/// <summary>
        ///     This is called when client is aware of proxy
        ///     So for HTTPS requests client would send CONNECT header to negotiate a secure tcp tunnel via proxy
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endPoint">The explicit endpoint.</param>
        /// <param name="clientConnection">The client connection.</param>
        /// <returns>The task.</returns>
        private async Task handleClient(ExplicitProxyEndPoint endPoint, TcpClientConnection clientConnection)
            var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var cancellationToken       = cancellationTokenSource.Token;

            var clientStream       = new CustomBufferedStream(clientConnection.GetStream(), BufferPool, BufferSize);
            var clientStreamWriter = new HttpResponseWriter(clientStream, BufferPool, BufferSize);

            Task <TcpServerConnection> prefetchConnectionTask = null;
            bool closeServerConnection = false;
            bool calledRequestHandler  = false;

            SslStream sslStream = null;

                string connectHostname = null;
                TunnelConnectSessionEventArgs connectArgs = null;

                // Client wants to create a secure tcp tunnel (probably its a HTTPS or Websocket request)
                if (await HttpHelper.IsConnectMethod(clientStream, BufferPool, BufferSize, cancellationToken) == 1)
                    // read the first line HTTP command
                    string httpCmd = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpCmd))

                    Request.ParseRequestLine(httpCmd, out string _, out string httpUrl, out var version);

                    var httpRemoteUri = new Uri("http://" + httpUrl);
                    connectHostname = httpRemoteUri.Host;

                    var connectRequest = new ConnectRequest
                        RequestUri  = httpRemoteUri,
                        OriginalUrl = httpUrl,
                        HttpVersion = version

                    await HeaderParser.ReadHeaders(clientStream, connectRequest.Headers, cancellationToken);

                    connectArgs = new TunnelConnectSessionEventArgs(this, endPoint, connectRequest,
                    connectArgs.ProxyClient.Connection   = clientConnection;
                    connectArgs.ProxyClient.ClientStream = clientStream;

                    await endPoint.InvokeBeforeTunnelConnectRequest(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);

                    // filter out excluded host names
                    bool decryptSsl = endPoint.DecryptSsl && connectArgs.DecryptSsl;

                    if (connectArgs.DenyConnect)
                        if (connectArgs.HttpClient.Response.StatusCode == 0)
                            connectArgs.HttpClient.Response = new Response
                                HttpVersion       = HttpHeader.Version11,
                                StatusCode        = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden,
                                StatusDescription = "Forbidden"

                        // send the response
                        await clientStreamWriter.WriteResponseAsync(connectArgs.HttpClient.Response,
                                                                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken);


                    if (await checkAuthorization(connectArgs) == false)
                        await endPoint.InvokeBeforeTunnelConnectResponse(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);

                        // send the response
                        await clientStreamWriter.WriteResponseAsync(connectArgs.HttpClient.Response,
                                                                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken);


                    // write back successful CONNECT response
                    var response = ConnectResponse.CreateSuccessfulConnectResponse(version);

                    // Set ContentLength explicitly to properly handle HTTP 1.0
                    response.ContentLength = 0;
                    connectArgs.HttpClient.Response = response;

                    await clientStreamWriter.WriteResponseAsync(response, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                    var clientHelloInfo = await SslTools.PeekClientHello(clientStream, BufferPool, cancellationToken);

                    bool isClientHello = clientHelloInfo != null;
                    if (isClientHello)
                        connectRequest.TunnelType      = TunnelType.Https;
                        connectRequest.ClientHelloInfo = clientHelloInfo;

                    await endPoint.InvokeBeforeTunnelConnectResponse(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc, isClientHello);

                    if (decryptSsl && isClientHello)
                        connectRequest.RequestUri = new Uri("https://" + httpUrl);

                        bool http2Supported = false;

                        var alpn = clientHelloInfo.GetAlpn();
                        if (alpn != null && alpn.Contains(SslApplicationProtocol.Http2))
                            // test server HTTP/2 support
                                // todo: this is a hack, because Titanium does not support HTTP protocol changing currently
                                var connection = await tcpConnectionFactory.GetServerConnection(this, connectArgs,
                                                                                                isConnect : true, applicationProtocols : SslExtensions.Http2ProtocolAsList,
                                                                                                noCache : true, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                                http2Supported = connection.NegotiatedApplicationProtocol ==
                                //release connection back to pool instead of closing when connection pool is enabled.
                                await tcpConnectionFactory.Release(connection, true);
                            catch (Exception)
                                // ignore

                        if (EnableTcpServerConnectionPrefetch)
                            IPAddress[] ipAddresses = null;
                                //make sure the host can be resolved before creating the prefetch task
                                ipAddresses = await Dns.GetHostAddressesAsync(connectArgs.HttpClient.Request.RequestUri.Host);
                            catch (SocketException) { }

                            if (ipAddresses != null && ipAddresses.Length > 0)
                                //don't pass cancellation token here
                                //it could cause floating server connections when client exits
                                prefetchConnectionTask = tcpConnectionFactory.GetServerConnection(this, connectArgs,
                                                                                                  isConnect: true, applicationProtocols: null, noCache: false,
                                                                                                  cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);

                        X509Certificate2 certificate = null;
                            sslStream = new SslStream(clientStream, false);

                            string certName = HttpHelper.GetWildCardDomainName(connectHostname);
                            certificate = endPoint.GenericCertificate ??
                                          await CertificateManager.CreateServerCertificate(certName);

                            // Successfully managed to authenticate the client using the fake certificate
                            var options = new SslServerAuthenticationOptions();
                            if (EnableHttp2 && http2Supported)
                                options.ApplicationProtocols = clientHelloInfo.GetAlpn();
                                if (options.ApplicationProtocols == null || options.ApplicationProtocols.Count == 0)
                                    options.ApplicationProtocols = SslExtensions.Http11ProtocolAsList;

