public void MultiLabelExplicitSerialTest() { // Create a simple document and add two peptides SrmDocument document = new SrmDocument(SrmSettingsList.GetDefault()); const string pepSequence1 = "QFVLSCVILR"; const string pepSequence2 = "DIEVYCDGAITTK"; var reader = new StringReader(string.Join("\n", new[] { ">peptides1", pepSequence1, pepSequence2 })); IdentityPath path; document = document.ImportFasta(reader, true, IdentityPath.ROOT, out path); Assert.AreEqual(2, document.PeptideCount); // Add some modifications in two new label types var modCarb = new StaticMod("Carbamidomethyl Cysteine", "C", null, "C2H3ON"); var modOther = new StaticMod("Another Cysteine", "C", null, "CO8N2"); var staticMods = new[] { modCarb, modOther }; var mod15N = new StaticMod("All 15N", null, null, null, LabelAtoms.N15, null, null); var modK13C = new StaticMod("13C K", "K", ModTerminus.C, null, LabelAtoms.C13, null, null); var modR13C = new StaticMod("13C R", "R", ModTerminus.C, null, LabelAtoms.C13, null, null); var modV13C = new StaticMod("Heavy V", "V", null, null, LabelAtoms.C13 | LabelAtoms.N15, null, null); var heavyMods = new[] { mod15N, modK13C, modR13C, modV13C }; var labelTypeAA = new IsotopeLabelType("heavy AA", IsotopeLabelType.FirstHeavy); var labelTypeAll = new IsotopeLabelType("heavy All", IsotopeLabelType.FirstHeavy + 1); var settings = document.Settings; settings = settings.ChangePeptideModifications(mods => new PeptideModifications(mods.StaticModifications, new[] { new TypedModifications(labelTypeAA, new[] { modK13C, modR13C }), new TypedModifications(labelTypeAll, new[] { mod15N }) })); document = document.ChangeSettings(settings); Assert.AreEqual(6, document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount); // Add modifications to light and heavy AA in the first peptide path = document.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0); var nodePepMod = (PeptideDocNode)document.FindNode(path); var explicitMod = new ExplicitMods(nodePepMod.Peptide, new[] { new ExplicitMod(pepSequence1.IndexOf('C'), modOther) }, new[] { new TypedExplicitModifications(nodePepMod.Peptide, labelTypeAA, new ExplicitMod[0]) }); document = document.ChangePeptideMods(path, explicitMod, staticMods, heavyMods); Assert.AreEqual(5, document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount); // Add a modification to heavy All in the second peptide path = document.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 1); nodePepMod = (PeptideDocNode)document.FindNode(path); explicitMod = new ExplicitMods(nodePepMod.Peptide, null, new[] { new TypedExplicitModifications(nodePepMod.Peptide, labelTypeAll, new[] { new ExplicitMod(pepSequence2.IndexOf('V'), modV13C) }) }); document = document.ChangePeptideMods(path, explicitMod, staticMods, heavyMods); Assert.AreEqual(5, document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount); AssertEx.Serializable(document, 3, AssertEx.DocumentCloned); }
private ChromatogramGroupInfo LoadChromatogramInfo(SrmDocument document, ChromatogramSet chromatogramSet, MsDataFileUri filePath, IdentityPath precursorIdentityPath, bool loadPoints) { var measuredResults = document.Settings.MeasuredResults; if (null == measuredResults) { return(null); } var tolerance = (float)document.Settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.MzMatchTolerance; var peptideDocNode = (PeptideDocNode)document.FindNode(precursorIdentityPath.Parent); var precursorDocNode = (TransitionGroupDocNode)peptideDocNode.FindNode(precursorIdentityPath.Child); ChromatogramGroupInfo[] chromatogramGroupInfos; if (!measuredResults.TryLoadChromatogram(chromatogramSet, peptideDocNode, precursorDocNode, tolerance, loadPoints, out chromatogramGroupInfos)) { return(null); } foreach (var chromatogramGroupInfo in chromatogramGroupInfos) { if (Equals(chromatogramGroupInfo.FilePath, filePath)) { return(chromatogramGroupInfo); } } return(null); }
private void CompareUntriggeredTriggered(SrmDocument untriggeredDocument, SrmDocument triggeredDocument, IdentityPath identityPath) { Assert.IsFalse(untriggeredDocument.Settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.TriggeredAcquisition); Assert.IsTrue(triggeredDocument.Settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.TriggeredAcquisition); PeptideDocNode untriggeredPeptide = (PeptideDocNode)untriggeredDocument.FindNode(identityPath); PeptideDocNode triggeredPeptide = (PeptideDocNode)triggeredDocument.FindNode(identityPath); Assert.AreEqual(untriggeredPeptide.TransitionGroupCount, triggeredPeptide.TransitionGroupCount); for (int iTransitionGroup = 0; iTransitionGroup < untriggeredPeptide.TransitionGroupCount; iTransitionGroup++) { var untriggeredTransitionGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode)untriggeredPeptide.Children[iTransitionGroup]; var triggeredTransitionGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode)triggeredPeptide.Children[iTransitionGroup]; Assert.IsNotNull(untriggeredTransitionGroup.Results); Assert.IsNotNull(triggeredTransitionGroup.Results); Assert.AreEqual(untriggeredTransitionGroup.Results.Count, triggeredTransitionGroup.Results.Count); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, untriggeredTransitionGroup.Results.Count); for (int iReplicate = 0; iReplicate < untriggeredTransitionGroup.Results.Count; iReplicate++) { Assert.AreEqual(1, untriggeredTransitionGroup.Results[iReplicate].Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, triggeredTransitionGroup.Results[iReplicate].Count); var untriggeredChromInfo = untriggeredTransitionGroup.Results[iReplicate].First(); var triggeredChromInfo = triggeredTransitionGroup.Results[iReplicate].First(); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, untriggeredChromInfo.BackgroundArea); Assert.AreEqual(0, triggeredChromInfo.BackgroundArea); } } }
/// <summary> /// Given a list of IdentityPaths, returns the unique set of NormalizationMethods that the molecules /// or peptides use. /// </summary> public static HashSet <NormalizationMethod> GetMoleculeNormalizationMethods(SrmDocument document, IEnumerable <IdentityPath> identityPaths) { var defaultNormalizationMethod = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Quantification.NormalizationMethod; var normalizationMethods = new HashSet <NormalizationMethod>(); foreach (var path in identityPaths.Select(path => path.GetPathTo(Math.Min(1, path.Depth))).Distinct()) { var docNode = document.FindNode(path); IEnumerable <PeptideDocNode> molecules; if (docNode is PeptideDocNode molecule) { molecules = new[] { molecule }; } else if (docNode is PeptideGroupDocNode peptideGroupDocNode) { molecules = peptideGroupDocNode.Molecules; } else { continue; } normalizationMethods.UnionWith(molecules.Select(mol => mol.NormalizationMethod ?? defaultNormalizationMethod)); } return(normalizationMethods); }
public Annotations GetAnnotations(SrmDocument document, ElementRef elementRef) { var nodeRef = elementRef as NodeRef; if (nodeRef != null) { return(document.FindNode(ToIdentityPath(nodeRef)).Annotations); } var replicateRef = elementRef as ReplicateRef; if (replicateRef != null) { var chromatogramSet = replicateRef.FindChromatogramSet(document); if (chromatogramSet == null) { throw ElementNotFoundException(elementRef); } return(chromatogramSet.Annotations); } var resultRef = elementRef as ResultRef; if (resultRef != null) { return(GetResultAnnotations(document, resultRef)); } throw AnnotationsNotSupported(elementRef); }
public void NeutralLossListTest() { TestSmallMolecules = false; // No concept of neutral loss for small molecules var phosphoLossMod = new StaticMod("Phospho Loss", "S, T, Y", null, false, "HPO3", LabelAtoms.None, RelativeRT.Matching, null, null, new[] { new FragmentLoss("H3PO4"), }); SrmDocument document = new SrmDocument(SrmSettingsList.GetDefault().ChangePeptideModifications(mods => mods.ChangeStaticModifications(new List <StaticMod>(mods.StaticModifications) { phosphoLossMod }))); IdentityPath path = IdentityPath.ROOT; SrmDocument docFasta = document.ImportFasta(new StringReader(TEXT_FASTA_YEAST_7), false, path, out path); Assert.AreEqual(0, GetLossCount(docFasta, 1)); // Insert losses into the first transition group var pathPeptide = docFasta.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0); var nodePep = (PeptideDocNode)docFasta.FindNode(pathPeptide); var nodeGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep.Children[0]; var listChildren = new List <DocNode>(nodeGroup.Children); foreach (var nodeTran in nodeGroup.GetTransitions(docFasta.Settings, nodePep.ExplicitMods, nodeGroup.PrecursorMz, null, null, null, false)) { if (!nodeTran.HasLoss) { continue; } var tran = nodeTran.Transition; int matchIndex = listChildren.IndexOf(node => Equals(tran, ((TransitionDocNode)node).Transition)); if (matchIndex == -1) { continue; } while (matchIndex < listChildren.Count && Equals(tran, ((TransitionDocNode)listChildren[matchIndex]).Transition)) { matchIndex++; } listChildren.Insert(matchIndex, nodeTran); } var docLosses = (SrmDocument)docFasta.ReplaceChild(pathPeptide, nodeGroup.ChangeChildren(listChildren)); int lossCount = GetLossCount(docLosses, 1); Assert.IsTrue(lossCount > 0); var docRoundTripped = AssertEx.RoundTripTransitionList(new ThermoMassListExporter(docLosses)); Assert.AreEqual(lossCount, GetLossCount(docRoundTripped, 1)); docRoundTripped = AssertEx.RoundTripTransitionList(new AgilentMassListExporter(docLosses)); Assert.AreEqual(lossCount, GetLossCount(docRoundTripped, 1)); }
private Annotations GetResultAnnotations(SrmDocument document, ResultRef resultRef) { var measuredResults = document.MeasuredResults; if (measuredResults == null) { throw ElementNotFoundException(resultRef); } var nodeRef = (NodeRef)resultRef.Parent; var identityPath = ToIdentityPath(nodeRef); var docNode = document.FindNode(identityPath); for (int replicateIndex = 0; replicateIndex < measuredResults.Chromatograms.Count; replicateIndex++) { var chromSet = measuredResults.Chromatograms[replicateIndex]; if (resultRef.Matches(chromSet)) { var transitionGroup = docNode as TransitionGroupDocNode; if (transitionGroup != null) { if (transitionGroup.Results == null || transitionGroup.Results.Count <= replicateIndex) { throw ElementNotFoundException(resultRef); } int i = IndexOfChromInfo(chromSet, (PrecursorResultRef)resultRef, transitionGroup.Results[replicateIndex]); if (i < 0) { throw ElementNotFoundException(resultRef); } return(transitionGroup.Results[replicateIndex][i].Annotations); } else { var transition = docNode as TransitionDocNode; if (transition != null) { if (transition.Results == null || transition.Results.Count <= replicateIndex) { throw ElementNotFoundException(resultRef); } int i = IndexOfChromInfo(chromSet, (TransitionResultRef)resultRef, transition.Results[replicateIndex]); if (i < 0) { throw ElementNotFoundException(resultRef); } return(transition.Results[replicateIndex][i].Annotations); } else { throw AnnotationsNotSupported(resultRef); } } } } throw ElementNotFoundException(resultRef); }
public SrmDocument SetDocNodeAnnotations(SrmDocument document, NodeRef nodeRef, Annotations annotations) { var identityPath = ToIdentityPath(nodeRef); var docNode = document.FindNode(identityPath); docNode = docNode.ChangeAnnotations(annotations); document = (SrmDocument)document.ReplaceChild(identityPath.Parent, docNode); return(document); }
private SrmDocument RemoveTransitions(SrmDocument document, params int[] indexes) { foreach (var i in indexes) { var pathToTran = document.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Transitions, i - 1); // Numbers are from the 1-based status bar document = (SrmDocument)document.RemoveChild(pathToTran.Parent, document.FindNode(pathToTran)); } return(document); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the string that MSstats code uses to identify a row of data in the MSstats Input report. /// </summary> private static string GetFeatureKey(SrmDocument document, IdentityPath identityPath) { PeptideGroupDocNode peptideGroup = (PeptideGroupDocNode)document.FindNode(identityPath.GetIdentity(0)); PeptideDocNode peptide = (PeptideDocNode)peptideGroup.FindNode(identityPath.GetIdentity(1)); TransitionGroupDocNode transitionGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode)peptide.FindNode(identityPath.GetIdentity(2)); TransitionDocNode transition = (TransitionDocNode)transitionGroup.FindNode(identityPath.GetIdentity(3)); return(peptide.ModifiedSequenceDisplay + '_' + transitionGroup.PrecursorCharge + '_' + GetFragmentIon(transition) + '_' + transition.Transition.Charge); }
private List <DocNode> GetDocNodes(IdentityPath identityPath, SrmDocument document) { var result = new List <DocNode>(); while (!identityPath.IsRoot) { result.Insert(0, document.FindNode(identityPath)); identityPath = identityPath.Parent; } return(result); }
