    // Find our default StabilityDisplay_Simple object
                    StabilityDisplay_Simple stabilityDisplay = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <StabilityDisplay_Simple>();
                    // Streamline the stability display so it's not so far from the bottom of the screen.
                    // This also means the hotbar gets placed closer to the bottom of the screen, but
                    // still with neat spacing.
                    stabilityDisplay.transform.position = new Vector3(stabilityDisplay.transform.position.x, stabilityDisplay.transform.position.y / 3f, stabilityDisplay.transform.position.z);
                    // Get the screen coords of its corners
                    Vector3[] stabilityDisplayCorners = new Vector3[4];
                    // We want to set the QuickSlotPanel to be above the stability display, with equal space above the
                    // stability display as there is below it, to make it look nice and neat.
                    float newY = stabilityDisplayCorners[1].y + stabilityDisplayCorners[0].y;
                    instanceBase.transform.parent.position = new Vector3(instanceBase.transform.parent.position.x, newY, instanceBase.transform.parent.position.z);
                    // Logic to center the panel so the look and feel is more consistent with normal games
                    if (ExtendedQuickslots.centerBar)
                        Vector3[] v0 = new Vector3[4];
                        Vector3[] v1 = new Vector3[4];
                        // The width of each icon
                        var qsdWidth = v0[2].x - v0[1].x;
                        // The width of the space between each icon
                        var qsdSpacer = v1[0].x - v0[2].x;
                        // Total space per icon/spacer pair
                        var elemWidth = qsdWidth + qsdSpacer;
                        // How long our bar really is
                        var realWidth = elemWidth * ___m_quickSlotDisplays.Length;
                        // Re-center it based on actual content
                        instanceBase.transform.parent.position = new Vector3(realWidth / 2.0f + elemWidth / 2.0f, instanceBase.transform.parent.position.y, instanceBase.transform.parent.position.z);