예제 #1
파일: Zenith.cs 프로젝트: deeze307/IA
        private void StartInspection()
            SqlServerController sqlctrl = new SqlServerController(this);

            // Lista de maquinas Zenith
            IEnumerable <Machine> machines = Machine.list.Where(obj => obj.tipo == aoiConfig.machineNameKey);

            // Generacion de tabs segun las maquinas descargadas
            foreach (Machine inspMachine in machines.OrderBy(o => o.nroLinea))

            catch (Exception ex)
                aoiLog.stack(ex.Message, this, ex);

            foreach (Machine inspMachine in machines)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update database values that are affected by changing the name from Gallery Server Pro to Gallery Server. Specifically, (1) Change the
        /// ContextKey in the __MigrationHistory table from "GalleryServerPro.Data.Migrations.GalleryDbMigrationConfiguration" to
        /// "GalleryServer.Data.Migrations.GalleryDbMigrationConfiguration" (required because the namespace was updated). (2) Change the Membership
        /// application name. This is required because of the update to the applicationName attribute in the membership and roleManager sections of web.config.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="providerDataStore">The provider data store.</param>
        /// <param name="v4SchemaUpdateRequiredFilePath">The full path to the semaphore whose presence indicates that this function must run.
        /// This file is deleted at the end of this method. Example: "C:\Dev\GS\Dev-Main\Website\App_Data\v4_schema_update_required.txt"</param>
        /// <remarks>WARNING: If the membership points to a different database than the one the gallery data is in, or the current application name is something
        /// other than "Gallery Server Pro", the upgrade will fail to change the application name in the database. In this case, the admin should
        /// manually update the text in the Applications.ApplicationName column or update the applicationName attribute in web.config to match the DB value.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void ChangeNamespaceForVersion4Upgrade(ProviderDataStore providerDataStore, string v4SchemaUpdateRequiredFilePath)
            Data.Interfaces.IDbController sqlController = null;

            switch (providerDataStore)
            case ProviderDataStore.SqlCe:
                sqlController = new SqlCeController();

            case ProviderDataStore.SqlServer:
                sqlController = new SqlServerController();

            if (sqlController != null)
                using (var cn = sqlController.GetDbConnection())
                    using (var cmd = cn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='__MigrationHistory' AND COLUMN_NAME='ContextKey'";

                            // We'll typically get here when a user is installing Gallery Server since at that point the database may not exist. In this scenario
                            // we don't want to run this upgrade script anyway, so just exit. We don't delete the semaphore file, though, because it's possible
                            // the user *is* upgrading and got the connection string wrong. In that case, we want the error to bubble up to the user so she can
                            // fix it. Eventually this function will run again and succeed, and the file will be deleted at the end of the function.

                        var hasContextKey = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) > 0; // GS 3.0-3.1 won't have a ContextKey column because EF 5 didn't have it

                        if (hasContextKey)
                            // Change the EF context key to reflect the namespace change from GalleryServerPro to GalleryServer.
                            cmd.CommandText = $"UPDATE {Utils.GetSqlName("__MigrationHistory", providerDataStore, "dbo")} SET ContextKey='GalleryServer.Data.Migrations.GalleryDbMigrationConfiguration' WHERE ContextKey='GalleryServerPro.Data.Migrations.GalleryDbMigrationConfiguration'";


                        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Applications'";

                        var hasAppTable = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) > 0;

                        if (hasAppTable)
                            // Change the application name from "Gallery Server Pro" to "Gallery Server" in the Membership system.
                            cmd.CommandText = $"UPDATE {Utils.GetSqlName("Applications", providerDataStore, "dbo")} SET ApplicationName='Gallery Server' WHERE ApplicationName='Gallery Server Pro'";

                        // We need a workaround for the issue described at https://entityframework.codeplex.com/workitem/2659. If user is coming from a
                        // version of GS that used EF 5 (GS 3.0-3.1), then rename the primary key on __MigrationHistory. Later in the Seed override,
                        // we'll revert this change (Migrate40Controller.RevertCeEfBugWorkAround()). Without this, we'll get the error
                        // "The foreign key constraint does not exist. [ PK___MigrationHistory ]" in DbMigrator.Update() method.
                        if (providerDataStore == ProviderDataStore.SqlCe)
                            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM __MigrationHistory WHERE ProductVersion LIKE '6%'";

                            var comingFromEf5 = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) == 0;

                            if (comingFromEf5)
                                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Information_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE CONSTRAINT_NAME='PK_dbo.__MigrationHistory' AND TABLE_NAME='__MigrationHistory';";

                                var hasKeyName = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) > 0;

                                if (hasKeyName)
                                    cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE __MigrationHistory DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.__MigrationHistory];";
                                    cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE __MigrationHistory ADD CONSTRAINT [PK___MigrationHistory] PRIMARY KEY (MigrationId);";

            // Delete the semaphore file App_Data\v4_schema_update_required.txt so that this never runs again.