public SrmDocument ChangePeak(SrmDocument doc, SrmTreeNode nodePepTree, TransitionGroupDocNode nodeTranGroup, string nameSet, MsDataFileUri filePath) { if ((_retentionTime ?? StartTime) == null) { return(doc); } var groupPath = new IdentityPath(nodePepTree.Path, nodeTranGroup.Id); doc = _retentionTime.HasValue ? doc.ChangePeak(groupPath, nameSet, filePath, null, _retentionTime.Value, UserSet.TRUE) : doc.ChangePeak(groupPath, nameSet, filePath, null, StartTime, EndTime, UserSet.TRUE, null, false); var activeTransitionGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode)doc.FindNode(groupPath); if (activeTransitionGroup.RelativeRT != RelativeRT.Matching) { return(doc); } var activeChromInfo = SkylineWindow.FindChromInfo(doc, activeTransitionGroup, nameSet, filePath); var peptide = (PeptideDocNode)doc.FindNode(groupPath.Parent); // See if there are any other transition groups that should have their peak bounds set to the same value foreach (var tranGroup in peptide.TransitionGroups.Where(tranGroup => tranGroup.RelativeRT == RelativeRT.Matching)) { var otherGroupPath = new IdentityPath(groupPath.Parent, tranGroup.TransitionGroup); if (Equals(groupPath, otherGroupPath) || SkylineWindow.FindChromInfo(doc, tranGroup, nameSet, filePath) == null) { continue; } doc = doc.ChangePeak(otherGroupPath, nameSet, filePath, null, activeChromInfo.StartRetentionTime, activeChromInfo.EndRetentionTime, UserSet.TRUE, activeChromInfo.Identified, false); } return(doc); }
public SrmDocument SetResultAnnotations(SrmDocument document, ResultRef resultRef, Annotations annotations) { var measuredResults = document.MeasuredResults; if (measuredResults == null) { throw ElementNotFoundException(resultRef); } var nodeRef = (NodeRef)resultRef.Parent; var identityPath = ToIdentityPath(nodeRef); var docNode = document.FindNode(identityPath); for (int replicateIndex = 0; replicateIndex < measuredResults.Chromatograms.Count; replicateIndex++) { var chromSet = measuredResults.Chromatograms[replicateIndex]; if (resultRef.Matches(chromSet)) { var transitionGroup = docNode as TransitionGroupDocNode; if (transitionGroup != null) { var results = transitionGroup.Results.ToArray(); results[replicateIndex] = SetChromInfoAnnotations(chromSet, (PrecursorResultRef)resultRef, results[replicateIndex], annotations); docNode = ((TransitionGroupDocNode)docNode).ChangeResults( new Results <TransitionGroupChromInfo>(results)); } else { var transition = docNode as TransitionDocNode; if (transition != null) { var results = transition.Results.ToArray(); results[replicateIndex] = SetChromInfoAnnotations(chromSet, (TransitionResultRef)resultRef, results[replicateIndex], annotations); docNode = ((TransitionDocNode)docNode).ChangeResults( new Results <TransitionChromInfo>(results)); } else { throw AnnotationsNotSupported(resultRef); } } return((SrmDocument)document.ReplaceChild(identityPath.Parent, docNode)); } } throw ElementNotFoundException(resultRef); }
public virtual NodeRef ChangeIdentityPath(SrmDocument document, IdentityPath identityPath) { if (Parent == null) { return(this); } var parentNode = (DocNodeParent)document.FindNode(identityPath.Parent); int index = parentNode.FindNodeIndex(identityPath.Child); if (index < 0) { throw new IdentityNotFoundException(identityPath.Child); } var parentRef = Parent.ChangeIdentityPath(document, identityPath.Parent); return((NodeRef) ((NodeRef)ChangeParent(parentRef)).EnumerateSiblings(document).Skip(index).FirstOrDefault()); }
private SrmDocument SetExcludeStandard(SrmDocument document, IdentityPath peptideIdPath, int resultsIndex, bool exclude) { if (!document.Settings.HasResults) { return document; } var peptideDocNode = (PeptideDocNode) document.FindNode(peptideIdPath); if (peptideDocNode == null) { return document; } if (resultsIndex < 0 || resultsIndex >= document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms.Count) { return document; } bool wasExcluded = peptideDocNode.IsExcludeFromCalibration(resultsIndex); return (SrmDocument) document.ReplaceChild(peptideIdPath.Parent, peptideDocNode.ChangeExcludeFromCalibration(resultsIndex, !wasExcluded)); }
private IList <DataRowDetails> SumMs1Transitions(IList <DataRowDetails> dataRows) { var dataRowsByReplicateIndexAndTransitionGroup = dataRows.ToLookup(row => new Tuple <int, IdentityPath>(row.ReplicateIndex, row.IdentityPath.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.TransitionGroups))); var newDataRows = new List <DataRowDetails>(); foreach (var grouping in dataRowsByReplicateIndexAndTransitionGroup) { DataRowDetails ms1DataRow = null; var transitionGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode)SrmDocument.FindNode(grouping.Key.Item2); foreach (var dataRow in grouping) { var transition = (TransitionDocNode)transitionGroup.FindNode(dataRow.IdentityPath.Child); if (transition.IsMs1) { if (ms1DataRow == null) { ms1DataRow = new DataRowDetails() { IdentityPath = grouping.Key.Item2, BioReplicate = dataRow.BioReplicate, Control = dataRow.Control, ReplicateIndex = dataRow.ReplicateIndex }; } ms1DataRow.Intensity += dataRow.Intensity; ms1DataRow.Denominator += dataRow.Denominator; } else { newDataRows.Add(dataRow); } } if (ms1DataRow != null) { newDataRows.Add(ms1DataRow); } } return(newDataRows); }
protected override SrmDocument RemovePeaks(SrmDocument document, IGrouping <IdentityPath, ResultFileKey> peaks) { var peptideDocNode = (PeptideDocNode)document.FindNode(peaks.Key); foreach (var resultFileKey in peaks) { string replicateName; MsDataFileUri filePath; if (!GetReplicateName(document, resultFileKey, out replicateName, out filePath)) { continue; } foreach (TransitionGroupDocNode transitionGroup in peptideDocNode.TransitionGroups) { var groupPath = new IdentityPath(peaks.Key, transitionGroup.Id); document = RemovePrecursorPeak(document, groupPath, replicateName, filePath); } } return(document); }
/// <summary> /// Modifies a document in response to the user clicking on a peak in the GraphChromatogram. /// </summary> private static SrmDocument PickPeak(SrmDocument document, PickedPeakEventArgs e) { document = document.ChangePeak(e.GroupPath, e.NameSet, e.FilePath, e.TransitionId, e.RetentionTime.MeasuredTime, UserSet.TRUE); var activeTransitionGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode) document.FindNode(e.GroupPath); if (activeTransitionGroup.RelativeRT != RelativeRT.Matching) { return document; } var activeChromInfo = FindChromInfo(document, activeTransitionGroup, e.NameSet, e.FilePath); var peptide = (PeptideDocNode) document.FindNode(e.GroupPath.Parent); // See if there are any other transition groups that should have their peak bounds set to the same value foreach (var transitionGroup in peptide.TransitionGroups) { if (transitionGroup.RelativeRT != RelativeRT.Matching) { continue; } var groupPath = new IdentityPath(e.GroupPath.Parent, transitionGroup.TransitionGroup); if (Equals(groupPath, e.GroupPath)) { continue; } var chromInfo = FindChromInfo(document, transitionGroup, e.NameSet, e.FilePath); if (null == chromInfo) { continue; } document = document.ChangePeak(groupPath, e.NameSet, e.FilePath, null, activeChromInfo.StartRetentionTime, activeChromInfo.EndRetentionTime, UserSet.TRUE, activeChromInfo.Identified, true); } return document; }
public void MultiLabelExplicitSerialTest() { // Create a simple document and add two peptides SrmDocument document = new SrmDocument(SrmSettingsList.GetDefault()); const string pepSequence1 = "QFVLSCVILR"; const string pepSequence2 = "DIEVYCDGAITTK"; var reader = new StringReader(string.Join("\n", new[] {">peptides1", pepSequence1, pepSequence2})); IdentityPath path; document = document.ImportFasta(reader, true, IdentityPath.ROOT, out path); Assert.AreEqual(2, document.PeptideCount); // Add some modifications in two new label types var modCarb = new StaticMod("Carbamidomethyl Cysteine", "C", null, "C2H3ON"); var modOther = new StaticMod("Another Cysteine", "C", null, "CO8N2"); var staticMods = new[] {modCarb, modOther}; var mod15N = new StaticMod("All 15N", null, null, null, LabelAtoms.N15, null, null); var modK13C = new StaticMod("13C K", "K", ModTerminus.C, null, LabelAtoms.C13, null, null); var modR13C = new StaticMod("13C R", "R", ModTerminus.C, null, LabelAtoms.C13, null, null); var modV13C = new StaticMod("Heavy V", "V", null, null, LabelAtoms.C13 | LabelAtoms.N15, null, null); var heavyMods = new[] { mod15N, modK13C, modR13C, modV13C }; var labelTypeAA = new IsotopeLabelType("heavy AA", IsotopeLabelType.FirstHeavy); var labelTypeAll = new IsotopeLabelType("heavy All", IsotopeLabelType.FirstHeavy + 1); var settings = document.Settings; settings = settings.ChangePeptideModifications(mods => new PeptideModifications(mods.StaticModifications, new[] { new TypedModifications(labelTypeAA, new[] {modK13C, modR13C}), new TypedModifications(labelTypeAll, new[] {mod15N}) })); document = document.ChangeSettings(settings); Assert.AreEqual(6, document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount); // Add modifications to light and heavy AA in the first peptide path = document.GetPathTo((int) SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0); var nodePepMod = (PeptideDocNode) document.FindNode(path); var explicitMod = new ExplicitMods(nodePepMod.Peptide, new[] {new ExplicitMod(pepSequence1.IndexOf('C'), modOther)}, new[] {new TypedExplicitModifications(nodePepMod.Peptide, labelTypeAA, new ExplicitMod[0])}); document = document.ChangePeptideMods(path, explicitMod, staticMods, heavyMods); Assert.AreEqual(5, document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount); // Add a modification to heavy All in the second peptide path = document.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 1); nodePepMod = (PeptideDocNode)document.FindNode(path); explicitMod = new ExplicitMods(nodePepMod.Peptide, null, new[] { new TypedExplicitModifications(nodePepMod.Peptide, labelTypeAll, new[] {new ExplicitMod(pepSequence2.IndexOf('V'), modV13C)}) }); document = document.ChangePeptideMods(path, explicitMod, staticMods, heavyMods); Assert.AreEqual(5, document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount); AssertEx.Serializable(document, 3, AssertEx.DocumentCloned); }
public override void UpdateGraph(bool selectionChanged) { CurveList.Clear(); GraphObjList.Clear(); SrmDocument document = GraphSummary.DocumentUIContainer.DocumentUI; var selectedTreeNode = GraphSummary.StateProvider.SelectedNode as SrmTreeNode; if (selectedTreeNode == null || document.FindNode(selectedTreeNode.Path) == null) { Title.Text = Helpers.PeptideToMoleculeTextMapper.Translate(Resources.MassErrorReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Select_a_peptide_to_see_the_mass_error_graph, document.DocumentType); EmptyGraph(document); return; } if (!document.Settings.HasResults) { Title.Text = Resources.AreaReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_No_results_available; EmptyGraph(document); return; } DisplayTypeChrom displayType; if (Equals(PaneKey, PaneKey.PRECURSORS)) { displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.precursors; } else if (Equals(PaneKey, PaneKey.PRODUCTS)) { displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.products; } else { displayType = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayType(document, selectedTreeNode); } Title.Text = null; var aggregateOp = GraphValues.AggregateOp.FromCurrentSettings(); YAxis.Title.Text = aggregateOp.Cv ? aggregateOp.AnnotateTitle(Resources.MassErrorReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Mass_Error_No_Ppm) : Resources.MassErrorReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Mass_Error; DocNode selectedNode = selectedTreeNode.Model; DocNode parentNode = selectedNode; IdentityPath identityPath = selectedTreeNode.Path; // If the selected tree node is a transition, then its siblings are displayed. if (selectedTreeNode is TransitionTreeNode) { if (displayType != DisplayTypeChrom.single) { SrmTreeNode parentTreeNode = selectedTreeNode.SrmParent; parentNode = parentTreeNode.Model; identityPath = parentTreeNode.Path; } } // If the selected node is a peptide with one child, then show the children, // unless chromatogram display type is total else if (selectedTreeNode is PeptideTreeNode) { var children = ((PeptideDocNode)selectedNode).TransitionGroups .Where(PaneKey.IncludesTransitionGroup) .ToArray(); if (children.Length == 1 && displayType != { selectedNode = parentNode = children[0]; identityPath = new IdentityPath(identityPath, parentNode.Id); } } else if (!