public static void IdentityII(SqlInt32 accoutId, SqlString deliveryTablePrefix, SqlDateTime identity1Timestamp, SqlString identityConfig) { using (var objectsConnection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) { objectsConnection.Open(); var identityMng = new IdentityManager(objectsConnection); // pass all delivery parameters as parameters to SP identityMng.AccountId = Convert.ToInt32(accoutId.ToString()); identityMng.TablePrefix = deliveryTablePrefix.ToString(); identityMng.ConfigXml = identityConfig.ToString(); identityMng.TransformTimestamp = Convert.ToDateTime(identity1Timestamp.ToString()); identityMng.Log(string.Format("Starting Identity II, parameters: accountId={0}, delivery table prefix='{1}', identity I timestamp={2}, identity config={3}", accoutId, deliveryTablePrefix, identityMng.TransformTimestamp.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), identityMng.ConfigXml)); try { identityMng.UpdateEdgeObjects(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { // TODO: write to log in DB throw; } } }
private void SetSearchCriteria() { DateTime fromDate = DateTime.Parse(txtFromDate.Text); DateTime toDate = DateTime.Parse(txtToDate.Text); SqlDateTime sFromDate = Utility.GetSqlDateTimeFromDateTime(fromDate); SqlDateTime sToDate = Utility.GetSqlDateTimeFromDateTime(toDate); SqlInt32 numAdults = SqlInt32.Parse(drpNumberOfAdults.SelectedValue); SqlInt32 numKids = SqlInt32.Parse(drpNumberOfChildren.SelectedValue); this.FromDate = sFromDate; this.hidFromDate.Value = sFromDate.ToString(); this.ToDate = sToDate; this.hidToDate.Value = sToDate.ToString(); this.NumAdults = numAdults; this.hidNumberOfAdults.Value = numAdults.ToString(); this.NumKids = numKids; this.hidNumberOfChildren.Value = numKids.ToString(); SqlInt32 numRooms = SqlInt32.Parse(this.hidNumberOfAdults.Value) + SqlInt32.Parse(this.hidNumberOfChildren.Value); this.NumRooms = numRooms; Session.Add("FromDate", sFromDate); Session.Add("ToDate", sToDate); Session.Add("NumAdults", numAdults); Session.Add("NumKids", numKids); Session.Add("NumRooms", numRooms); }
public static void GetSkyline(SqlString strQuery, SqlString strOperators, SqlInt32 numberOfRecords, SqlInt32 sortType, SqlInt32 upToLevel) { SPMultipleSkylineBNLLevel skyline = new SPMultipleSkylineBNLLevel(); string[] additionalParameters = new string[5]; additionalParameters[4] = upToLevel.ToString(); skyline.GetSkylineTable(strQuery.ToString(), strOperators.ToString(), numberOfRecords.Value, false, Helper.CnnStringSqlclr, Helper.ProviderClr, additionalParameters, sortType.Value, true); }
public CustomerWiseProductENT SelectByPK(SqlInt32 CustomerWiseProductID) { using (SqlConnection objConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { using (SqlCommand objcmd = objConnection.CreateCommand()) { try { objConnection.Open(); #region Prepare Command objcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; objcmd.CommandText = "PR_CustomerWiseProduct_SelectByPK"; objcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustomerWiseProductID", CustomerWiseProductID.ToString()); #endregion Prepare Command #region ReadData And SetData CustomerWiseProductENT entCustomerWiseProduct = new CustomerWiseProductENT(); using (SqlDataReader objSDR = objcmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (objSDR.Read()) { if (!objSDR["CustomerID"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { entCustomerWiseProduct.CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(objSDR["CustomerID"]); } if (!objSDR["ProductID"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { entCustomerWiseProduct.ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(objSDR["ProductID"]); } } } return(entCustomerWiseProduct); #endregion ReadData And SetData } catch (SqlException Sqlex) { Message = Sqlex.Message.ToString(); return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { Message = ex.Message.ToString(); return(null); } finally { if (objConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { objConnection.Close(); } } } } }
public static void MD_MetricsViewer(SqlInt32 account, SqlString deliveryTableName, out SqlChars metricsSelect) { using (var objectsConnection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) { objectsConnection.Open(); int accountId = Convert.ToInt32(account.ToString()); metricsSelect = new SqlChars(EdgeViewer.GetMetricsView(accountId, deliveryTableName.ToString(), objectsConnection)); } }