                            options.ServerCertificate              = certificate;
                            options.ClientCertificateRequired      = false;
                            options.EnabledSslProtocols            = SupportedSslProtocols;
                            options.CertificateRevocationCheckMode = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck;
                            await sslStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(options, cancellationToken);

                            clientConnection.NegotiatedApplicationProtocol = sslStream.NegotiatedApplicationProtocol;

                            // HTTPS server created - we can now decrypt the client's traffic
                            clientStream       = new CustomBufferedStream(sslStream, BufferPool, BufferSize);
                            clientStreamWriter = new HttpResponseWriter(clientStream, BufferPool, BufferSize);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            var certName = certificate?.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.SimpleName, false);
                            throw new ProxyConnectException(
                                      $"Couldn't authenticate host '{connectHostname}' with certificate '{certName}'.", e, connectArgs);

                        if (await HttpHelper.IsConnectMethod(clientStream, BufferPool, BufferSize, cancellationToken) == -1)
                            decryptSsl = false;

                        if (!decryptSsl)
                            await tcpConnectionFactory.Release(prefetchConnectionTask, true);

                            prefetchConnectionTask = null;

                    if (cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                        throw new Exception("Session was terminated by user.");

                    // Hostname is excluded or it is not an HTTPS connect
                    if (!decryptSsl || !isClientHello)
                        if (!isClientHello)
                            connectRequest.TunnelType = TunnelType.Websocket;

                        // create new connection to server.
                        // If we detected that client tunnel CONNECTs without SSL by checking for empty client hello then
                        // this connection should not be HTTPS.
                        var connection = await tcpConnectionFactory.GetServerConnection(this, connectArgs,
                                                                                        isConnect : true, applicationProtocols : SslExtensions.Http2ProtocolAsList,
                                                                                        noCache : true, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                            if (isClientHello)
                                int available = clientStream.Available;
                                if (available > 0)
                                    // send the buffered data
                                    var data = BufferPool.GetBuffer(BufferSize);

                                        await clientStream.ReadAsync(data, 0, available, cancellationToken);

                                        // clientStream.Available should be at most BufferSize because it is using the same buffer size
                                        await connection.StreamWriter.WriteAsync(data, 0, available, true, cancellationToken);

                                var serverHelloInfo = await SslTools.PeekServerHello(connection.Stream, BufferPool, cancellationToken);

                                ((ConnectResponse)connectArgs.HttpClient.Response).ServerHelloInfo = serverHelloInfo;

                            await TcpHelper.SendRaw(clientStream, connection.Stream, BufferPool, BufferSize,
                                                    (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataSent(buffer, offset, count); },
                                                    (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataReceived(buffer, offset, count); },
                                                    connectArgs.CancellationTokenSource, ExceptionFunc);
                            await tcpConnectionFactory.Release(connection, true);


                if (connectArgs != null && await HttpHelper.IsPriMethod(clientStream, BufferPool, BufferSize, cancellationToken) == 1)
                    // todo
                    string httpCmd = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                    if (httpCmd == "PRI * HTTP/2.0")
                        connectArgs.HttpClient.ConnectRequest.TunnelType = TunnelType.Http2;

                        // HTTP/2 Connection Preface
                        string line = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                        if (line != string.Empty)
                            throw new Exception($"HTTP/2 Protocol violation. Empty string expected, '{line}' received");

                        line = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                        if (line != "SM")
                            throw new Exception($"HTTP/2 Protocol violation. 'SM' expected, '{line}' received");

                        line = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                        if (line != string.Empty)
                            throw new Exception($"HTTP/2 Protocol violation. Empty string expected, '{line}' received");

                        var connection = await tcpConnectionFactory.GetServerConnection(this, connectArgs,
                                                                                        isConnect : true, applicationProtocols : SslExtensions.Http2ProtocolAsList,
                                                                                        noCache : true, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                            await connection.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync("PRI * HTTP/2.0", cancellationToken);

                            await connection.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                            await connection.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync("SM", cancellationToken);

                            await connection.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                            await Http2Helper.SendHttp2(clientStream, connection.Stream, BufferSize,
                                                        (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataSent(buffer, offset, count); },
                                                        (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataReceived(buffer, offset, count); },
                                                        () => new SessionEventArgs(this, endPoint, cancellationTokenSource)
                                ProxyClient = { Connection = clientConnection },
                                HttpClient  = { ConnectRequest = connectArgs?.HttpClient.ConnectRequest },
                                UserData    = connectArgs?.UserData
                                                        async args => { await invokeBeforeRequest(args); },
                                                        async args => { await invokeBeforeResponse(args); },
                                                        connectArgs.CancellationTokenSource, clientConnection.Id, ExceptionFunc);
                            await tcpConnectionFactory.Release(connection, true);

                calledRequestHandler = true;
                // Now create the request
                await handleHttpSessionRequest(endPoint, clientConnection, clientStream, clientStreamWriter,
                                               cancellationTokenSource, connectHostname, connectArgs, prefetchConnectionTask);
            catch (ProxyException e)
                closeServerConnection = true;
                onException(clientStream, e);
            catch (IOException e)
                closeServerConnection = true;
                onException(clientStream, new Exception("Connection was aborted", e));
            catch (SocketException e)
                closeServerConnection = true;
                onException(clientStream, new Exception("Could not connect", e));
            catch (Exception e)
                closeServerConnection = true;
                onException(clientStream, new Exception("Error occured in whilst handling the client", e));
                if (!calledRequestHandler)
                    await tcpConnectionFactory.Release(prefetchConnectionTask, closeServerConnection);


                if (!cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     This is called when client is aware of proxy
        ///     So for HTTPS requests client would send CONNECT header to negotiate a secure tcp tunnel via proxy
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endPoint">The explicit endpoint.</param>
        /// <param name="clientConnection">The client connection.</param>
        /// <returns>The task.</returns>
        private async Task handleClient(ExplicitProxyEndPoint endPoint, TcpClientConnection clientConnection)
            var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var cancellationToken       = cancellationTokenSource.Token;

            var clientStream = new HttpClientStream(clientConnection, clientConnection.GetStream(), BufferPool, cancellationToken);