(selectedTreeNode is TransitionGroupTreeNode)) { Title.Text = Helpers.PeptideToMoleculeTextMapper.Translate(Resources.MassErrorReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Select_a_peptide_to_see_the_mass_error_graph, document.DocumentType); EmptyGraph(document); CanShowMassErrorLegend = false; return; } // If a precursor is going to be displayed with display type single if (parentNode is TransitionGroupDocNode && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single) { // If no optimization data, then show all the transitions displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.all; } var replicateGroupOp = ReplicateGroupOp.FromCurrentSettings(document.Settings); GraphData graphData = new MassErrorGraphData(document, identityPath, displayType, replicateGroupOp, PaneKey); CanShowMassErrorLegend = graphData.DocNodes.Count != 0; InitFromData(graphData); int selectedReplicateIndex = SelectedIndex; double minRetentionTime = double.MaxValue; double maxRetentionTime = double.MinValue; int iColor = 0, iCharge = -1; var charge = Adduct.EMPTY; int countLabelTypes = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.CountLabelTypes; int colorOffset = 0; var transitionGroupDocNode = parentNode as TransitionGroupDocNode; if (transitionGroupDocNode != null && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.products) { // If we are only displaying product ions, we want to use an offset in the colors array // so that we do not re-use colors that would be used for any precursor ions. colorOffset = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(transitionGroupDocNode, DisplayTypeChrom.precursors).Count(); } for (int i = 0; i < graphData.DocNodes.Count; i++) { var docNode = graphData.DocNodes[i]; var pointPairLists = graphData.PointPairLists[i]; int numSteps = pointPairLists.Count / 2; for (int iStep = 0; iStep < pointPairLists.Count; iStep++) { int step = iStep - numSteps; var pointPairList = pointPairLists[iStep]; Color color; // ReSharper disable ExpressionIsAlwaysNull var nodeGroup = docNode as TransitionGroupDocNode; if (parentNode is PeptideDocNode) { int iColorGroup = GetColorIndex(nodeGroup, countLabelTypes, ref charge, ref iCharge); color = COLORS_GROUPS[iColorGroup % COLORS_GROUPS.Count]; } else if (displayType == { color = COLORS_GROUPS[iColor % COLORS_GROUPS.Count]; } else if (docNode.Equals(selectedNode) && step == 0) { color = ChromGraphItem.ColorSelected; } else { color = COLORS_TRANSITION[(iColor + colorOffset) % COLORS_TRANSITION.Count]; } // ReSharper restore ExpressionIsAlwaysNull iColor++; string label = graphData.DocNodeLabels[i]; if (step != 0) { label = string.Format(Resources.RTReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Step__0__, step); } BarItem curveItem = new MeanErrorBarItem(label, pointPairList, color, Color.Black); if (selectedReplicateIndex != -1 && selectedReplicateIndex < pointPairList.Count) { PointPair pointPair = pointPairList[selectedReplicateIndex]; if (!pointPair.IsInvalid) { minRetentionTime = Math.Min(minRetentionTime, pointPair.Y); maxRetentionTime = Math.Max(maxRetentionTime, pointPair.Y); } } curveItem.Bar.Border.IsVisible = false; curveItem.Bar.Fill.Brush = new SolidBrush(color); curveItem.Tag = new IdentityPath(identityPath, docNode.Id); CurveList.Add(curveItem); } } // Draw a box around the currently selected replicate if (ShowSelection && minRetentionTime != double.MaxValue) { maxRetentionTime = Math.Max(maxRetentionTime, 0); minRetentionTime = Math.Min(minRetentionTime, 0); GraphObjList.Add(new BoxObj(selectedReplicateIndex + .5, maxRetentionTime, 1, maxRetentionTime - minRetentionTime, Color.Black, Color.Empty) { IsClippedToChartRect = true, }); } XAxis.Scale.MinAuto = XAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = selectionChanged; YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = true; if (Settings.Default.MinMassError != 0) { YAxis.Scale.Min = Settings.Default.MinMassError; } if (Settings.Default.MaxMassError != 0) { YAxis.Scale.Max = Settings.Default.MaxMassError; } Legend.IsVisible = Settings.Default.ShowMassErrorLegend; AxisChange(); }
/// <summary> /// Modifies a document in response to a user's mouse dragging on a GraphChromatogram. /// </summary> private static SrmDocument ChangePeakBounds(SrmDocument document, IEnumerable<ChangedPeakBoundsEventArgs> changes) { var changedGroupIds = new HashSet<IdentityPath>(); var peptideChanges = new Dictionary<IdentityPath, ChangedPeakBoundsEventArgs>(); foreach (var change in changes) { document = document.ChangePeak(change.GroupPath, change.NameSet, change.FilePath, change.Transition, change.StartTime.MeasuredTime, change.EndTime.MeasuredTime, UserSet.TRUE, change.Identified, false); changedGroupIds.Add(change.GroupPath); if (!peptideChanges.ContainsKey(change.GroupPath.Parent)) { var transitionGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode) document.FindNode(change.GroupPath); if (transitionGroup.RelativeRT == RelativeRT.Matching) { peptideChanges.Add(change.GroupPath.Parent, change); } } } // See if there are any other TransitionGroups that also have RelativeRT matching, // and set their peak boundaries to the same. foreach (var entry in peptideChanges) { var peptide = (PeptideDocNode) document.FindNode(entry.Key); var change = entry.Value; foreach (var transitionGroup in peptide.TransitionGroups) { if (transitionGroup.RelativeRT != RelativeRT.Matching) { continue; } var groupId = new IdentityPath(entry.Key, transitionGroup.TransitionGroup); if (changedGroupIds.Contains(groupId)) { continue; } if (null == FindChromInfo(document, transitionGroup, change.NameSet, change.FilePath)) { continue; } document = document.ChangePeak(groupId, change.NameSet, change.FilePath, null, change.StartTime.MeasuredTime, change.EndTime.MeasuredTime, UserSet.TRUE, change.Identified, true); } } return document; }
public void ImportFastaTest() { SrmDocument document = new SrmDocument(SrmSettingsList.GetDefault0_6()); IdentityPath path = IdentityPath.ROOT; SrmDocument docFasta = document.ImportFasta(new StringReader(ExampleText.TEXT_FASTA_YEAST), false, path, out path); AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docFasta, 1, 2, 98, 311); Assert.AreEqual("YAL001C", ((PeptideGroupDocNode)docFasta.Children[0]).Name); Assert.AreEqual("YAL002W", ((PeptideGroupDocNode)docFasta.Children[1]).Name); Assert.AreEqual(1, path.Length); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(path.GetIdentity(0), typeof(FastaSequence)); Assert.AreEqual("YAL001C", ((FastaSequence)path.GetIdentity(0)).Name); int maxMz = docFasta.Settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.MaxMz - 120; foreach (PeptideGroupDocNode nodeGroup in docFasta.Children) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(nodeGroup.Id, typeof(FastaSequence)); int lastEnd = docFasta.Settings.PeptideSettings.Filter.ExcludeNTermAAs - 1; foreach (PeptideDocNode nodePeptide in nodeGroup.Children) { Peptide peptide = nodePeptide.Peptide; char prev = peptide.PrevAA; if (prev != 'K' && prev != 'R') { Assert.Fail("Unexpected preceding cleavage at {0}", prev); } string seq = peptide.Sequence; char last = seq[seq.Length - 1]; if (last != 'K' && last != 'R' && peptide.NextAA != '-') { Assert.Fail("Unexpected cleavage at {0}", last); } Assert.IsNotNull(peptide.Begin); Assert.IsNotNull(peptide.End); // Make sure peptides are ordered, and not overlapping if (peptide.Begin.Value < lastEnd) { Assert.Fail("Begin {0} less than last end {1}.", peptide.Begin.Value, lastEnd); } lastEnd = peptide.End.Value; IList <DocNode> nodesTrans = ((DocNodeParent)nodePeptide.Children[0]).Children; int trans = nodesTrans.Count; if (trans < 3) { // Might have been cut off by the instrument limit. if ((trans == 0 && ((TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePeptide.Children[0]).PrecursorMz < maxMz) || (trans > 0 && ((TransitionDocNode)nodesTrans[0]).Mz < maxMz)) { Assert.Fail("Found {0} transitions, expecting 3.", trans); } } // Might have extra proline transitions else if (trans > 3 && peptide.Sequence.IndexOf('P') == -1) { Assert.Fail("Found {0} transitions, expecting 3.", trans); } // Make sure transitions are ordered correctly IonType lastType = IonType.a; int lastOffset = -1; foreach (TransitionDocNode nodeTran in nodesTrans) { Transition transition = nodeTran.Transition; if (lastType == transition.IonType) { Assert.IsTrue(transition.CleavageOffset > lastOffset); } else { Assert.IsTrue(((int)transition.IonType) > ((int)lastType)); } lastType = transition.IonType; lastOffset = transition.CleavageOffset; } } } // Make sure old document is unmodified. Assert.AreEqual(0, document.RevisionIndex); Assert.AreEqual(0, document.PeptideTransitionCount); // Re-paste of fasta should have no impact. // path = IdentityPath.ROOT; use null as substitute for Root SrmDocument docFasta2 = docFasta.ImportFasta(new StringReader(ExampleText.TEXT_FASTA_YEAST), false, null, out path); // Returns the original document to avoid adding undo record in running app Assert.AreSame(docFasta, docFasta2); Assert.IsNull(path); // Discard double-insert document, and add peptides list into previous document path = IdentityPath.ROOT; SrmDocument docPeptides = docFasta.ImportFasta(new StringReader(TEXT_BOVINE_PEPTIDES1), true, path, out path); AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docPeptides, 2, 3, 111, 352); Assert.AreEqual(1, path.Length); Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(path.GetIdentity(0), typeof(FastaSequence)); Assert.AreEqual("Peptides1", ((PeptideGroupDocNode)docPeptides.FindNode(path)).Name); PeptideGroupDocNode nodePepList = (PeptideGroupDocNode)docPeptides.Children[2]; Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(nodePepList.Id, typeof(FastaSequence)); // Make sure other two nodes are unchanged Assert.AreSame(docFasta.Children[0], docPeptides.Children[0]); Assert.AreSame(docFasta.Children[1], docPeptides.Children[1]); foreach (PeptideDocNode nodePeptide in nodePepList.Children) { char prev = nodePeptide.Peptide.PrevAA; char next = nodePeptide.Peptide.NextAA; if (prev != 'X' || next != 'X') { Assert.Fail("Expected amino acids X, but found {0} or {1}", prev, next); } string seq = nodePeptide.Peptide.Sequence; char last = seq[seq.Length - 1]; // Just because they are tryptic peptides in the list if (last != 'K' && last != 'R' && nodePeptide.Peptide.NextAA != '-') { Assert.Fail("Unexpected cleavage at {0}", last); } Assert.IsNull(nodePeptide.Peptide.Begin); Assert.IsNull(nodePeptide.Peptide.End); IList <DocNode> nodesTrans = ((DocNodeParent)nodePeptide.Children[0]).Children; int trans = nodesTrans.Count; if (trans < 3) { // Might have been cut off by the instrument limit. if ((trans == 0 && ((TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePeptide.Children[0]).PrecursorMz < maxMz) || (trans > 0 && ((TransitionDocNode)nodesTrans[0]).Mz < maxMz)) { Assert.Fail("Found {0} transitions, expecting 3.", trans); } } // Might have extra proline transitions else if (trans > 3 && nodePeptide.Peptide.Sequence.IndexOf('P') == -1) { Assert.Fail("Found {0} transitions, expecting 3.", trans); } } // Make sure old documents are unmodified. AssertEx.IsDocumentState(document, 0, 0, 0, 0); AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docFasta, 1, 2, 98, 311); AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docPeptides, 2, 3, 111, 352); // Add peptides in all possible locations. // 1. Root (already done) // 1. Before another group path = docPeptides.GetPathTo(0); SrmDocument docPeptides2 = docPeptides.ImportFasta(new StringReader(TEXT_BOVINE_PEPTIDES1), true, path, out path); AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docPeptides2, 3, 4, 124, 393); Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(docPeptides2.Children[0].Id, typeof(FastaSequence)); Assert.AreEqual(docPeptides2.Children[0].Id, path.GetIdentity(0)); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(docPeptides2.Children[1].Id, typeof(FastaSequence)); // Make sure previously existing groups are unchanged Assert.AreSame(docPeptides.Children[0], docPeptides2.Children[1]); Assert.AreSame(docPeptides.Children[1], docPeptides2.Children[2]); Assert.AreSame(docPeptides.Children[2], docPeptides2.Children[3]); // 2. Inside a FASTA group path = docPeptides2.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Transitions, 100); SrmDocument docPeptides3 = docPeptides2.ImportFasta(new StringReader(TEXT_BOVINE_PEPTIDES1), true, path, out path); AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docPeptides3, 4, 5, 137, 434); Assert.AreEqual(2, docPeptides3.FindNodeIndex(path)); // Make sure previously existing groups are unchanged Assert.AreSame(docPeptides2.Children[1], docPeptides3.Children[1]); Assert.AreSame(docPeptides2.Children[2], docPeptides3.Children[3]); // 3. To a peptide list // a. Same peptides path = docPeptides2.GetPathTo(0); docPeptides3 = docPeptides2.ImportFasta(new StringReader(TEXT_BOVINE_PEPTIDES1), true, path, out path); // No longer filter repeated peptides, because they are useful for explicit modifictations. Assert.AreNotSame(docPeptides2, docPeptides3); Assert.IsNotNull(path); // b. Different paptides path = docPeptides2.GetPathTo(0); IdentityPath pathFirstPep = docPeptides3.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0); docPeptides3 = docPeptides2.ImportFasta(new StringReader(TEXT_BOVINE_PEPTIDES2), true, path, out path); AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docPeptides3, 4, 4, 140, 448); Assert.AreSame(docPeptides2.Children[0].Id, docPeptides3.Children[0].Id); Assert.AreNotSame(docPeptides2.Children[0], docPeptides3.Children[0]); Assert.AreEqual("LVTDLTK", ((PeptideDocNode)docPeptides3.FindNode(path)).Peptide.Sequence); int index = docPeptides3.FindNodeIndex(path); IdentityPath pathPreceding = docPeptides3.GetPathTo(path.Depth, index - 1); Assert.AreEqual("IVGYLDEEGVLDQNR", ((PeptideDocNode)docPeptides3.FindNode(pathPreceding)).Peptide.Sequence); Assert.AreEqual(0, docPeptides3.FindNodeIndex(pathFirstPep)); // 4. At a peptide in a peptide list path = docPeptides2.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0); docPeptides3 = docPeptides2.ImportFasta(new StringReader(TEXT_BOVINE_PEPTIDES2), true, path, out path); AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docPeptides3, 4, 4, 140, 448); Assert.AreSame(docPeptides2.Children[0].Id, docPeptides3.Children[0].Id); Assert.AreNotSame(docPeptides2.Children[0], docPeptides3.Children[0]); Assert.AreEqual(0, docPeptides3.FindNodeIndex(path)); Assert.AreEqual(16, docPeptides3.FindNodeIndex(pathFirstPep)); // 5. Inside a peptide in a peptide list path = docPeptides2.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Transitions, 0); docPeptides3 = docPeptides2.ImportFasta(new StringReader(TEXT_BOVINE_PEPTIDES2), true, path, out path); AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docPeptides3, 4, 4, 140, 448); Assert.AreSame(docPeptides2.Children[0].Id, docPeptides3.Children[0].Id); Assert.AreNotSame(docPeptides2.Children[0], docPeptides3.Children[0]); Assert.AreEqual(1, docPeptides3.FindNodeIndex(path)); Assert.AreEqual(0, docPeptides3.FindNodeIndex(pathFirstPep)); }