public static void MD_ObjectsViewer(SqlInt32 account, SqlString stagingTableName) { using (var objectsConnection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) { objectsConnection.Open(); int accountId = Convert.ToInt32(account.ToString()); EdgeViewer.GetObjectsView(accountId, stagingTableName.ToString(), objectsConnection, SqlContext.Pipe); } }
public static SqlString RegExReplacex(SqlString pattern, SqlString input, SqlString replacement, SqlInt32 Options) { if ((input.IsNull || pattern.IsNull)) { return(SqlString.Null); } System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions RegexOption = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions(); //RegexOption = Options; RegexOption = (RegexOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(RegexOptions), Options.ToString()); return(new SqlString(Regex.Replace(input.Value, pattern.Value, replacement.Value, RegexOption))); }
public static IEnumerable RegExMatches(SqlString pattern, SqlString input, SqlInt32 Options) { if ((input.IsNull || pattern.IsNull)) { return(null); } System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions RegexOption = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions(); //RegexOption = Options; RegexOption = (RegexOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(RegexOptions), Options.ToString()); return(Regex.Matches(input.Value, pattern.Value, RegexOption)); }
private void BindNewGuest(SqlInt32 newGuestId) { BindGuests(); Guests guest = new Guests(); guest.Guest_ID = newGuestId; DataTable table = guest.SelectOne(); grid.DataSource = table; grid.DataBind(); hidNewGuestId.Value = newGuestId.ToString(); }
public static SqlString RegExMatch(SqlString pattern, SqlString input, SqlInt32 Options) { if ((input.IsNull || pattern.IsNull)) { return(String.Empty); } System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions RegexOption = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions(); //RegexOption = (int)Options; RegexOption = (RegexOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(RegexOptions), Options.ToString()); return(Regex.Match(input.Value, pattern.Value, RegexOption).Value); }
public static SqlDateTime GetDateByYearID(SqlInt32 YearID) { if (YearID.IsNull || YearID.Value <= 0) { return(SqlDateTime.Null); } string s = YearID.ToString(); int year = int.Parse(s.Substring(0, 4)); return(new SqlDateTime(year, 1, 1)); }
public static SqlDateTime GetDateByMonthID(SqlInt32 MonthID) { if (MonthID.IsNull || MonthID.Value <= 0) { return(SqlDateTime.Null); } string s = MonthID.ToString(); int year = int.Parse(s.Substring(0, 4)); int month = int.Parse(s.Substring(4, 2)); return(new SqlDateTime(year, month, 1)); }
public DataTable SelectDropDownList(SqlInt32 CustomerID, SqlInt32 UserID) { using (SqlConnection objConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { using (SqlCommand objcmd = objConnection.CreateCommand()) { try { objConnection.Open(); #region Prepare Command objcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; objcmd.CommandText = "[PR_CustomerWiseProduct_DropDownList]"; objcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustomerID", CustomerID.ToString()); objcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", UserID.ToString()); #endregion Prepare Command #region ReadData And SetData DataTable dt = new DataTable(); using (SqlDataReader objSDR = objcmd.ExecuteReader()) { dt.Load(objSDR); } return(dt); #endregion ReadData And SetData } catch (SqlException Sqlex) { Message = Sqlex.Message.ToString(); return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { Message = ex.Message.ToString(); return(null); } finally { if (objConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { objConnection.Close(); } } } } }
public static SqlBoolean SaveToFolderByZoomXY(SqlBinary image, SqlString rootFolderPath, SqlInt32 Zoom, SqlInt32 X, SqlInt32 Y) { SqlBoolean result = false; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { ms.Write(image.Value, 0, image.Length); SetBeginPosition(ms); using (Icon2TileRendering bitmap = new Icon2TileRendering(ms)) { bitmap.SaveToPngFile((string)rootFolderPath, Zoom.ToString(), X.ToString(), Y.ToString()); result = true; } } // Put your code here return(result); }
public static void MakeError(SqlInt32 severity, SqlInt32 state, SqlString message) { if (severity.IsNull || state.IsNull || message.IsNull) { return; } var error = String.Format("RAISERROR (N'A Phony Error %s', {0}, {1}, @message)", severity.Value.ToString(), state.ToString()); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( error, conn)) { conn.Open(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@message", message); SqlContext.Pipe.ExecuteAndSend(cmd); } }