            Task <TcpServerConnection>?prefetchConnectionTask = null;
            bool closeServerConnection = false;
            bool calledRequestHandler  = false;

                TunnelConnectSessionEventArgs?connectArgs = null;

                var method = await HttpHelper.GetMethod(clientStream, BufferPool, cancellationToken);

                if (clientStream.IsClosed)

                // Client wants to create a secure tcp tunnel (probably its a HTTPS or Websocket request)
                if (method == KnownMethod.Connect)
                    // read the first line HTTP command
                    var requestLine = await clientStream.ReadRequestLine(cancellationToken);

                    if (requestLine.IsEmpty())

                    var connectRequest = new ConnectRequest(requestLine.RequestUri)
                        RequestUriString8 = requestLine.RequestUri,
                        HttpVersion       = requestLine.Version

                    await HeaderParser.ReadHeaders(clientStream, connectRequest.Headers, cancellationToken);

                    connectArgs             = new TunnelConnectSessionEventArgs(this, endPoint, connectRequest, clientStream, cancellationTokenSource);
                    clientStream.DataRead  += (o, args) => connectArgs.OnDataSent(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count);
                    clientStream.DataWrite += (o, args) => connectArgs.OnDataReceived(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count);

                    await endPoint.InvokeBeforeTunnelConnectRequest(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);

                    // filter out excluded host names
                    bool decryptSsl  = endPoint.DecryptSsl && connectArgs.DecryptSsl;
                    bool sendRawData = !decryptSsl;

                    if (connectArgs.DenyConnect)
                        if (connectArgs.HttpClient.Response.StatusCode == 0)
                            connectArgs.HttpClient.Response = new Response
                                HttpVersion       = HttpHeader.Version11,
                                StatusCode        = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden,
                                StatusDescription = "Forbidden"

                        // send the response
                        await clientStream.WriteResponseAsync(connectArgs.HttpClient.Response, cancellationToken);


                    if (await checkAuthorization(connectArgs) == false)
                        await endPoint.InvokeBeforeTunnelConnectResponse(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);

                        // send the response
                        await clientStream.WriteResponseAsync(connectArgs.HttpClient.Response, cancellationToken);


                    // write back successful CONNECT response
                    var response = ConnectResponse.CreateSuccessfulConnectResponse(requestLine.Version);

                    // Set ContentLength explicitly to properly handle HTTP 1.0
                    response.ContentLength = 0;
                    connectArgs.HttpClient.Response = response;

                    await clientStream.WriteResponseAsync(response, cancellationToken);

                    var clientHelloInfo = await SslTools.PeekClientHello(clientStream, BufferPool, cancellationToken);

                    if (clientStream.IsClosed)

                    bool isClientHello = clientHelloInfo != null;
                    if (clientHelloInfo != null)
                        connectRequest.TunnelType      = TunnelType.Https;
                        connectRequest.ClientHelloInfo = clientHelloInfo;

                    await endPoint.InvokeBeforeTunnelConnectResponse(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc, isClientHello);

                    if (decryptSsl && clientHelloInfo != null)
                        connectRequest.IsHttps = true; // todo: move this line to the previous "if"
                        clientStream.Connection.SslProtocol = clientHelloInfo.SslProtocol;

                        bool http2Supported = false;

                        if (EnableHttp2)
                            var alpn = clientHelloInfo.GetAlpn();
                            if (alpn != null && alpn.Contains(SslApplicationProtocol.Http2))
                                // test server HTTP/2 support
                                    // todo: this is a hack, because Titanium does not support HTTP protocol changing currently
                                    var connection = await tcpConnectionFactory.GetServerConnection(this, connectArgs,
                                                                                                    true, SslExtensions.Http2ProtocolAsList,
                                                                                                    true, cancellationToken);

                                    http2Supported = connection.NegotiatedApplicationProtocol ==

                                    // release connection back to pool instead of closing when connection pool is enabled.
                                    await tcpConnectionFactory.Release(connection, true);
                                catch (Exception)
                                    // ignore

                        if (EnableTcpServerConnectionPrefetch)
                            IPAddress[]? ipAddresses = null;
                                // make sure the host can be resolved before creating the prefetch task
                                ipAddresses = await Dns.GetHostAddressesAsync(connectArgs.HttpClient.Request.RequestUri.Host);
                            catch (SocketException) { }

                            if (ipAddresses != null && ipAddresses.Length > 0)
                                // don't pass cancellation token here
                                // it could cause floating server connections when client exits
                                prefetchConnectionTask = tcpConnectionFactory.GetServerConnection(this, connectArgs,
                                                                                                  true, null, false,

                        string connectHostname = requestLine.RequestUri.GetString();
                        int    idx             = connectHostname.IndexOf(":");
                        if (idx >= 0)
                            connectHostname = connectHostname.Substring(0, idx);

                        X509Certificate2?certificate = null;
                        SslStream?       sslStream   = null;
                            sslStream = new SslStream(clientStream, false);