public static Annotations MergeAnnotations(SrmDocument document, IEnumerable<IdentityPath> selPaths, out AnnotationDef.AnnotationTargetSet annotationTarget) { annotationTarget = AnnotationDef.AnnotationTargetSet.EMPTY; // If the nodes have matching text, colors, or annotations, then we should display these values // in the EditNodeDlg. Otherwise, we should not display any value for that variable. bool matchingText = true; bool matchingColors = true; bool isFirstSelNode = true; bool allEmpty = true; // These are the default values we want for the annotations, if the node(s) do not already have // annotations, or if the annotations do not match. string text = null; int colorIndex = -1; var dictMatchingAnnotations = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // Find what all nodes have in common as far as note, annotations, and color. foreach (IdentityPath selPath in selPaths) { if(Equals(selPath.Child, SequenceTree.NODE_INSERT_ID)) continue; var nodeDoc = document.FindNode(selPath); var nodeAnnotations = nodeDoc.Annotations; var dictNodeAnnotations = nodeAnnotations.ListAnnotations() .ToDictionary(nodeAnnotation => nodeAnnotation.Key, nodeAnnotation => nodeAnnotation.Value); // If this is the first iteration, use the value for this node to start matching. if (isFirstSelNode) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> annotation in dictNodeAnnotations) { dictMatchingAnnotations.Add(annotation.Key, annotation.Value); } text = nodeAnnotations.Note; colorIndex = nodeAnnotations.ColorIndex; isFirstSelNode = false; } foreach (string key in dictMatchingAnnotations.Keys.ToArray()) { string value; // If the list of annotations we are building for the dialog contains this key, // check that the values are the same, otherwise the value for this annotation needs // to be null for the dialog. if (!dictNodeAnnotations.TryGetValue(key, out value) || !Equals(dictMatchingAnnotations[key], value)) dictMatchingAnnotations.Remove(key); } matchingText = matchingText && nodeAnnotations.Note != null && Equals(text, nodeAnnotations.Note); matchingColors = matchingColors && !nodeAnnotations.IsEmpty && nodeAnnotations.ColorIndex != -1 && Equals(colorIndex, nodeAnnotations.ColorIndex); allEmpty = allEmpty && nodeAnnotations.IsEmpty; // Update annotation target to include this type of node. annotationTarget = annotationTarget.Union(nodeDoc.AnnotationTarget); } if (!matchingText) text = string.Empty; if (allEmpty) colorIndex = Settings.Default.AnnotationColor; else if (!matchingColors) colorIndex = -1; return new Annotations(text, dictMatchingAnnotations, colorIndex); }
public void DoThermoRatioTest(RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode smallMoleculesTestMode) { TestSmallMolecules = false; // We do this explicitly var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE); string docPath; SrmDocument doc = InitThermoDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath); SrmSettings settings = doc.Settings.ChangePeptideModifications(mods => mods.ChangeInternalStandardTypes(new[] { IsotopeLabelType.light })); doc = doc.ChangeSettings(settings); if (smallMoleculesTestMode != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none) { var docOrig = doc; var refine = new RefinementSettings(); doc = refine.ConvertToSmallMolecules(doc, smallMoleculesTestMode); // This is our first example of a converted label doc - check roundtripping AssertEx.ConvertedSmallMoleculeDocumentIsSimilar(docOrig, doc); AssertEx.Serializable(doc); } var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath); string extRaw = ExtensionTestContext.ExtThermoRaw; var listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet> { new ChromatogramSet("rep03", new[] { MsDataFileUri.Parse(testFilesDir.GetTestPath( "Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_03" + extRaw)) }), new ChromatogramSet("rep05", new[] { MsDataFileUri.Parse(testFilesDir.GetTestPath( "Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_05" + extRaw)) }) }; var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms)); Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true)); docContainer.AssertComplete(); docResults = docContainer.Document; // Make sure all groups have at least 5 transitions (of 6) with ratios int ratioGroupMissingCount = 0; foreach (var nodeGroup in docResults.MoleculeTransitionGroups) { if (nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType.IsLight) { foreach (var result in nodeGroup.Results) { Assert.IsFalse(result[0].Ratio.HasValue, "Light group found with a ratio"); } foreach (TransitionDocNode nodeTran in nodeGroup.Children) { foreach (var resultTran in nodeTran.Results) { Assert.IsFalse(resultTran[0].Ratio.HasValue, "Light transition found with a ratio"); } } } else { bool missingRatio = false; foreach (ChromInfoList <TransitionGroupChromInfo> chromInfoList in nodeGroup.Results) { var ratioHeavy = chromInfoList[0].Ratio; if (!ratioHeavy.HasValue) { missingRatio = true; } } int ratioCount1 = 0; int ratioCount2 = 0; foreach (TransitionDocNode nodeTranHeavy in nodeGroup.Children) { float?ratioHeavy = nodeTranHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio; if (ratioHeavy.HasValue) { Assert.IsFalse(float.IsNaN(ratioHeavy.Value) || float.IsInfinity(ratioHeavy.Value)); ratioCount1++; } ratioHeavy = nodeTranHeavy.Results[1][0].Ratio; if (ratioHeavy.HasValue) { Assert.IsFalse(float.IsNaN(ratioHeavy.Value) || float.IsInfinity(ratioHeavy.Value)); ratioCount2++; } } Assert.AreEqual(3, ratioCount1); if (ratioCount2 < 2) { ratioGroupMissingCount++; } else { Assert.IsFalse(missingRatio, "Precursor missing ratio when transitions have ratios"); } } } // 3 groups with less than 2 transition ratios Assert.AreEqual(3, ratioGroupMissingCount); // Remove the first light transition, checking that this removes the ratio // from the corresponding heavy transition, but not the entire group, until // after all light transitions have been removed. IdentityPath pathFirstPep = docResults.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0); var nodePep = (PeptideDocNode)docResults.FindNode(pathFirstPep); Assert.AreEqual(2, nodePep.Children.Count); var nodeGroupLight = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep.Children[0]; IdentityPath pathGroupLight = new IdentityPath(pathFirstPep, nodeGroupLight.TransitionGroup); Assert.IsNull(nodeGroupLight.Results[0][0].Ratio, "Light group has ratio"); var nodeGroupHeavy = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep.Children[1]; IdentityPath pathGroupHeavy = new IdentityPath(pathFirstPep, nodeGroupHeavy.TransitionGroup); float? ratioStart = nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio; Assert.IsTrue(ratioStart.HasValue, "No starting heavy group ratio"); var expectedValues = new[] { 1.403414, 1.38697791, 1.34598482 }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var pathLight = docResults.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Transitions, 0); var pathHeavy = docResults.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Transitions, 3); TransitionDocNode nodeTran = (TransitionDocNode)docResults.FindNode(pathHeavy); float? ratioTran = nodeTran.Results[0][0].Ratio; Assert.IsTrue(ratioTran.HasValue, "Expected transition ratio not found"); Assert.AreEqual(ratioTran.Value, expectedValues[i], 1.0e-5); docResults = (SrmDocument)docResults.RemoveChild(pathLight.Parent, docResults.FindNode(pathLight)); nodeTran = (TransitionDocNode)docResults.FindNode(pathHeavy); Assert.IsFalse(nodeTran.Results[0][0].Ratio.HasValue, "Unexpected transiton ratio found"); Assert.AreEqual(pathGroupHeavy, pathHeavy.Parent, "Transition found outside expected group"); // nodePep = (PeptideDocNode) docResults.FindNode(pathFirstPep); nodeGroupHeavy = (TransitionGroupDocNode)docResults.FindNode(pathGroupHeavy); // Assert.AreEqual(nodePep.Results[0][0].RatioToStandard, nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio, // "Peptide and group ratios not equal"); if (i < 2) { float?ratioGroup = nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio; Assert.IsTrue(ratioGroup.HasValue, "Group ratio removed with transition ratios"); Assert.AreEqual(ratioStart.Value, ratioGroup.Value, 0.1, "Unexpected group ratio change by more than 0.1"); } else { Assert.IsFalse(nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio.HasValue, "Group ratio still present with no transition ratios"); } } bool asSmallMolecules = (smallMoleculesTestMode != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none); if (!asSmallMolecules) // GetTransitions() doesn't work the same way for small molecules - it only lists existing ones { bool firstAdd = true; var nodeGroupLightOrig = (TransitionGroupDocNode)doc.FindNode(pathGroupLight); DocNode[] lightChildrenOrig = nodeGroupLightOrig.Children.ToArray(); foreach (var nodeTran in nodeGroupLightOrig.GetTransitions(docResults.Settings, null, nodeGroupLightOrig.PrecursorMz, null, null, null, false)) { var transition = nodeTran.Transition; if (!firstAdd && lightChildrenOrig.IndexOf(node => Equals(node.Id, transition)) == -1) { continue; } // Add the first transition, and then the original transitions docResults = (SrmDocument)docResults.Add(pathGroupLight, nodeTran); nodeGroupHeavy = (TransitionGroupDocNode)docResults.FindNode(pathGroupHeavy); if (firstAdd) { Assert.IsNull(nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio, "Unexpected heavy ratio found"); } else { Assert.IsNotNull(nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio, "Heavy ratio null after adding light children"); } firstAdd = false; } Assert.AreEqual(ratioStart, nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio); } // Release file handles docContainer.Release(); testFilesDir.Dispose(); }
public SrmDocument ChangePeak(SrmDocument doc, SrmTreeNode nodePepTree, TransitionGroupDocNode nodeTranGroup, string nameSet, MsDataFileUri filePath) { if ((_retentionTime ?? StartTime) == null) return doc; var groupPath = new IdentityPath(nodePepTree.Path, nodeTranGroup.Id); doc = _retentionTime.HasValue ? doc.ChangePeak(groupPath, nameSet, filePath, null, _retentionTime.Value, UserSet.TRUE) : doc.ChangePeak(groupPath, nameSet, filePath, null, StartTime, EndTime, UserSet.TRUE, null, false); var activeTransitionGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode) doc.FindNode(groupPath); if (activeTransitionGroup.RelativeRT != RelativeRT.Matching) return doc; var activeChromInfo = SkylineWindow.FindChromInfo(doc, activeTransitionGroup, nameSet, filePath); var peptide = (PeptideDocNode) doc.FindNode(groupPath.Parent); // See if there are any other transition groups that should have their peak bounds set to the same value foreach (var tranGroup in peptide.TransitionGroups.Where(tranGroup => tranGroup.RelativeRT == RelativeRT.Matching)) { var otherGroupPath = new IdentityPath(groupPath.Parent, tranGroup.TransitionGroup); if (Equals(groupPath, otherGroupPath) || SkylineWindow.FindChromInfo(doc, tranGroup, nameSet, filePath) == null) continue; doc = doc.ChangePeak(otherGroupPath, nameSet, filePath, null, activeChromInfo.StartRetentionTime, activeChromInfo.EndRetentionTime, UserSet.TRUE, activeChromInfo.Identified, false); } return doc; }