public static void MetricsStaging(SqlInt32 accoutId, SqlString deliveryTable, SqlString stagingTable, out SqlChars stagingSql) { using (var connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) { connection.Open(); // pass all delivery parameters as parameters to SP var account = Convert.ToInt32(accoutId.ToString()); var deliveryTableName = deliveryTable.ToString(); var stagingTableName = stagingTable.ToString(); try { stagingSql = new SqlChars(EdgeViewer.StageMetrics(account, deliveryTableName, stagingTableName, connection)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { // TODO: write to log in DB throw; } } }
public static void IdentityI(SqlInt32 accoutId, SqlString deliveryTablePrefix, SqlDateTime identity1Timestamp, SqlBoolean createNewEdgeObjects) { using (var objectsConnection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) { objectsConnection.Open(); var identityMng = new IdentityManager(objectsConnection); // pass all delivery parameters as parameters to SP identityMng.AccountId = Convert.ToInt32(accoutId.ToString()); identityMng.TablePrefix = deliveryTablePrefix.ToString(); identityMng.Log(string.Format("Starting Identity I, parameters: accountId={0}, delivery table prefix='{1}'", accoutId, deliveryTablePrefix)); try { identityMng.IdentifyDeliveryObjects(); } catch (System.Exception) { // TODO: write to log in DB throw; } } }
public static SqlString RegExMatchGroups(SqlString pattern, SqlString input, SqlInt32 Options) { if ((input.IsNull || pattern.IsNull)) { return(String.Empty); } System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions RegexOption = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions(); //RegexOption = (int)Options; RegexOption = (RegexOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(RegexOptions), Options.ToString()); string myOutput = ""; int i = 0; foreach (Group group in Regex.Match(input.Value, pattern.Value, RegexOption).Groups) { if (!(i == 0)) { //Console.WriteLine(group.Value); myOutput += group.Value + " "; } i++; } if (myOutput.Length > 0) { myOutput = myOutput.Substring(0, myOutput.Length - 1); } //return Regex.Match(input.Value, pattern.Value, RegexOption).Value; return(myOutput); }
public static void GeographyAStar(SqlInt32 StartID, SqlInt32 GoalID) { /** * INITIALISATION */ // The "Open List" contains the nodes that have yet to be assessed List <AStarNode> OpenList = new List <AStarNode>(); // The "Closed List" contains the nodes that have already been assessed // Implemented as a Dictionary<> to enable quick lookup of nodes Dictionary <int, AStarNode> ClosedList = new Dictionary <int, AStarNode>(); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true;")) { conn.Open(); // Retrieve the location of the StartID SqlCommand cmdGetStartNode = new SqlCommand("SELECT geog4326 FROM Nodes WHERE NodeID = @id", conn); SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int); param.Value = StartID; cmdGetStartNode.Parameters.Add(param); object startNode = cmdGetStartNode.ExecuteScalar(); SqlGeography startGeom; if (startNode != null) { startGeom = (SqlGeography)(startNode); } else { throw new Exception("Couldn't find start node with ID " + StartID.ToString()); } cmdGetStartNode.Dispose(); // Retrieve the location of the GoalID; SqlCommand cmdGetEndNode = new SqlCommand("SELECT geog4326 FROM Nodes WHERE NodeID = @id", conn); SqlParameter endparam = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int); endparam.Value = GoalID; cmdGetEndNode.Parameters.Add(endparam); object endNode = cmdGetEndNode.ExecuteScalar(); SqlGeography endGeom; if (endNode != null) { endGeom = (SqlGeography)(endNode); } else { throw new Exception("Couldn't find end node with ID " + GoalID.ToString()); } cmdGetEndNode.Dispose(); conn.Close(); // To start with, the only point we know about is the start node AStarNode StartNode = new AStarNode( (int)StartID, // ID of this node -1, // Start node has no parent 0, // g - the distance travelled so far to get to this node (double)startGeom.STDistance(endGeom) // h - the estimated remaining distance to the goal ); // Add the start node to the open list OpenList.Add(StartNode); /** * TRAVERSAL THROUGH THE NETWORK */ // So long as there are open nodes to assess while (OpenList.Count > 0) { // Sort the list of open nodes by ascending f score OpenList.Sort(delegate(AStarNode p1, AStarNode p2) { return(p1.f.CompareTo(p2.f)); }); // Consider the open node with lowest f score AStarNode NodeCurrent = OpenList[0]; /** * GOAL FOUND */ if (NodeCurrent.NodeID == GoalID) { // Reconstruct the route to get here List <SqlGeography> route = new List <SqlGeography>(); int parentID = NodeCurrent.ParentID; // Keep looking back through nodes until we get to the start (parent -1) while (parentID != -1) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmdSelectEdge = new SqlCommand("GetEdgeBetweenNodes", conn); cmdSelectEdge.