                            string certName = HttpHelper.GetWildCardDomainName(connectHostname);
                            certificate = endPoint.GenericCertificate ??
                                          await CertificateManager.CreateServerCertificate(certName);

                            // Successfully managed to authenticate the client using the fake certificate
                            var options = new SslServerAuthenticationOptions();
                            if (EnableHttp2 && http2Supported)
                                options.ApplicationProtocols = clientHelloInfo.GetAlpn();
                                if (options.ApplicationProtocols == null || options.ApplicationProtocols.Count == 0)
                                    options.ApplicationProtocols = SslExtensions.Http11ProtocolAsList;

                            options.ServerCertificate              = certificate;
                            options.ClientCertificateRequired      = false;
                            options.EnabledSslProtocols            = SupportedSslProtocols;
                            options.CertificateRevocationCheckMode = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck;
                            await sslStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(options, cancellationToken);

                            clientStream.Connection.NegotiatedApplicationProtocol = sslStream.NegotiatedApplicationProtocol;

                            // HTTPS server created - we can now decrypt the client's traffic
                            clientStream = new HttpClientStream(clientStream.Connection, sslStream, BufferPool, cancellationToken);
                            sslStream    = null; // clientStream was created, no need to keep SSL stream reference

                            clientStream.DataRead  += (o, args) => connectArgs.OnDecryptedDataSent(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count);
                            clientStream.DataWrite += (o, args) => connectArgs.OnDecryptedDataReceived(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count);
                        catch (Exception e)

                            var certName = certificate?.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.SimpleName, false);
                            throw new ProxyConnectException(
                                      $"Couldn't authenticate host '{connectHostname}' with certificate '{certName}'.", e, connectArgs);

                        method = await HttpHelper.GetMethod(clientStream, BufferPool, cancellationToken);

                        if (clientStream.IsClosed)

                        if (method == KnownMethod.Invalid)
                            sendRawData = true;
                            await tcpConnectionFactory.Release(prefetchConnectionTask, true);

                            prefetchConnectionTask = null;
                    else if (clientHelloInfo == null)
                        method = await HttpHelper.GetMethod(clientStream, BufferPool, cancellationToken);

                        if (clientStream.IsClosed)

                    if (cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                        throw new Exception("Session was terminated by user.");

                    if (method == KnownMethod.Invalid)
                        sendRawData = true;

                    // Hostname is excluded or it is not an HTTPS connect
                    if (sendRawData)
                        // create new connection to server.
                        // If we detected that client tunnel CONNECTs without SSL by checking for empty client hello then
                        // this connection should not be HTTPS.
                        var connection = await tcpConnectionFactory.GetServerConnection(this, connectArgs,
                                                                                        true, null,
                                                                                        true, cancellationToken);

                            if (isClientHello)
                                int available = clientStream.Available;
                                if (available > 0)
                                    // send the buffered data
                                    var data = BufferPool.GetBuffer();

                                        // clientStream.Available should be at most BufferSize because it is using the same buffer size
                                        int read = await clientStream.ReadAsync(data, 0, available, cancellationToken);

                                        if (read != available)
                                            throw new Exception("Internal error.");

                                        await connection.Stream.WriteAsync(data, 0, available, true, cancellationToken);

                                var serverHelloInfo = await SslTools.PeekServerHello(connection.Stream, BufferPool, cancellationToken);

                                ((ConnectResponse)connectArgs.HttpClient.Response).ServerHelloInfo = serverHelloInfo;

                            if (!clientStream.IsClosed && !connection.Stream.IsClosed)
                                await TcpHelper.SendRaw(clientStream, connection.Stream, BufferPool,
                                                        null, null, connectArgs.CancellationTokenSource, ExceptionFunc);
                            await tcpConnectionFactory.Release(connection, true);


                if (connectArgs != null && method == KnownMethod.Pri)
                    // todo
                    string?httpCmd = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                    if (httpCmd == "PRI * HTTP/2.0")
                        connectArgs.HttpClient.ConnectRequest !.TunnelType = TunnelType.Http2;

                        // HTTP/2 Connection Preface
                        string?line = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                        if (line != string.Empty)
                            throw new Exception($"HTTP/2 Protocol violation. Empty string expected, '{line}' received");

                        line = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                        if (line != "SM")
                            throw new Exception($"HTTP/2 Protocol violation. 'SM' expected, '{line}' received");

                        line = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                        if (line != string.Empty)
                            throw new Exception($"HTTP/2 Protocol violation. Empty string expected, '{line}' received");

                        var connection = await tcpConnectionFactory.GetServerConnection(this, connectArgs,
                                                                                        true, SslExtensions.Http2ProtocolAsList,
                                                                                        true, cancellationToken);

                            var connectionPreface = new ReadOnlyMemory <byte>(Http2Helper.ConnectionPreface);
                            await connection.Stream.WriteAsync(connectionPreface, cancellationToken);

                            await Http2Helper.SendHttp2(clientStream, connection.Stream,
                                                        () => new SessionEventArgs(this, endPoint, clientStream, connectArgs?.HttpClient.ConnectRequest, cancellationTokenSource)
                                UserData = connectArgs?.UserData
                                                        async args => { await onBeforeRequest(args); },
                                                        async args => { await onBeforeResponse(args); },
                                                        connectArgs.CancellationTokenSource, clientStream.Connection.Id, ExceptionFunc);
                            await tcpConnectionFactory.Release(connection, true);

                calledRequestHandler = true;