public override void UpdateGraph(bool selectionChanged) { SrmDocument document = GraphSummary.DocumentUIContainer.DocumentUI; var results = document.Settings.MeasuredResults; bool resultsAvailable = results != null; Clear(); if (!resultsAvailable) { Title.Text = Resources.RTReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_No_results_available; EmptyGraph(document); return; } var selectedTreeNode = GraphSummary.StateProvider.SelectedNode as SrmTreeNode ?? GraphSummary.StateProvider.SelectedNodes.OfType <SrmTreeNode>().FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedTreeNode == null || document.FindNode(selectedTreeNode.Path) == null) { EmptyGraph(document); return; } Title.Text = null; DisplayTypeChrom displayType = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayType(document, selectedTreeNode); DocNode selectedNode = selectedTreeNode.Model; IdentityPath selectedPath = selectedTreeNode.Path; DocNode parentNode = selectedNode; IdentityPath parentPath = selectedTreeNode.Path; // If the selected tree node is a transition, then its siblings are displayed. if (selectedTreeNode is TransitionTreeNode) { if (displayType != DisplayTypeChrom.single) { SrmTreeNode parentTreeNode = selectedTreeNode.SrmParent; parentNode = parentTreeNode.Model; selectedPath = parentTreeNode.Path; } } // If the selected node is a peptide with one child, then show the children, // unless chromatogram display type is total else if (selectedTreeNode is PeptideTreeNode) { var children = ((DocNodeParent)selectedNode).Children; if (children.Count == 1 && displayType != { selectedNode = parentNode = children[0]; selectedPath = new IdentityPath(parentPath, children[0].Id); } } else if (!(selectedTreeNode is PeptideGroupTreeNode) && !(selectedTreeNode is TransitionGroupTreeNode)) { Title.Text = Resources.RTReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Select_a_peptide_to_see_the_retention_time_graph; CanShowRTLegend = false; return; } // If a precursor is going to be displayed with display type single if (parentNode is TransitionGroupDocNode && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single) { // If no optimization data, then show all the transitions if (!results.Chromatograms.Contains(chrom => chrom.OptimizationFunction != null)) { displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.all; } } var rtTransformOp = GraphSummary.StateProvider.GetRetentionTimeTransformOperation(); var rtValue = RTPeptideGraphPane.RTValue; GraphValues.ReplicateGroupOp replicateGroupOp; if (rtValue == RTPeptideValue.All) { replicateGroupOp = GraphValues.ReplicateGroupOp.FromCurrentSettings(document.Settings, GraphValues.AggregateOp.MEAN); } else { replicateGroupOp = GraphValues.ReplicateGroupOp.FromCurrentSettings(document.Settings); } var retentionTimeValue = new GraphValues.RetentionTimeTransform(rtValue, rtTransformOp, replicateGroupOp.AggregateOp); YAxis.Title.Text = retentionTimeValue.GetAxisTitle(); var peptidePaths = GetSelectedPeptides().GetUniquePeptidePaths().ToList(); // if PeptideGroupTreeNode is selected but has only one child isMultiSelect should still be true IsMultiSelect = peptidePaths.Count > 1 || (peptidePaths.Count == 1 && GraphSummary.StateProvider.SelectedNodes.FirstOrDefault() is PeptideGroupTreeNode); GraphData graphData = new RTGraphData(document, IsMultiSelect ? peptidePaths : new[] { selectedPath }.AsEnumerable(), displayType, retentionTimeValue, replicateGroupOp); CanShowRTLegend = graphData.DocNodes.Count != 0; InitFromData(graphData); int selectedReplicateIndex = SelectedIndex; double minRetentionTime = double.MaxValue; double maxRetentionTime = -double.MaxValue; int iColor = 0, iCharge = -1; var charge = Adduct.EMPTY; int countLabelTypes = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.CountLabelTypes; int colorOffset = 0; var transitionGroupDocNode = parentNode as TransitionGroupDocNode; if (transitionGroupDocNode != null && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.products) { // If we are only displaying product ions, we want to use an offset in the colors array // so that we do not re-use colors that would be used for any precursor ions. colorOffset = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(transitionGroupDocNode, DisplayTypeChrom.precursors).Count(); } for (int i = 0; i < graphData.DocNodes.Count; i++) { var docNode = graphData.DocNodes[i]; var identityPath = graphData.DocNodePaths[i]; var pointPairLists = graphData.PointPairLists[i]; int numSteps = pointPairLists.Count / 2; for (int iStep = 0; iStep < pointPairLists.Count; iStep++) { int step = iStep - numSteps; var pointPairList = pointPairLists[iStep]; Color color; var isSelected = false; var nodeGroup = docNode as TransitionGroupDocNode; if (IsMultiSelect) { var peptides = peptidePaths.Select(path => document.FindNode(path)) .Cast <PeptideDocNode>().ToArray(); var peptideDocNode = peptides.FirstOrDefault( peptide => 0 <= peptide.FindNodeIndex(docNode.Id)); if (peptideDocNode == null) { continue; } color = GraphSummary.StateProvider.GetPeptideGraphInfo(peptideDocNode).Color; if (identityPath.Equals(selectedTreeNode.Path) && step == 0) { color = ChromGraphItem.ColorSelected; isSelected = true; } } else if (parentNode is PeptideDocNode) { // Resharper code inspection v9.0 on TC gets this one wrong // ReSharper disable ExpressionIsAlwaysNull int iColorGroup = GetColorIndex(nodeGroup, countLabelTypes, ref charge, ref iCharge); // ReSharper restore ExpressionIsAlwaysNull color = COLORS_GROUPS[iColorGroup % COLORS_GROUPS.Count]; } else if (displayType == { color = COLORS_GROUPS[iColor % COLORS_GROUPS.Count]; } else if (ReferenceEquals(docNode, selectedNode) && step == 0) { color = ChromGraphItem.ColorSelected; isSelected = true; } else { color = COLORS_TRANSITION[(iColor + colorOffset) % COLORS_TRANSITION.Count]; } iColor++; string label = graphData.DocNodeLabels[i]; if (step != 0) { label = string.Format(Resources.RTReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Step__0__, step); } CurveItem curveItem; if (IsMultiSelect) { if (rtValue != RTPeptideValue.All) { curveItem = CreateLineItem(label, pointPairList, color); } else { curveItem = CreateMultiSelectBarItem(label, pointPairList, color); } } else if (HiLowMiddleErrorBarItem.IsHiLoMiddleErrorList(pointPairList)) { curveItem = new HiLowMiddleErrorBarItem(label, pointPairList, color, Color.Black); BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster; } else if (rtValue == RTPeptideValue.All) { curveItem = new MeanErrorBarItem(label, pointPairList, color, Color.Black); BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster; } else { curveItem = CreateLineItem(label, pointPairList, color); } if (curveItem != null) { curveItem.Tag = identityPath; var barItem = curveItem as BarItem; if (barItem != null) { barItem.Bar.Border.IsVisible = false; barItem.Bar.Fill.Brush = GetBrushForNode(docNode, color); if (!isSelected) { barItem.SortedOverlayPriority = 1; } } CurveList.Add(curveItem); if (selectedReplicateIndex != -1 && selectedReplicateIndex < pointPairList.Count) { PointPair pointPair = pointPairList[selectedReplicateIndex]; if (!pointPair.IsInvalid) { minRetentionTime = Math.Min(minRetentionTime, pointPair.Z); maxRetentionTime = Math.Max(maxRetentionTime, pointPair.Y); } } } } } // Draw a box around the currently selected replicate if (ShowSelection && minRetentionTime != double.MaxValue) { AddSelection(selectedReplicateIndex, maxRetentionTime, minRetentionTime); } // Reset the scale when the parent node changes if (_parentNode == null || !ReferenceEquals(_parentNode.Id, parentNode.Id)) { XAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = XAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true; YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true; } _parentNode = parentNode; Legend.IsVisible = !IsMultiSelect && Settings.Default.ShowRetentionTimesLegend; GraphSummary.GraphControl.Invalidate(); AxisChange(); }
public void ModifyExplicitModTest() { SrmDocument docStudy7 = CreateStudy7Doc(); var settings = docStudy7.Settings.ChangeTransitionFilter(filter => filter.ChangeAutoSelect(false)); var listStaticMods = settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.StaticModifications; var listHeavyMods = new List <StaticMod>(settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.AllHeavyModifications); // Change an explicit heavy modification to something new var modV = new StaticMod("Heavy V", "V", null, LabelAtoms.C13 | LabelAtoms.N15); listHeavyMods.Add(modV); IdentityPath path = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0); var peptideMod = (PeptideDocNode)docStudy7.FindNode(path); var explicitMods = peptideMod.ExplicitMods; explicitMods = explicitMods.ChangeHeavyModifications(new[] { explicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].ChangeModification(modV) }); var docHeavyV = docStudy7.ChangePeptideMods(path, explicitMods, listStaticMods, listHeavyMods); var modSettings = docHeavyV.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications; Assert.AreEqual(5, modSettings.AllHeavyModifications.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(4, modSettings.AllHeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.Formula != null)); Assert.AreEqual(1, modSettings.AllHeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.Label13C && mod.Label15N)); Assert.AreEqual(3, docHeavyV.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods)); Assert.AreEqual(1, docHeavyV.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'V' && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.Label13C)); Assert.AreEqual(1, docHeavyV.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'V' && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.Label13C && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.Label15N)); // Change an explicit heavy modification to something new listHeavyMods = new List <StaticMod>(settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.AllHeavyModifications); modV = listHeavyMods[2] = ATOMIC_HEAVY_MODS[2]; explicitMods = peptideMod.ExplicitMods; explicitMods = explicitMods.ChangeHeavyModifications(new[] { explicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].ChangeModification(modV) }); var doc13V = docStudy7.ChangePeptideMods(path, explicitMods, listStaticMods, listHeavyMods); modSettings = doc13V.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications; Assert.AreEqual(4, modSettings.AllHeavyModifications.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(3, modSettings.AllHeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.Formula != null)); Assert.AreEqual(1, modSettings.AllHeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.Label13C)); Assert.AreEqual(3, doc13V.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods)); Assert.AreEqual(2, doc13V.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'V' && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.Label13C)); // No change to the peptide, but change an orthoganal modification path = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, docStudy7.Peptides.Count() - 1); peptideMod = (PeptideDocNode)docStudy7.FindNode(path); doc13V = docStudy7.ChangePeptideMods(path, peptideMod.ExplicitMods, listStaticMods, listHeavyMods); modSettings = doc13V.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications; Assert.AreEqual(4, modSettings.AllHeavyModifications.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(3, modSettings.AllHeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.Formula != null)); Assert.AreEqual(1, modSettings.AllHeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.Label13C)); Assert.AreEqual(3, doc13V.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods)); Assert.AreEqual(2, doc13V.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'V' && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.Label13C)); // No change to the peptide, but remove all other modifications from global lists var docClear = docStudy7.ChangePeptideMods(path, peptideMod.ExplicitMods, new StaticMod[0], new[] { listHeavyMods[3] }); Assert.AreSame(docClear, docStudy7); // Remove explicit modifications from the global lists listHeavyMods.RemoveRange(2, 2); // Mimic the way PeptideSettingsUI would change the settings var docRemoveExplicit = docStudy7.ChangeSettings(docStudy7.Settings.ChangePeptideModifications( mods => mods.ChangeModifications(IsotopeLabelType.heavy, listHeavyMods) .DeclareExplicitMods(docStudy7, listStaticMods, listHeavyMods))); // Test expected changes modSettings = docRemoveExplicit.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications; Assert.AreEqual(2, modSettings.AllHeavyModifications.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(3, docRemoveExplicit.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods)); // Should leave no heavy modifications on the explicitly modified peptides Assert.AreEqual(0, docRemoveExplicit.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications.Count > 0)); }
public override void UpdateGraph(bool checkData) { _dotpLabels = new GraphObjList(); SrmDocument document = GraphSummary.DocumentUIContainer.DocumentUI; var results = document.Settings.MeasuredResults; bool resultsAvailable = results != null; Clear(); if (!resultsAvailable) { Title.Text = Resources.AreaReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_No_results_available; EmptyGraph(document); return; } var selectedTreeNode = GraphSummary.StateProvider.SelectedNode as SrmTreeNode; if (selectedTreeNode == null || document.FindNode(selectedTreeNode.Path) == null) { EmptyGraph(document); return; } BarSettings.Type = BarType; Title.Text = null; DisplayTypeChrom displayType; if (Equals(PaneKey, PaneKey.PRECURSORS)) { displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.precursors; } else if (Equals(PaneKey, PaneKey.PRODUCTS)) { displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.products; } else { displayType = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayType(document, selectedTreeNode); } DocNode selectedNode = selectedTreeNode.Model; DocNode parentNode = selectedNode; IdentityPath identityPath = selectedTreeNode.Path; bool optimizationPresent = results.Chromatograms.Contains( chrom => chrom.OptimizationFunction != null); // If the selected tree node is a transition, then its siblings are displayed. if (selectedTreeNode is TransitionTreeNode) { if (displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single) { BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster; } else { SrmTreeNode parentTreeNode = selectedTreeNode.SrmParent; parentNode = parentTreeNode.Model; identityPath = parentTreeNode.Path; } } // If the selected node is a peptide with one child, then show the children, // unless chromatogram display type is total else if (selectedTreeNode is PeptideTreeNode) { var children = ((PeptideDocNode)selectedNode).TransitionGroups .Where(PaneKey.IncludesTransitionGroup) .ToArray(); if (children.Length == 1 && displayType != { selectedNode = parentNode = children[0]; identityPath = new IdentityPath(identityPath, parentNode.Id); } else { BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster; } } else if (!