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter fromOSODRparam = new SqlParameter("@NodeID1", SqlDbType.Int); SqlParameter toOSODRparam = new SqlParameter("@NodeID2", SqlDbType.Int); fromOSODRparam.Value = NodeCurrent.ParentID; toOSODRparam.Value = NodeCurrent.NodeID; cmdSelectEdge.Parameters.Add(fromOSODRparam); cmdSelectEdge.Parameters.Add(toOSODRparam); object edge = cmdSelectEdge.ExecuteScalar(); SqlGeography edgeGeom; if (edge != null) { edgeGeom = (SqlGeography)(edge); route.Add(edgeGeom); } conn.Close(); NodeCurrent = ClosedList[parentID]; parentID = NodeCurrent.ParentID; } // Send the results back to the client SqlMetaData ResultMetaData = new SqlMetaData("Route", SqlDbType.Udt, typeof(SqlGeography)); SqlDataRecord Record = new SqlDataRecord(ResultMetaData); SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(Record); // Loop through route segments in reverse order for (int k = route.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--) { Record.SetValue(0, route[k]); SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsRow(Record); } SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsEnd(); return; } // End if (NodeCurrent.NodeID == GoalID) /** * GOAL NOT YET FOUND - IDENTIFY ALL NODES ACCESSIBLE FROM CURRENT NODE */ List <AStarNode> Successors = new List <AStarNode>(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmdSelectSuccessors = new SqlCommand("GetNodesAccessibleFromNode", conn); cmdSelectSuccessors.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter CurrentNodeOSODRparam = new SqlParameter("@NodeID", SqlDbType.Int); CurrentNodeOSODRparam.Value = NodeCurrent.NodeID; cmdSelectSuccessors.Parameters.Add(CurrentNodeOSODRparam); using (SqlDataReader dr = cmdSelectSuccessors.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { // Create a node for this potential successor AStarNode SuccessorNode = new AStarNode( dr.GetInt32(0), // NodeID NodeCurrent.NodeID, // Successor node is a child of the current node NodeCurrent.g + dr.GetDouble(1), // Additional distance from current node to successor (double)(((SqlGeography)dr.GetValue(2)).STDistance(endGeom)) ); // Add the end of the list of successors Successors.Add(SuccessorNode); } } cmdSelectSuccessors.Dispose(); conn.Close(); /** * Examine list of possible nodes to go next */ SqlContext.Pipe.Send("Possible nodes to visit from " + NodeCurrent.NodeID.ToString()); foreach (AStarNode NodeSuccessor in Successors) { // Keep track of whether we have already found this node bool found = false; // If this node is already on the closed list, it doesn't need to be examined further if (ClosedList.ContainsKey(NodeSuccessor.NodeID)) { found = true; SqlContext.Pipe.Send(NodeSuccessor.NodeID.ToString() + "(" + NodeSuccessor.f.ToString() + ") (already visited)"); } // If we didn't find the node on the closed list, look for it on the open list if (!found) { for (int j = 0; j < OpenList.Count; j++) { if (OpenList[j].NodeID == NodeSuccessor.NodeID) { found = true; SqlContext.Pipe.Send(NodeSuccessor.NodeID.ToString() + "(" + NodeSuccessor.f.ToString() + ") (already on list to consider)"); // If this is a cheaper way to get there if (OpenList[j].h > NodeSuccessor.h) { // Update the route on the open list OpenList[j] = NodeSuccessor; } break; } } } // If not on either list, add to the open list if (!found) { OpenList.Add(NodeSuccessor); SqlContext.Pipe.Send(NodeSuccessor.NodeID.ToString() + "(" + NodeSuccessor.f.ToString() + ") (new)"); } } // SqlContext.Pipe.Send("---"); // Once all successors have been examined, we've finished with the current node // so move it to the closed list OpenList.Remove(NodeCurrent); ClosedList.Add(NodeCurrent.NodeID, NodeCurrent); } // end while (OpenList.Count > 0) SqlContext.Pipe.Send("No route could be found!"); return; } }