                // Now create the request
                await handleHttpSessionRequest(endPoint, clientStream, cancellationTokenSource, connectArgs, prefetchConnectionTask);
            catch (ProxyException e)
                closeServerConnection = true;
                onException(clientStream, e);
            catch (IOException e)
                closeServerConnection = true;
                onException(clientStream, new Exception("Connection was aborted", e));
            catch (SocketException e)
                closeServerConnection = true;
                onException(clientStream, new Exception("Could not connect", e));
            catch (Exception e)
                closeServerConnection = true;
                onException(clientStream, new Exception("Error occured in whilst handling the client", e));
                if (!cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)

                if (!calledRequestHandler)
                    await tcpConnectionFactory.Release(prefetchConnectionTask, closeServerConnection);

예제 #3
        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            if (called)
                stream.Write(buffer, offset, count);

            called = true;
            var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer, offset, count);

            //this can be non async, because reads from a memory stream
            var cts         = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var serverHello = SslTools.PeekServerHello(new CustomBufferedStream(ms, bufferPool, (int)ms.Length), bufferPool, cts.Token).Result;

            if (serverHello != null)
                // 0x00 0x10: ALPN identifier
                // 0x00 0x0e: length of ALPN data
                // 0x00 0x0c: length of ALPN data again:)
                var dataToAdd = new byte[]
                    0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x3,
                    2, (byte)'h', (byte)'2'

                int newByteCount = serverHello.Extensions == null ? dataToAdd.Length + 2 : dataToAdd.Length;
                var buffer2      = new byte[buffer.Length + newByteCount];

                for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
                    buffer2[i] = buffer[i];

                //this is a hacky solution, but works
                int length = (buffer[offset + 3] << 8) + buffer[offset + 4];
                length += newByteCount;
                buffer2[offset + 3] = (byte)(length >> 8);
                buffer2[offset + 4] = (byte)length;

                length  = (buffer[offset + 6] << 16) + (buffer[offset + 7] << 8) + buffer[offset + 8];
                length += newByteCount;
                buffer2[offset + 6] = (byte)(length >> 16);
                buffer2[offset + 7] = (byte)(length >> 8);
                buffer2[offset + 8] = (byte)length;

                int pos    = offset + serverHello.EntensionsStartPosition;
                int endPos = offset + serverHello.ServerHelloLength;
                if (serverHello.Extensions != null)
                    // update ALPN length
                    length           = (buffer[pos] << 8) + buffer[pos + 1];
                    length          += newByteCount;
                    buffer2[pos]     = (byte)(length >> 8);
                    buffer2[pos + 1] = (byte)length;
                    // add ALPN length
                    length           = dataToAdd.Length;
                    buffer2[pos]     = (byte)(length >> 8);
                    buffer2[pos + 1] = (byte)length;
                    endPos          += 2;

                for (int i = 0; i < dataToAdd.Length; i++)
                    buffer2[endPos + i] = dataToAdd[i];

                // copy the reamining data if any
                for (int i = serverHello.ServerHelloLength; i < count; i++)
                    buffer2[offset + newByteCount + i] = buffer[offset + i];

                buffer = buffer2;
                count += newByteCount;

            stream.Write(buffer, offset, count);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called when client is aware of proxy
        /// So for HTTPS requests client would send CONNECT header to negotiate a secure tcp tunnel via proxy
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="tcpClient"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task HandleClient(ExplicitProxyEndPoint endPoint, TcpClient tcpClient)
            bool disposed = false;

            var clientStream = new CustomBufferedStream(tcpClient.GetStream(), BufferSize);

            var clientStreamReader = new CustomBinaryReader(clientStream, BufferSize);
            var clientStreamWriter = new HttpResponseWriter(clientStream, BufferSize);

            Uri httpRemoteUri;

                //read the first line HTTP command
                string httpCmd = await clientStreamReader.ReadLineAsync();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpCmd))

                string  httpMethod;
                string  httpUrl;
                Version version;
                Request.ParseRequestLine(httpCmd, out httpMethod, out httpUrl, out version);

                httpRemoteUri = httpMethod == "CONNECT" ? new Uri("http://" + httpUrl) : new Uri(httpUrl);

                //filter out excluded host names
                bool excluded = false;

                if (endPoint.ExcludedHttpsHostNameRegex != null)
                    excluded = endPoint.ExcludedHttpsHostNameRegexList.Any(x => x.IsMatch(httpRemoteUri.Host));

                if (endPoint.IncludedHttpsHostNameRegex != null)
                    excluded = !endPoint.IncludedHttpsHostNameRegexList.Any(x => x.IsMatch(httpRemoteUri.Host));

                ConnectRequest connectRequest = null;

                //Client wants to create a secure tcp tunnel (probably its a HTTPS or Websocket request)
                if (httpMethod == "CONNECT")
                    connectRequest = new ConnectRequest
                        RequestUri         = httpRemoteUri,
                        OriginalRequestUrl = httpUrl,
                        HttpVersion        = version,
                        Method             = httpMethod,

                    await HeaderParser.ReadHeaders(clientStreamReader, connectRequest.RequestHeaders);

                    var connectArgs = new TunnelConnectSessionEventArgs(BufferSize, endPoint);
                    connectArgs.WebSession.Request       = connectRequest;
                    connectArgs.ProxyClient.TcpClient    = tcpClient;
                    connectArgs.ProxyClient.ClientStream = clientStream;

                    if (TunnelConnectRequest != null)
                        await TunnelConnectRequest.InvokeParallelAsync(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);

                    if (!excluded && await CheckAuthorization(clientStreamWriter, connectArgs) == false)
                        if (TunnelConnectResponse != null)
                            await TunnelConnectResponse.InvokeParallelAsync(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);