(selectedTreeNode is TransitionGroupTreeNode)) { Title.Text = Resources.AreaReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Select_a_peptide_to_see_the_peak_area_graph; CanShowPeakAreaLegend = false; CanShowDotProduct = false; return; } var parentGroupNode = parentNode as TransitionGroupDocNode; // If a precursor is going to be displayed with display type single if (parentGroupNode != null && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single) { // If no optimization data, then show all the transitions if (!optimizationPresent) { displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.all; } // Otherwise, do not stack the bars else { BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster; } } int ratioIndex = AreaGraphData.RATIO_INDEX_NONE; var standardType = IsotopeLabelType.light; var areaView = AreaGraphController.AreaView; if (areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_ratio_view) { ratioIndex = GraphSummary.RatioIndex; standardType = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.RatioInternalStandardTypes[ratioIndex]; } else if (areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_global_standard_view) { if (document.Settings.HasGlobalStandardArea) { ratioIndex = ChromInfo.RATIO_INDEX_GLOBAL_STANDARDS; } else { areaView = AreaNormalizeToView.none; } } // Sets normalizeData to optimization, maximum_stack, maximum, total, or none AreaNormalizeToData normalizeData; if (optimizationPresent && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single && areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_percent_view) { normalizeData = AreaNormalizeToData.optimization; } else if (areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_maximum_view) { normalizeData = BarSettings.Type == BarType.Stack ? AreaNormalizeToData.maximum_stack : AreaNormalizeToData.maximum; } else if (BarSettings.Type == BarType.PercentStack) { normalizeData =; } else { normalizeData = AreaNormalizeToData.none; } // Calculate graph data points // IsExpectedVisible depends on ExpectedVisible ExpectedVisible = AreaExpectedValue.none; if (parentGroupNode != null && displayType != && areaView != AreaNormalizeToView.area_ratio_view && !(optimizationPresent && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single)) { var displayTrans = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(parentGroupNode, displayType).ToArray(); bool isShowingMs = displayTrans.Any(nodeTran => nodeTran.IsMs1); bool isShowingMsMs = displayTrans.Any(nodeTran => !nodeTran.IsMs1); bool isFullScanMs = document.Settings.TransitionSettings.FullScan.IsEnabledMs && isShowingMs; if (isFullScanMs) { if (!isShowingMsMs && parentGroupNode.HasIsotopeDist) { ExpectedVisible = AreaExpectedValue.isotope_dist; } } else { if (parentGroupNode.HasLibInfo) { ExpectedVisible = AreaExpectedValue.library; } } } var expectedValue = IsExpectedVisible ? ExpectedVisible : AreaExpectedValue.none; var replicateGroupOp = GraphValues.ReplicateGroupOp.FromCurrentSettings(document.Settings); var graphData = new AreaGraphData(document, parentNode, displayType, replicateGroupOp, ratioIndex, normalizeData, expectedValue, PaneKey); var aggregateOp = replicateGroupOp.AggregateOp; // Avoid stacking CVs if (aggregateOp.Cv || aggregateOp.CvDecimal) { BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster; } int countNodes = graphData.DocNodes.Count; if (countNodes == 0) { ExpectedVisible = AreaExpectedValue.none; } CanShowDotProduct = ExpectedVisible != AreaExpectedValue.none && areaView != AreaNormalizeToView.area_percent_view; CanShowPeakAreaLegend = countNodes != 0; InitFromData(graphData); // Add data to the graph int selectedReplicateIndex = SelectedIndex; if (IsExpectedVisible) { if (GraphSummary.ActiveLibrary) { selectedReplicateIndex = 0; } } double maxArea = -double.MaxValue; double sumArea = 0; // An array to keep track of height of all bars to determine // where each dot product annotation (if showing) should be placed var sumAreas = new double[graphData.ReplicateGroups.Count]; // If only one bar to show, then use cluster instead of stack bar type, since nothing to stack // Important for mean error bar checking below if (BarSettings.Type == BarType.Stack && countNodes == 1 && graphData.PointPairLists[0].Count == 1) { BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster; } int colorOffset = 0; if (parentGroupNode != null) { // We want the product ion colors to stay the same whether they are displayed: // 1. In a single pane with the precursor ions (Transitions -> All) // 2. In a separate pane of the split graph (Transitions -> All AND Transitions -> Split Graph) // 3. In a single pane by themselves (Transition -> Products) // We will use an offset in the colors array for cases 2 and 3 so that we do not reuse the precursor ion colors. var nodeDisplayType = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayType(document, selectedTreeNode); if (displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.products && (nodeDisplayType != DisplayTypeChrom.single || (nodeDisplayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single && !optimizationPresent))) { colorOffset = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(parentGroupNode, DisplayTypeChrom.precursors).Count(); } } int iColor = 0, iCharge = -1; int?charge = null; int countLabelTypes = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.CountLabelTypes; for (int i = 0; i < countNodes; i++) { var docNode = graphData.DocNodes[i]; var pointPairLists = graphData.PointPairLists[i]; int numSteps = pointPairLists.Count / 2; for (int iStep = 0; iStep < pointPairLists.Count; iStep++) { int step = iStep - numSteps; var pointPairList = pointPairLists[iStep]; Color color; var nodeGroup = docNode as TransitionGroupDocNode; if (parentNode is PeptideDocNode) { int iColorGroup = GetColorIndex(nodeGroup, countLabelTypes, ref charge, ref iCharge); color = COLORS_GROUPS[iColorGroup % COLORS_GROUPS.Length]; } else if (displayType == { color = COLORS_GROUPS[iColor % COLORS_GROUPS.Length]; } else if (docNode.Equals(selectedNode) && step == 0) { color = ChromGraphItem.ColorSelected; } else { color = COLORS_TRANSITION[(iColor + colorOffset) % COLORS_TRANSITION.Length]; } iColor++; // If showing ratios, do not add the standard type to the graph, // since it will always be empty, but make sure the colors still // correspond with the other graphs. if (nodeGroup != null && ratioIndex >= 0) { var labelType = nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType; if (ReferenceEquals(labelType, standardType)) { continue; } } string label = graphData.DocNodeLabels[i]; if (step != 0) { label = string.Format(Resources.AreaReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Step__0_, step); } BarItem curveItem; // Only use a MeanErrorBarItem if bars are not going to be stacked. // TODO(nicksh): AreaGraphData.NormalizeTo does not know about MeanErrorBarItem if (BarSettings.Type != BarType.Stack && BarSettings.Type != BarType.PercentStack && normalizeData == AreaNormalizeToData.none) { curveItem = new MeanErrorBarItem(label, pointPairList, color, Color.Black); } else { curveItem = new BarItem(label, pointPairList, color); } if (0 <= selectedReplicateIndex && selectedReplicateIndex < pointPairList.Count) { PointPair pointPair = pointPairList[selectedReplicateIndex]; if (!pointPair.IsInvalid) { sumArea += pointPair.Y; maxArea = Math.Max(maxArea, pointPair.Y); } } // Add area for this transition to each area entry AddAreasToSums(pointPairList, sumAreas); curveItem.Bar.Border.IsVisible = false; curveItem.Bar.Fill.Brush = new SolidBrush(color); curveItem.Tag = new IdentityPath(identityPath, docNode.Id); CurveList.Add(curveItem); } } ParentGroupNode = parentGroupNode; SumAreas = sumAreas; // Draw a box around the currently selected replicate if (ShowSelection && maxArea > -double.MaxValue) { double yValue; switch (BarSettings.Type) { case BarType.Stack: // The Math.Min(sumArea, .999) makes sure that if graph is in normalized view // height of the selection rectangle does not exceed 1, so that top of the rectangle // can be viewed when y-axis scale maximum is at 1 yValue = (areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_maximum_view ? Math.Min(sumArea, .999) : sumArea); break; case BarType.PercentStack: yValue = 99.99; break; default: // Scale the selection box to fit exactly the bar height yValue = (areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_maximum_view ? Math.Min(maxArea, .999) : maxArea); break; } GraphObjList.Add(new BoxObj(selectedReplicateIndex + .5, yValue, 0.99, yValue, Color.Black, Color.Empty) { IsClippedToChartRect = true, }); } // Reset the scale when the parent node changes bool resetAxes = (_parentNode == null || !ReferenceEquals(_parentNode.Id, parentNode.Id)); _parentNode = parentNode; UpdateAxes(resetAxes, aggregateOp, normalizeData, areaView, standardType); }
private void PerformTestMeasuredDriftValues(bool asSmallMolecules) { if (asSmallMolecules) { if (!RunSmallMoleculeTestVersions) { Console.Write(MSG_SKIPPING_SMALLMOLECULE_TEST_VERSION); return; } } var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, @"TestData\Results\"); // Re-used from BlibDriftTimeTest // Open document with some peptides but no results var docPath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath(""); // This was a malformed document, which caused problems after a fix to not recalculate // document library settings on open. To avoid rewriting this test for the document // which now contains 2 precursors, the first precursor is removed immediately. SrmDocument docOriginal = ResultsUtil.DeserializeDocument(docPath); var pathFirstPeptide = docOriginal.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0); var nodeFirstPeptide = (DocNodeParent)docOriginal.FindNode(pathFirstPeptide); docOriginal = (SrmDocument)docOriginal.RemoveChild(pathFirstPeptide, nodeFirstPeptide.Children[0]); if (asSmallMolecules) { var refine = new RefinementSettings(); docOriginal = refine.ConvertToSmallMolecules(docOriginal, testFilesDir.FullPath); } using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(docOriginal, docPath)) { var doc = docContainer.Document; // Import an mz5 file that contains drift info const string replicateName = "ID12692_01_UCA168_3727_040714"; var chromSets = new[] { new ChromatogramSet(replicateName, new[] { new MsDataFilePath(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("ID12692_01_UCA168_3727_040714" + ExtensionTestContext.ExtMz5)), }), }; var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(chromSets)); Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, docOriginal, true)); docContainer.AssertComplete(); var document = docContainer.Document; // Clear out any current settings document = document.ChangeSettings(document.Settings.ChangeTransitionIonMobilityFiltering(s => TransitionIonMobilityFiltering.EMPTY)); // Verify ability to extract predictions from raw data var libraryName0 = "test0"; var dbPath0 = testFilesDir.GetTestPath(libraryName0 + IonMobilityDb.EXT); var newIMFiltering = document.Settings.TransitionSettings.IonMobilityFiltering.ChangeLibrary( IonMobilityLibrary.CreateFromResults( document, docContainer.DocumentFilePath, true, libraryName0, dbPath0)); var result = newIMFiltering.IonMobilityLibrary.GetIonMobilityLibKeyMap().AsDictionary(); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count); var expectedDT = 4.0019; var expectedOffset = .4829; Assert.AreEqual(expectedDT, result.Values.First().First().IonMobility.Mobility.Value, .001); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOffset, result.Values.First().First().HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset ?? 0, .001); // Check ability to update, and to preserve unchanged var revised = new List <PrecursorIonMobilities>(); var libKey = result.Keys.First(); revised.Add(new PrecursorIonMobilities(libKey, IonMobilityAndCCS.GetIonMobilityAndCCS(IonMobilityValue.GetIonMobilityValue(expectedDT = 4, eIonMobilityUnits.drift_time_msec), null, expectedOffset = 0.234))); // N.B. CCS handling would require actual raw data in this test, it's covered in a perf test var pepSequence = "DEADEELS"; var libKey2 = asSmallMolecules ? new LibKey(SmallMoleculeLibraryAttributes.Create(pepSequence, "C12H5", null, null, null, null), Adduct.M_PLUS_2H) : new LibKey(pepSequence, Adduct.DOUBLY_PROTONATED); revised.Add(new PrecursorIonMobilities(libKey2, IonMobilityAndCCS.GetIonMobilityAndCCS(IonMobilityValue.GetIonMobilityValue(5, eIonMobilityUnits.drift_time_msec), null, 0.123))); var libraryName = "test"; var dbPath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath(libraryName + IonMobilityDb.EXT); var imsdb = IonMobilityDb.CreateIonMobilityDb(dbPath, libraryName, false, revised); var newLibIM = new IonMobilityLibrary(libraryName, dbPath, imsdb); var ionMobilityWindowWidthCalculator = new IonMobilityWindowWidthCalculator( IonMobilityWindowWidthCalculator.IonMobilityWindowWidthType.resolving_power, 40, 0, 0, 0); var calculator = ionMobilityWindowWidthCalculator; document = document.ChangeSettings( document.Settings.ChangeTransitionIonMobilityFiltering( imf => imf.ChangeFilterWindowWidthCalculator(calculator). ChangeLibrary(newLibIM))); result = document.Settings.TransitionSettings.IonMobilityFiltering.IonMobilityLibrary.GetIonMobilityLibKeyMap().AsDictionary(); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count); Assert.AreEqual(expectedDT, result[libKey].First().IonMobility.Mobility.Value, .001); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOffset, result[libKey].First().HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset ?? 0, .001); Assert.AreEqual(5, result[libKey2].First().IonMobility.Mobility.Value, .001); Assert.AreEqual(0.123, result[libKey2].First().HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset ?? 0, .001); ionMobilityWindowWidthCalculator = new IonMobilityWindowWidthCalculator( IonMobilityWindowWidthCalculator.IonMobilityWindowWidthType.fixed_width, 40, 0, 0, 100); document = document.ChangeSettings( document.Settings.ChangeTransitionIonMobilityFiltering( imf => imf.ChangeFilterWindowWidthCalculator(ionMobilityWindowWidthCalculator). ChangeLibrary(newLibIM))); result = document.Settings.TransitionSettings.IonMobilityFiltering.IonMobilityLibrary.GetIonMobilityLibKeyMap().AsDictionary(); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count); Assert.AreEqual(expectedDT, result[libKey].First().IonMobility.Mobility.Value, .001); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOffset, result[libKey].First().HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset ?? 0, .001); Assert.AreEqual(5, result[libKey2].First().IonMobility.Mobility.Value, .001); Assert.AreEqual(0.123, result[libKey2].First().HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset ?? 0, .001); } }