public override string ToString() => _sql.ToString();
public JobworkOrderENT SelectByPK(SqlInt32 JobworkOrderID) { using (SqlConnection objConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { using (SqlCommand objcmd = objConnection.CreateCommand()) { try { objConnection.Open(); #region Prepare Command objcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; objcmd.CommandText = "PR_JobworkOrder_SelectByPK"; objcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@JobworkOrderID", JobworkOrderID.ToString()); #endregion Prepare Command #region ReadData And SetData JobworkOrderENT entJobworkOrder = new JobworkOrderENT(); using (SqlDataReader objSDR = objcmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (objSDR.Read()) { if (!objSDR["CustomerID"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { entJobworkOrder.CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(objSDR["CustomerID"]); } if (!objSDR["ProductID"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { entJobworkOrder.ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(objSDR["ProductID"]); } if (!objSDR["Gross"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { entJobworkOrder.Gross = Convert.ToInt32(objSDR["Gross"]); } if (!objSDR["Rate"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { entJobworkOrder.Rate = Convert.ToInt32(objSDR["Rate"]); } if (!objSDR["IssueDate"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { entJobworkOrder.IssueDate = Convert.ToDateTime(objSDR["IssueDate"]); } if (!objSDR["ReturnDate"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { entJobworkOrder.ReturnDate = Convert.ToDateTime(objSDR["ReturnDate"]); } } } return(entJobworkOrder); #endregion ReadData And SetData } catch (SqlException Sqlex) { Message = Sqlex.Message.ToString(); return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { Message = ex.Message.ToString(); return(null); } finally { if (objConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { objConnection.Close(); } } } } }
private void validateResultSetNumber(SqlInt32 resultsetNo) { if (resultsetNo < 0 || resultsetNo.IsNull) { throw new InvalidResultSetException("ResultSet index begins at 1. ResultSet index [" + resultsetNo.ToString() + "] is invalid."); } }
public void sendSelectedResultSetToSqlContext(SqlInt32 resultsetNo, SqlString command) { validateResultSetNumber(resultsetNo); SqlDataReader dataReader = testDatabaseFacade.executeCommand(command); int ResultsetCount = 0; if (dataReader.FieldCount > 0) { do { ResultsetCount++; if (ResultsetCount == resultsetNo) { sendResultsetRecords(dataReader); break; } } while (dataReader.NextResult()); } dataReader.Close(); if (ResultsetCount < resultsetNo) { throw new InvalidResultSetException("Execution returned only " + ResultsetCount.ToString() + " ResultSets. ResultSet [" + resultsetNo.ToString() + "] does not exist."); } }
public override string ToString() { return(number.ToString()); }
public static bool Process(ServerVersion version, string targetConnection, string repositoryConnection, int snapshotid, string server) { Debug.Assert(version != ServerVersion.Unsupported); Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetConnection)); Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(repositoryConnection)); bool isOk = true; targetConnection = Sql.SqlHelper.AppendDatabaseToConnectionString(targetConnection, "msdb"); Program.ImpersonationContext wi = Program.SetLocalImpersonationContext(); using (SqlConnection target = new SqlConnection(targetConnection), repository = new SqlConnection(repositoryConnection)) { try { // Open repository and target connections. repository.Open(); Program.SetTargetSQLServerImpersonationContext(); target.Open(); // Use bulk copy object to write to repository. using (SqlBulkCopy bcp = new SqlBulkCopy(repository)) { // Set the destination table. bcp.DestinationTableName = SqlJobDataTable.RepositoryTable; bcp.BulkCopyTimeout = SQLCommandTimeout.GetSQLCommandTimeoutFromRegistry(); // Create the datatable to write to the repository. using (DataTable dataTable = SqlJobDataTable.Create()) { // Process each rule to collect the table objects. string query = string.Format(SqlJob.GetJobsQuery, server); if (version == ServerVersion.SQL2000) { query = SqlJob.GetJobsQuerySQL2000; } Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)); // Query to get the table objects. using (SqlDataReader rdr = Sql.