                    //write back successfull CONNECT response
                    connectArgs.WebSession.Response = ConnectResponse.CreateSuccessfullConnectResponse(version);
                    await clientStreamWriter.WriteResponseAsync(connectArgs.WebSession.Response);

                    var clientHelloInfo = await SslTools.PeekClientHello(clientStream);

                    bool isClientHello = clientHelloInfo != null;
                    if (isClientHello)
                        connectRequest.ClientHelloInfo = clientHelloInfo;

                    if (TunnelConnectResponse != null)
                        connectArgs.IsHttpsConnect = isClientHello;
                        await TunnelConnectResponse.InvokeParallelAsync(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);

                    if (!excluded && isClientHello)
                        httpRemoteUri             = new Uri("https://" + httpUrl);
                        connectRequest.RequestUri = httpRemoteUri;

                        SslStream sslStream = null;

                            sslStream = new SslStream(clientStream);

                            string certName = HttpHelper.GetWildCardDomainName(httpRemoteUri.Host);

                            var certificate = endPoint.GenericCertificate ?? CertificateManager.CreateCertificate(certName, false);

                            //Successfully managed to authenticate the client using the fake certificate
                            await sslStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(certificate, false, SupportedSslProtocols, false);

                            //HTTPS server created - we can now decrypt the client's traffic
                            clientStream = new CustomBufferedStream(sslStream, BufferSize);

                            clientStreamReader = new CustomBinaryReader(clientStream, BufferSize);
                            clientStreamWriter = new HttpResponseWriter(clientStream, BufferSize);

                        //Now read the actual HTTPS request line
                        httpCmd = await clientStreamReader.ReadLineAsync();
                    //Hostname is excluded or it is not an HTTPS connect
                        //create new connection
                        using (var connection = await GetServerConnection(connectArgs, true))
                                if (isClientHello)
                                    if (clientStream.Available > 0)
                                        //send the buffered data
                                        var data = new byte[clientStream.Available];
                                        await clientStream.ReadAsync(data, 0, data.Length);

                                        await connection.Stream.WriteAsync(data, 0, data.Length);

                                        await connection.Stream.FlushAsync();

                                    var serverHelloInfo = await SslTools.PeekServerHello(connection.Stream);

                                    ((ConnectResponse)connectArgs.WebSession.Response).ServerHelloInfo = serverHelloInfo;

                                await TcpHelper.SendRaw(clientStream, connection.Stream, BufferSize,
                                                        (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataSent(buffer, offset, count); }, (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataReceived(buffer, offset, count); });


                //Now create the request
                disposed = await HandleHttpSessionRequest(tcpClient, httpCmd, clientStream, clientStreamReader, clientStreamWriter,
                                                          httpRemoteUri.Scheme == UriSchemeHttps?httpRemoteUri.Host : null, endPoint, connectRequest);
            catch (Exception e)
                ExceptionFunc(new Exception("Error whilst authorizing request", e));
                if (!disposed)
                    Dispose(clientStream, clientStreamReader, clientStreamWriter, null);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called when client is aware of proxy
        /// So for HTTPS requests client would send CONNECT header to negotiate a secure tcp tunnel via proxy
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="tcpClient"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task HandleClient(ExplicitProxyEndPoint endPoint, TcpClient tcpClient)
            var clientStream = new CustomBufferedStream(tcpClient.GetStream(), BufferSize);

            var clientStreamReader = new CustomBinaryReader(clientStream, BufferSize);
            var clientStreamWriter = new HttpResponseWriter(clientStream, BufferSize);

                string connectHostname = null;

                ConnectRequest connectRequest = null;

                //Client wants to create a secure tcp tunnel (probably its a HTTPS or Websocket request)
                if (await HttpHelper.IsConnectMethod(clientStream) == 1)
                    //read the first line HTTP command
                    string httpCmd = await clientStreamReader.ReadLineAsync();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpCmd))

                    Request.ParseRequestLine(httpCmd, out string _, out string httpUrl, out var version);

                    var httpRemoteUri = new Uri("http://" + httpUrl);
                    connectHostname = httpRemoteUri.Host;

                    //filter out excluded host names
                    bool excluded = false;

                    if (endPoint.ExcludedHttpsHostNameRegex != null)
                        excluded = endPoint.ExcludedHttpsHostNameRegexList.Any(x => x.IsMatch(connectHostname));

                    if (endPoint.IncludedHttpsHostNameRegex != null)
                        excluded = !endPoint.IncludedHttpsHostNameRegexList.Any(x => x.IsMatch(connectHostname));

                    if (endPoint.BeforeTunnelConnect != null)
                        excluded = await endPoint.BeforeTunnelConnect(connectHostname);

                    connectRequest = new ConnectRequest
                        RequestUri  = httpRemoteUri,
                        OriginalUrl = httpUrl,
                        HttpVersion = version,

                    await HeaderParser.ReadHeaders(clientStreamReader, connectRequest.Headers);

                    var connectArgs = new TunnelConnectSessionEventArgs(BufferSize, endPoint, connectRequest, ExceptionFunc);
                    connectArgs.ProxyClient.TcpClient    = tcpClient;
                    connectArgs.ProxyClient.ClientStream = clientStream;

                    await endPoint.InvokeTunnectConnectRequest(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);

                    if (await CheckAuthorization(clientStreamWriter, connectArgs) == false)
                        await endPoint.InvokeTunnectConnectResponse(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);


                    //write back successfull CONNECT response
                    var response = ConnectResponse.CreateSuccessfullConnectResponse(version);
                    connectArgs.WebSession.Response = response;

                    await clientStreamWriter.WriteResponseAsync(response);

                    var clientHelloInfo = await SslTools.PeekClientHello(clientStream);

                    bool isClientHello = clientHelloInfo != null;
                    if (isClientHello)
                        connectRequest.ClientHelloInfo = clientHelloInfo;

                    await endPoint.InvokeTunnectConnectResponse(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc, isClientHello);

                    if (!excluded && isClientHello)
                        connectRequest.RequestUri = new Uri("https://" + httpUrl);