protected virtual void InitData() { List <DocNode> docNodes = new List <DocNode>(); List <IdentityPath> docNodePaths = new List <IdentityPath>(); List <List <PointPairList> > pointPairLists = new List <List <PointPairList> >(); List <String> docNodeLabels = new List <string>(); ReplicateGroups = new ReplicateGroup[0]; foreach (var docNodePath in _selectedDocNodePaths) { var docNode = _document.FindNode(docNodePath); var replicateIndices = Enumerable.Range(0, _document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms.Count); // ReSharper disable CanBeReplacedWithTryCastAndCheckForNull if (docNode is TransitionDocNode) { var nodeTran = (TransitionDocNode)docNode; ReplicateGroups = GetReplicateGroups(replicateIndices).ToArray(); docNodes.Add(nodeTran); docNodePaths.Add(docNodePath); pointPairLists.Add(GetPointPairLists(null, nodeTran, _displayType)); docNodeLabels.Add(ChromGraphItem.GetTitle(nodeTran)); } else if (docNode is TransitionGroupDocNode) { var nodeGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode)docNode; ReplicateGroups = GetReplicateGroups(replicateIndices).ToArray(); if (_displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single || _displayType == { docNodes.Add(nodeGroup); docNodePaths.Add(docNodePath); pointPairLists.Add(GetPointPairLists(nodeGroup, _displayType)); docNodeLabels.Add(ChromGraphItem.GetTitle(nodeGroup)); } else { foreach (TransitionDocNode nodeTran in GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(nodeGroup, _displayType)) { docNodes.Add(nodeTran); docNodePaths.Add(new IdentityPath(docNodePath, nodeTran.Id)); pointPairLists.Add(GetPointPairLists(nodeGroup, nodeTran, _displayType)); docNodeLabels.Add(ChromGraphItem.GetTitle(nodeTran)); } } } else if (docNode is PeptideDocNode) { var nodePep = (PeptideDocNode)docNode; ReplicateGroups = GetReplicateGroups(replicateIndices).ToArray(); var isMultiSelect = _selectedDocNodePaths.Count > 1 || (_selectedDocNodePaths.Count == 1 && Program.MainWindow != null && Program.MainWindow.SelectedNode is PeptideGroupTreeNode); foreach (var tuple in GetPeptidePointPairLists(nodePep, isMultiSelect)) { docNodes.Add(tuple.Node); docNodePaths.Add(docNodePath); pointPairLists.Add(tuple.PointPairList); docNodeLabels.Add(tuple.DisplaySeq); } } } // ReSharper restore CanBeReplacedWithTryCastAndCheckForNull PointPairLists = pointPairLists; DocNodes = docNodes; _docNodePaths = ImmutableList.ValueOf(docNodePaths); DocNodeLabels = docNodeLabels; var oldGroupNames = ReplicateGroups.Select(g => g.GroupName).ToArray(); var uniqueGroupNames = oldGroupNames.Distinct().ToArray(); // Instert "All" groups and point pair lists in their correct positions InsertAllGroupsAndPointPairLists(uniqueGroupNames, docNodes.Count); // Collect all references to points that have a valid Y value var references = CollectValidPointRefs(uniqueGroupNames, oldGroupNames, docNodes.Count); // Merge groups if their replicate index is the same and each peptide only occurs in one of the files MergeGroups(uniqueGroupNames, references); // Remove groups that don't have any peptides in them RemoveEmptyGroups(docNodes.Count); }
private PeptideGroupDocNode GetSelectedPeptideGroupDocNode(SrmDocument document, IdentityPath selectedPath) { var to = selectedPath; if (to != null && to.Depth >= (int)SrmDocument.Level.MoleculeGroups) return (PeptideGroupDocNode) document.FindNode(to.GetIdentity((int) SrmDocument.Level.MoleculeGroups)); PeptideGroupDocNode lastPeptideGroupDocuNode = null; foreach (PeptideGroupDocNode peptideGroupDocNode in document.MoleculeGroups) { lastPeptideGroupDocuNode = peptideGroupDocNode; } return lastPeptideGroupDocuNode; }
public static Annotations MergeAnnotations(SrmDocument document, IEnumerable <IdentityPath> selPaths, out AnnotationDef.AnnotationTargetSet annotationTarget) { annotationTarget = AnnotationDef.AnnotationTargetSet.EMPTY; // If the nodes have matching text, colors, or annotations, then we should display these values // in the EditNodeDlg. Otherwise, we should not display any value for that variable. bool matchingText = true; bool matchingColors = true; bool isFirstSelNode = true; bool allEmpty = true; // These are the default values we want for the annotations, if the node(s) do not already have // annotations, or if the annotations do not match. string text = null; int colorIndex = -1; var dictMatchingAnnotations = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // Find what all nodes have in common as far as note, annotations, and color. foreach (IdentityPath selPath in selPaths) { if (Equals(selPath.Child, SequenceTree.NODE_INSERT_ID)) { continue; } var nodeDoc = document.FindNode(selPath); var nodeAnnotations = nodeDoc.Annotations; var dictNodeAnnotations = nodeAnnotations.ListAnnotations() .ToDictionary(nodeAnnotation => nodeAnnotation.Key, nodeAnnotation => nodeAnnotation.Value); // If this is the first iteration, use the value for this node to start matching. if (isFirstSelNode) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> annotation in dictNodeAnnotations) { dictMatchingAnnotations.Add(annotation.Key, annotation.Value); } text = nodeAnnotations.Note; colorIndex = nodeAnnotations.ColorIndex; isFirstSelNode = false; } foreach (string key in dictMatchingAnnotations.Keys.ToArray()) { string value; // If the list of annotations we are building for the dialog contains this key, // check that the values are the same, otherwise the value for this annotation needs // to be null for the dialog. if (!dictNodeAnnotations.TryGetValue(key, out value) || !Equals(dictMatchingAnnotations[key], value)) { dictMatchingAnnotations.Remove(key); } } matchingText = matchingText && nodeAnnotations.Note != null && Equals(text, nodeAnnotations.Note); matchingColors = matchingColors && !nodeAnnotations.IsEmpty && nodeAnnotations.ColorIndex != -1 && Equals(colorIndex, nodeAnnotations.ColorIndex); allEmpty = allEmpty && nodeAnnotations.IsEmpty; // Update annotation target to include this type of node. annotationTarget = annotationTarget.Union(nodeDoc.AnnotationTarget); } if (!matchingText) { text = string.Empty; } if (allEmpty) { colorIndex = Settings.Default.AnnotationColor; } else if (!matchingColors) { colorIndex = -1; } return(new Annotations(text, dictMatchingAnnotations, colorIndex)); }
public void AddRemoveExplicitModTest() { SrmDocument docStudy7 = CreateStudy7Doc(); string transitionList = ExportCsv(docStudy7); Assert.AreEqual(69, transitionList.Split('\n').Length); // Special test mode may add an extra doc node var modifications = docStudy7.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications; var listStaticMods = modifications.StaticModifications; var listHeavyMods = modifications.AllHeavyModifications.ToList(); docStudy7 = docStudy7.ChangeSettings(docStudy7.Settings.ChangeTransitionFilter(filter => filter.ChangeAutoSelect(false))); // Remove all modifications int i = 0; // But save them for later var removedMods = new Dictionary <int, ExplicitMods>(); foreach (var peptide in docStudy7.Peptides) { if (peptide.HasExplicitMods) { removedMods.Add(i, peptide.ExplicitMods); IdentityPath path = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, i); docStudy7 = docStudy7.ChangePeptideMods(path, null, listStaticMods, listHeavyMods); } i++; } // Removes heavy from peptide with c-terminal P AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docStudy7, 6, 7, 11, 21, 63); modifications = docStudy7.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications; Assert.AreEqual(2, modifications.AllHeavyModifications.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(0, modifications.AllHeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.IsExplicit)); Assert.AreEqual(0, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods)); listHeavyMods = ATOMIC_HEAVY_MODS; foreach (var pair in removedMods) { IdentityPath path = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, pair.Key); docStudy7 = docStudy7.ChangePeptideMods(path, pair.Value, listStaticMods, listHeavyMods); } AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docStudy7, 11, 7, 11, 21, 63); // Replace the heavy precursor that was removed // TODO: Yuck. Would be nice to have a way to do this without duplicating // so much of the logic in PeptideDocNode and PeptideTreeNode var pepPath = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 10); var nodePep = (PeptideDocNode)docStudy7.FindNode(pepPath); var mods = nodePep.ExplicitMods; var nodeGroupLight = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep.Children[0]; var settings = docStudy7.Settings; foreach (var tranGroup in nodePep.GetTransitionGroups(settings, mods, false)) { if (tranGroup.PrecursorAdduct.Equals(nodeGroupLight.TransitionGroup.PrecursorAdduct) && !tranGroup.LabelType.IsLight) { TransitionDocNode[] transitions = nodePep.GetMatchingTransitions(tranGroup, settings, mods); var nodeGroup = new TransitionGroupDocNode(tranGroup, transitions); nodeGroup = nodeGroup.ChangeSettings(settings, nodePep, mods, SrmSettingsDiff.ALL); docStudy7 = (SrmDocument)docStudy7.Add(pepPath, nodeGroup); break; } } AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docStudy7, 12, 7, 11, 22, 66); modifications = docStudy7.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications; Assert.AreEqual(2, modifications.AllHeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.IsExplicit && mod.Label13C)); Assert.AreEqual(2, modifications.AllHeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.Formula != null)); Assert.AreEqual(3, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods)); Assert.AreEqual(2, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods && peptide.ExplicitMods.StaticModifications.Count > 0 && peptide.ExplicitMods.StaticModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'C')); Assert.AreEqual(2, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'V' && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.Label13C)); Assert.AreEqual(1, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'L' && peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.Label13C)); AssertEx.NoDiff(transitionList, ExportCsv(docStudy7)); }