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(target, null, CommandType.Text, query, null)) { while (rdr.Read()) { // Retrieve the object information. SqlString name = rdr.GetSqlString(ColName); SqlBinary owner = rdr.GetSqlBinary(ColOwnerSid); SqlInt16 enabled = rdr.GetByte(ColEnabled); SqlString desc = rdr.GetSqlString(ColDescription); SqlInt32 lastRunInt = rdr.GetInt32(ColLastRunDate); SqlDateTime lastRun = SqlDateTime.MinValue; if (lastRunInt != 0) { lastRun = DateTime.ParseExact(lastRunInt.ToString(), "yyyyMMdd", null); } SqlString command = rdr.GetSqlString(ColCommand); SqlString stepname = rdr.GetSqlString(ColStepName); SqlString subsystem = rdr.GetSqlString(ColSubSystem); SqlInt32 proxyId = rdr.IsDBNull(ColProxyId)? SqlInt32.Null : rdr.GetInt32(ColProxyId); DataRow dr = dataTable.NewRow(); dr[SqlJobDataTable.ParamSnapshotId] = snapshotid; dr[SqlJobDataTable.ParamName] = name; dr[SqlJobDataTable.ParamDescription] = desc; dr[SqlJobDataTable.ParamStepName] = stepname; dr[SqlJobDataTable.ParamLastRunDate] = lastRun; dr[SqlJobDataTable.ParamCommand] = command; dr[SqlJobDataTable.ParamSubSystem] = subsystem; dr[SqlJobDataTable.ParamOwnerSid] = owner; dr[SqlJobDataTable.ParamEnabled] = enabled; dr[SqlJobDataTable.Paramproxyid] = proxyId; dataTable.Rows.Add(dr); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > Constants.RowBatchSize) { try { bcp.WriteToServer(dataTable); dataTable.Clear(); } catch (SqlException ex) { string strMessage = "Writing to Repository sql server jobs faild"; logX.loggerX.Error("ERROR - " + strMessage, ex); throw; } } } // Write any items still in the data table. if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { try { bcp.WriteToServer(dataTable); dataTable.Clear(); } catch (SqlException ex) { string strMessage = "Writing to Repository sql server jobs failed"; logX.loggerX.Error("ERROR - " + strMessage, ex); throw; } } } } } } catch (SqlException ex) { string strMessage = "Processing sql server jobs failed"; logX.loggerX.Error("ERROR - " + strMessage, ex); Sql.Database.CreateApplicationActivityEventInRepository(repositoryConnection, snapshotid, Collector.Constants.ActivityType_Error, Collector.Constants.ActivityEvent_Error, strMessage + ex.Message); AppLog.WriteAppEventError(SQLsecureEvent.ExErrExceptionRaised, SQLsecureCat.DlDataLoadCat, " SQL Server = " + new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(targetConnection).DataSource + strMessage, ex.Message); isOk = false; } finally { Program.RestoreImpersonationContext(wi); } } return(isOk); }
public override string ToString() { return(_value.ToString()); }
private static void writeOutput(SqlInt32 style_color_id, SalesAndReceiptPlan salesAndReceiptPlan, SqlBoolean verbose, bool debug = false) { string[] storedProcs = verbose.IsTrue ? new string[] { "Save_Consolidated_Receipts", "Save_Consolidated_Node_Receipts", "Save_Node_Receipt_Needs_Debug" } : new string[] { "Save_Consolidated_Receipts", "Save_Consolidated_Node_Receipts" }; int numStoredProcs = verbose ? 3 : 2; SqlPipe sqlP = SqlContext.Pipe; for (int i = 0; i < numStoredProcs; i++) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcs[i], connection)) { cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; if (debug) { sqlP.Send(storedProcs[i] + " started"); } DataTable dt = null; switch (i) { case 0: if (debug) { sqlP.Send("Style_Color_Id, Receipt Type, Week"); foreach (Receipt receipt in salesAndReceiptPlan.Receipts) { sqlP.Send(style_color_id.ToString() + "," + receipt.ReceiptType + "," + receipt.Week); } } dt = salesAndReceiptPlan.GetConsolidatedReceiptsDataTable(); break; case 1: dt = salesAndReceiptPlan.GetConsolidatedNodeReceiptsDataTable(); break; case 2: dt = salesAndReceiptPlan.GetReceiptNeedsDebugDataTable(); break; } cmd.Parameters.AddRange(new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@style_color_id", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, Value = style_color_id }, new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@data", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Structured, TypeName = dt.TableName, Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, Value = dt } }); connection.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (debug) { sqlP.Send(storedProcs[i] + " completed"); } } } } if (debug) { sqlP.Send(style_color_id.ToString() + " processed."); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override string ToString() { return(_sql.ToString()); }
public SqlString Terminate() { return(countOfVowels.ToString()); }