                        SslStream sslStream = null;

                            sslStream = new SslStream(clientStream);

                            string certName = HttpHelper.GetWildCardDomainName(connectHostname);

                            var certificate = endPoint.GenericCertificate ?? await CertificateManager.CreateCertificateAsync(certName);

                            //Successfully managed to authenticate the client using the fake certificate
                            await sslStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(certificate, false, SupportedSslProtocols, false);

                            //HTTPS server created - we can now decrypt the client's traffic
                            clientStream = new CustomBufferedStream(sslStream, BufferSize);

                            clientStreamReader = new CustomBinaryReader(clientStream, BufferSize);
                            clientStreamWriter = new HttpResponseWriter(clientStream, BufferSize);

                        if (await HttpHelper.IsConnectMethod(clientStream) == -1)
                            // It can be for example some Google (Cloude Messaging for Chrome) magic
                            excluded = true;

                    //Hostname is excluded or it is not an HTTPS connect
                    if (excluded || !isClientHello)
                        //create new connection
                        using (var connection = await GetServerConnection(connectArgs, true))
                            if (isClientHello)
                                int available = clientStream.Available;
                                if (available > 0)
                                    //send the buffered data
                                    var data = BufferPool.GetBuffer(BufferSize);

                                        // clientStream.Available sbould be at most BufferSize because it is using the same buffer size
                                        await clientStream.ReadAsync(data, 0, available);

                                        await connection.StreamWriter.WriteAsync(data, 0, available, true);

                                var serverHelloInfo = await SslTools.PeekServerHello(connection.Stream);

                                ((ConnectResponse)connectArgs.WebSession.Response).ServerHelloInfo = serverHelloInfo;

                            await TcpHelper.SendRaw(clientStream, connection.Stream, BufferSize,
                                                    (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataSent(buffer, offset, count); },
                                                    (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataReceived(buffer, offset, count); },


                //Now create the request
                await HandleHttpSessionRequest(tcpClient, clientStream, clientStreamReader, clientStreamWriter, connectHostname, endPoint, connectRequest);
            catch (ProxyHttpException e)
            catch (IOException e)
                ExceptionFunc(new Exception("Connection was aborted", e));
            catch (SocketException e)
                ExceptionFunc(new Exception("Could not connect", e));
            catch (Exception e)
                ExceptionFunc(new Exception("Error occured in whilst handling the client", e));
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     This is called when client is aware of proxy
        ///     So for HTTPS requests client would send CONNECT header to negotiate a secure tcp tunnel via proxy
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endPoint">The explicit endpoint.</param>
        /// <param name="clientConnection">The client connection.</param>
        /// <returns>The task.</returns>
        private async Task HandleClient(ExplicitProxyEndPoint endPoint, TcpClientConnection clientConnection)
            var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var cancellationToken       = cancellationTokenSource.Token;

            var clientStream = new CustomBufferedStream(clientConnection.GetStream(), BufferSize);

            var clientStreamWriter = new HttpResponseWriter(clientStream, BufferSize);

                string connectHostname = null;
                TunnelConnectSessionEventArgs connectArgs = null;

                // Client wants to create a secure tcp tunnel (probably its a HTTPS or Websocket request)
                if (await HttpHelper.IsConnectMethod(clientStream) == 1)
                    // read the first line HTTP command
                    string httpCmd = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpCmd))

                    Request.ParseRequestLine(httpCmd, out string _, out string httpUrl, out var version);

                    var httpRemoteUri = new Uri("http://" + httpUrl);
                    connectHostname = httpRemoteUri.Host;

                    var connectRequest = new ConnectRequest
                        RequestUri  = httpRemoteUri,
                        OriginalUrl = httpUrl,
                        HttpVersion = version

                    await HeaderParser.ReadHeaders(clientStream, connectRequest.Headers, cancellationToken);

                    connectArgs = new TunnelConnectSessionEventArgs(BufferSize, endPoint, connectRequest,
                                                                    cancellationTokenSource, ExceptionFunc);
                    connectArgs.ProxyClient.ClientConnection = clientConnection;
                    connectArgs.ProxyClient.ClientStream     = clientStream;

                    await endPoint.InvokeBeforeTunnelConnectRequest(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);

                    // filter out excluded host names
                    bool decryptSsl = endPoint.DecryptSsl && connectArgs.DecryptSsl;

                    if (connectArgs.DenyConnect)
                        if (connectArgs.WebSession.Response.StatusCode == 0)
                            connectArgs.WebSession.Response = new Response
                                HttpVersion       = HttpHeader.Version11,
                                StatusCode        = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden,
                                StatusDescription = "Forbidden"

                        // send the response
                        await clientStreamWriter.WriteResponseAsync(connectArgs.WebSession.Response,
                                                                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken);


                    if (await CheckAuthorization(connectArgs) == false)
                        await endPoint.InvokeBeforeTunnectConnectResponse(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc);

                        // send the response
                        await clientStreamWriter.WriteResponseAsync(connectArgs.WebSession.Response,
                                                                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken);


                    // write back successfull CONNECT response
                    var response = ConnectResponse.CreateSuccessfullConnectResponse(version);