public override void UpdateGraph(bool checkData) { SrmDocument document = GraphSummary.DocumentUIContainer.DocumentUI; var results = document.Settings.MeasuredResults; bool resultsAvailable = results != null; Clear(); if (!resultsAvailable) { Title.Text = Resources.RTReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_No_results_available; EmptyGraph(document); return; } var selectedTreeNode = GraphSummary.StateProvider.SelectedNode as SrmTreeNode; if (selectedTreeNode == null || document.FindNode(selectedTreeNode.Path) == null) { EmptyGraph(document); return; } Title.Text = null; DisplayTypeChrom displayType = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayType(document, selectedTreeNode); DocNode selectedNode = selectedTreeNode.Model; DocNode parentNode = selectedNode; IdentityPath identityPath = selectedTreeNode.Path; // If the selected tree node is a transition, then its siblings are displayed. if (selectedTreeNode is TransitionTreeNode) { if (displayType != DisplayTypeChrom.single) { SrmTreeNode parentTreeNode = selectedTreeNode.SrmParent; parentNode = parentTreeNode.Model; identityPath = parentTreeNode.Path; } } // If the selected node is a peptide with one child, then show the children, // unless chromatogram display type is total else if (selectedTreeNode is PeptideTreeNode) { var children = ((DocNodeParent)selectedNode).Children; if (children.Count == 1 && displayType != { selectedNode = parentNode = children[0]; identityPath = new IdentityPath(identityPath, parentNode.Id); } } else if (!(selectedTreeNode is TransitionGroupTreeNode)) { Title.Text = Resources.RTReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Select_a_peptide_to_see_the_retention_time_graph; CanShowRTLegend = false; return; } // If a precursor is going to be displayed with display type single if (parentNode is TransitionGroupDocNode && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single) { // If no optimization data, then show all the transitions if (!results.Chromatograms.Contains(chrom => chrom.OptimizationFunction != null)) { displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.all; } } var rtTransformOp = GraphSummary.StateProvider.GetRetentionTimeTransformOperation(); var rtValue = RTPeptideGraphPane.RTValue; GraphValues.ReplicateGroupOp replicateGroupOp; if (rtValue == RTPeptideValue.All) { replicateGroupOp = GraphValues.ReplicateGroupOp.FromCurrentSettings(document.Settings, GraphValues.AggregateOp.MEAN); } else { replicateGroupOp = GraphValues.ReplicateGroupOp.FromCurrentSettings(document.Settings); } var retentionTimeValue = new GraphValues.RetentionTimeTransform(rtValue, rtTransformOp, replicateGroupOp.AggregateOp); YAxis.Title.Text = retentionTimeValue.GetAxisTitle(); GraphData graphData = new RTGraphData(document, parentNode, displayType, retentionTimeValue, replicateGroupOp); CanShowRTLegend = graphData.DocNodes.Count != 0; InitFromData(graphData); int selectedReplicateIndex = SelectedIndex; double minRetentionTime = double.MaxValue; double maxRetentionTime = -double.MaxValue; int iColor = 0, iCharge = -1; int? charge = null; int countLabelTypes = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.CountLabelTypes; int colorOffset = 0; var transitionGroupDocNode = parentNode as TransitionGroupDocNode; if (transitionGroupDocNode != null && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.products) { // If we are only displaying product ions, we want to use an offset in the colors array // so that we do not re-use colors that would be used for any precursor ions. colorOffset = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(transitionGroupDocNode, DisplayTypeChrom.precursors).Count(); } for (int i = 0; i < graphData.DocNodes.Count; i++) { var docNode = graphData.DocNodes[i]; var pointPairLists = graphData.PointPairLists[i]; int numSteps = pointPairLists.Count / 2; for (int iStep = 0; iStep < pointPairLists.Count; iStep++) { int step = iStep - numSteps; var pointPairList = pointPairLists[iStep]; Color color; var nodeGroup = docNode as TransitionGroupDocNode; if (parentNode is PeptideDocNode) { // Resharper code inspection v9.0 on TC gets this one wrong // ReSharper disable ExpressionIsAlwaysNull int iColorGroup = GetColorIndex(nodeGroup, countLabelTypes, ref charge, ref iCharge); // ReSharper restore ExpressionIsAlwaysNull color = COLORS_GROUPS[iColorGroup % COLORS_GROUPS.Length]; } else if (displayType == { color = COLORS_GROUPS[iColor % COLORS_GROUPS.Length]; } else if (docNode.Equals(selectedNode) && step == 0) { color = ChromGraphItem.ColorSelected; } else { color = COLORS_TRANSITION[(iColor + colorOffset) % COLORS_TRANSITION.Length]; } iColor++; string label = graphData.DocNodeLabels[i]; if (step != 0) { label = string.Format(Resources.RTReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Step__0__, step); } BarItem curveItem; if (HiLowMiddleErrorBarItem.IsHiLoMiddleErrorList(pointPairList)) { curveItem = new HiLowMiddleErrorBarItem(label, pointPairList, color, Color.Black); } else { curveItem = new MeanErrorBarItem(label, pointPairList, color, Color.Black); } if (selectedReplicateIndex != -1 && selectedReplicateIndex < pointPairList.Count) { PointPair pointPair = pointPairList[selectedReplicateIndex]; if (!pointPair.IsInvalid) { minRetentionTime = Math.Min(minRetentionTime, pointPair.Z); maxRetentionTime = Math.Max(maxRetentionTime, pointPair.Y); } } curveItem.Bar.Border.IsVisible = false; curveItem.Bar.Fill.Brush = new SolidBrush(color); curveItem.Tag = new IdentityPath(identityPath, docNode.Id); CurveList.Add(curveItem); } } // Draw a box around the currently selected replicate if (ShowSelection && minRetentionTime != double.MaxValue) { GraphObjList.Add(new BoxObj(selectedReplicateIndex + .5, maxRetentionTime, 1, maxRetentionTime - minRetentionTime, Color.Black, Color.Empty) { IsClippedToChartRect = true, }); } // Reset the scale when the parent node changes if (_parentNode == null || !ReferenceEquals(_parentNode.Id, parentNode.Id)) { XAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = XAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true; YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true; } _parentNode = parentNode; Legend.IsVisible = Settings.Default.ShowRetentionTimesLegend; AxisChange(); }
private List<DocNode> GetDocNodes(IdentityPath identityPath, SrmDocument document) { var result = new List<DocNode>(); while (!identityPath.IsRoot) { result.Insert(0, document.FindNode(identityPath)); identityPath = identityPath.Parent; } return result; }
private void PerformTestMeasuredDriftValues(bool asSmallMolecules) { if (asSmallMolecules) { if (!RunSmallMoleculeTestVersions) { Console.Write(MSG_SKIPPING_SMALLMOLECULE_TEST_VERSION); return; } TestSmallMolecules = false; // No need to add the magic small molecule test node } var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, @"Test\Results\"); // Re-used from BlibDriftTimeTest // Open document with some peptides but no results var docPath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath(""); // This was a malformed document, which caused problems after a fix to not recalculate // document library settings on open. To avoid rewriting this test for the document // which now contains 2 precursors, the first precursor is removed immediately. SrmDocument docOriginal = ResultsUtil.DeserializeDocument(docPath); var pathFirstPeptide = docOriginal.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0); var nodeFirstPeptide = (DocNodeParent)docOriginal.FindNode(pathFirstPeptide); docOriginal = (SrmDocument)docOriginal.RemoveChild(pathFirstPeptide, nodeFirstPeptide.Children[0]); if (asSmallMolecules) { var refine = new RefinementSettings(); docOriginal = refine.ConvertToSmallMolecules(docOriginal, testFilesDir.FullPath); } using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(docOriginal, docPath)) { var doc = docContainer.Document; // Import an mz5 file that contains drift info const string replicateName = "ID12692_01_UCA168_3727_040714"; var chromSets = new[] { new ChromatogramSet(replicateName, new[] { new MsDataFilePath(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("ID12692_01_UCA168_3727_040714" + ExtensionTestContext.ExtMz5)), }), }; var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(chromSets)); Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, docOriginal, true)); docContainer.AssertComplete(); var document = docContainer.Document; document = document.ChangeSettings(document.Settings.ChangePeptidePrediction(prediction => new PeptidePrediction(null, IonMobilityPredictor.EMPTY))); // Verify ability to extract predictions from raw data var newPred = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.IonMobilityPredictor.ChangeMeasuredIonMobilityValuesFromResults( document, docContainer.DocumentFilePath); var result = newPred.MeasuredMobilityIons; Assert.AreEqual(TestSmallMolecules ? 2 : 1, result.Count); const double expectedDT = 4.0019; var expectedOffset = .4829; Assert.AreEqual(expectedDT, result.Values.First().IonMobility.Mobility.Value, .001); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOffset, result.Values.First().HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset, .001); // Check ability to update, and to preserve unchanged var revised = new Dictionary <LibKey, IonMobilityAndCCS>(); var libKey = result.Keys.First(); revised.Add(libKey, IonMobilityAndCCS.GetIonMobilityAndCCS(IonMobilityValue.GetIonMobilityValue(4, eIonMobilityUnits.drift_time_msec), null, 0.234)); // N.B. CCS handling would require actual raw data in this test, it's covered in a perf test var libKey2 = new LibKey("DEADEELS", asSmallMolecules ? Adduct.NonProteomicProtonatedFromCharge(2) : Adduct.DOUBLY_PROTONATED); revised.Add(libKey2, IonMobilityAndCCS.GetIonMobilityAndCCS(IonMobilityValue.GetIonMobilityValue(5, eIonMobilityUnits.drift_time_msec), null, 0.123)); document = document.ChangeSettings( document.Settings.ChangePeptidePrediction(prediction => new PeptidePrediction(null, new IonMobilityPredictor("test", revised, null, null, IonMobilityWindowWidthCalculator.IonMobilityPeakWidthType.resolving_power, 40, 0, 0)))); newPred = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.ChangeDriftTimePredictor( document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.IonMobilityPredictor.ChangeMeasuredIonMobilityValuesFromResults( document, docContainer.DocumentFilePath)).IonMobilityPredictor; result = newPred.MeasuredMobilityIons; Assert.AreEqual(TestSmallMolecules ? 3 : 2, result.Count); Assert.AreEqual(expectedDT, result[libKey].IonMobility.Mobility.Value, .001); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOffset, result[libKey].HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset, .001); Assert.AreEqual(5, result[libKey2].IonMobility.Mobility.Value, .001); Assert.AreEqual(0.123, result[libKey2].HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset, .001); } }
private static PeptideGroupDocNode FindPeptideGroupDocNode(SrmDocument document, PeptideGroupDocNode nodePepGroup) { if (!nodePepGroup.IsPeptideList) return (PeptideGroupDocNode) document.FindNode(nodePepGroup.PeptideGroup); // Find peptide lists by name return FindPeptideGroupDocNode(document, nodePepGroup.Name); }
public void MoveNodeTest() { SrmDocument document = new SrmDocument(SrmSettingsList.GetDefault()); IdentityPath path = IdentityPath.ROOT; SrmDocument docFasta = document.ImportFasta(new StringReader(ExampleText.TEXT_FASTA_YEAST), false, path, out path); // 1. From peptide group to root SrmDocument docMoved = docFasta.MoveNode(docFasta.GetPathTo(0), IdentityPath.ROOT, out path); Assert.AreEqual(1, docMoved.FindNodeIndex(path)); Assert.AreSame(docFasta.Children[0], docMoved.Children[1]); Assert.AreSame(docFasta.Children[1], docMoved.Children[0]); // 2. From peptide group to before other peptide group docMoved = docFasta.MoveNode(docFasta.GetPathTo(1), docFasta.GetPathTo(0), out path); Assert.AreEqual(0, docMoved.FindNodeIndex(path)); Assert.AreSame(docFasta.Children[0], docMoved.Children[1]); Assert.AreSame(docFasta.Children[1], docMoved.Children[0]); // Some peptide lists IdentityPath pathPeptides; SrmDocument docPeptides = docFasta.ImportFasta(new StringReader(TEXT_BOVINE_PEPTIDES2), true, docFasta.GetPathTo(1), out pathPeptides); docPeptides = docPeptides.ImportFasta(new StringReader(TEXT_BOVINE_PEPTIDES1), true, IdentityPath.ROOT, out path); docPeptides = docPeptides.MoveNode(path, pathPeptides, out pathPeptides); Assert.AreEqual(1, docPeptides.FindNodeIndex(pathPeptides)); // 3. Peptide from one group to another IdentityPath fromParent = docPeptides.GetPathTo(2); IdentityPath from = new IdentityPath(fromParent, ((DocNodeParent)docPeptides.FindNode(fromParent)).Children[0].Id); SrmDocument docPeptides2 = docPeptides.MoveNode(from, pathPeptides, out path); Assert.AreEqual(pathPeptides, path.Parent); Assert.AreEqual(((DocNodeParent)docPeptides.Children[1]).Children.Count, ((DocNodeParent)docPeptides2.Children[1]).Children.Count - 1); Assert.AreEqual(((DocNodeParent)docPeptides.Children[2]).Children.Count, ((DocNodeParent)docPeptides2.Children[2]).Children.Count + 1); // Though moved to a different group, this should not have changed the overall // peptide order, since it was moved from the beginning of one group to the end // of the group before it. Assert.AreEqual(docPeptides.FindNodeIndex(from), docPeptides2.FindNodeIndex(path)); // 4. To before another peptide from = new IdentityPath(fromParent, ((DocNodeParent)docPeptides2.FindNode(fromParent)).Children[0].Id); IdentityPath path2; SrmDocument docPeptides3 = docPeptides2.MoveNode(from, path, out path2); Assert.AreEqual(pathPeptides, path.Parent); Assert.AreEqual(((DocNodeParent)docPeptides2.Children[1]).Children.Count, ((DocNodeParent)docPeptides3.Children[1]).Children.Count - 1); Assert.AreEqual(((DocNodeParent)docPeptides2.Children[2]).Children.Count, ((DocNodeParent)docPeptides3.Children[2]).Children.Count + 1); // Relative to all peptides, index should be 1 less than before Assert.AreEqual(docPeptides2.FindNodeIndex(from), docPeptides3.FindNodeIndex(path2) + 1); // 5. To within another peptide IdentityPath to = new IdentityPath(path, ((DocNodeParent)docPeptides3.FindNode(path)).Children[0].Id); SrmDocument docPeptides4 = docPeptides3.MoveNode(path2, to, out path); // Should not have changed to count in the group Assert.AreEqual(((DocNodeParent)docPeptides3.Children[1]).Children.Count, ((DocNodeParent)docPeptides4.Children[1]).Children.Count); // Relative to all peptides, should have been returned to original order Assert.AreEqual(docPeptides2.FindNodeIndex(from), docPeptides4.FindNodeIndex(path)); // Make sure expected exceptions are thrown Assert.IsNull(docPeptides4.FindNode(from)); AssertEx.ThrowsException <IdentityNotFoundException>(() => docPeptides4.MoveNode(from, to, out path)); AssertEx.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => docPeptides2.MoveNode(from, docPeptides2.GetPathTo(0), out path)); AssertEx.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => docPeptides3.MoveNode(docPeptides2.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0), to, out path)); AssertEx.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => docPeptides3.MoveNode(docPeptides2.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Transitions, 0), to, out path)); }