                    // Set ContentLength explicitly to properly handle HTTP 1.0
                    response.ContentLength = 0;
                    connectArgs.WebSession.Response = response;

                    await clientStreamWriter.WriteResponseAsync(response, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                    var clientHelloInfo = await SslTools.PeekClientHello(clientStream, cancellationToken);

                    bool isClientHello = clientHelloInfo != null;
                    if (isClientHello)
                        connectRequest.ClientHelloInfo = clientHelloInfo;

                    await endPoint.InvokeBeforeTunnectConnectResponse(this, connectArgs, ExceptionFunc, isClientHello);

                    if (decryptSsl && isClientHello)
                        connectRequest.RequestUri = new Uri("https://" + httpUrl);

                        bool http2Supproted = false;

                        var alpn = clientHelloInfo.GetAlpn();
                        if (alpn != null && alpn.Contains(SslApplicationProtocol.Http2))
                            // test server HTTP/2 support
                            // todo: this is a hack, because Titanium does not support HTTP protocol changing currently
                            using (var connection = await GetServerConnection(connectArgs, true, SslExtensions.Http2ProtocolAsList, cancellationToken))
                                http2Supproted = connection.NegotiatedApplicationProtocol == SslApplicationProtocol.Http2;

                        SslStream sslStream = null;

                            sslStream = new SslStream(clientStream);

                            string certName = HttpHelper.GetWildCardDomainName(connectHostname);

                            var certificate = endPoint.GenericCertificate ??
                                              await CertificateManager.CreateCertificateAsync(certName);

                            // Successfully managed to authenticate the client using the fake certificate
                            var options = new SslServerAuthenticationOptions();
                            if (http2Supproted)
                                options.ApplicationProtocols = clientHelloInfo.GetAlpn();
                                if (options.ApplicationProtocols == null || options.ApplicationProtocols.Count == 0)
                                    options.ApplicationProtocols = SslExtensions.Http11ProtocolAsList;

                            options.ServerCertificate              = certificate;
                            options.ClientCertificateRequired      = false;
                            options.EnabledSslProtocols            = SupportedSslProtocols;
                            options.CertificateRevocationCheckMode = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck;
                            await sslStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(options, cancellationToken);

                            clientConnection.NegotiatedApplicationProtocol = sslStream.NegotiatedApplicationProtocol;

                            // HTTPS server created - we can now decrypt the client's traffic
                            clientStream = new CustomBufferedStream(sslStream, BufferSize);

                            clientStreamWriter = new HttpResponseWriter(clientStream, BufferSize);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            throw new ProxyConnectException(
                                      $"Could'nt authenticate client '{connectHostname}' with fake certificate.", e, connectArgs);

                        if (await HttpHelper.IsConnectMethod(clientStream) == -1)
                            decryptSsl = false;

                    if (cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                        throw new Exception("Session was terminated by user.");

                    // Hostname is excluded or it is not an HTTPS connect
                    if (!decryptSsl || !isClientHello)
                        // create new connection
                        using (var connection = await GetServerConnection(connectArgs, true, clientConnection.NegotiatedApplicationProtocol, cancellationToken))
                            if (isClientHello)
                                int available = clientStream.Available;
                                if (available > 0)
                                    // send the buffered data
                                    var data = BufferPool.GetBuffer(BufferSize);

                                        // clientStream.Available sbould be at most BufferSize because it is using the same buffer size
                                        await clientStream.ReadAsync(data, 0, available, cancellationToken);

                                        await connection.StreamWriter.WriteAsync(data, 0, available, true,

                                var serverHelloInfo =
                                    await SslTools.PeekServerHello(connection.Stream, cancellationToken);

                                ((ConnectResponse)connectArgs.WebSession.Response).ServerHelloInfo = serverHelloInfo;

                            await TcpHelper.SendRaw(clientStream, connection.Stream, BufferSize,
                                                    (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataSent(buffer, offset, count); },
                                                    (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataReceived(buffer, offset, count); },
                                                    connectArgs.CancellationTokenSource, ExceptionFunc);


                if (connectArgs != null && await HttpHelper.IsPriMethod(clientStream) == 1)
                    // todo
                    string httpCmd = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                    if (httpCmd == "PRI * HTTP/2.0")
                        // HTTP/2 Connection Preface
                        string line = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                        if (line != string.Empty)
                            throw new Exception($"HTTP/2 Protocol violation. Empty string expected, '{line}' received");

                        line = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                        if (line != "SM")
                            throw new Exception($"HTTP/2 Protocol violation. 'SM' expected, '{line}' received");

                        line = await clientStream.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                        if (line != string.Empty)
                            throw new Exception($"HTTP/2 Protocol violation. Empty string expected, '{line}' received");

                        // create new connection
                        using (var connection = await GetServerConnection(connectArgs, true, SslExtensions.Http2ProtocolAsList, cancellationToken))
                            await connection.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync("PRI * HTTP/2.0", cancellationToken);

                            await connection.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                            await connection.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync("SM", cancellationToken);

                            await connection.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(cancellationToken);

                            await Http2Helper.SendHttp2(clientStream, connection.Stream, BufferSize,
                                                        (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataSent(buffer, offset, count); },
                                                        (buffer, offset, count) => { connectArgs.OnDataReceived(buffer, offset, count); },
                                                        connectArgs.CancellationTokenSource, clientConnection.Id, ExceptionFunc);

                // Now create the request
                await HandleHttpSessionRequest(endPoint, clientConnection, clientStream, clientStreamWriter,
                                               cancellationTokenSource, connectHostname, connectArgs?.WebSession.ConnectRequest);
            catch (ProxyException e)
                OnException(clientStream, e);
            catch (IOException e)
                OnException(clientStream, new Exception("Connection was aborted", e));
            catch (SocketException e)
                OnException(clientStream, new Exception("Could not connect", e));
            catch (Exception e)
                OnException(clientStream, new Exception("Error occured in whilst handling the client", e));
                if (!cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)